Jan 30, 2014

YAHOO News - Greek PM promises hefty budget surplus, recovery in sight, Jan 30, 2014

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras attends a news conference after a debate on the program of Greece's presidency of the EU for the next six months at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, January 15, 2014. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann
 "By George Georgiopoulos and Renee Maltezou ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece will post a budget surplus of at least 1 billion euros in 2013 and return the bulk of that to cash-strapped Greeks, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said on Thursday, seeking to wrest momentum back from an emboldened leftist opposition. Samaras, whose two-party coalition has just a three-seat majority in parliament, is under growing pressure as polls show the leftist Syriza party steadily gaining ground against the ruling parties ahead of local and EU elections in May. Greece's economy shrank by almost a quarter and unemployment has soared since the country was forced to slash public spending to avoid bankruptcy. Although a six-year-long recession is seen coming to an end in 2014, many Greeks remain angry about the hardship they have endured."Alexander Language Schools, Franchise Alexander Language Schools
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