Apr 18, 2013

IRISH EXAMNER - Obama pays tribute to Boston, Apr 18, 2013

"President Barack Obama declared “there is a piece of Boston in me” as he paid tribute to a city shaken by what he has called an act of terror. He said: “Every one of us stands with you.” Mr Obama addressed an interfaith service in the aftermath of Monday’s twin blasts that killed three and injured more 170 people at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. He said a day of beauty was shattered when a celebration became a tragedy. He said Boston gathered “to reaffirm that the spirit of this city is undaunted”. He declared: “You will run again!” Of the perpetrator, he said: “We will find you.” Earlier Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the FBI wants to speak to two men seen in at least one video from the marathon but she said she wasn’t calling them suspects. Without providing details of the men’s appearance or what the video shows, Ms Napolitano told the House Homeland Security Committee today that “there is some video that raised the question” of two men the FBI would like to interview but said she wouldn’t describe them as suspects."
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