Jan 19, 2013

BBC News - Russian Bolshoi arts director Filin hurt by acid attack, Jan 19, 2013

"The artistic director of Russia's Bolshoi Theatre, Sergei Filin, is being treated in a Moscow hospital for severe burns to his face after a masked man threw acid in his face, police say. The attack happened late on Thursday as Mr Filin, an award-winning ballet star, was walking home in central Moscow. Doctors are now fighting to save his eyesight and Interfax news agency says he will be sent to a clinic abroad. A Bolshoi spokesman said Mr Filin, 42, had suffered months of threats. The BBC's Steve Rosenberg in Moscow says it is suspected that he was the victim of infighting and rows between different groups of dancers at the Bolshoi. According to the Bolshoi statement, the assailant shouted to Mr Filin as he was approaching the entrance to his apartment block, then threw acid in Mr Filin's face."Alexander Language Schools, Franchise Alexander Language Schools info@als-alexander.org or interalex1@yahoo.com Products and Services
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