Apr 4, 2012

SYRIA News, Apr 04, 2012

UN ceasefire moves fail to deter Syria violence
Activists say 70 killed on Tuesday * UN advance peace-monitoring team due inSyria * Russia says encouraging rebels defeats peace By Dominic Evans BEIRUT, April 4 (Reuters) - At least 70 people were killed in intense fighting inSyria over the past 24 ...
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Russia Accuses Group of Undermining Peace Plan in Syria
New York Times
BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syria's political opposition accused President Bashar al-Assad of escalating military assaults on four major urban centers on Tuesday. Such assaults would directly contradict the Syrian government's promise, announced on Monday, ...
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Fresh Shelling in Syria Ahead of UN Visit
Voice of America
April 04, 2012 Fresh Shelling in Syria Ahead of UN Visit VOA News Syrianforces launched fresh military operations Wednesday in several regions, less than a day before an advance UN team is expected to arrive on a peace mission.
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UN ceasefire mission fails to curb Syria violence
Activists say at least 80 dead in past 36 hours * Damascus puts overall death toll at 6044 * Homs quarter bombarded for 17 days * UN advance peace-monitoring team due in Syria By Dominic Evans BEIRUT, April 4 (Reuters) -Syrian opposition activists ...
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Violence rages in Syria despite high-level diplomacy
By the CNN Wire Staff (CNN) -- Clashes, shelling and raids erupted acrossSyria on Wednesday as high-level diplomats worked to foster peace in the restive country. Syrian activist groups report government-instigated violence in the provinces of Homs, ...
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Syria Presses Attacks After Cease-Fire Pledge, Group Says
By Glen Carey on April 04, 2012 Syrian troops pressed on with attacks on opposition forces after President Bashar al-Assad agreed to an April 10 cease-fire deadline to end more than a year of fighting. Clashes and shelling continued today in Homs, ...
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Russia warns West, Arabs against arming Syria rebels
By Steve Gutterman | MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia warned Western and Arab nations on Wednesday against arming opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, saying it would lead to years of bloodshed without helping the rebels to defeat government forces.
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Russia's FM warns against arming Syrian opposition
Atlanta Journal Constitution
By AIDA SULTANOVA AP BAKU, Azerbaijan — Russia's foreign minister warned other nations again Wednesday not to arm theSyrian opposition, saying it would only escalate hostilities. Syrianswave revolutionary flags and chant slogans at a night protest ...
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Atlanta Journal Constitution
Clashes erupt after Syria claims troop pullout
Seattle Post Intelligencer
ZEINA KARAM, AP In this Sunday, April 1, 2012 photo, Syrians chant slogans against President Bashar Assad upon the arrival of the Free Syrian Army in a neighborhood of Damascus, Syria. Government and opposition forces clashed across Syria Monday as ...
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Russia: Heavily armed foes would not beat Syria army
Chicago Tribune
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia warned Western and Arab nations on Wednesday against arming Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's foes, saying it would lead to years of bloodshed and would not enable the opposition to defeat government forces.
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Russia Warns Against Arming Syrian Opposition, Interfax Reports
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned Western and Arab nations against arming Syrian rebels, saying this will lead to a prolonged conflict, Interfax reported. “It's clear as daylight that even if you arm the opposition to the teeth, ...
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Is Iran's proposal to hold nuke talks in Syria, Iraq, or China brinksmanship?
Christian Science Monitor
The officials — from the European Union and a Western country that will be at the planned meeting — dismissed calls from Tehran to hold the meeting in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon or China as brinkmanship. Iran's suggestions of alternative sites raised the ...
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Christian Science Monitor
Turkey Girds for a Spike in Syrian Violence
Wall Street Journal
Turkey has drawn up plans for refugee safe zones inside Syria and other aggressive steps to help protect Syrian civilians if violence spikes there, a senior official said Tuesday, as other nations considered possible next steps for action if ...
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Syria's rebels will never defeat Bashar al-Assad, even if they are 'armed to ...
Proposals to arm Syria's opposition are doomed to fail because the country's disparate rebels will never be able unseat President Bashar al-Assad even if they are "armed to the teeth", Russia has warned. By Adrian Blomfield, Middle East Correspondent ...
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UN Team Hopes To Mointor Syria Cease-Fire
KCRA Sacramento
But growing reports of violence this week suggest high-level diplomatic efforts and promises by the Syrian government have yet to produce any semblance of a cease-fire. On Monday, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime promised to withdraw its ...
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UN Peacekeepers Syria-Bound as April 10 Deadline Nears
By Flavia Krause-Jackson and Dahlia Kholaif on April 04, 2012 A United Nations team headed to Damascus to discuss deploying unarmed peacekeepers afterSyrian President Bashar al-Assad agreed to an April 10 cease-fire that Western nations say they doubt ...
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Clashes as Syrian government claims troop pullout
By ZEINA KARAM AP Syrian activists say there have been explosions and clashes in several parts of the country even as the government claims it has started to withdraw troops from some cities in compliance with an international cease-fire plan.
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U.S. urges stern UN response
Detroit Free Press
Compiled from reports by AP The US said Tuesday that the United Nations Security Council must respond urgently and seriously if Syria fails to keep its pledge to halt offensive military operations by Tuesday. US Ambassador Susan Rice said that Syrian ...
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Red Crescent aid centre torched in Syria's Homs
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A Syrian Red Crescent distribution centre in Homs - a flashpoint city in the anti-government uprising - was burned to the ground on Wednesday, activists and a source close to the aid group said. There were conflicting reports about ...
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Analysis: Syrian president could exploit UN diplomacy to buy time, crush uprising
Washington Post
BEIRUT — Facing a UN-brokered deadline to end the bloodshed in Syria, President Bashar Assad is likely to try to manipulate the terms of the plan to buy more time. It's a matter of survival: If Assad fully implements a cease-fire and pulls back troops ...
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Russia says "Friends of Syria" undermine peace bid
MOSCOW, April 4 (Reuters) - The "Friends of Syria" group of Western and Arab nations is undermining international envoy Kofi Annan's efforts to end the bloodshed in Syria, Russian news agencies quoted Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as saying on ...
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Activist: After Syrian pullout vow, crackdown appears to escalate
By Joe Sterling, CNN (CNN) -- Clashes and shelling across Syria on Tuesday gave no indication that any letup in the violence was imminent, despite Monday's promise by the government of President Bashar al-Assad to withdraw its forces from population ...
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Russian warns against arming Syrian opposition
BBC News
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said Syria'sopposition will never defeat the country's armed forces even if it is "armed to the teeth". Mr Lavrov warned that there would be "slaughter for many years" if Western and Arab states intervened...
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BBC News
Olympics-Syrians don't want to take part in London Games-Saroot
LONDON, April 3 (Reuters) - Abdelbasset Saroot, the former Syria international goalkeeper, said on Tuesday his country's athletes do not want to compete in this year's London Olympics because "they don't want to play for a flag that they have no pride ...
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Russia rules out rebels' win in Syria amid violence
Monsters and Critics.com
Beirut - Russia said Wednesday that opposition rebels fighting the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would never beat his army even if they were 'armed to the teeth.' 'Everyone has supported Kofi Annan's plan, but decisions at the Friends ...
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World News - Britain faces calls to ban Syria Olympic chief from ...
By Neil Connery, ITV News, and msnbc.com staff
LONDON -- Britain is facing calls to ban the president of Syria's Olympic committee from entering the country to attend this summer's London 2012 Games. Lawmakers and Syrian competitors say General Mowaffak Joumaa should not be ...
Newsvine - World News - Articles
Friends of Syria undermine peace process - Lavrov — RT
The actions of Friends of Syria group of states jeopardize realization of the UN peace plan for Syria, undermining international efforts to end violence in the country, Russian FM Sergey Lavrov said.
News RSS : Today
U.N. ceasefire mission fails to curb Syria violence | AAJ News
By Adnan Javed
Syrian opposition activists accused forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad of bombarding rebel areas on Wednesday as a U.N. mission was expected to arrive in Damascus in a first step to implement an international peace plan. Activists ...
AAJ News
Norwegian to lead UN Syria team / News / The Foreigner ...
Norwegian to lead UN Syria team. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed top Norwegian officer Major General Robert Mood Head of Mission and Chief of Staff UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO).
news / The Foreigner. Norwegian...
Syria Children's Torture By Security Forces Revealed
By The Huffington Post News Editors
"If the opposition is armed to the teeth, it will not defeat the Syrian army. There will be slaughter for many years," state-run Itar-Tass news agency quoted Lavrov as saying. Share this: Text Of Annan's Peace Plan Proposal. Reuters posted the ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
Syria Crisis: Government Claims Troop Pullout, Activists Deny
By The Huffington Post News Editors
"If the opposition is armed to the teeth, it will not defeat the Syrian army. There will be slaughter for many years," state-run Itar-Tass news agency quoted Lavrov as saying. Share this: Text Of Annan's Peace Plan Proposal. Reuters posted the ...
The Full Feed from HuffingtonPost.com
Russia: Syrian opposition will never defeat Assad | Ya Libnan ...
By Sami Haddad
“It would make sense to convince them that we also want to help resolve this problem,” the RIA Novosti news agency quoted Lavrov as saying. Russia has also been highly critical of the so-called 'Friends of Syria' meetings that group Western ...
Ya Libnan
Russia Accuses Group of Undermining Peace Plan in Syria ...
By admin
News reports said fresh fighting erupted Wednesday in several parts of the country. New accusations of duplicity by the Syrian authorities also came from Susan E. Rice, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, who is the rotating ...
Clearing and Settlement — Clearing...
Norwegian to lead UN's team in Syria : Views and News from Norway
By Views and News staff
Major General Robert Mood of Norway has been selected to lead the United Nations' support team for UN Special Envoy Kofi Annan in Syria. His duties will include preparations for a UN observation force in Syria that's currently under ...
Views and News from Norway
16 immigration officers face probe for undocumented OFWs in Syria ...
Justice Secretary Leila de Lima has ordered 16 immigration officers to explain in three days why they should not be held administratively liable for the processing and departure of undocumented overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) to Syria.
philstar.com - Breaking News
BBC News - US ambassador warns Syria regime over violence
The US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, says the Security Council must respond urgently and seriously if Syria fails to honour a ceasefire deadline.
Al Arabiya Facebook Page hacked, fake Syria news posted | ZDNet
Al Arabiya saw its English Facebook Page hacked and defaced today. The company has regained control of the Facebook Page, but not before a slew of fak .
Activists: Fresh clashes erupt in northern Syria - AP Newswire | Stars ...
In comments carried on Syria's state news agency on Thursday, Assad said "Syria will spare no effort to make (Annan's) mission a success and hopes it would ...
War News Updates: Civil War In Syria -- News Updates March 29 ...
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has agreed to the plan and will spare no effort to make it succeed, Syrian state news agency Sana reported. The summit is the ...
Syria: News on a Syrian Helicopter Pilot Defected and Escaped to ...
DAMASCUS- An official source on Friday said that the news broadcast by al- Arabiya satellite channel on the defection of a Syrian helicopter pilot who escaped ...
Syria News - March 23, 2012 (Warning: Graphic Videos) :: www ...
Damascus: Jobar: An evening demonstration started in the area in solidarity with the disaster-stricken cities and to demand support for the Free SyrianArmy and ...
PKK: An Excuse for Turkish Invasion of Syria? -- News from Antiwar ...
Is the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)'s sudden support for Syrian President Bashar Assad an excuse for Turkey to invade Syria, or a risk so great it might...
Fresh Shelling in Syria Ahead of UN Visit
April 04, 2012 Fresh Shelling in Syria Ahead of UN Visit VOA News Syrianforces launched fresh military operations Wednesday in several regions, ...
Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news ::
Activities of So-Called "Friends of Syria" Meeting Start. Apr 01, 2012. ISTANBUL, (SANA)- Activities of the so-called "Friends of Syria" meeting started in Istanbul ...
Syria News Break “Russian Troops Arrive” Whaaaaat? | Genade.info
This entry was posted in Bijbel, Bijbelstudie, Eindtijd, Midden Oosten, opstanden Midden Oosten in scene gezet and tagged Syria News Break "Russian Troops ...
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