Apr 18, 2013

FOX NEWS - Antibiotic development for 'nightmare bacteria' alarmingly slow, Apr 18, 2013

 "Only seven new drugs are in development for the treatment of infections caused by an especially nasty class of superbugs that include E. coli and CRE, the so-called "nightmare bacteria" that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention raised alarms about last month. The data come from the latest report by the Infectious Diseases Society of America, or IDSA, released on Thursday, which has been tracking the rising number of bacteria that resist even the most potent antibiotics. "We're on the precipice of returning to the dark days before antibiotics enabled safer surgery, chemotherapy and the care of premature infants," said Dr. Helen Boucher, an infectious diseases expert at Tufts Medical Center in Boston and a member of IDSA's board, whose report was published online in Clinical Infectious Diseases."
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