Nov 2, 2011

AL JAZEERA News, Nov 02, 2011

Arab Spring 'champion' Al-Jazeera marks 15th year
Relentless in its non-stop reporting of the street protests in Tunisia and Egypt, as well as the rebellion in Libya, Al-Jazeera is now celebrating its 15th anniversary while boasting of its contribution to the revolutions. "On this occasion, we are ...
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Al-Jazeera TV network launches Middle East's first 24-hour sports news channel
Washington Post
DOHA, Qatar — The Al-Jazeera TV network has launched the Middle East's first 24-hour sports news channel. The network said in a statement Tuesday that theAl-Jazeera Sport news channel will report sports news and analysis in Arabic. ...
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Today's media stories from the papers
The Guardian (blog)
P3 BBC sorry about 'misleading' Andrew Tyrie MP report. P7 Leader: Two faces of the News of the World. P16 Profile of TV networkal-Jazeera. P40, P41 CNBC owed money by collapsed investment bank MF Global. P59 Emails show News International was warned ...
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The Guardian (blog)
Nisreen El Shamayleh reports on events in Syria
Al Jazeera
There were other violent attacks reported in parts of the country on Wednesday.International media are banned from Syria, but Al Jazeera's Nisreen El Shamayleh, in the border town of Ramtha in Jordan, reports on the latest events.
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Residents tear down Bangkok flood barrier
Al Jazeera's Wayne Hay, reporting from the Thai capital on Wednesday, said residents had smashed through the barrier "with their bare hands" in the hope the action would drain the water from their homes. Police stationed 400 officers to guard ...
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Welcoming Palestine to UNESCO
The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy. UNESCO delegates applaud after the General Conference admits Palestine as UNESCO member state in Paris [
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Israel tests "ballistic missile:" report
Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the building of 2000 new housing units, mostly in East Jerusalem -- areas the Palestinians hope to one day claim as their state, Al Jazeera reports. Netanyahu said the housing units are in ...
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Oakland activists step up 'Occupy' protest
Al Jazeera
... in what they are calling a general strike on Wednesday. The protesters are part of the 'Occupy' movement sweeping the world in which people are rallying to stop, amongst other things, corporate greed. Al Jazeera's Rob Reynolds reports from Oakland.
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Greek PM criticised for referendum decision
Al Jazeera's Jonah Hull, reporting from Athens, said Papandreou's gamble is not working his way. "This announcement by the Greek PM seems to have come as a surprise even to his cabinet and there are reports he didn't even confer with his ministers over ...
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Baby swap scandal results in compensation
Al Jazeera
... one of the fathers wrongly suspected his wife of being unfaithful. A court in Russia's southern Ural Mountains has ordered the maternity home where the swap took place, to pay out the compensation. Al Jazeera's Neave Barker reports from Moscow, Russia.
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Why Would Anyone Vote Republican Today?
The Moderate Voice
She has reported from the White House, been profiled in the Washington Post, The New Republic, and has been seen on C-SPAN's Washington Journal, CNN, MSNBC, Al Jazeera English and Al Jazeera Arabic, as well as on radio across the dial and on satellite, ...
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The Moderate Voice
Recognizing Malaysia's stateless Indians
Al Jazeera
... to seek legal employment or cast a ballot The government recently launched a drive to register ethnic Indians, but for many, even proving the nation as their birthplace presents a difficult hurdle. Al Jazeera's Florence Looi reports from Kuala Lumpur.
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AI Member Criticizes its Report on Health Sector in Syria as Evidence on...
Syrian Arab News Agency
Lamb added that the report consisted significantly of collecting Al Jazeera and Al Arabia type media accounts including the dubiousreports on the same subject by the CNN, and sundry anonymous U-tube clips. "AI offers as its proof of these claims the ...
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Syrian Arab News Agency
Al-Jazeera TV launches a sports news channel
The Al-Jazeera Sport news channel will be dedicated to reporting sports news and analysis in Arabic, the network said in a statement Tuesday. The channel's general manager, Nasser bin Ghanem al-Khelaifi, said the aim is to “uncover the ins and outs of...
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Syrian State TV announces acceptance of Arab League deal
Al Jazeera
... against a NATO-led foreign intervention, the announcement seems to signal that the Assad government is willing to accept the terms of an Arab League brokered deal to end the months-long turmoil that began in March. Al Jazeera's Charlei Angela reports.
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The old flag and the national anthem have been restored. What next?
In late February, Mohammad Al Sanussi spoke to Al Jazeera English channel when he called upon the international community to help remove Gaddafi from power, dismissing the propaganda spread by the "Dean of Arab Rulers" that Libya would be immersed in a ...
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Kenya's blundering mission in Somalia
Tendai Marima (PhD) is an independent researcher and correspondent currently based in Southern Africa. Follow her on Twitter. The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy. ...
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Cameron wanted to shut down Internet during riots: Report
Deccan Herald
... jamming Al Jazeera, intimidating journalists and imprisoning bloggers does not create stability or make grievances go away. "Journalists and bloggers must be allowed to express themselves freely and safely and within international standards".
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Passenger plane crash-lands in Warsaw
Al Jazeera
... had to improvise when he landed at the Polish capital because the plane's wheels failed to come down. Bronislaw Komorowski, the Polish president, has praised the pilot along with the rest of his crew. Al Jazeera's Nadim Baba reports.
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It Doesn't Matter to Them If It's Untrue. It's a Higher Truth.
There has never been a time when it was so important to have a voice of sanity, insight, understanding of what is happening in the world. CounterPunch has performed that essential service with unusual success. It is a matter of paramount importance to ...
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Tensions between tribe members in Libya
Al Jazeera
... that this is not a place where the anti-Gaddafi fighters are welcomed like heroes. There is little communication between the fighters and the visitors, even if both stem from the same tribe. Al Jazeera's Hoda Abdel-Hamid reports from Bani Walid, Libya.
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Gaza-bound flotilla "Freedom Waves" leaves Turkey
Al-Masry Al-Youm
Besides the Canadian delegation, activists from Australia, the US and Denmark are part of the mission, as well as journalists from Al Jazeera, the independent New York-based program Democracy Now!, and the Iranian state-run Press TV. Hassan al-Banna of ...
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Death Toll Rises to 8 from Refugee Boat Sinking off Java
The Maritime Executive
Other reports from Aljazeera indicate that these 20-some missing individuals might be dead and undiscovered, but it is not known for sure about the status of the remaining passengers. The refugee-packed boat was bound for the East Nusa Tenggara ...
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Rosie Garthwaite shares advice with NU-Q students after leaving Al Jazeera to ...
Zawya (subscription) (press release)
The book combines Garthwaite's own practical advice with contributions from colleagues and friends that include world affairs editor of BBC News, John Simpson, and Rageh Omar of Al Jazeera English. During the discussion, Garthwaite shared a handful of ...
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Zawya (subscription) (press release)
Is Qatar Too Good To Be True?
TIME (blog)
Al Jazeera's exhaustive coverage of the revolutions roiling the region has made it must-see TV for most of the Arab world, with millions of viewers internationally. “Al Jazeerais Qatar's passport to the world,” says Qatari media consultant Hassan ...
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Born in the USA, but now among Somalia's Islamist terrorists
Hammami, whose father is Syrian, joined al-Shabab in late 2006 and took the name “Abu Mansoor al-Amriki,” or Abu Mansoor the American. He was interviewed in October 2007 by al-Jazeera, which identified him as a spokesman for the group, then indicted ...
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UK double standards on 'cyberspace'
Press TV
“We saw in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya that cutting off the internet, blocking Facebook, jamming Al Jazeera, intimidating journalists and imprisoning bloggers does not create stability or make grievances go away ... The idea of freedom cannot be contained ...
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Press TV
The Kurds and the Quake
New Yorker (blog)
Reports on the aid, particularly following Turkey's acceptance of foreign assistance, helped. Yilmaz Akinci, an Al-Jazeera reporter (and a Kurd himself) related pledges of renewed friendship from all strata of Turkish society gathered in Van in the ...
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When War Becomes Peace: It Doesn't Matter to Them if it's Untrue. It's a...
Center for Research on Globalization
Clinton and her partners-in-crime in NATO can also have a good laugh at how they deceived the world. The destruction of Libya, the reduction of a modern welfare state to piles of rubble, to ghost towns, the murder of thousands ... this tragedy was the ...
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Center for Research on Globalization
Small Businesses Are the Engine of Job Growth
The Mark
Yasheng Huang International Program Professor, Chinese Economy and Business and Professor, Global Economics and Management, MIT Sloan School of Management. Tony Burman Former managing director; current head of strategy for the Americas, Al Jazeera ...
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Al-Jazeera TV launches a sports news channel
By cmiller
DOHA, Qatar -- The Al-Jazeera TV network has launched the Middle East's first 24-hour sports news channel. The network said in a statement Tu ... The network said in a statement Tuesday that the Al-Jazeera Sport news channel will report sports news and analysis in Arabic. The Qatar-based broadcaster ... in Arabic, English and French. The events include the World Cup, Champions League soccer and men's and women's tennis tournaments across the Middle East and North Africa. ...
Muammar Gaddafi is dead, NTC says - Thursday 20 October 2011 ...
There have been reports that his sons Mutassim Gaddafi and Saif al-Islam have ...People in Libya today have an even greater chance after this news of building themselves a strong and democratic future. ... Al Jazeera's Karl Stagno-Navarra tweets: ... After six months of stalemate, they surprised the world, and perhaps ...
Libya live - Telegraph /Libya- ... moments after it received nearly 197 complaints about its coverage by 4pmtoday. ... After a day of conflicting reports, Dubai-based Al-Arabiya TV is claiming to have it ... 11:38 Aljazeera's James Bays tweets an update from the NTC: ...
Muammar Gaddafi killed as Sirte falls - Africa - Al Jazeera English
News of Gaddafi's death, weeks after NTC fighters effectively ended his... Al Jazeera's Tony Birtley, reporting from Sirte, said Libyans ...
Breaking -- Bno News: al Jazeera Reports Large Explosion at Sanaa ...
Iran rejects UN report on 'rights abuses' - Middle East - Al Jazeera ...
Deputy envoy to UN says report outlining secret executions makes "poorly sourced, ...the country's chief judge, was quoted as saying by the official news agency IRNA. ...There are an estimated 1.4 million sex slaves in the world today and ...
Al-Jazeera TV launches a sports news channel ... - Today -
The Al-Jazeera TV network has launched the Middle East's first 24-hour sports ...Tuesday that the Al-Jazeera Sport news channel will report sports news and ... The events include the World Cup, Champions League soccer and men's and ...
Gadhafi killed in crossfire, Libyan PM says - World - CBC News
Al-Jazeera later aired footage it says shows Gadhafi after his death. ... The body of Gadhafi is reported to have been taken to the city of Misrata, which was ... " Todaywe can definitively say that the Gadhafi regime has come to an end," Obama ...
Gadhafi killed in crossfire after capture, Libyan PM says – This Just ...
Early reports on how Moammar Gadhafi died were conflicting; Jibril gave his ... A video aired by Al Jazeera Arabic shows someone who appears to be Gadhafi ... A photograph distributed by the news agency Agence France-Presse also ... " Today, the government of Libya announced the death of Moammar Gadhafi. ...
Libya Dictator Gadhafi Killed; What's Next? - World - CBN News ...
Al-Jazeera aired video footage of a body resembling the dictator lying on the ground, ...the updated CBN News report followed by analysis from Senior International ... untiltoday when revolutionary forces took the dictators hometown of Sirte. ...
Robert Fisk: How Al Jazeera helped the Arab Spring to blossom ...
It was when the aircrew of Tunisian Emperor Ben Ali's flight to Saudi Arabia – glancing at Al Jazeera Arabic's news reports in the VIP suite at Riyadh airport ...
Qaddafi Captured by Libya's NTC Forces ... - Morocco World News
Former Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi was captured today by forces loyal to ...There were conflicting reports that Qaddafi was wounded and may have died from ...the BBC and Al Jazeera television said, citing unidentified NTC officials. ...’s-ntc-fo...
Gadhafi Is Dead, Tripoli Rejoices : The Two-Way : NPR
Earlier today, Libyan fighters took over Sirte, the hometown of the ousted leader. ...Al-Jazeera later reported that "Abdul Hakim Belhaj, a NTC military chief, has ... NBCNews reports that a Predator drone fired a Hellfire missile at the 15-car .... of grisly violence and frequent bedlam, while on the world stage he sought to ...
Latest: How Gadhafi died still unclear - USA Today
On Deadline: Breaking news and must-read stories ... Reading a post-mortem report, Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril said that after rebels hauled Gadhafi out ... And one of the world's longest-serving dictators is no more. ... Update at 11:37 a.m. ET:Al-Jazeera quotes a rebel fighter on the capture of Gadhafi as saying that the ...
Muammar Gaddafi Reported Dead? (Photos) |
Muammar Gaddafi is being reported dead by corrupt news media houses, ... There were multiple reports by few corrupted Arab press such as Al Jazeera ... The U.S. State Department said today it could not confirm that Gaddafi had been captured. ...Gaddafi, wanted by the International Criminal Court on charges of ordering ...
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Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-SwedishUnder the SunStealing Jake

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