Jun 19, 2013

CTV News - NASA scientists asks for help in ambitious plan to lasso asteroid, send it into moon's orbit, Jun 19, 20123

Asteroid NASA moon capture

"NASA has put the word out to scientists, engineers, stargazers and dreamers in the U.S. and around the world -- the agency needs help capturing an asteroid and moving it into the moon's orbit so that it can be studied as part of efforts to protect the Earth from dangerous space rocks. NASA scientists held a meeting in Washington, D.C. Tuesday, to outline the goals of the asteroid initiative which range from tracking and observing asteroids, to constructing robotics and solving the practical challenges of getting humans deep into space, towing an asteroid and defending the Earth from rogue space rocks. The space agency issued a Request for Information (RFI), seeking new ideas and strategies for the ambitious mission, which comes after several asteroids came in relatively close proximity to Earth in recent months."Alexander Language Schools, Franchise Alexander Language Schools info@als-alexander.org or interalex1@yahoo.com Products and Services
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