Oct 9, 2011

EUROZONE Crisis News, Oct 09, 2011

Earnings on deck as Europe eyed
By Chuck Mikolajczak NEW YORK (Reuters) - Investors tiring of the euro zone's debtcrisis dragging the market all over the place are hoping to focus on something else this week -- earnings. But will third-quarter results be enough to drive the S&P 500 ...
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Barroso says Greek default would spread crisis: paper
BERLIN (Reuters) - A Greek default would have unforeseeable consequences and cause the euro zone crisis to spread, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso was quoted as saying in mass-selling Bild daily. Talks are continuing over a vital aid ...
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Merkel, Sarkozy tackle differences over euro crisis
By Sarah Marsh and Yann Le Guernigou BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel will thrash out differences with French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Sunday over how to use the euro zone's financial firepower to counter a sovereign debt crisis ...
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Europe's debt crisis claims Dexia as first bank casualty
Globe and Mail
BRUSSELS— AP France, Belgium and Luxembourg agreed to a rescue plan for Dexia SA on Sunday ahead of a planned board meeting expected to decide on a break-up of the first lender to fall victim to the euro zone crisis. French Prime Minister Francois ...
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Globe and Mail
No easy answers to crisis in eurozone
Opelousas Daily World
The eurozone's financial crisis has entered its 19th month. Germany, the most powerful country in Europe currently, faces constraints in its choices for changing the Europeansystem. Some feel, including STRATFOR, that the only option for Berlin to ...
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Chinese exporters hurting as EU crisis deepens
Straits Times
Manufacturing activity in export-driven China has been contracting for several months as overseas demand for Chinese-made shoes and gadgets weakens and analysts expect the situation to get worse if the euro zone crisis deepens. The European Union is ...
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Support for Merkel's fractious coalition slumps: survey
Infighting in Merkel's cabinet and a slump in support for the FDP have crimped her room to maneuver at a crucial point in the euro zone crisis when leaders worldwide are clamoring for Europe's largest economy to show more leadership. ...
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Fitch cuts Italy credit rating over euro crisis
eTaiwan News
“The downgrade reflects the intensification of the euro zone crisis that constitutes a significant financial and economic shock which has weakened Italy's sovereign risk profile,” Fitch said in a statement. It said the outlook on Italy's long-term ...
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Swiss officials convene bank crisis committee: report
ZURICH (Reuters) - The Swiss authorities have convened a crisis committee set up after the 2008 government bailout of UBS to discuss the possible impact on the big banks of the euro zone debt crisis, the NZZ am Sonntag newspaper reported on Sunday. ...
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Why EAC should learn from the Eurozone crisis
Indeed, after a country has become a member, it is hard for all techniques to be supervised, for instance definition of 'debt' is largely government debt, while the private sector borrows under euro shield, and in that context there are no more rules ...
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INSIGHT-Euro success Slovakia torn over saving currency zone
Polls show Slovaks are split evenly over whether Prime Minister Iveta Radicova's government should ratify the expansion of the European Financial Stability Facility, theeuro zone's bailout fund for countries in crisis. A rebel party in the ruling ...
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Europe crisis could hit India hard
Hindu Business Line
In fact, three of the Eurozone's bonds have been downgraded to junk status and this contagion effect on European banks might just take world economy to another crisis. The Euro was created to unify market in Europe and create better investment ...
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Hindu Business Line
Treasury Market Looks to Europe
Wall Street Journal
This time the selloff trigger lay in hints that euro-zone policy makers are willing to take bold action to stem their region's crisis, coupled with some better-than-expected US economic data. "Outside of a disorderly Greek default event, ...
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Forex - EUR/USD weekly outlook: October 10-14
Forex Pros
Forexpros - Last week saw the euro fall against the US dollar on Friday, erasing the week's gains amid fresh concerns over the debt crisis in the euro zone after ratings agency Fitch downgraded the sovereign debt ratings of Italy and Spain. ...
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Czechs not ready to join eurozone before '15
The Daily Yomiuri
At present, the euro does not have a very good image as far as the Czech people are concerned. Amid the ongoing eurozone crisis, other East European countries, including Hungary and Poland, also are becoming increasingly skeptical about introducing the ...
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Wall Street up 3 Days on Hopeful Europe, Payroll Report Anticipated
Financial Feed
Euro zone plans to support European banks and as investors see a declining financial crisis threat, stocks went up for 3 straight days. Wall Street saw gains for bank shares on Thursday. The European Central Bank expressed its readiness for bond-buying ...
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Financial Feed
IMF mission chief says Greece is at crossroads
Athens could run out of cash as soon as mid-November without the new eight billioneuro aid installment, increasing the risk of a default that would drag the euro zonedeeper into a debt crisis already shaking financial markets worldwide. ...
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Debt crisis: This depression is the big one, we need a team with triple-A rating
Daily Mail
The eurozone economic crisis has been caused by the weakness of theeuro itself. The gap between the strongest and the weakest eurozoneeconomies is demonstrated by the fact that Germany can issue ten-year bonds on a yield (the interest the lender is ...
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Daily Mail
Margareta Pagano: Draghi needs a bazooka to fix the eurozone
The Independent
All eyes are on Mario Draghi, the incoming president of the European Central Bank, who takes over from the hawkish Jean-Claude Trichet next month. Much is riding on Draghi's arrival, as there's no question that Europe's sovereign-debt crisis has been ...
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Why the US dollar is strong & why the peso softened?
Philippine Star
We believe that a variety of fundamental reasons are supportive of the US dollar over the short term: EU debt crisis – The euro which makes up 60 percent of the US dollar index collapsed last month on the weight of the escalating EU sovereign debt ...
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EBRD's Berglof: Bulgaria vulnerable to Greek debt crisis
Bulgaria is among the emerging economies on the outskirts of Europe, which are most at risk of a slow-down in the wake of the euro-zone sovereign debt crisis, according to EBRD. Bulgaria is among the emerging economies on the outskirts of Europe, ...
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Bear still threatens US markets
With investors expecting Greece to default on its debt, other European countries in financial distress and politics in 17 euro zone countries interfering with a united approach to the crisis, there are heightened worries that debt problems will ...
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Philipp Roesler Vows to Protect Euro
Live Trading News
He underlined that Greece was determined to go ahead with a 3-year austerity and structural reform program to tackle the debt crisis, and that the Country would fully honor “to the very last Euro” commitments made in exchange for the EU/International ...
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Live Trading News
Europe's crisis ricochets toward US
Tribune Review
However, the European Union (EU) now is so large that its problems affect the world, including the United States. In addition, Americans are surprised how difficult it appears for EU politicians to stick to their own rules and to make timely decisions ...
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Merkel's Bavarian ally sharpens stance on bailouts
The result will come as a relief to Merkel, a Christian Democrat who faces increasing difficulty in keeping her center-right coalition united as the euro zone sovereign debtcrisis deepens and threatens global economic recovery. ...
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Analysis: Qatar unlikely to be white knight for Europe banks
But so far, Chinese buying has not prevented a collapse of the bond prices of indebtedEuropean states. There is no evidence that China is buying more euro zone bonds than the weighting of the euro in its reserves would indicate, and many of the bonds ...
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Bottom of market rout is imminent
Independent Online
Dexia saw its share price rise by 9 percent following the announcement, (although it later fell significantly once shares were suspended), while otherEuropean banks vulnerable to the euro zone crises also saw improvements. ...
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Independent Online
MSM among Arab markets to falter on euro zone ordeal
Oman Daily Observer
“It is natural for oil-rich Gulf countries to suffer from psychological fallout of the euro zone crisis due to the close connections between these states and financial developments in Europe and the United States,” he said. ...
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Oman Daily Observer
Saudi central bank "not worried" about inflation
Fears of debt contagion in the euro zone have been shaking global markets over the past few months but Al-Jasser said Saudi Arabia is protected to a great extend from theEuropean debt crisis. "We are not affected by what is happening in Europe. ...
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China's Exports May Falter More on EU Crisis | The Jakarta Globe
Manufacturing activity in export-driven China has been contracting for several months as overseas demand for Chinese-made shoes and gadgets weakens and analysts expect the situation to get worse if the euro zone crisis deepens. ...
Jakarta Globe RSS: Business
The Eurozone Crisis: Disruptions of Financial Markets Worldwide ...
By jayfromeire
The Eurozone Crisis: Disruptions of Financial Markets Worldwide. Global Research. by Bob Chapman. Saving the euro, the euro zone and the European Union obviously is far more important to Europe politician's and their masters than any ...
Sovereign Independent
Why EAC should learn from the Eurozone crisis – In2EastAfrica – All ...
By In2EastAfrica
European Central Bank. Experts in a broad range of areas, especially central bank and East African Community officials are battling with unanswered questions regarding the proper map of integration that is being followed in the East African ...
In2EastAfrica - All East African...
Will the euro zone remain intact through the sovereign debt crisis ...
By Google Inc.
Will the euro zone remain intact through the sovereign debt crisis? Wall Street JournalEuropean governments are stepping up the battle to contain a crisis, as sovereign debt concerns that began two years ago with Athens now threaten ...
Wall Street Financial News
XE.com - UPDATE 2-France, Belgium meet to finalise Dexia break-up
French and Belgian prime ministers began talks aimed at finalising a rescue of Dexia bank ahead of a planned board meeting expected to pave the way for a breakup of the first lender to fall victim to the euro zone crisis.
XE Forex News
"Dexia's Funeral Will Be Announced On Sunday" As "Weakest Link ...
By haaretz
First, on Dexia via Reuters: France and Belgium are expected to finalise plans this weekend to break up Dexia, which helps finance hundreds of towns in both countries and became the first European bank to fall victim to the euro zone crisis. ...
Haaretz Daily
Solving the euro-zone crisis: The plan to have a plan | The Economist
Solving the euro-zone crisis. The plan to have a plan. Policymakers are a long way from forming a coherent strategy. Oct 8th 2011 | from the print edition. Tweet ...
Euro zone crisis behind market volatility - The Economic Times
Investors have to study global trends before investing in the unpredictable stock markets today. Have a long-term perspective when taking investment decisions.
Euro zone crisis adds to risk for real estate investors
Real estate investors in the euro zone should be demanding higher risk premiums to reflect the probability that individual countries will exit the currency bloc due ...
EFSF 'War Chest' Can Stop Euro Zone Crisis: CIO Guggenheim ...
If the European Financial Stability Facility , which functions like a bank to provide loans to euro zone members who have economic difficulties, "can get leverage ...
Euro zone crisis is scaring the world: Obama | Reuters
MOUNTAIN VIEW, California (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday the debt crisis in Europe was scaring the world and that leaders in the euro ...
Centre for European Reform: Eurozone crisis: Higher inflation is part ...
The Centre for European Reform is a think-tank devoted to improving the quality of the debate on the ... Eurozone crisis: Higher inflation is part of the answer ...
Morning Briefing: Euro-Zone Crisis to Drive Central Europe ...
Central European data will likely be overshadowed by the euro-zone debt crisis and the ongoing debate in Slovakia over the government support for the euro ...
Karabell: Don't Fear the Euro-Zone Crisis - The Daily Beast
Zachary Karabell talks about what Europe's debt problems mean for us—and why we shouldn't be scared.
Eurozone crisis: Live blog | The World | International affairs blog ...
Welcome to our continuing coverage of the eurozone crisis. ... of the OECD – one might expect them to be grilled on their answers for handling the eurocrisis. ...
The Eurosceptics' finest hour | Presseurop (English)
As the eurozone staggers from one crisis to the next, is this the end? Two British writers consider Eurosceptics have been vindicated, and are calling for the ...
U.S. stock futures rise; euro-zone crisis in focus - Indications ...
U.S. stock futures are on the rise after last week's steep losses, as investors attempt to assess whether euro-zone officials will be able to bring the region's debt ...
Euro zone crisis adds to risk for real estate investors | Europe | News
'The sovereign debt crisis in the euro zone has driven up banking risk and corporate risk, creating an environment characterized by high risk aversion, abundant ...
The Euro Zone Crisis - Worse than it Appears - Or So We're Being ...
The Euro Zone Crisis - Worse than it Appears - Or So We're Being Told? Print; Email to a Friend. by: Carl Bloice. October 7 2011. eu. When President Obama ...
EU crisis poses risk to global recovery - Geithner
A growing number of economists expect the crisis will tip the euro zone into recession, putting a further drag on an already weak US recovery and ...
IMF: Euro-Zone Crisis Effects Spreading; Recession Can't Be Ruled Out
BRUSSELS (DOW JONES)--The effects of the euro-zone debt crisis are spreading to the core countries, banks and investors, and another economic recession ...

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