Mar 7, 2013

ABC News - Chavez's Body Brought 'Home' to Military Academy, Mar 07, 2013

"Hugo Chavez has been carried back to the military academy where he started his army career, his flag-draped coffin lying in state in the echoing halls as a mile-long (1.5 kilometer-long) line of mourners came to pay homage Thursday to the larger-than-life leader. Cannon boomed a salute each hour as Venezuelans numbering in the hundreds of thousands filed past. "I waited 10 hours to see him, but I am very happy, proud to have seen my comandante," said 46-year-old Yudeth Hurtado, who was weeping. "He is planted in our heart." As a band played the hymn from his first battalion, Chavez's coffin was displayed at the academy after an emotion-drenched procession through Caracas."Products and Services
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