Jul 5, 2012

SYRIA News, Jul 05, 2012

Syrian opposition rejects UN transition plan
BEIRUT (AP) – Syrian opposition groups on Sunday rejected a U.N.-brokered peace plan for a political transition in Syria, calling it ambiguous and a waste of time and vowing not to negotiate with President Bashar Assad or members of his "murderous ...
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Conference OKs UN plan for Syria, but Assad's role in question
Chicago Sun-Times
GENEVA — An international conference on Saturday accepted a U.N.-brokered peace plan that calls for the creation of a transitional government in Syria, but at Russia's insistence the compromise agreement left the door open to Syria's president being ...
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Syria conference leaves open Assad question
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says that the Syria plan agreed to by major powers "paves the way for a post-Assad" government. ... GENEVA (AP) – An international conference on Saturday accepted a U.N.-brokered peace plan that calls for the ...
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Syria and the Russia connection
Los Angeles Times
The U.S. expresses optimism about the Syria peace plan agreed to by delegates in Geneva, but Russia is still sending mixed signals on President Bashar Assad. ... Also; The market for Russia's weapons · Toppling Syria's Assad · Beyond the 'tipping point ...
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Syria Accord Seen as Russia Victory; Lacks Call for Assad
A United Nations-brokered peace plan for Syria is a victory for Russia because it lacks clear wording excluding Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from taking part in a transition of power, analysts in London and Washington said. ... Syria's state-run ...
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After Cairo Talks, Syrian Opposition United Only in Call for Assad Step-Down
ABC News (blog)
“When Assad and the main symbols of his regime are removed, changes will happen,” Anas Abdah, a member of the Syria National Council, told ABC News. ... Hannay said the conference was the result of a “very long process” in arms control negotiations ...
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UN Human Rights Chief: Further Militarization of Syria Must Be Avoided
Voice of America (blog)
The United Nations human rights chief says the continued arming of both sides in Syria is fueling violence and must be halted at all costs. Navi Pillay said Monday in New ... rights violations. She accused President Bashar al-Assad's forces of ...
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Syrian Opposition Rejects UN Transition Deal
Voice of America (blog)
Syrian opposition groups have rejected a United Nations-backed plan for a political transition inSyria, calling it “ambiguous” and “a farce” while ruling out any possibility of sharing power with President Bashar al-Assad. A Paris-based Syrian ...
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Syria strikes Damascus suburb; UN decries arms flow
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian helicopters bombarded a Damascus suburb on Monday and Turkey scrambled warplanes near the border in the north, as the U.N. human rights chief warned that arms supplies to both. ... Fighting has come to the gates of the capital ...
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Syrian Expatriate Organization: New UN Peace Plan Unacceptable, Will Only ...
San Francisco Chronicle
"We were hopefull that, the UN Action Group on Syria assembled in Geneva on June 30 will pave a path towards ending the current conflict in Syria. However, the plan can only be described as feckless as it does not explicitly call for Assad's departure ...
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San Francisco Chronicle
Group reports "archipelago" of Syria torture
CBS News
(CBS News) Human Rights Watch today called on the United Nations Security Council to refer the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad to the International Criminal Court, for crimes that include the illegal detention and torture of hundreds of men ...
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CBS News
Syrian opposition rejects new international plan
Fox News
It is now "incumbent on Russia and China to show Assad the writing on the wall" and help force his departure," Clinton said, addressing the two countries that have shielded Assad's regime from U.N.Security Council resolutions condemning the crackdown.
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Syrian opposition rejects new international plan allowing Assad role in ...
Washington Post
BEIRUT — Syria's main opposition groups rejected on Sunday a new international plan that calls for a transitional government because the compromise agreement did not bar President Bashar Assadfrom participating. ... World powers at a conference in ...
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France, Germany say Syria's Assad should leave power, regardless of UN ...
Washington Post
PARIS — The top diplomats of France and Germany say Syrian President Bashar Assad should leave power, even though a U.N.-brokered political transition plan leaves his future role open.
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Syrian opposition rejects new UN plan
Syria's main opposition groups rejected on Sunday a new international plan that calls for a transitional government because the compromise agreement did not bar President Bashar Assad from participa. ... Subscribe to Newsday; Today's paper. Monday ...
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Hague calls for UN resolution to remove Assad from Syria using same rules that ...
Daily Mail
Britain will call for a new United Nations Security Council resolution to remove Syria'sPresident Assad using rules that led to war in Libya and Iraq. Foreign .... Duchess of Cambridge arrives at Wimbledon today, dressed for the cooler weather in an ...
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Daily Mail
Arab League urges Syrian opposition to unite against Assad
Fox News
The head of the Arab League called Monday for the fragmented Syrian opposition to unite and said aU.N.-brokered plan for a transitional government in Syria fell short of expectations. ... "There is an opportunity before the conference of Syrian ...
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Syria Transition Plan Falters
Wall Street Journal
A plan by world powers for a Syrian political transition appeared doomed Sunday, with Bashar al-Assad's regime interpreting the outcome as a fresh lifeline from Russia, while the lack of any reference in the plan to Mr. Assad's departure from office ...
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Wall Street Journal
Russia: Assad not required to step down
Russia's foreign minister says the U.N.-brokered peace plan for Syria agreed on by major powers does not require the ouster of President Bashar Assad. ... "By being heretoday, you suggest the intention to show that leadership. But can you, can we ...
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Assad blames Turkey for escalating crisis in Syria
Globe and Mail
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights counted at least 69 people killed on Thursday, including 38 civilians. The activist group, whose statistics were cited in a UNreport this week, said that June now ranks as the deadliest month of the 16-month ...
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Globe and Mail
Syria talks end without decision on Assad's future role
An international conference accepted a UN-brokered peace plan for Syria, but left open whether the country's president could be part of a transitional government. The U.S. backed away from demands that President Bashar al-Assad be excluded, hoping the ...
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U.S. banks on pressure to force Syria's Assad from power
Detroit Free Press
Wings still waiting on Suter; Parise to make choice today .... Western officials said they expect Russia and China, which have blocked UN action on Syria, to make the case to Assad that he needs to step down for the good of his country. They hope, as ...
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UN plan for Syria now vital, says Hague
The Independent
Foreign Secretary William Hague today warned it would be a catastrophe if a United Nations (UN) conference failed to reach a peace plan for Syria. ... The UK and other western powers have saidSyrian president Bashar Assad should be replaced with a ...
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Assad's Future Blurry as World Powers Set New Syria Peace Plan
World powers agreed yesterday on a plan for a Syrian transition government that doesn't directly address the fate of President Bashar al-Assad. The parties altered a draft agreement proposed by Kofi Annan, the envoy for the United Nations and Arab ...
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As Assad talks war, US and UN talk peace
Christian Science Monitor
World leaders are scrabbling for purchase, calling an emergency meeting in Geneva as the Syrian conflict descends into a full-fledged war. With President Bashar al-Assad's pronouncement two days ago that the conflict is now a war, it seems any modicum ...
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Christian Science Monitor
Assad forces bomb Damascus suburb as civil war escalates
Globe and Mail
Syrian helicopters bombarded a Damascus suburb on Monday and Turkey scrambled warplanes near the border in the north, as the United Nations human-rights chief warned that arms supplies to both the government and rebels were deepening the 16-month ...
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Globe and Mail
Syria peace-plan settled after US drops insistence Assad must go
Globe and Mail
30 2012, 4:16 PM EDT. 214 comments · Print / License. An international conference on Saturday accepted a UN-brokered peace plan for Syria, but left open the key question of whether the country's president could be part of a transitional government.
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Daily Kos: BREAKING: As Syria Burns, UN Blows More Smoke
By rss@dailykos.com (Clay Claiborne)
The next dairy I wrote was Thursday morning: BREAKING: Kofi Annan to propose Syrian unity gov't sans Assad! which broke the news of a new meeting of the UN Syria Action Group in Geneva on Saturday to deal with the crisis. Friday, Clinton had a surprise meeting with Lavrov on Syria ahead of the Saturday meeting and I covered that to BREAKING: Clinton, Lavrov to debate Syria in Russiatoday. It is now Saturday, the nine member countries have just concluded their meeting and ...
Assad's Exit Focus of Geneva Meeting | Ya Libnan | World News ...
By Ya Libnan
Russia heads to tomorrow's Geneva meeting on UN envoy Kofi Annan's plan for a handover of power in Syria amid conflicting accounts about its willingness to cut ties to President Bashar al-Assad. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said yesterday that there is no agreement yet on Assad's fate. ... The document, obtained today by Bloomberg News, was cited earlier on a blog by Nabil Abi Saab of Alhurra TV. Russia Denial All of the conference invitees, including Russia, signed off on the ...
Ya Libnan
War News Updates: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Gives A Rare ...
By War News Updates Editor
News Aggregator That Covers The World's Major Wars And Conflicts. Military ... More News OnSyrian President Bashar al-Assad Interview Today ... As Assad talks war, US and UN talk peace -- Ariel Zirulnick, Christian Science Monitor ...
War News Updates
Washington's road to Iran goes through Syria (Op-Ed) — RT
The results of the Geneva talks on Syria depend on whom you ask. ... Business · News · Indexes and rates · Top Russian Companies · Sport ... The new Syrian solution designed by UN envoy Kofi Annan proposes the government including both Assad supporters and the opposition. Despite ... Now, the wording of the final communiqué, at Russian insistence, does not explicitly call for Assad's ousting but instead says the new government "shall be formed on the basis of mutual consent.
News RSS : Today
800 killed in past week: Syrian opposition | Ya Libnan | World News ...
By Ya Libnan
Syria's main opposition group said nearly 800 people have been killed in violence across the country in the past week which saw some of the bloodiest violence in the 16-month uprising against President Bashar Assad. ... The conference in Geneva on Saturday accepted U.N.-brokered plan calling for creation of a transitional national unity government in Syria. ... It is now “incumbent on Russia and China to show Assad the writing on the wall” and help force his departure,” she said.
Ya Libnan
Democracy Now! | Democracy Now! Headlines for July 03, 2012
By mail@democracynow.org (Democracy Now!)
a daily independent global news hour ... In other Syria news, dozens of members of Syria's opposition met in Cairo on Monday to formulate a new transition from Assad's rule. Syrian rebels ... U.N. Urges End to Arming of Rebels, Assad Forces ...
Democracy Now!
Clinton: Deal paves way for post-Assad Syria - NOW Lebanon
Saturday, June 30, 2012 | 22:12 Beirut, Subscribe to NOW Lebanon RSS feeds ... "Assad will still have to go," Clinton said after members of the UN Security Council and Syria's neighbors agreed on a transition deal. "He will never pass the ...
NOW Lebanon
Syria conference leaves open Assad question | GoErie.com/Erie ...
GENEVA -- An international conference on Saturday accepted a U.N.-brokered peace plan for Syria, but left open the key question of whether the country's president could be part of a transitional government. The U.S. backed away ... U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton insisted thatAssad would still have to go, saying it is now 'incumbent on Russia and China to show Assad the writing on the wall.' 'There is a credible ... Sign up for breaking news, weather alerts and more ...
GoErie.com Top Headlines
92 Massacred in Syria - Islam News Room .com
By Editor
U.N. & U.S. Watching. Houla, Syria - July 1, 2012 U.N. Pulls Out - But Still in Talks With Both Sides. Children's Bloody Bodies, Skulls Split Open Add to Violent Massacre Here. Here is what we find on the ongoing problem in Syria today. ... Syria Under_Siege. The carnage underlined just how far Syriais from any negotiated path out of the 14-month-old revolt against President Bashar al-Assad. "This morning U.N. military and civilian observers went to Houla and counted more than 32 ...
Islam News Room .com
Syria conference leaves open Assad question - Washington Examiner
GENEVA (AP) — An international conference on Saturday accepted a U.N.-brokered peace plan forSyria, but left open the key question of whether the country's president could be part of a transitional government. ... U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton insisted that Assad would still have to go, saying it is now "incumbent on Russia and China to show Assad the writing on the wall." "There is a credible alternative to the Assad regime," she said. "What we have done here is to strip ...
WashingtonExaminer.com RSS - world
U.S., Russia fail to bridge gaps on Syria | Ya Libnan | World News ...
By Ya Libnan
Beirut- Lebanon – The United States and Russia failed on Friday to bridge differences over a plan to ease Syrian President Bashar Assad out of power, end violence and create a new government. ...U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met one-on-one for about an hour in St. Petersburg, Russia, but could not reach agreement on key elements ofU.N. envoy Kofi Annan's proposed plan for a Syrian political transition, officials said.
Ya Libnan
Syria Crisis: Russia Denies Call For Assad To Leave Endorsement
By The Huffington Post News Editors
MOSCOW — Russia on Thursday acknowledged that a transition period is necessary in Syria to end the violence, but said it had not agreed to a plan by U.N. envoy Kofi Annan that would call for President Bashar Assad to step down and for the creation of a national unity government. ... Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, listens to question during his and Tunisian Foreign Minister Rafik Abdessalam, unseen, news conference in Moscow, Russia, Thursday, June 28, 2012.
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
Bashar al-Assad's fate left open after Syria crisis talks | World news ...
The US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, insists that Bashar al-Assad can ... AUN crisis ...
Kofi Annan To Convene UN Meeting Over Syria - Sky News
The UN convenes a meeting on Syria, as it reports on a massacre by ... Mr Erdogan, once a close ally of Mr Assad and now one of the Syrian leader's biggest ...
Assad's fate unclear in world powers' Syria plan - Yahoo! News
News: GENEVA (Reuters) - World powers struck an agreement that a ... should include members ofAssad's administration and the Syrian opposition and that it ... Annan convened the meeting at theUnited Nations complex on the shores of Lake ... "I cannot say that I am really happy but I am content with the outcome today.
Syria crisis: Russia and US disagree over political solution in ...
Syria President Bashar al-Assad. Russia ... Kofi Annan, envoy for the UN and Arab League, predicted an "appropriate outcome" for Saturday's talks in Geneva.
Syria crisis: Geneva talks on Syria sound death knell for Assad regime
The UK and French foreign ministers have said a UN communique drawn up in Geneva ... in the newbody and initially left unclear the key question of whether Assad ... "Without your unity, your common resolve and your action now … nobody ...
Top News Today | France, Germany say Syria's Assad should leave ...
PARIS - The top diplomats of France and Germany say Syrian President Bashar Assad should leave power, even though a U.N.-brokered political transition plan ...
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