Jul 10, 2012

YAHOO NEWS - EU Leaders are sweeping the issues under the rug.., Jul 10, 2012

Οι ευρωπαίοι ηγέτες σπρώχνουν τα προβλήματα κάτω απ' το χαλί!
In the worst words he spoke to European leaders, the Governor of Central Bank of England.
A "big black cloud of uncertainty" hovering over their businesses around the world because of eurozone leaders are slow to solve their debt problems, said Mervin King.
He criticized "strategy (the leaders of the eurozone), which aims to rid away the moment you have to approach the basic problem."
According to him, this strategy "has the serious disadvantage that, during this time, the problem continues to grow continuously and the size of the (public) debt, which should end up with a set or otherwise, it continues to grow. "
G.Stournaras: "In the coming weeks should initiate measures 3 billion ... Lagarde: The IMF is not a knoll to get money to Europe (Translation from Greek by Google)
Alexander Language Schools, Franchise Alexander Language Schools
info@als-alexander.org or interalex1@yahoo.com

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