Sep 16, 2011

LIBYA News, Sep 16, 2011

Libya News: Rebels advance on Sirte, Bani Walid
Libyan rebel forces said they advanced Thursday on the cities of Sirte and Bani Walid, two of the last strongholds of deposed leader Muammar Gaddafi. Here a Libyan rebel fighter handles a machine gun fixed on the top of a truck at the frontline with ...
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Libya Council Forces Attack Sirte as UK, France Pledge Aid
See EXTRA for more on the Libyan conflict.) Sept. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Libyan opposition forces battled for control of Sirte, Muammar Qaddafi's birthplace, as the leaders of the UK and France pledged aid to the country's new rulers during a visit to ...
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US official: Program aimed at Libyan scientists
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — The US is trying to revive a program to prevent Libyan chemical, biological and nuclear scientists from working for terror groups or hostile nations, a State Department official said Thursday. Hundreds of experts worked in Moammar ...
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Libyan Oil Official Sees Exports in 10 Days
Wall Street Journal
By BENOîT FAUCON TOBRUK, Libya—Libya's state oil company has extracted fresh oil from the ground and shipped it via pipeline to the coastal Tobruk complex in northeastern Libya, paving the way for exports in about 10 days after months of interruption, ...
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Russia backs lifting no-fly zone over Libya
15 (Xinhua) -- Russia supports to lift the no-fly zone over Libya imposed by the United Nations, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said on Thursday. The UN is currently drafting a resolution on softening sanctions against Libya, ...
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African Union Stops Short of Backing Libya's Transitional Government
Voice of America
September 15, 2011 African Union Stops Short of Backing Libya's Transitional Government VOA News The African Union appeared to soften its stance towards Libya's transitional government on Wednesday, but still stopped short of recognizing the group as ...
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Libya's war upsets African neighbours
Gulf Times
By Mark John/Niamey Long bedevilled by coups, rebellions and other home-grown troubles, Libya'sAfrican neighbours have been landed with a new set of woes imported fresh from someone else's war. The arrival in Niger of 32 fleeing Muammar Gaddafi ...
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Libya News: Rebels advance on Sirte, Bani Walid
Newsday (subscription)
Nation Newsday > News > Nation Libya News: Rebels advance on Sirte, Bani Walid Published: September 15, 2011 5:42 PM By Tracey Shelton Global Post MISRATA — Libyan rebel forces now control about 60 percent of Sirte, one of the last strongholds held by ...
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Libyan Rebels Accused of "Ethnic Cleansing," Black Genocide
The New American
NATO and US-backed rebel forces in Libya are reportedly engaging in systematic attacks against the black population in what some analysts have called war crimes and even genocide, sparking condemnation worldwide from human-rights groups and officials. ...
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Libya reconnects with its pre-Qaddafi past
Arab News
By MICHEL COUSINS | ARAB NEWS BENGHAZI: For the past few days, the inhabitants of Benghazi, the cradle of the Libyan revolution, have been called on in the media and in pamphlets to turn up in their tens of thousands to a demonstration on Friday in the ...
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Arab News
Libya forecast: good, enlightenment spreading - Fullermoney
Proactive Investors UK
The Libyan capital crackled with gunfire. Armed rebels manned barricades in every street. Decomposing bodies lay amid wrecked tanks, charred cars, spent bullets and other debris of war. There was little electricity and no running water or fresh food. ...
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The Role of Algeria in Libya
Hudson New York
Although the Algerian government has argued that the reason it gave the Gaddafi family safe haven was merely for humanitarian reasons, the two military dictatorships, Algeria and Libya, have, since the 1980s, shared same stances on regional issues ...
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Bay Area Jews from Egypt. Libya and Tunisia worry about their former Arab ...
Like the uprisings in Egypt, Syria, Yemen and Libya, the Tunisian revolt brought great masses of people into the streets, clamoring for an end to the corrupt rule of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. Uzan, 43, watched as her former countrymen endured ...
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Lobbyist Says Libyan Contracts Still Valid
The Moscow Times
Russian companies will have the opportunity in post-revolution Libya to work under contracts granted by Moammar Gadhafi in exchange for writing off $4.5 billion in debts, should Moscow insist on those commitments being honored, a business lobbyist said ...
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Libyan opposition troops trained by Turkish special ops
Today's Zaman
Footage and photography provided by the İstanbul-based Cihan news agency has shown that members of the Libyan opposition military forces were trained by retired special ops officers who arrived to the conflict-ridden country from Turkey. ...
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Agoco Exports Some 10 Days Away As Libyan Oil Restart Progresses
Fox Business
By Benoit Faucon TOBRUK, Libya -(Dow Jones)- Libya has successfully extracted fresh oil from the ground and shipped it via pipeline to the coastal Tobruk complex, paving the way for fresh exports in about 10 days after months of interruption, ...
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The PM was a giant among ducklings
Daily Mail
David Cameron's brief appearance in the Libyan capital yesterday had a distinct whiff of the old Gaumont British News reels. Down the steps of a BOAC jetliner steps the British Prime Minister, waving to the grateful natives. ...
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Daily Mail
Japan decides to unlock Libya's assets
Mainichi Daily News
TOKYO (Kyodo) -- The government has decided to release part of the $4.4 billion in frozen Libyanassets in Japan to make the money available for humanitarian purposes in the country, a vice foreign minister said Thursday. ...
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Press digest
Times of Malta
In-Nazzjon quotes the Prime Minister saying Malta is commited to continuing to provide humanitarian aid to Libya. Al Jazeera reports that British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy have offered broad support for Libya's ...
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PM visits Libya to offer aid and support to new government
Herald de Paris
“It's great to be…in a free Benghazi and a free Libya. Your city was an inspiration to the world. While we are proud of the role that we played to help, we know this was your revolution from your bravery. Now, just as your courage has written the last ...
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Libyan gig beckoning Malthouse
Herald Sun
We also think that Collingwood coach Mick Malthouse is leaving the Magpies to take up the vacant leader's position at either Melbourne, Adelaide or even Libya. While we're on Libya, it was great to see Libya finally "Libyarated". ...
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Libya, Egypt: Fashioning democracy, packaging revolution
New Internationalist (blog)
In the case of Libya, the façade of supporting a democratic movement has fallen from even our most blatant sources of propaganda. To quote BBC News this week, 'Rebel leader Jalil might be the leader of an unelected government, but he seems popular… ...
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Gadhafi's son 'detained' in villa in Niger
Toppled Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's son Saadi was under guard in the Niger capital Wednesday after fleeing Libya over the weekend. American diplomats trumpeted the news that Saadi Gadhafi, the third son of Libya's deposed leader Moammar Gadhafi, ...
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The worst is over?
Besides lowering demand, the other key for the direction of oil may be when Libya's oil comes back to the market. The International Energy Agency says that, "As the fighting in Libya begins to wind down and the Transitional National Council (TNC) ...
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Crude vessel leaves Libya empty
15 (UPI) -- An oil tanker left the Libyan port of Mellitah and is headed to Cyprus without loading its cargo, the owner of the vessel confirmed. With Tripoli in the hands of a transitional government, oil companies are flocking to the energy-rich North ...
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Trimming the Times: Islamist Libya; De Kooning Revisited
The Atlantic Wire
The home page's lead story, on the rising Islamist influence in newly liberated Libya, is a great piece of reporting and a good read--well worth the click. Also high on the page, and a favorite of The Atlantic Wire's: the official review of the Willem ...
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The Atlantic Wire
Qaddafi's Victims Hope for Compensation From Frozen Funds
National Journal
His speech came as the UN refugee agency made a plea for hundreds of planes to end a gridlock at the Tunisia border with Libya, where 'acres of people' fleeing the violence are still waiting to cross in freezing conditions. AFP PHOTO / MAHMUD TURKIA ...
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Without a trace
The Spokesman Review
On March 2, Richard Peters called his wife, Katie, in Coeur d'Alene from the Libyan capital of Tripoli.Libya for two months trying to secure work as a contractor. Escalating protests against Moammar Gadhafi were spreading through the country, ...
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'France, Britain to continue military operation in Libya' News
By Staff
Paris, Sep 15 (IANS/RIA Novosti) Britain and France Thursday agreed to continue NATO's military operation in Libya following a request by the country's National Transition Council, its chairman and head of international affairs Mahmoud Jibril ...
News One
Cameron, Sarkozy pledge more power to new Libya — RT
French president Nicolas Sarkozy and British premiere David Cameron have pledged to continue financial and military support for the National Transitional Council. The announcement came during the leaders' joint visit to Libya.
News RSS : Today
UK, French leaders take the stage in Libya — Maine News ...
By UnBylined
TRIPOLI, Libya — British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy offered broad support for Libya's new rulers Thursday, promising to unfreeze billions in assets and give help in finding Moammar Gadhafi, even as ...
Bangor Daily News
Britain looks to unfreeze 12bln stg Libya assets - Stabroek News ...
By CSpringer - Editor
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron today said his government would look to unfreeze a further 12 billion pounds ($18.9 billion)in Libyan.
Stabroek News
Updates on Libyan war/Stop NATO news: September 16, 2011 ...
By richardrozoff
Updates on Libyan war/Stop NATO news: September 16, 2011. September 16, 2011 richardrozoff Leave a comment Go to comments. ==== Libya: AFRICOM Draws Lessons From Its First War. White House, NATO Forge Ahead With European ...
Rock star welcome for Sarkozy, Cameron in Libya - Arab News
In Tripoli, Libyan interim Premier Mahmoud Jibril spoke at a heavily guarded news conference of "our thanks for this historic stance" taken by France and Britain to launch the West into a war that did not always look set to end well for the rebels ...
arabnews - frontpage
The Jawa Report: Good News: Libyan Islamist Element Seeks Powah
By Howie
Good NewsLibyan Islamist Element Seeks Powah. The Libyans want democracy, of course by democracy they mean that Euroweenie type where the majority can always plow under the the minority and leaders are not elected by a direct ...
The Jawa Report
More News from Libya » Language of Liberty Institute
By Roman
More News from Libya Posted by Roman on September 16, 2011. Sep 162011. British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy both visisted Libya a short time ago, and told the people who've sacrificed so much ...
Language of Liberty Institute
Allied bid to free Libya assets - Breaking News - News ...
Britain and France are to press for a new United Nations Security Council resolution on Libya, in the wake of the historic visit to the country by David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy.
Huddersfield Examiner - Home
Iran's Ambassador Returns to Libya | Radio Sawt Beirut International ...
By Carol Maher
Iran's ambassador to Libya has returned to the war-torn country in hopes of “deepening bilateral cooperation,” the official IRNA news agency reported Thursday citing a foreign ministry statement. “Our country's ambassador, Ali Asghar Naseri ...
Radio Sawt Beirut International...
Sarkozy, Cameron hailed in Libya, offer help | AAJ News
By Reuters
aaj-latest-news. Death toll rises to 31 in Lower Dir blast space SC reserves verdict over Karachi killings case space Islamabad fends off US warning on “Pakistan-based” militants space US will act against Haqqani network in Pakistan space ...
AAJ News
Cameron, Sarkozy salute 'free Libya' | Top Stories | BigPond News
The British and French leaders have saluted a 'free Libya' on their first visit since Gaddafi was toppled.
Priority Top Stories
Libya's New Islamist Leaders Seek to Oust Gadhafi Defectors ...
By Jason Ditz
The Gadhafi defectors in Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) have been hard at work for awhile trying to take over the rebel movement and sideline the Islamists. That particular ambition cuts both ways, it seems. Now, reports have the ...
News From
TogaHerer News Network » International Investments Libya: the ...
By editor
News of Africa, Libya. On September 1st a meeting of the “Friends ofLibya” was held in Paris. This name is now commonly referred to the leaders of the states, who have supported Libyan rebels and who have headed the National Council of ...
TogaHerer News Network
War News Updates: Civil War In Libya -- News Updates September ...
Following last week's news that a convoy of dozens of vehicles trucked south from Libya to neighbouring Niger, carrying Muammar Gaddafi's closest supporters ...
Libya News:Southern Mistral Plan to Invade b4 Arab Spring, France ...
UPDATE: France is after the water from the nubian basin aquifer - french companies control 60% of world fresh water in private hands - which is ...
NATO airstrikes pound pro-Gadhafi targets in Libya - News
NATO warplanes pounded targets in a number of strongholds of support for fugitive dictator Moammar Gadhafi, the alliance said Tuesday, as an offensive by ...
Libya News Update | UBF - University Bible Fellowship
... Daniel Rhee, celebrating the 50th anniversary of UBF ministry · Venezuela First United Summer Bible Conf. Prayer Topics and Program. Libya News Update ...
Red Cross says 13 mass graves found in Libya - News - MSN CA
The International Committee of the Red Cross says at least 13 mass graves have been found inLibya over the past three weeks. - The International Comm.
Photo: British and French leaders to visit Libya - News
Nicolas Sarkozy (front left, and Cameron (the visit Libya by the Libyan 'transition committee' official Xinhua News Agency issued a welcome September 15, ...
David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy Visit Libya - News Agency ...
Their countries were at the forefront of Nato's Libyan operation . ... establish a state, and we thank France and the UK for that," he told a Tripoli news conference . ...
Uncertainty and confusion still loom in Libya - News - The Collegian ...
Where is Qaddafi? The question rings in the breasts of many Libyans these days. After an intense week, which saw the storming and capture of Colonel ...

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