Mar 8, 2013

HOLLYWOOD GOSSIP - Osama bin Laden Son-in-Law: Arrested! Mar 08, 2013

Osama Bin Laden Son in Law

"Abu Ghaith is being held in a detention facility in the New York area. Initial public confirmation of Abu Ghaith's capture came from Rep. Peter King (R-NY), a former chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security. "I commend our CIA and FBI, our allies in Jordan, and President Obama for their capture of al-Qaeda spokesman Sulaiman Abu Ghaith," King said. "I trust he received a vigorous interrogation, and will face swift and certain justice." "Propaganda statements in which Abu Ghaith and his late father-in-law, Osama bin Laden, praised [the 9/11 attacks] are alone enough to merit the most serious punishment." Sources indicate that while a CIA role in the capture of Abu Ghaith could not be ruled out, the FBI took the lead role in the operation this time."
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