Today: CARE2 - Petition to Ban the production of Foie Gras in ALL of Europe, Feb 03, 2012


ALS, Alexander Language Schools Franchise

Feb 3, 2012

CARE2 - Petition to Ban the production of Foie Gras in ALL of Europe, Feb 03, 2012

"Foie gras, French for "fatty liver," is made from the grotesquely enlarged livers of male ducks and geese. The "delicacy" known as foie gras is one of the most sickening examples of cruelty promoted as "luxury.""
We, the undersigned, strongly urge the European Parliament to ban the production of Foie Gras in Europe.
The birds are kept in tiny wire cages or packed into sheds. Pipes are repeatedly, cruelly, forced down the birds' throats, and up to 4 pounds of grain and fat are pumped into their stomachs two or three times every day for two to three weeks until they can barely move and are on the verge of organ rupture and death. "

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