Sep 23, 2011

SYRIA News, Sep 23, 2011

Germany urges UN to send Syria 'strong signal'
Khaleej Times
More than 2700 people have been killed in Syria's bloody crackdown since the protests flared in March against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. ...
See all stories on this topic »Iranian Leader Attacks West at U.N.
Wall Street Journal
One group, called Iran180, staged a mock wedding of Mr. Ahmadinejad and Mr. Assad of Syria. "These are two people who have been in bed together, secretly, for 30 years," shouted the host of the proceedings on a stage as two people wearing huge masks of ...
See all stories on this topic »Syria: You Tube video shows man being tortured
Syrian activists have called for demonstrations on Friday to protest against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad for the bloody crackdown that has left more than 2700 people dead and tens of thousands in prison or unaccounted for, according to the ...
See all stories on this topic »President Obama's Address At 66th UN General Assembly Meeting - OpEd
Eurasia Review
Obama endorsed the Syrian opposition and heavily criticised the Assad regime for its brutal crackdown against protesters—adding weight to his recent calls for Assad to relinquish power. He called upon the UN Security Council to pass sanctions against ...
See all stories on this topic »A trap for Abbas at the UN
The National
Who will rule Syria in post-Al Assad future? It is by now common knowledge that the US is convinced that the Syrian president will sooner or later be toppled, said the columnist Daoud al Sharyan in the pan-Arab Al Hayat daily. Mr Al Assad's regime is ...
See all stories on this topic »Palestine: Mission accomplished for China
Asia Times Online
Even if the Assad dynasty's doom in Syria is sealed in the upcoming days or months, the rhetoric of the United States leading the transformation of the Middle East with its democratic and human-rights ideals will be undercut. ...
See all stories on this topic »US Puppet Regime in Iraq is Calling for a 'Regime Change' in Syria
The Market Oracle
Recently Iran had asked Syria's leader Assad to support Mr. Maliki for another term as prime minister, and so relations between Iraq and Syria have been healthy. But that looks to be a thing of the past as the US-NATO timetable for the region is ...
See all stories on this topic »Russia To Back Palestinian UN Bid
Eurasia Review
On Syria, Lavrov said that Russia would not join the US and other Western powers in calling for President Bashar al-Assad's removal because Moscow did not want to to “instigate confrontation.”
See all stories on this topic »UN UPDATE: Racism Conference Flops Amid Boycott
The group, made up of 33 NGOs, staged what they described as “street theater” which included a mock wedding of Ahmadinejad with Syria's dictator Bashar Assad and a nuclear missile attached to a ticking clock. Several hundreds of participants who came ...
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Assessing US Leadership in Mideast
Council on Foreign Relations
The United States cannot manage the crisis in Syria in any direct way. The international community, including the United States and Syria's neighbors, gave President Bashar al-Assad a real pass for months. The message was, "You're a young,...
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Council on Foreign Relations
WORLD - News of the Day From Across the Globe
San Francisco Chronicle
The Syrian uprising began in mid-March, inspired by the Arab revolutions that have driven out autocratic rulers in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. President Bashar Assad has unleashed a deadly crackdown that the United Nations estimates has killed about 2600 ...
See all stories on this topic »Leading Dissidents Meet Inside the UN,
UN Watch (press release)
21, 2011 - With the eyes of the world focused on the UN in New York, leading dissidents and human rights activists from Iran, Syria, Cuba, Burma, North Korea, China assembled inside the world bodytoday, calling for oppressive regimes to be ousted from ...
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The Wages of Weakness
FrontPage Magazine
For Western liberals looked at Saif the way they went weak at the knees for SyrianPresident for Life Bashar al-Assad, the suave, London ophthalmologist who was called home to reform Syria when his father died, and who is now blowing the City of Hama ...
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FrontPage Magazine
Cameron's foreign frustrations
That seems to be a fairly thinly veiled reference to the global community's indifference to President Assad's oppression in Syria. The lack of action against Assad has exasperated the government; the Liberal Democrat Foreign Office Minister Jeremy ...
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Arab Spring, Turkish Harvest – Analysis
Eurasia Review
Turkey was arguably the only NATO member with leverage over Syria. Given the intimate and affectionate relationship between Prime Minister Erdogan and President Assad, Ankara sought to utilize its influence to pressure the Syrian regime to move in the ...
See all stories on this topic »Leading article: Mr Cameron should be wary of strutting the world stage
The Independent
The Libyan experience may not have turned Mr Cameron into a naïve neocon, but it has certainly given him an itch for action against other dictators, notably President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. In those private chats with Tony Blair, he may also have ...
See all stories on this topic »Conservatives, Obama and Robert Ford in Damascus
Jewish Telegraphic Agency (blog)
Here's Rubin on why she's changing her mind about confirming Ford: Robert Ford came to symbolize President Obama's shameful and pathetic policy of engagement with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Obama has inched away from that policy too slowly and ...
See all stories on this topic »Senior Department of State Officials
US Department of State (press release)
The Secretary also welcomed Peru's condemnation of Syrian President Asad's brutality against theSyrian people. And they discussed the situation in Libya, including the need to support the TNC in its efforts to promote a democratic future for the ...
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Great GOP Presidential candidates stuck in awful debate
Washington Times
Iranian President Armageddonijad released a pair of American hostages and then spewed venom at the United Nations. This subject was untouched. Bashar Assad inSyria is murdering his own citizens in the street. This was untouched. ...
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Washington Times
David Cameron comes to Ottawa (blog)
At a press conference later that evening, Cameron said he and Harper would be discussing Syriaover dinner, particularly their desire to get a “no-nonsense” resolution on Syria passed at the United Nations. Bashar al-Assad's regime has killed more than ...
See all stories on this topic »US Foreign Policy In Post-SOFA Iraq – Analysis
Eurasia Review
This refugee influx has been especially true of Iraq's Christian community, which is more concentrated in the northwest of Iraq near Syria. [25] With the current unrest spreading throughout the country, and the Baathist regime of Bashar al Asad ...
See all stories on this topic »Al-Azhar sheikh condemns “Arab silence” on Syria
Western governments have sought to increase pressure on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and on Wednesday US President Barack Obama called on the UN Security Council to impose sanctions on Syria. In Geneva, the Office of the United Nations High ...
See all stories on this topic »Second U.S. chance in Syria
Boston Herald
In Libya, the end of Moammar Gadhafi's long-running tenure is only a matter of time. Only in Syria is the second-generation dictatorship of Bashar Assad hanging on with a certain vicious intensity. WhileAssad's regime blames assorted outsiders for the ...
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Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-SwedishUnder the SunStealing Jake
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