Oct 21, 2013

YAHOO - Girl Found in Gypsy Camp Sparks Thousands of Inquires, Oct 21, 2013

Girl Found in Gypsy Camp Sparks Thousands of Inquires (ABC News)
: "After an unidentified girl, called "Maria," was found in a gypsy camp in Greece, thousands of people have called authorities to see if the girl could be related to other missing child cases. Panagiotis Pardalis, a spokesman for the Smile of the Child charity that is currently caring for the girl, told ABCNews.com the organization had received at least 8,000 calls about the girl from all over the world including the U.S. and Canada. The blond girl, approximately age 4, was found in a Roma gypsy settlement in central Greece. DNA tests proved that she was not related to the 39-year-old man and 40-year-old woman who claimed to be her parents."
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