Apr 10, 2012

LIFESTYLE News, Apr 10, 2012

Blueberries are often singled out as a superfood because studies have shown they aid in everything from fighting cancer to lowering cholesterol. But all berries, including raspberries, strawberries and blackberries, contain antioxidants and <a href='http://www.webmd.com/diet/phytonutrients-faq' target='_blank'>phytonutrients</a>. Worried about the price of fresh fruit? Experts say frozen berries are just as "super." Eat more 'superfoods' to lose weight
(CNN) -- When you're on a diet, food consumes your life. You can't eatcarbohydrates, so you think about them constantly. You can't dig into your co-worker's candy drawer, so M&M's float across your computer screen like a desert mirage.
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New diet books offer weight loss tips
Lansing State Journal
The foods you are eating while you are losing weight should be the foods you can see yourself eating for the rest of your life. “Willpower is an over-rated concept. The key to success is to use strategies that neutralize the threat of temptation.
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'Drop Dead Healthy': Is the Perfect Healthy Lifestyle Possible?
ABC News
There are thousands of diet and exercise studies for how to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle: Don't eat that, drink more of this, run hard for this length of time then rest, but wait, maybe try a walk-run combo, or extreme yoga, ...
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ABC News
Boost mood with whole foods
Buffalo News
A growing body of evidence links eating patterns with an increased risk for depression. Boost your mood with these food choices: 1. Whole foods versus processed foods dietary pattern. Researchers reported in the British Journal of Psychiatry in 2009 ...
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Buffalo News
Diet teaches to eat more, weigh less
WPTZ The Champlain Valley
That's not what this diet is about. While the catchy name is sure to have attracted hundreds in search of diet Nirvana, the reality is that the foods youeat and quality of the food is what helps you keep off the pounds, and the only magic formula for ...
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Eat more, weigh less for a healthy lifestyle
Not so with the Volumetrics eating plan. Nutritionist Barbara Rolls, PhD, argues that limiting your diet too severely won't work in the long run. You'll just wind up hungry and unhappy and go back to your old ways. Eating foods that can fill you up and ...
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Eating certain foods can reduce cancer risk
Jackson Clarion Ledger
The cancer society's guidelines call for limiting some foods and beverages, such as red meat and alcohol, and greenlight others. "There's no evidence that coffee causes cancer," said Colleen Doyle, director of nutrition and physical activity for the ...
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Foods to lower your cholesterol
Fox News
While there is no so-called 'magic bullet' that makes cholesterol disappear, certain foods in combination with prescribed medications can help lower cholesterol and protect your heart. Dietician Patricia Bannan, author of “EatRight When Time is Tight ...
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The price of 'free' foods
Sacramento Bee
What it means: Unlike fat- and sugar-free, gluten-free is essential for those who are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease, a digestive condition triggered byeating the protein gluten. Foods without certain grains, including wheat, rye, barley, ...
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Eating food as nature intended
But with busy lives and so many convenience foods on the market, how do you go about avoiding these high levels of sugar which can lead to bad health and even life-threatening illnesses like heart disease and cancer? “We all lead busy lives and we ...
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Cafe SuperNatural and Eatery 1025 serve vegan, healthy choices
Salt Lake Tribune
Restaurant reviews » Cafe SuperNatural makes food art out of cashews, while Bountiful's Eatery 1025 excels in seasonal soups. By heather l. king As a child, my mother frequently told me: "Eat your vegetables." This common parenting phrase still makes ...
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Doggone big: Q&A with George, world's largest dog
New York Daily News
It's a mixture of chicken, rice, dog food and yogurt. Sometimes I'll get a tablespoon of canned dog food as well for flavor. Great Danes can have sensitive stomachs, so it's best if I eat the samediet all the time. But I eat a lot. Every meal I eat ...
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New York Daily News
Study of food eaten aboard Titanic a window into passengers' lives, class system
Winnipeg Free Press
A century after the disaster, numerous websites are devoted exclusively to the subject and elaborate Titanic dinners are staged to recreate the final meal on the doomed ship. About 2 am on April 15, 1912, the “unsinkable” White Star Line ocean liner ...
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One-day flat belly diet routine
Times of India
So, to help us stand taller, feel lighter and a little closer to our goal of a flat stomach, today Delhi-based diet and lifestyle nutritionist, Munisha Bhanot, gives us the one-day flat belly diet routine. The first thing that you should be doing soon ...
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Top 6 gluten free diet iPhone & Android apps
Phones Review
This also provides plenty of gluten-free recipes and will help people get used to their new lifestyle eating foods to keep them healthy. Several categories of recipes are included and they are breakfast & eggs, main dishes, salads & side dishes, ...
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Phones Review
Food And Our Priorities: A Talk With Tracie McMillan
Predictably, her diet suffered. “I definitely saw how if I stayed in those jobs longer, it would have gotten worse,” she said. “The less control I had over my work life, the less empowered I felt to make decisions over diet and health.
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SF Food Adventure Club: Ten Risks You Simply Must Take (PHOTOS)
Huffington Post
San Francisco's history, geography, and numerous diasporas honoring everydiet and allergy, along with our obsession for “the good life,” result in a city of never-ending exploration in eating. I founded the SF Food Adventure Club after dinner with a ...
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Bluffton resident wins local Lifestyle Change Award
Hilton Head Island Packet
He has cut most red meat out of his diet and is very careful about what heeats. Thanks to these lifestyle changes and a little help from medication, Kraft's blood pressure and cholesterol are now normal. And as a bonus, he's lost about 12 pounds.
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Shake off family heart problems, permanently
Online Athens
Avoid the five food felons: trans fats, saturated fats, added sugars, any syrups, and any grain but 100 percent whole grain. If they're in the first five ingredients on a nutritional label (excluding parentheticals), don't eat that food.
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Survey Reveals Favorite Food, Coffee, Hotel and Other Highway Essentials
MarketWatch (press release)
Fifty-seven percent of respondents revealed that eating right is the biggest challenge of life on the road. However, the survey indicates that drivers are doing their best to maintain a healthy diet, as fresh fruit was named the drivers' favorite snack ...
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Soccer Star and Mom Mia Hamm Encourages Americans to Include Energy-Boosting ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Keeping energy levels balanced throughout the day is critical to maintaining a healthy weight and leading an active lifestyle. Bread and other grain foods are among the best sources of complex carbohydrates the body needs for fuel.
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Drs. Oz and Roizen: Eating smart fights breast cancer
If you're a South Sea Islander eating coconuts as part of a fish-rich diet and leading a physically active life, that's one thing. But add coconut oil to our fat-drenched, inactive lives? That's another story. The bottom line is: Reduce your intake of ...
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Cora stumps for healthier school meals
The 44-year-old, who lives in California, is also a co-host of a food competition show, "Around the World in 80 Plates," which is set to debut in May. She spoke to Reuters about her passion for healthy eating and helping school cafeterias around the US ...
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The Yoga and Diet Connection
One Green Planet (blog)
We have a consciousness of where our food came from and have the opportunity to modify our diets to abstain from animal products or to have a moment of gratitude before we eat to show our awareness and gratefulness for the nourishment.
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One Green Planet (blog)
The whole tooth: Dental hygiene is about much more than healthy gums
National Post
... Getting to the true kernel of 'popcorn as health food' GUMS FOR HEART When it comes to living a heart-healthy lifestyle, you probably know the drill: Watch your weight, eat more veggies and put the salt shaker away. But aside from weight and diet, ...
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National Post
When it Comes to Eating Animals, is “Permitted” Enough?
One Green Planet (blog)
Native Americans would make peace with animals they hunted, acknowledging the sacredness of the life they took, and thanking the animal for becoming their food. I totally get it. Back when humans actually had to personally kill the animals they ate, ...
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One Green Planet (blog)
Show me how to: Eat healthy
UNM Daily Lobo
Rael said the first step to eating healthier requires balancing out meals with fresh fruits and vegetables. “It is easy to load up on starches and carbs, and complementing them with fresh foods is not only healthy, but also very cheap and easy,” she ...
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New research suggests putting low-birth babies on diet to prevent adult obesity
New York Daily News
But given that babies who are born small have a tendency to become overweight and obese later in life, researchers out of California believe that putting infants on a diet of calorie moderation can help prevent weight management problems in their...
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New York Daily News
'Get Your Bliss On' With Spring Cleanse Program
Lindsey Smith, author of “Junk Foods and Junk Moods,” will host a two-week online Spring Cleanse program that she said will give students a jump start into a healthier lifestyle. Registration ends Friday. “Cleansing is really important because ...
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210 forum focus of local food, producers
Visalia Times-Delta
This month's 210 Connect forum, titled "Avoid Pink Slime: Eating Locally Grown Food, was held at 7 pm at 210 W. Center Ave. Panelists included Kara Lang, Visalia Farmers Markets; Bob McKellar, McKellar Farms and Family Farm Fresh; Kerissa Chapman, ...
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Eat more 'superfoods' to lose weight | WTVR.com – Richmond News ...
By Scott Wise
(CNN) — When you're on a dietfood consumes your life. You can't eatcarbohydrates, so you think about them constantly. You can't dig into your co-worker's candy drawer, so M&M's float across your computer screen like a desert mirage.
WTVR.com – Richmond News &...
Foods That Lower Blood Sugar | Diabetic Care Central
By admin
Good diet foods do not have large amounts of sugar or fat in them. It is time to begin eating a good healthy diet before you suffer the terrible consequences of out-of-control blood sugar. These are foods you should have been eating all your life ...
Diabetic Care Central
Top 6 gluten free diet iPhone & Android apps » Phone Reviews
By Debbie
Today we've rounded up some of the top apps, for iOS and Android devices that cater for those with gluten-free diets and these should be really helpful for those who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle while sticking to a restrictive diet. The first three apps we'll give you are for iOS devices (i.e. ... This also provides plenty of gluten-free recipes and will help people get used to their new lifestyle eating foods to keep them healthy. Several categories of recipes are included and they are ...
Phones Review
Does Being Too Strict on Food Take the Joy out of Family Life ...
By Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship
also, regarding 'joy of eating', that's why we are so obese and sick. we should find joy in life and eat to live not live to eat. having said that, we are on the GAPSdiet now and i can honestly say that my children enjoy their food much more now ...
Kitchen Stewardship | A Baby...
Diet foods don't have to be a super bummer – Eatocracy - CNN.com ...
By Kat Kinsman
When you're on a dietfood consumes your life. You can't eat carbohydrates, so you think about them constantly. You can't dig into your co-worker's candy drawer, so M&M's float across your computer screen like a desert mirage.
The Greatest Natural Weight Loss Strategy EVER – Switch to Rich ...
By Nutrient Rich
Making the Switch to Rich… an 80-90% or More Plant-Based Nutrient Rich®diet, so you can detoxify your body, lose weight naturally, improve your health and reverse lifestyle-induced diseases — from the overweight condition to heart disease ... If your body is constantly subjected to the symptoms of detoxification from toxic, nutrient poor foods, you will constantly be subjected to symptoms that cause you to eat more food before the natural weight loss process can sustain and deliver ...
Switch to Rich - The Nutrient...
TODAY Health - Eat This, Not That: Pointless supermarket foods
Today, supermarkets routinely carry more than 40000 foods and food-like products, and ... LEAN FOR LIFE: Research shows that our lifelong eatinghabits are ...
Eat more 'superfoods' to lose weight
(CNN) -- When you're on a diet, food consumes your life. You can't eatcarbohydrates, so you think about them constantly.
Eat a balanced chocolate diet | Rockhampton Lifestyle News ...
Eat a balanced chocolate diet | Rockhampton Lifestyle News | Health, Fashion, Food and. Search. Home ... local business. Find a Local Business Banker today.
HealthPhone: Food for Life: What Pregnant Women Need to Eat...
I make sure that I eat a mixed diet. I'm very fortunate to have access to all this good food ...
Healthiest Diet for Slimming Up: The Alkaline Diet
Health Alkaline Lifestyle: Alkaline Foods, Diet and Water. Alkaline ... The alkaline diet is easy to understand, eat more alkaline foods and eat less acidicfoods. Simple. ... Make some minor changes to your lifestyle today, including: Shop for a ...
You can eat your favorite food and still lose weight | Inquirer Lifestyle
The goal is not to totally eliminate the food you love from your life, but to plan your ... for health reasons), but to plan your eating for a healthy and balanceddiet.
Eat more 'superfoods' to lose weight | WTVR.com – Richmond News ...
Today on Dr. Oz at 4 ... (CNN) — When you're on a diet, food consumes yourlife. ... It's certainly not a new nutrition concept: Avoid processed foods; eatmore ...
Scott Abel - The Blog: The Diet-Mentality and Disordered Eating Part 1
Once “the diet-mentality” takes hold – life becomes something else than it used ... to think about “today's food or next meal's diet agenda” - thus killing a moment.
Diet foods don't have to be a super bummer – Eatocracy - CNN.com ...
When you're on a diet, food consumes your life. You can't eat carbohydrates, so you think about them constantly. You can't dig into ... Most Popular PostsToday ...
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