Apr 26, 2013

SKY News: President' praise for George W Bush, Apr 26, 2013

President'  praise for George W Bush
"President Barack Obama has lauded George W Bush for facing a storm of terrorism head on, putting ideology aside as his predecessor opened a new library that makes his case for history. With all US living presidents at his side, Mr Bush admitted some of the choices he made were unpopular, but said he had always been driven to spread freedom, in two tumultuous terms marked by the Iraq War and the September 11 attacks. World leaders who were closest to Mr Bush were also in Dallas to honour their former comrade-in-arms, including former Prime Minister, John Howard, who was in Washington on September 11, and Britain's Tony Blair. President Obama, who had flagrant foreign and economic policy disagreements with Mr Bush, chose to dwell on the qualities of the 43rd president's character, and spoke of a special bond with one of the few men alive who sat in the Oval Office."
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