Mar 18, 2012

LIFESTYLE News, Mar 18, 2012

Healthy diets and exercise could dramatically cut cancer rates in 2025, according to a new study.
Diet or die: lifestyle changes could hit cancer
Sydney Morning Herald
''One of the key things is teaching children to eat healthily. So, getting them interested in cooking and eating healthy foods will give them a really good start in life and enjoying a healthy life.'' Poor health has become an economic and geographic ...
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Table Rock DIET
Mail Tribune
As their 50th birthdays loomed, both wanted to lose the weight that had accumulated after decades of family life and busy work schedules. Early last year, they decided to start eating a healthier diet and walking together after work.
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Better diet, exercise can cut cancer by one quarter
Sydney Morning Herald
''One of the key things is teaching children to eat healthily. So getting them interested in cooking and eating healthy foods, and that will give them a really good start in life.'' Poor health had become an economic and geographic issue.
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Sydney Morning Herald
Done properly, juicing can play role in healthy diet
Staunton News Leader
When you think of juicing, the first thing to come to mind may be a healthy active lifestyle or an easy way to lose weight. But when you give up the otherfoods your body needs on a daily basis, it can become harmful to your health.
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Campus dining halls offering world cuisine, emerging food trends
Chicago Sun-Times
Gluten-free or foods for the lactose-intolerant. Humanely raised meats and local produce. Today's students are bringing their more sophisticated palates and health-related concerns to campuses and schools are stepping up to accommodate them, ...
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What does baby want? The fun begins with solid food
The Keene Sentinel
Parents are from everywhere, too, but, Meade says, when a baby beginseating solid foods at 4 months, mothers and fathers can face one of the most nerve-racking, confusing and messy milestones of family life anywhere. Meade also points out in her ...
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5 silly things we do that derail our diets
The Seattle Times
Purge your home of the junk and stock it with healthful foods that suit your tastes and your lifestyle, and you've immediately streamlined your path to better health. This is especially important if you find you often arrive home from work ravenous, ...
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Monterey surgeon says lifetime habit changes are key to weight-loss success
Monterey County Herald
Though we spend significantly more on diet foods and diet programs than other countries, "We are getting fatter and fatter," he said. The discrepancy indicates dieting is not the answer to weight control, Vierra said. "Very few people on any commercial ...
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The whole package
Irish Examiner
"As the title says, it is a diet for food lovers, for people who are happy to spend their time cooking, who love to eat and want to look good." And it was from this desire to eat well and look good that Irvine developed the concept of Pure Package.
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On the road again
Lifestyle habits like inadequate sleep, inadequate fluid intake, smoking, a poor quality diet, large gaps between eating, an imbalance of carbs/protein/fat, and insufficient total calories for fueling all counter maximum performance.
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Healthy employees can cut costs for employer, experts say
Scranton Times-Tribune
Ms. Namey said Americans' fast-paced lifestyle causes them to eat the wrongfoods and fail to exercise. Over one-quarter of meals are eaten outside the home, and soda consumption has increased from 34.7 to 44.4 gallons per person per year since 1987.
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Study shows cancer rates would drop if Aussies tried harder
The Daily Telegraph
Research shows exercise and a healthy diet are vital to maintaining health and, in some cases, preventing cancer. Picture: Thinkstock Source: Supplied ABOUT 43000 cases of cancer could be prevented in 2025 if Australians eatbetter and exercised more, ...
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Get creative with fruit, vegetables 5 times a day
Green Bay Press Gazette
From the food pyramid to the half-plate rule, it can be difficult to figure out just how many fruits and vegetables to eat a day. Striving for the proper balance of these essential foods each day is crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, ...
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Lifestyle change helps keep multiple sclerosis at bay
Sydney Morning Herald
During the five-day-program, Mr Wheeler, now 42, was advised toeat a vegan diet (no animal products) with seafood and very low-saturated fats. He was also told to take vitamin D and omega 3 supplements, to reduce stress with exercise and meditation, ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Don't become a statistic!
Malaysia Star
“Evident changes can also be seen in our meal patterns, where adults and families spend more time eating out, and the younger generation skip breakfasts and consume too much fast food. “To further amplify this problem, our lifestyles have generally ...
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'The Mindful Carnivore': A lapsed vegetarian makes peace with fleshy food
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
I am a nondiscriminatory lover of food; everything we eat should be prepared with the respect it deserves. I have never understood the principle of the sentient things we eat being more valuable tolife on our planet than the vegetative ones.
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Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Kindred: Life as the nerve center for ISU hoops
Bloomington Pantagraph (blog)
You could say Munn eats, drinks and sleeps ISU basketball. You'd be wrong. He drinks his share of Diet Pepsi. He'll sneak in a few winks. But the guy nevereats with the team on road trips. He rarely eats period. There is too much to think about, ...
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Heavy scorn heaped on healthy eaters
Charleston Post Courier
More than a third of respondents said other people make jokes about theirdiets. Two-fifths said others serve them food not on their diets. More than half said people urge them to eat foods not on their diets. Such relentless pressure inevitably pushes ...
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Celebrities Raising Vegan Kids
Diets In Review (blog)
Alicia, who wrote a book about the vegan lifestyle, The Kind Diet and has a vegan website, The Kind Life, once said about her child, Bear Blu, “Bear was grown on vegan food and we'll continue nourishing him with a healthy diet. . . he'll be eating an ...
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Your Health Through The Decades: Getting the most of your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s ...
Pensacola News Journal
“Staying healthy and fit is important to me in my 50s, as it has been all of mylife. I have always been active playing almost every sport offered for girls in high school. I love cooking and eating good food, and I try to eat a balanceddiet, ...
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43000 cancer cases could be prevented through diet and exercise
Adelaide Now
The projections, published today in the Medical Journal of Australia, show bowel cancer has the greatest potential for prevention through diet and exercise - an estimated 10049 cases could be avoided. Among other projections, an estimated 7273 breast ...
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Junk food ad ban urged by Scottish ministers in bid to tackle obesity
Scottish Daily Record
Junk food and sugary snacksads are already banned during children's TV programmes. But ministers fear thatyoungsters are being influenced in theireating habits by adverts shown during talent shows such as The X Factor and soaps.
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Rockford metro area No. 4 on national most-obese list
Rockford Register Star
If I see people who are laid off, I tell them to at least get on a schedule of when they wake up and go to bed each day and try to eat at the same times throughout the day.” Kinkade talks more about food in a video with this story at
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Cancer rates would drop if Aussies just tried harder
Courier Mail
For many, exercise and a healthy diet is all it takes. Picture: Thinkstock Source: Supplied ABOUT 43000 cases of cancer could be prevented in 2025 if Australians eat better and exercised more, research shows. Cancer Council researchers estimate about ...
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Veganism is "Spiritually Kosher" at Brooklyn Restaurant (blog)
Aouizerate, a French-born philosopher-turned-restaurateur, says he was reading some of Maimonides' (that's with an “s”) old writings on the powers of different foods, particularly vegetables, and was inspired to start providing vegan food of a Jewish ...
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Down time put to a good use
News & Observer
Thome, 53, an out-of-work environmental and health safety manager, decided to make some lifestyle changes now that he has more free time. He shifted his regular diet to include more vegetables, fish and fruit, and less carbohydrates.
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News & Observer
Dr. Oz sneak peek: Wizard of Health teams up with Wizardess of Weight Loss
Monday: “EAT TWICE AS MUCH AND LOSE 10 POUNDS THIS MONTH!” She's figured out how to eat more to weigh less - her “Hungry Girl's” meal plan to double the portion sizes of the foods you love without the guilt! Delicious, low-fat recipes!
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Following Heart-Healthy Behaviors May Lengthen Your Life
iVillage Entertainment
However, the researchers also found that few adults follow every cardiovascular health behavior recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA), which include: not smoking; eating a healthy diet; having normal cholesterol, blood glucose and total ...
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Paleo Take-Out Restaurant To Open In Denmark (blog)
According to proponents of the Paleo Diet, the human body works best (and looks best) when it is fed foods that Stone Age humans originally lived on, such as meat, fish and other game, in addition to plant life such as vegetables and fruits.
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Health roundup: Rice and diabetes, genetic profiling and a taste of 'slime'
Though high-rice diets are part of a long tradition, inactivelifestyles might make today's Asians more susceptible to any harm from rice -- and from white bread, pastries and sugary drinks, researchers say. - Genetic profiling: Diabetes risk isn't ...
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Techniques To Teach Your Children How To Eat Properly and Make ...
By marcus
One smart strategy when it comes to getting your young ones to think aboutfood is to relate it to important parts in their life. They will possibly not see that, so you must show them how the foods they eat have a direct effect on what is important ...
Healthy Happy Meal - TODAY Health - MSN
Let us make a healthy difference in your life today. ... too much fast food is to balance it with the rest of the meals your kids are eating -- and monitor portion sizes ...
The Paleo Diet: for and against
5:18AM Monday Mar 19, 2012; 1210 online now; See today's paper ... But while the Paleo Diet gets brownie points for being based on whole food, its reliance.... people in four major areas of the world to see what they eat to sustain a long life.
The Chorotega Diet: Two Grains and a Legume | Psychology Today
Easy to eat well: beans, rice, and corn By Judith Eve Lipton, M.D.... ... a basicfood plan that had everything a person needs for life, but not a lot of excess?
Stop Dieting and Start Eating for Life! / Bill's posts / Bill Phillips ...
I am a person who loves food and has made pretty much every meal in theeating for life book and I have not found one that does not taste good. The Balsamic ...
The dynamic duo: Diet and exercise - Get Moving -
(As in, should I watch my portions or only eat non-processed healthy foods? ...For example, if today you are eating one piece of fruit - try to set of goal ofeating 2 ...
Can Less Red Meat Add up to a Longer Life?
People who eat less red meat may live longer than people who regularly eatburgers, steaks, and processed foods like bacon, hot dogs, and sausage, a new ...
Best Tips For Eating Well | Food Is Fuel | No Bad Foods | Get Rid Of ...
Food is fuel-use these tips to help you get rid of the diet mentality & break up with your ... Because ultimately that is my goal around here : helping you LIVE your life well. ... Father and Savior (or God or Deity) who does still work miracles today.
Grant Hill's Healthy Lifestyle Revealed | Food Republic
He spoke with Food Republic about his diet, his rapport with Nash and his advice ... today that have some older guys who have [this] lifestyle and eatcorrectly.
Dr. Oz on the Eat What You Love Diet (Video)
Dr. Oz discusses the eat what you love diet, giving guidelines for including ...Reach Your Weight Loss and Fitness Goals Today and Stay Slim Forever! ...healthy lifestyle with a whole foods plant-based diet, it's helpful to know a bit about how ...
Better diet, exercise can cut cancer by one quarter - WA Today
So getting them interested in cooking and eating healthy foods, and that will give them a really good start in life.'' Poor health had become an economic and...
The Diet Dangers of the Workplace | MSL WORLD BLOG
Some coworkers pressure dieters to eat forbidden foods. ... Some might be afraid of losing a friend who changes her life by losing a lot of weight. ... and that isn't always great for the waistline, as reported in WSJ's “Work & Family” column today . - diet, lifestyle, health, fitness, exercise, money ...
The phrase "lifestyle change" implies a gradual, permanent change. When we go on a diet, the focus becomes the quantity of food we eat. Some dietsrequire ...
Colon Cleansing and Detox Diet regime - Approach to Live a long ...
In the current today's lifestyle, lots of people are not eating enough fresh ...On top of that we are eating an increasing number of junk foods who've many excess ...
The Food Police Rules and Regulations
Embracing a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean we have to give up the foods we... diet, the soup diet, the ''I can't eat any real food so I'll just pretend I'meating food'' diet. ... Post a goal here that you intend to accomplish today to move you in a ...
Alexander Language Schools, Franchise Alexander Language Schools or Products and Services Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchUnder the SunStealing JakeAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-Swedish

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