Apr 16, 2013

SKY News: Aussies to attend London Marathon, Apr 16, 2013

Aussies to attend London Marathon
"Australians gearing up for the London Marathon are determined not to bow to the threat of terrorism following the fatal bomb attack in Boston. Security for Sunday's race in London is being reviewed after two explosions hit the Boston Marathon, and officials say the UK race will go ahead. At least three people were killed and more than 170 injured by the blasts near the finish of Monday's US event. Paralympians Kurt Fearnley, Christie Dawes and Nathan Arkley were shaken but unharmed in Boston and are among 21 Australians registered to compete in London. Fearnley, winner of the 2009 wheelchair race in London, is due to arrive in the UK today and his manager Michael Turner says he's almost certain to race. Dawes is yet to decide if she'll compete, and paralympians Madison De Rosario and Richard Colman are also expected to take part."
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