Aug 15, 2011

Syria enlists navy to attack port city - report - World - NZ Herald News, Aug 15, 2011

In this image taken from video made available August 14, 2011, by Shaam News Network (SHAMSNN), in which they purport to show armoured vehicles as they take up positions along the water front of Latakia, Syria. Photo / AP "Syrian military vessels joined an assault that killed 26 people on Sunday in the port city of Latakia, activists said, the first attack from the sea since an anti-regime revolt erupted in March.
But the state-run news agency SANA denied the navy had attacked Latakia, quoting its correspondent in there as saying security forces were battling gunmen.
Activists said four other people were killed elsewhere in the country in bloodshed that came a day after world leaders demanded an immediate end to the ruthless crushing of dissent in Syria."

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