Mar 16, 2013

BBC News - Phil Spector film picketed by Lana Clarkson's publicist, Mar 16, 2013

Al Pacino as Phil Spector and Phil Spector

 "Friends of Lana Clarkson, the actress murdered by music producer Phil Spector, have been protesting at a screening of the film about his trial. The movie, starring Al Pacino, focuses on his relationship with his defence lawyer, played by Helen Mirren. But the group against the film say it is too sympathetic towards Spector's defence case. Clarkson's former publicist, Edward Lozzi, called the film a "slap in the face". He told the Hollywood Reporter the group initially hoped to stop the film from being made, but now wanted to ensure it receives no Emmy award recognition. Spector was convicted of second-degree murder in 2009 for shooting Clarkson in his California home in 2003."
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