Sep 30, 2011

CNN News - Drone strike kills U.S.-born al Qaeda cleric al-Awlaki, U.S. officials say, Sep 30, 2011

Anwar al-Awlaki was believed to be hiding in Yemen (file photo).
Anwar al-Awlaki was believed to be hiding in Yemen (file photo).
  • NEW: A U.S. official says the drone was operated by the CIA
  • Obama calls al-Awlaki's death a "major blow" to al Qaeda
  • The ACLU slams the killing as a violation of both U.S. and international law
  • Al-Awlaki, fluent in English and technology, preached to three of the 9/11 hijackers, a report says
Washington (CNN) -- Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki -- an American whose fluency in English and technology made him one of the top terrorist recruiters in the world -- was killed Friday in a U.S. drone strike in Yemen, U.S. and Yemeni government officials said.
"It was a joint U.S. military-intelligence operation," a U.S. official said, adding that the U.S. military helped target al-Awlaki and that manned American military aircraft were flying overhead ready to offer assistance. The drone was operated by the CIA, officials said.
The strike also killed American Samir Khan and two others who were in the same vehicle as al-Awlaki, said another U.S. official, who was briefed by the CIA. Khan specialized in computer programming for al Qaeda and produced the terrorist network's English-language online magazine, Inspire.

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