Sep 21, 2011

BARACK OBAMA News, Sep 21, 2011

In early Obama White House, female staffers felt frozen out
Washington Post (blog)
Pete Souza/OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE PHOTO - President Barack Obama meets with senior advisors in the Oval Office on July 31, 2011. By Peter Wallsten and Anne E. Kornblut, Friction about the roles of women in the Obama White House grew so intense during the ...
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President Obama to host jobs town hall on LinkedIn
San Jose Mercury News
By Mike Swift President Barack Obama gestures while speaking in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Monday, Sept. 19, 2011. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) Less than six months after President Barack Obama visited Facebook, the president will use ...
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Jen Psaki leaving White House
Washington Post (blog)
White House deputy communications director Jen Psaki is leaving the Obama Administration to take on a senior role at a well known Democratic communications and research firm, several sources confirmed this morning. President Barack Obama walks on the ...
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Obama UN Address to Spotlight Libya, Arab Spring, Mideast Peace Efforts
Voice of America
September 20, 2011 Obama UN Address to Spotlight Libya, Arab Spring, Mideast Peace Efforts Dan Robinson | White House President Barack Obama will address the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday with a speech that is likely to focus on the ...
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Analysis: Obama deportations raise immigration policy questions
President Barack Obama pauses as he talks about cutting the US deficit by raising taxes, from the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, September 19, 2011. By Molly O'Toole WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama says he backs immigration ...
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Bill Daley struggles to fix Barack Obama's slump
The 63-year-old scion of Chicago political royalty was brought in as President Barack Obama's chief of staff to provide fresh blood, corporate-world experience and adult supervision to a young, free-wheeling White House staff. ...
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President Obama Awards Medal of Honor
Voice of America
September 15, 2011 Obama Presents Medal of Honor to Iraq, Afghanistan War Veteran Dan Robinson | White House US President Barack Obama has awarded the Medal of Honor, the nation's highest military decoration, to a former Marine Corps corporal for ...
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With Leadership Questioned, Obama Gets In The Fray
by Mara Liasson President Obama speaks in the Rose Garden at the White House on Monday.Obama laid out a plan for trillions in deficit cuts but warned Republicans he will veto any bill that makes structural changes to Medicare unless they agree to ...
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White House Sought Buffett's Approval
Wall Street Journal
By JOHN D. MCKINNON And ROBERT FRANK When White House aides recently suggested naming a new millionaires' tax the "Buffett Rule," President Barack Obamainsisted they check with investing legend Warren Buffett first. It's a sign of the unusually close ...
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Wall Street Journal
Book: Treasury Secretary ignored Obama directive
The Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) — A new book offering an insider's account of the White House's response to the financial crisis says that US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner ignored an order from PresidentBarack Obama calling for reconstruction of major banks. ...
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White House wary of Solyndra re-election effects
CBS News
Kaiser raised between $50000 and $100000 for Obama's 2008 campaign, federal election records show. Kaiser has made at least 16 visits to the president's aides since 2009, according to White House visitor logs. Madrone Partners is affiliated with the ...
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Obama jobs plan to direct billions in Pa. spending
By MARK SCOLFORO Transportation, education and the unemployed would benefit from more than $3 billion in spending in Pennsylvania if President Barack Obama's American Jobs Act proposal is passed, according to figures from the White House. ...
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White House advisers pitch jobs plan to skeptical Democrats
Top White House advisers took their sales pitch of President Barack Obama's jobs plan to a skeptical audience Thursday afternoon: Senate Democrats, many of whom have already been openly critical of the $447 billion plan. White House senior adviser...
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The Details, And Politics, Of Obama's Deficit Plan
NEAL CONAN, host: This morning at the White House, President Obama laid out his plan to reduce the federal deficit by an additional $3 trillion over the next 10 years. The plan calls for reduced spending for benefit programs, including Medicare and ...
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E. Thomas McClanahan | Black unemployment has Cleaver unhappy with Obama
Kansas City Star
Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Emanuel Cleaver says that if black unemployment had reached current rates he and his colleagues would be marching on the White House. But sinceBarack Obama is president, they won't. “If [former President] Bill ...
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New York special election loss played down by White House
President Barack Obama's political team kept a blast-zone distance from Democrat David Weprin in the days leading to his defeat in New York's special election — but that didn't shield the president and the White House from a fresh wave of Democratic...
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White House says Democrat's loss in NY special House election not a referendum ...
Washington Post
By AP, WASHINGTON — The White House says it does not view a Democratic candidate's defeat in a New York City special congressional election as a referendum on President Barack Obama.White House spokesman Jay Carney says special elections are unique ...
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Obama wants to end $5 billion a year farm subsidy
By Charles Abbott WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Monday proposed to end a "direct payment" subsidy that gives $5 billion a year to farmers regardless of need, as part of his larger effort to reduce the federal budget deficit. ...
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Obama Shift Marks New Bet
Wall Street Journal
By JONATHAN WEISMAN And CAROL E. LEE President Barack Obama's shift to a strikingly populist tone with his tax and jobs plans reflects a calculation within theWhite House that a broad, bipartisan budget deal is slipping out of reach, Obamaadvisers ...
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Wall Street Journal
Obama Plan Won't Include Changes to Social Security
Wall Street Journal
"It would be disappointing if the White House marginalizes itself in this process by offering only partisan posturing," said Brendan Buck, a spokesman for Mr. Boehner. President Obama pushed for his job bill Wednesday in North Carolina. ...
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Obama not swaying key independent voters
Florida's independent voters, a key source of support for President Barack Obama in 2008, may not vote for him in 2012. President Barack Obama gestures while speaking in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Monday, Sept. 19, 2011. ...
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Obama sending U.S. envoy back to Libya, pledges support
President Barack Obama talks about cutting the US deficit during an appearance in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington September 19, 2011. By Matt Spetalnick and Laura MacInnis NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Barack Obamacalled on Tuesday ...
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In Obama deficit plan, a fee to repay TARP losses -- including auto rescue
Detroit Free Press
President Barack Obama makes a statement about his proposed federal deficit reduction plan, in the Rose Garden at the White House September 19, 2011 in Washington. / Olivier Douliery/Abaca Press/MCT BY AARON M. KESSLER WASHINGTON – As part of his new ...
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White House Brews Its Own Beer; Obama Shares A Drink With Dakota Meyer, Medal ...
Huffington Post
President Barack Obama drinks a beer with Dakota Meyer on the patio outside of the Oval Office on Sept. 14. Obama will present Meyer with the Medal of Honor on September 15 during a ceremony at the White House. Obama is the first president to brew his ...
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Senate rejects trade promotion authority for Obama
However, many Democrats are wary of any new trade deals whether Obama or a Republican is in the White House. Senators have been debating whether to renew two expired trade programs in what business groups hope is a prelude to action on the South Korea, ...
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White House Briefs Congress Staff on Taiwan
Wall Street Journal
Those ties were frozen last year, when President Barack Obama authorized the $6.4 billion sale to Taiwan, which Beijing still considers a breakaway province despite deepening economic ties. New jets would likely be greeted warmly by many in the Taiwan ...
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Wall Street Journal
White House Tallies Hours Spent Filling Out Forms
Wall Street Journal
President Barack Obama has directed federal agencies to root out red tape that could hinder job creation. Critics say those efforts have mainly been cosmetic. Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, the Republican House speaker, issued a written statement ...
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Wall Street Journal
Enough mister-nice-President! Obama should 'go negative' on GOP to win 2012 ...
New York Daily News
Forget the utterly predictable spin from the White House - Barack Obama is in serious peril of being a one-term President. That's why Democratic Party elders know he has to hit the road - the low road. "No hope, no change," a prominent Democratic ...
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New York Daily News
White House Wary Of Solyndra Effect On Barack Obama's 2012 ...
By The Huffington Post News Team
White House Wary Of Solyndra Effect On Barack Obama's 2012 Campaign. White House Solyndra. FREMONT, CA - MAY 26: U.S. President Barack Obama heads inside to deliver a speech after meeting with construction workers building a new ... An Associated Press review of regulatory filings shows that Solyndra was hemorrhaging hundreds of millions of dollars for years before the Obamaadministration signed off on the original $535 million loan guarantee in September 2009. ...
Energy on Huffington Post
President Obama Proposes $1.5 Trillion In New Taxes (VIDEO ...
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Source: MSNBC Washington — President Barack Obama, setting up another clash with Republicans, has proposed $1.5 trillion in new taxes aimed primarily at the wealthy as part of a deficit reduction plan. The president pitched his plan Monday morning from the Rose Garden at the White House. “Today, I'm releasing a plan which details how to pay for the jobs bill, while also paying down our debt over [...]
Roland S. Martin Blog
Barack Obama: Open For Questions With Interactive One [VIDEO ...
By Hello Beautiful
HelloBeautiful traveled to The White House for Open For Questions With Interactive One. President Obama surprised the audience with an appearance.
92Q - Baltimore's Home for the...
Remarks by the President on Economic Growth ... - The White House
By The White House is the official web site for the White House and President Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. This site is a source for information about the President, White House news and policies, White House history, ...
White Press Office Feed
Elections 2012: Pennsylvania Republicans Electoral College ...
By The Huffington Post News Team
Pennsylvania Republicans are planning an electoral college shakeup to try and oust President Obama in the 2012 election. Their plan would end the state's ... the state's winner-take-all system for electoral votes,... Related News On Huffington Post: ... Al Gore Pressed On Rick Perry Connection On 'The Colbert Report' (VIDEO). Former vice president Al Gore appeared on .... Obama could not have done that alone. This man in the White House is not the United States of America's friend. ...
Video on Huffington Post
Lindsey Graham Obama | Social Security Perry | Video | Mediaite
By Josh Feldman
Former White House spokesman Bill Burton said that unless Obama can rally the Democratic base, which is disillusioned with him, “it's going to be impossible for the president to win.” Democratic ...But there is good news for the president. ...
Obama Making Final Push to Blunt Palestinian Bid | Ya Libnan ...
By syh
Ya Libnan features frequently updated breaking news, world news, op-eds and features, live from Beirut, Lebanon. ... “The president will say, frankly, the same thing in private that he'll say in public, which is that we do not believe that this is the best course of action for achieving Palestinian aspirations,” White House deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said. Obama will also meet Wednesday with Israeli ... No Celebration of Israel in Gaza Watch Video Palestine's Own Field of ...
Ya Libnan
Bill Clinton Meet the Press Video - Obama Can Win If ...
President Bill Clinton with David Gregory on Meet the Press Sunday morning discussing PresidentBarack Obama's re-election chances in light of a poor economy. ... Of course we do Slick Willie; because if the American People actually “think”, there's no way they won't side with the smartest man to ever live in the White House. I always love it when Dem-Libs go to this well. Tell the American People they're stupid if they don't draw the conclusion that Republicans – and their 1/2 of 1/3 ...
Fox News Showed this Soldiers Comments ... - Barack Obama Videos
By admin
CNN and MSNBC really downplayed the CBO's report on healthcare costs, etc. I am not surprised that FOX provides the only coverage on topics that should be important to America. White HouseWatching says: September 20th, 2011 at 1:42 ...
Barack Obama Videos
Your opinion Obama ready to reopen ... - Barack Obama Videos
By admin
... on immigration policy? WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama reiterated his call. ... The time to get moving on this is now,” Obama said at a White House news conference devoted mostly to the BP oil spill. Critics called Obama's plan to ...
Barack Obama Videos
Obama Disses Both Boehner and McConnell ... - White House Dossier
By Keith Koffler
President Obama's decision to travel next Thursday to the failing Brent Spence Bridge in Cincinnati is a remarkable slap at both House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell at the very moment Obama says he ...
The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
President Obama: My Odds Are Better In 2012 Than In 2008 ...
Obama Campaign/DNC Raise $86 Million In Second Quarter (VIDEO). Source: ABC News ...Source: Amy Walter / ABC News In an exclusive interview with Barbara Walters from the White House, President Barack Obama says ... READ MORE ...
Roland S. Martin Blog
Friction over women's role in Obama White House was intense ...
By UnBylined
WASHINGTON — Friction over the role of women in the Obama White House grew so intense during the first two years of the president's tenure that he was forced to take steps to reassure senior women on his staff that he valued their ...
Bangor Daily News
Obama brews his own beer at the White House - Odd News ...
By newslite
Obama brews his own beer at the White House. September 19, 2011 4:00 PM. obama beer Barack Obama has once again made history -- this time by becoming the first US President to brew his own beer in the White House. Historians say ...
Odd News |
Obama pushes Congress to act now on economy - politics - White ...
President Barack Obama asked Congress to approve a nearly ... Next story in White House Tax timeline will drive Obama and Congress. related. Advertise | AdChoices. Video: Obama calls on Congress to pass jobs bill ... didn't say how much the plan would cost, but advisers told NBC Newsit would run about $450 billion. ...
White House floods reporters' inboxes after Obama's ... - Yahoo! News
News. The White House really wants you to know that the $447 billion jobs plan that President Obama outlined in a speech to a joint session of Congress ...
Obama sends jobs plan to Congress, eyes tax hikes | Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama sent his jobs bill to Congress on Monday and... Related Video. Video ... The White House objective is to put lawmakers in a tight spot: SupportObama's jobs package or risk being .... Thomson Reuters is the world's largest international multimedia news agency, providing ...
Ex-Solyndra Employee: 'Everyone Knew It Wouldn't Work' - Political ...
Ex-Solyndra Employee: 'Everyone Knew It Wouldn't Work' - Watch political news video online from conservative news source
WASHINGTON - The White House announced today that Michelle Obama is ... The President and First Lady are “ecstatic” about the news of a new baby. ...
Barack Obama 2012 Video White House doesn't want you to see ...
Barack Obama 2012 Video White House doesn't want you to see ... Presidential PressConference on the 2012 Budgetby whitehouse11935 views · Thumbnail ...
White House Press Briefing ... - Today With President Barack Obama
Today With President Barack Obama ... White House Press Briefing Sept. 15 ... Labels: barack obama ... Michelle Obama Honors National Design Awards Winne. ... Obama Family Volunteers in Soup Kitchen Video · Obama's Schedule Sept. ...
Obama's White House is a 'hostile ... - World News Network
2011 World News Inc., all Rights Reserved. Obama's White House is a 'hostile environment for females that treats women like meat'. News; Videos; Video ...

Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-SwedishUnder the SunStealing Jake

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