Jun 12, 2012

PETITION SITE - Save the Pygmy Sloth From Extinction, Jun 12, 2012

Save the Pygmy Sloth From Extinction

"The pygmy three-toed sloth is on the edge of extinction - with only about 100 left on the tiny Escudo de Veraguas island off mainland Panama.
And if they can’t make it there, they can’t make it anywhere. The island, with its red mangroves, is their only habitat.
Only recently discovered, this sloth is dwarfed by its mainland kin and also distinguished by a dark band across its forehead. Spending nearly all its time in the trees, falling into the water for a swim now and then, it’s rarely vulnerable to natural predators."

Alexander Language Schools, Franchise Alexander Language Schools info@als-alexander.org or interalex1@yahoo.com

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