Nov 20, 2011

EUROPEAN UNION News, Nov 20, 2011

EU settles for 2% budget increase
BBC News
The European Union has been forced to accept a 2% rise in its budget next year - much less than the increase it wanted of around 5%. SeveralEU governments, including the UK, had argued the demands by the European Parliament and Commission were ...
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Occupy EU: Eurocrats storm offices for more cuts
Across the European Union - the ongoing debt crisis has sparked an upheaval in the bloc's political landscape. From Greece to Italy, unelected Eurocrats are on the ascendant - as democracy gives way to a desperate struggle for economic survival. ...
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EU faces limits of 'never again'
The Australian
The EU was the triumph of never again. After World War II, never again would the continent be torn apart by conflict. The politics of never again have brought the continent to the brink of disaster. It was mistaken idealism that created a single ...
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EU urges Libya to "deliver Saif to justice safely"
BRUSSELS, Nov 19 (Xinhua) -- The European Union (EU) on Saturday urged Libya National Transitional Council (NTC) to safely deliver Libyan former leader Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam to justice. "The reported capture of Saif al-Islam is a significant ...
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Italy's Monti reviews finances before EU meetings
Reuters Canada
Monti easily won confidence votes in record time in both houses of parliament last week, just days after his predecessor Silvio Berlusconi lost his majority and quit -- the latestEU premier to fall victim to the Europe-wide economic emergency. ...
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EU spells out future bond-issue options
The EU executive will take the plunge on Wednesday with a legislative challenge to Germany to open the door on joint eurozone bonds and shared government guarantees seen as crucial to resolving the debt crisis. The Commission's green paper on the ...
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Turkish president still keen on EU as he arrives in UK
BBC News
The Turkish President, Abdullah Gul, says his country still wants to join the European Union despite the euro zone crisis. Mr Gul, who will arrive for a three-day state visit to Britain later, told the Sunday Telegraph, Turkey would strengthen the EU. ...
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BBC News
Boris: Cameron's EU policy 'has no democratic legitimacy'
Former Conservative party leader Sir John Major has warned it "would be a dangerous mistake" for Britain to leave the EU, just days after 81 Tory MPs rebelled against the government over the issue. Downing Street should call the Scots' bluff over their ...
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EU to Announce Plans on Euro State Finance Control, Times Says
The plans would give the European Union's regulator power to send budget inspectors into government departments of the 17 members of the currency union and officials may have the right to address parliaments to explain the commission's views, ...
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EU agrees on Bill to ensure defendants' right to information
Malta Independent Online
by Annaliza Borg EU countries this week agreed on a draft law that will ensure defendants' right to information in criminal proceedings wherever they are in the EU. This should also bring about changes in the local justice system, on which discussions ...
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EU adopts guidelines on security scanners
Malta Independent Online
by Chiara Bonello The EU has adopted new guidelines for the use of security scanners in airports, allowing member states who wish to install these scanners for the screening of passengers to do so, albeit under stringent conditions. ...
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EU adopts new safer food additives legislation
Malta Independent Online
by Chiara Bonello EU legislation establishing two new lists intended to make the use of additives in foods and ingredients in general safer and more transparent was announced this week by the EC press service. The establishment of the two lists is an ...
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The EU just repudiated itself and nobody noticed
Washington Examiner
By contrast, the Treaty of Maastricht that established the European Union begins, "His Majesty the King of the Belgians." The treaty does say that its member states should have governments "founded on the principles of democracy." Yet last week, two EU ...
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What can Eurasian Union learn from EU troubles?
As Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan move a step closer to a Common Economic Space, a union bearing similarities with the EU, could they run into the same troubles? The man at the heart of the matter explained to RT how to avoid pitfalls. ...
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Eurozone crisis: European Union prepares for the 'great leap forward'
The Guardian (blog)
The black humour was a way of stating a bald truth: in the de facto capital of the European Union, the ongoing near-death experience of the European single currency is concentrating minds in unprecedented fashion. As governments across southern Europe ...
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The Guardian (blog)
Coming Week: EU's Watershed Weeks Of 4 Existential Choices
Seeking Alpha
The source of the likely big news is still the EU. Whatever path the EU takes, it will represent a radical change for the EU, be it in policy, its makeup, or even the existence of the EU as we know it. Here's a quick look at what to watch this week. ...
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PM hails EU's continued support for Pakistan's contribution in war against terror
Associated Press of Pakistan
LAHORE, Nov 19 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani describing theEuropean Union of 27 members as an important forum on Saturday appreciated its continued support for Pakistan's contributions in the war against terror. ...
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EU water-slides into absurdity
New York Post
By TIM PERONE The European Union has banned the manufacturers of bottled water from saying their product — water — can prevent dehydration. The head-scratching edict is the result of a three-year scientific investigation that somehow turned up zero ...
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EU bans dehydration claim for water
"The euro is burning, the EU is falling apart and yet here they are: highly paid, highly pensioned officials worrying about the obvious qualities of water and trying to deny us the right to say what is patently true," he told the Telegraph.
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City welcomes EU moves to axe quarterly reports
The Independent
On Thursday, the European Union's internal market and services commissioner was accused by Conservative MP Peter Bone of trying to impose a continental standard of bureaucracy on the Square Mile. The Frenchman might even be pushing for the introduction ...
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EU's duty waiver to Pakistan kicks up debate
Daily Star Online
The proposal of an EU duty waiver for Pakistan recently sparked a heated debate for its sensitivity. The debate reached such a high point that the government officials had to hold a press briefing to clear the position of Bangladesh regarding the issue ...
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EU-IMF group clears Portugal bailout payment
New Europe
Due to reckless spending, mainly in the region of Madeira, Portugal's 2011 deficit would overshoot targets by 1.5 percentage points, a troika of experts from the European Union, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) ...
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PRGMEA rejects EU package
Pakistan Daily Times
KARACHI: Pakistan Readymade Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association (PRGMEA), expressed concern over a report the Ministry of Commerce has accepted the European Union's new package of trade concessions for Pakistan, which offers lower tariffs ...
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“We can tap into county’s unique strengths†- EU Unit Manager
Donegal Democrat
Donegal's unique strengths as a region can open up a range of opportunities for the county to avail of EU funding, Letterkenny Town councillors were told at their meeting this week. Highlighting the presence of the Gaeltacht and off shore islands and ...
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Retaining the confidence of the bond market is the key to Britain's success in ... (blog)
James Carville It is now so obvious as to be barely worth saying, but the most powerful political force in the world today is not the United States, far less the EU. It is the bond market. I'm appalled by the spectacle of democratically-elected ...
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What can Eurasian Union learn from EU troubles? — RT
As Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan move a step closer to a Common Economic Space, a union bearing similarities with the EU, could they run into the same troubles? The man at the heart of the matter explained to RT how to avoid pitfalls.
News RSS : Today
EU Bureaucrats Ban Claim That Water Can Prevent Dehydration ...
By Jim Hoft
EU officials concluded that, following a three-year investigation, there was no evidence to prove the previously undisputed fact. Producers of bottled water are now forbidden by law from making the claim and will face a two-year jail sentence if ...
The Gateway Pundit
Khaleej Times Online - EU agrees 2% budget rise for 2012
More than two thirds of the EU budget is spent on subsidies for farmers and regional aid funds, which finance road construction, environmental clean-ups and other projects. But some EU officials said limiting the budget rise to forecast inflation ...
Khaleej Times : Business News
“EU bans claim that water can prevent dehydration”
By Walter Olson
EU bans claim that water can prevent dehydration”. by Walter Olson on November 20, 2011. Beyond satire: “Producers of bottled water are now forbidden by law from making the claim and will face a two-year jail sentence if they defy the edict ...
Grahnlaw: Stingy EU 2012 budget: 0.98% of GNI
By Grahnlaw
As we saw, for the German chancellor Angela Merkel and the UK prime minister David Cameron the inflation rate was the limit of the growth of the budget of the European Union for 2012. Both Germany and Britain are off target with regard to ...
Pundit & Pundette: EU settles science on mysterious link between ...
By jill
EU officials concluded that, following a three-year investigation, there was no evidence to prove the previously undisputed fact. Producers of bottled water are now forbidden by law from making the claim and will face a two-year jail sentence if ...
Pundit & Pundette
Croatia Is In Running For EU Membership, But Croatians? - Analysis
By Muzaffer Kutlay The European Commission, in the document pertaining to the Enlargement Strategy announced on October 12, reported that Croatia is rea.
Eurasia Review
EU bans claim that water can prevent dehydration |
By sakerfa
“The euro is burning, the EU is falling apart and yet here they are: highly-paid, highly-pensioned officials worrying about the obvious qualities of water and trying to deny us the right to say what is patently true. “If ever there were an episode ...
EU bans claim that water prevents dehydration |
By Steve Milloy
Brussels bureaucrats were ridiculed yesterday after banning drink manufacturers from claiming that water can prevent dehydration. EU officials concluded that, following a three-year investigation, there was no evidence to prove the previously ...
EU Nannies Ban the Claim that Water Prevents Dehydration | The ...
By Lonely Conservative
I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. The nannies of the European Union apparently have way too much time on their hands. I guess meddling in the marke...
The Lonely Conservative
EUROPA - Midday Express
Harmonisation in this area allows businesses across the EU and beyond to compete on a level playing field and reap the benefits of increased trade in safe food ...
EU Parliament Votes To Oppose Most Farm Antibiotic Use | Wired ...
The European Parliament has voted to end prophylactic use of antibiotics in farming, and to prevent any last resort antibiotics from being used in animals.
BBC News - EU targets credit rating agencies
The European Commission puts forward stricter rules for the credit rating agencies that rank countries' and companies' debt.
EU Bans Airport X-Ray Machines
"Backscatter" X-ray machines, which bombard your body with radiation at the airport, are a subject of controversy in the US. Not in Europe, Mother Jones ...
EU Adopts Resolution Against US Domain Seizures | TorrentFreak
The European Parliament has adopted a resolution which criticizes domain name seizures of.
EU bans claim that water can prevent dehydration - Telegraph
Brussels bureaucrats were ridiculed yesterday after banning drink manufacturers from claiming that water can prevent dehydration.
After Arab Spring, an EU Winter? -
For much of this year, we've read about the Arab Spring uprisings, leading to the downfall of leaders in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. Now, we're facing the prospect ...
The future of the EU: Two-speed Europe, or two Europes? | The ...
The European Union is, in a sense, made up not of two but of multiple speeds. Think only of the 25 members of the Schengen passport-free travel zone ...
Tobacco lobby threatens EU over plain packaging | EurActiv
Independent specialised European Union affairs portal for EU policy ... EU news & policy debates - across languages -. en · fr. Click here for EU News ...
Greek party chief resists EU/IMF pressure on pledge | Reuters
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece's creditors failed on Saturday to persuade the leader of the main conservative party to drop his refusal to sign a pledge that he will ...

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