May 19, 2013

SCIENCE News, Studies, Research, Technology, May 18, 2013

US research study shows massive potential for Sri Lankan cinnamon
Ceylon Daily News
US research study shows massive potential for Sri Lankan cinnamon. Hassina Leelarathna. A scientific research study four years in the making and just released in the US spells a major windfall for Sri Lanka's cinnamon industry. Appearing in the April ...See all stories on this topic »

Scientific Consensus: Global Warming IS Man-made, Study Says 97% of Climate ...

Nature World News The research by Cook and his colleagues builds off of a previous analysis of scientific papers written about climate change. A similar study conducted in 2004 analyzed 928 scientific reports. Cook's studyexpanded the search field tremendously ...See all stories on this topic »
US Research Study Spells Boom For Sri Lanka's Cinnamon Industry

Eurasia Review Results of a scientific research study just released in the US and publicized by news media worldwide present a game-changing bonanza for Sri Lanka's cinnamon industry needs. In the first known US study to analyze levels of the banned toxic chemical ...See all stories on this topic »
The need for critical science journalism

The Guardian (blog) However, infotainment science journalism rarely challenges the validity of the scientific research studyor criticises its conclusions. Perfunctory comments, either by the journalist or in the form of quotes – such as "It is not clear whether these ...See all stories on this topic »
Scientists clone human stem cells for the first time

Geek (blog) For all its promise, embryonic stem cell research has been slow going in the last few decades. Ethical quandaries and scientific difficulty have conspired to keep the next big advance just out of reach, but a new study published this week in the ...See all stories on this topic »
97 percent of scientific studies agree on manmade global warming, so what now?

Washington Post (blog) The authors* of the study (Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientificliterature), who painstakingly sifted through nearly 12,000 academic journal article to reach their conclusion, say they hope their results bridge ...See all stories on this topic »
Critics slam new cloning research

Chicago Tribune The new study used techniques similar to those that created Dolly, the cloned sheep, in Scotland in 1996.Scientists at Oregon Health & Science University and the Oregon National Primate Research Center slipped an adult skin cell into a human egg whose ...See all stories on this topic »
Scientific research? We built that!

The Hill (blog) The U.S. government began supporting scientific research in earnest in 1950, with the establishment of the National Science Foundation. From elucidating the basic properties of novel semiconductors and metals to studying the magnetic structure of ...See all stories on this topic »
LSU Health Sciences Center will award 876 degrees at Thursday commencement LSU Health Sciences Center will award 876 degrees at Thursday commencement. Trail.Center.jpg. The Mervin L. Trail, M.D., Clinical Sciences Research Building at LSU Health Sciences Center (Leslie Capo, LSU Health Sciences Center). Print · John Pope ...See all stories on this topic »
UMSL biology student to research great kiskadee bird population in South America

UMSL Daily (blog) UMSL biology student to research great kiskadee bird population in South America. UMSL biology major Serene Darwish received a College of Arts and Sciences Research Grant to study the kiskadee bird population in Guyana. (Photo by August Jennewein) ...See all stories on this topic »
ORNL Materials Science Scientists Win DOE Early Career Awards - AZoM Materials science and physics research led by early career Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientistsreceived a boost this week from the Department of Energy's Office of Science Early Career ResearchProgram. (From top left, clockwise) Valentino Cooper ...See all stories on this topic »
Linkam Report on Application of CSS450 Stage for Polymer Research - AZoM Associated with the Department of Materials Science, University of Lisbon, CENIMAT (a nationalscientific research centre in Portugal) is devoted to developing radical new approaches in the areas of structural, electronic and optoelectronic, polymeric ...See all stories on this topic »
Médecins Sans Frontières Scientific Day 2013

PLoS Blogs (blog) MSF conducts scientific research alongside the health care relief that they provide in emergency situations. For example, MSF responded to a major ... The purpose of the Scientific Day is to disseminate this research produced by MSF scientists to the ...See all stories on this topic »
Scientists test experimental chemotherapy drug

Jerusalem Post A new Israeli study, published today in the prestigious journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science Translational Medicine, has discovered the working of this mechanism and proven that treatment with the immunomodulator ...See all stories on this topic »
UCLA study shows warming in central China greater than most climate models ...

environmentalresearchweb The findings, published today in the early online edition of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, could help researchers develop more accurate models of past climate change and better predict such changes in the future. .... at ...See all stories on this topic »
Criminology Of Wildlife Trafficking: How Scientific Research May Help Fight ...

Huffington Post Andrew Lemieux, a scientist at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement, has outfitted rangers in Uganda's Queen Elizabeth National Park with GPS-enabled cameras that allow them to cheaply document signs of crimes like ...See all stories on this topic »
The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment

Huffington Post Today, with the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, we're taking a big step toward a clearer, more comprehensive view of what constitutes success in scientific research. I'm a signatory because I believe that finding a better way to ...See all stories on this topic »
Citizen scientists: Help crowd-source climate change research

Los Angeles Times The person will also be named a co-author on a scientific paper that demonstrates the usefulness on crowd-sourcing in scientific research. The project, dubbed Ventus, has its own website that launched Monday morning. By Monday afternoon Gurney said ...See all stories on this topic »
Canada Sells Out Science

Slate Magazine (blog) In a stunning announcement, the National Research Council—the Canadian scientific research and development agency—has now said that they will only perform research that has “social or economic gain”. This is not a joke. I wish it were. John MacDougal ...See all stories on this topic »
Stanford scientists develop underwater labs to study coral and climate change

San Francisco Chronicle (blog) Two hours by catamaran from the town of Gladstone, Queensland, the sandy island's 40 acres are shared by a resort, a scientific research station, and thousands of black noddies, a dusky and talkative seabird that nests in the lime-green pisonia trees ...See all stories on this topic »
Kolkata needs technological innovation to save waterbodies: Scientists

Times of India It's sad that little scientific research has been done to verify the quality of water in these ponds or to devise ways for their better maintenance," said Ray. ... So, innovative studies are necessary to figure out a set of parameters to assess the ...See all stories on this topic »
Scientific Research Supports Amaçari Health & Wellness Benefits

San Francisco Chronicle Amazon Origins today announces the scientific research supporting the new-to-market supplement, Amaçari, made from 100% CamuPure with thirty times more vitamin C than an orange. The supplement made from sustainably harvested superfruit grown in ...See all stories on this topic »
Kakatiya University plant research wows scientists

Times of India The results of IDMDL studies have been published in the International Journal of Scientific & EngineeringResearch (Volume 3, Issue dated 7 June, 2012), Biology and Medicine (2013) and BMC Infectious Diseases (December, 2012). Share your views ...See all stories on this topic »
Innovation at the research institutes

Boston Globe Forsyth proudly boasts a long track record of scientific breakthroughs that have transformed dental medicine and overall health. Our outstanding reputation is bolstered by a wide network of collaboration and support for exploratory research ...See all stories on this topic »
GMO scientist speaks out on real dangers of GE food "The scientific literature is full of studies showing that engineered corn and soya contain toxic or allergenic proteins.” Vrain reflects: "I retired 10 years ago after a long career as a research scientist for Agriculture Canada. When I was on the ...See all stories on this topic »
Alexander Language Schools, Franchise Alexander Language Schools or Products and Services  Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchUnder the SunStealing JakeAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-Swedish

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