Sep 21, 2011

TIME Magazine News, Sep 21, 2011

Time Warner will open 500-person office in Florida
Orlando Sentinel
Rick Scott announced Tuesday that Time Warner Inc., the conglomerate that owns Time magazine, CNN, Warner Brothers and other media properties, will open a 500-job "shared service" office in the Tampa area next year. Time Warner CFO John Martin ...
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Time's Duffy discusses debt plan
ABC Online
MICHAEL DUFFY, TIME MAGAZINE, WASHINGTON BUREAU CHIEF: Good evening. ALI MOORE: A plan to increase taxes on the rich so they don't pay less tax than the people who work for them: who knew that could be so radical? The president's changed tack, ...
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ABC Online
Birther lie lives on in South Carolina
Washington Post (blog)
By Jonathan Capehart Michael Crowley, senior correspondent at Time magazine just sent out an “oh yeah!” kind of tweet. “You know what we don't hear a peep about anymore,” @CrowleyTIME asked? “Obama's birth certificate. Long-form release turned out to ...
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Kolasa: There are similarities between Dr. Oz and DASH eating plans
Greenville Daily Reflector
12 Time magazine. I don't see his program, and I get lots of casual questions from folks when I see them in the hallways, at Viquest or at the store. I love that Dr. Mehmet Oz, a heart surgeon by training, says that the biggest reason patients landed ...
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Calderon forces others to utter the L word
Drug WarRant
The first time he said it, I picked up on it and it was later covered by Time Magazine. Now he's repeated it, this time in a speech to the Americas Society and Council of the Americas in New York (picked up by Reuters). “We are living in the same ...
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GOP candidates target Obama's Middle East policy
Los Angeles Times
In an interview with Time magazine this month, Perry appeared to be out of step with the details of the 1993 Oslo accords when he demanded that Palestinian leaders renounce violence and recognize Israel's right to exist. ...
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Los Angeles Times
TIME Brand Expands to Vertical Blogs
EContent (press release)
TIME magazine is rolling out niche blogs in an effort to generate more traffic to its website, The blogs created so far include Moneyland (finance), Techland (technology), Swampland (politics), and Battleland (military), with plans for more ...
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A publicity stunt: ludicrous yet successful
Catholic Culture
By Phil Lawler | September 20, 2011 5:57 PM The headline of a Time magazine story poses a question: “Could the Vatican Go to Court for Human-Rights Abuses?” Every informed observer agrees that the International Criminal Court is not likely to pursue ...
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Catholic Culture
A 'Climate Reality' Presenter Weighs Gore Project
New York Times (blog)
(Bryan Walsh has assessed the event for Time Magazine.) The best seat in the house for the “24 Hours of Reality” show that Al Gore and his peeps put on last week was backstage, where the most surprising — and sometimes most controversial — action ...
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New York Times (blog)
Guns and Military Connected Suicides
By Kelly Twedell In June this past year, ELSPETH CAMERON RITCHIE, one of the Army's top psychiatrists posted a story in Time Magazine about the reality of the issue at hand involving suicide and guns in the Army. According to Ritchie, in theater, ...
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Sit-down meals feed your family's well-being
Pocono Record
In a 2006 Time magazine article, Robin Fox, an anthropologist at Rutgers University, said, "If it were just about food, we would squirt it into their mouths with a tube. A meal is about civilizing children. It's about teaching them to be a member of ...
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China rejects U.S. complaint against chicken tariffs
Los Angeles Times
In 2008, about half the $677 million worth of chicken sold to China were chicken feet, sold for up to 80 cents per pound compared to just pennies in the US, according to Time magazine. While poultry is growing in popularity in China (KFC is the king of ...
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'Ill-gotten Iranian cash taking flight to M'sia' claim
Daily Express
Malaysia was recently described by Time magazine as the new "utopia" for Iranian exiles escaping their country's harsh religious regime. According to the magazine, the population of Iranians in Malaysia is growing quickly with at least 60000 now ...
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A bad child hunger season leads to worse years
But if you spend fourth grade wondering if it's time for lunch yet, you never get that back. Last year, reported Time magazine, "Researchers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the University of Calgary performed the first long-term study on the ...
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Do Teachers Have It Made? Hardly, a New Film Says
New York Times
Most Americans understand that teaching doesn't pay: In a Time Magazine survey, 76 percent of American adults surveyed agreed that the country's top college graduates don't go into teaching because the pay is too low. “It's not the starting salaries, ...
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New York Times
Writers Bloc's fall schedule begins with Calvin Trillin, Michael Moore
Los Angeles Times (blog)
Trillin's writing can often be found in the New Yorker; he's also been a regular contributor to Time magazine and the Nation. His new book is a collection of his humorous writings, "Quite Enough of Calvin Trillin: Forty Years of Funny Stuff. ...
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Frank Rich to Speak at The Colonial Theatre 10/9
Broadway World
Before the New York Times, Mr. Rich was a critic of film and television for Time Magazine and the New York Post. In addition to working for the news world, Frank Rich has also dabbled in literature. Ghost Light, his childhood memoir, was published in ...
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SNAP bares the truth about its convictions
Spero News
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on remarks by David Clohessy, national director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), posted today on the website of Time magazine, By William Donohue David Clohessy spoke ...
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Race for New Canaan Town Treasurer Heats Up
Time magazine included her on a list of 25 people to blame for the crisis. Corbet said that she came into her role at S&P as an outsider, and that she has since supported organizations looking to reform the way ratings are given. ...
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Colin Firth: Best-looking man in Britain? I'm not even No 1 in my own home
Irish Independent
The upside is that Time magazine also recently named Firth one of the most influential performers in the world, with Helen Mirren praising him in the accompanying tribute for his "innate decency, self-discipline, and self-deprecation". ...
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Irish Independent
Thoughts on Our Federal Government, Taxes and Small Business and More
Business Insider
I had been planning on blogging about this several months ago, but beat me too it .,9171,2090368,00.html . Bottom line is that best way to build up the housing market is to tear down every foreclosed ...
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Review: Crowe's fan-friendly Pearl Jam documentary
Boston Globe
The band questions the media's portrayal of itself, after (against their wishes) landing on the cover ofTime magazine. Their plight against Ticketmaster (in which they argued the concert promoter had a monopoly on the country's largest concert venues) ...
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Putting the African growth story back into perspective
How we made it in Africa
Time magazine, for example, recently dubbed Kenya 'Silicon Savanna' due to the country's ICT revolution, while various publications have referred to the 'new scramble for Africa'. One can hardly be blamed for getting caught up in the euphoria. ...
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How we made it in Africa
Photographer Ian Shive finds success outside Hollywood
Shive's work has been featured in National Geographic, Time Magazine the Los Angeles Times and many others publications around the world. Steve Hawk, executive editor of Sierra Magazine who nominated Shive for the award, admits the photographer is good ...
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Facebook's phenomenal rise
Washington Post
Merrick Morton / AP Zuckerberg is featured on the cover of Time magazine's 2010 "Person of the Year" issue. At 26, Zuckerberg is the youngest to earn the honor since the first person chosen, aviator Charles Lindbergh, in 1927. Lindbergh was 25. ...
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Follow China's Richest Man into Canada!
Uncommon Wisdom Daily
Time magazine called it the “greatest buried energy treasure that could satisfy the world's demand for petroleum for the next century.” There are 685 million barrels of proven oil reserves in the Middle East. Meanwhile, there are 300 billion barrels of ...
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Uncommon Wisdom Daily
The Big Interview: Journey to hell on earth and back
The New Age Online
... tragedy unfolding on a near apocalyptic scale, especially in the south, where 63% of children are suffering from severe malnutrition and where more then 3000 from different parts went on a march of death to Mogadishu, according to Time magazine. ...
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Lost Girls
Huffington Post (blog)
A recent study in Time magazine showed that in almost all of the largest cities in the US, the median full-time salaries of young women are 8% higher than those of the men in their peer group. This is even truer in the largest and most desirable job ...
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In high-level meeting, UN tackles growing threat of non-communicable diseases
We speak to Dr. Judith Mackay, an expert in international public health policy whoTime magazine hailed as one of the most influential people in the world. An advisor to the World Health Organization and the World Lung Foundation, Dr. Mackay is ...
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What's the Big Deal?: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)
Here's Stanley Kauffmann's review in the New York Times; the unsigned review fromTime magazine; and Tim Dirks' “Greatest Films” scene-by-scene analysis. Finally, Dan Callahan's essay provides interesting background on the play and Albee. ...
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How long has Lyme disease been around? (press release)
The Lyme arthritis outbreak in Old Lyme, Connecticut that put Lyme disease on the cover of Time Magazine occurred in 1975. The first cases of canine Lyme were recognized in the 1980s. Source: Steven A Levy, VMD. Read here about Lyme disease in dogs in ...
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The Cypress Times
Few today however have ventured out to a Tea Party rally and therefore by default they allow mainstream media, CNN, Time Magazine, all the networks and their kind to describe what the Tea Party is. Can you accurately describe the scent of a rose? ...
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Tourism department lists "Seven Man-Made Wonders of Wisconsin"
Special Accolades: In 2001, the Quadracci Pavilion was named “Best Design” by Time Magazine. The museum has also hosted many television and movie shoots — “Transformers 3” and “American Idol.” Here are your basic stats on Noah's Ark Waterpark, ...
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Charles Percy
Chicago Reader
He landed on the cover of Time magazine in 1964—two years before he launched a successful Senate bid. Three years later, New York Times political columnist James Reston called Sen. Percy “the hottest political article in the Republican Party,” citing ...
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Chicago Reader
“Dancing with the Stars” Recap
San Diego Entertainer Magazine
Yet despite all that, Chaz and partner Lacey Schwimmer cha cha cha'd “their way into judges and (possibly) America's hearts,” reports Time Magazine. - Former “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” star, Carson Kressley, also did not disappoint. ...
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A Conversation With Temple Grandin, Humane Animal Scientist
The Atlantic
Time magazine has named her one of the top 100 influential people. Here, Grandin discusses skyrocketing health care costs, a common misconception about slaughterhouses, and what we can all learn from a home makeover show. What do you say when people ...
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To assert its oil claims, China doesn't need a big navy
Foreign Policy (blog)
Instead, writes Time magazine's Austin Ramzy, China's message is local -- it wishes to prevent the US from coming to the aid of Taiwan in a direct confrontation, and is also telegraphing to everyone else in the region that it is serious about pressing ...
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Foreign Policy (blog)
AustinStartup» Austin Startup Tour with TIME Magazine
By Bryan Menell
... and nanotechnology. It is simply the best place for Austin technology news. ... Last week I had the opportunity to give TIME Magazine writer and blogger Joe Klein a walking tour of the Startup District in downtown Austin. Joe is the author of ...
Austin Startup
TIME magazine all over Bristol Palin's lies « Alaska WTF
By DirkD
TIME magazine actually did a story today about two of America's lowest low-lifes. From TIME: Bristol was so peeved that her mother, former Alaska Gov. and will-she-won't-she presidential contender Sarah Palin, was expecting a son that she ...
Alaska WTF online strategy focuses more heavily on verticals ...
By Steffen Konrath
paidContent :: The value of being a weekly print brand in the online era has been in doubt for years, but Time magazine believes that it can retain relevance by putting a little less emphasis on Time the brand online—and a lot more on news ...
:: Future of Journalism
Profile: Erinn Wakeman « NewsNetNebraska - News Net Nebraska
By Dominique Kelley
With a master's degree from one of the most prestigious journalism schools in the country, she hopes to continue dreaming big with aspirations of someday becoming a writer or reporter for Time Magazine. She would like to write analytical and ...
News Net Nebraska Blog » Blog Archive » Dogs that sniff out cancer
By Jennifer
Last month Time Magazine reported that dogs are being trained and can successfully sniff out lung cancer more reliably than traditional tests currently used by. Blog
Scott says Time Warner bringing 500 jobs to Tampa | Florida Politics ...
Rick Scott announced Tuesday that Time Warner Inc., the conglomerate that owns Warner Brothers,Time magazine and other media properties, was adding 500 ”shared service” jobs to the Tampa area.Time Warner CFO John Martin was on ...
Juice: National politics
Scott announces Time Warner moving 500 jobs to Tampa – Central ...
By aaron deslatte
Rick Scott announced Tuesday that Time Warner Inc., the conglomerate that owns Warner Brothers,Time magazine and other media properties, was adding 500 ”shared service” jobs to the Tampa area.Time Warner CFO John Martin was on hand for the announcement, and thanked ... Given this man's record, it's a real offense to the public that the news reports things like this all the time without checking the facts. And even if the “facts” are correct, more should be done to illustrate the ...
Central Florida Political Pulse...
Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood: Born by Elinor Carucci - LightBox
The best pictures of the week from the news and our exclusive assignments. ... The latest photo stories and multimedia projects from TIME's contributors. ...
Time Magazine | Laumont News
TIME's 'Beyond 9/11 Portraits of Resilience' is currently showing at MILK Gallery in Chelsea. “TIMErevisited the people who led us, moved us and inspired us, ...
Quotes from Time Magazine - News, photos, topics, and quotes
I might not have had enough energy to take care of such a big business.
MitchSunset: May Meachum do to Time Magazine what he did to
phone hacking; MSNBC; News Corp; Eat The Press. BlackBerry 101 More. Log in . |; Sign Out ...MitchSunset: May Meachum do to Time Magazine what he did to ...
Twitter / WVPubcast News: Time Magazine editor to di ...
Time Magazine editor to discuss Legacy of 9/11 at UC -
Time magazine's special 9/11 issue | TheMediaBriefing
Time magazine is publishing a special issue tomorrow to mark the 10th anniversary of ... Consumer Mags: News, views and the latest strategy on how to reach ...

Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-SwedishUnder the SunStealing Jake
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