Mar 10, 2017

ST. KESSOG, Mackessog, Bishop in Scotland, Patron-saint of Lennox, Info, Mar 10, 2017

Though of Irish extraction Kessog can fairly claim to be a Scottish saint. Indeed one tradition represents him as a native of the Lennox.1 It is difficult to state ... early sixteenth century, St. Kessog is invoked among the holy bishops under the ... This content downloaded from on Wed, 01 Mar 2017 15:49:35 UTC.

March 10 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Wikipedia
Mar. 9 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Mar. 11. All fixed commemorations below are observed on March 23 by Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar. For March 10th, Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar commemorate the Saints listed on ... Saint Himelin, an Irish or Scottish priest who, returning from a pilgrimage to ...

Full text of "A calendar of Scottish saints" - Internet Archive
He became the patron saint of Deeside, and traces of his cultus still remain in ... of Dunmeth and Logic Mar in Aber- deenshire were dedicated to this saint. ..... St. Kessog or Mackessog, Bishop and Martyr, A.D. 560. HE was a native of Ireland, but devoted him self to missionary labours in Scotland, in the province of Lennox.

Full text of "The Lennox. Vol. 1. Memoirs. (Vol. 2. Muniments.) [With ...
Saint Mackessog, the Patron Saint of the "Lennox, from the Statue in the old ..... of Scotland on his mar- THE MEMOIRS OF THE EARLS OF LENNOX. xvii riage with Mary ...... The Earl of Lennox's brother, the Bishop-elect of Caithness, who was in the ...... and honour of our patron, the most holy man, the blessed St. Kessog.

Full text of "Strathendrick, and its inhabitants from early times. An ...
To the Church of Scotland he was a loyal and devoted adherent, and struck many a .... In that year, however, the Duchess-Countess of Lennox founded the Collegiate ..... io HISTORY OF STRATHENDRICK except that some of the Bishops tried to ...... It is more probable that the patron saint was St. Kessog, or MacKessog, ...

Scottish Saint Calendar - › Topics › Types › Scottish Saint Calendar
He became the patron saint of Deeside, and traces of his cultus still remain in ... of Dunmeth and Logie Mar in Aberdeenshire were dedicated to this saint. ..... St. Kessog or Mackessog, Bishop and Martyr, A.D. 560. He was a native of Ireland, but devoted himself to missionary labours in Scotland, in the province of Lennox.

Scottish Saint Calendar - › Topics › Documents
He became the patron saint of Deeside, and traces of his cultus still remain in ... of Dunmeth and Logie Mar in Aberdeenshire were dedicated to this saint. ..... St. Kessog or Mackessog, Bishop and Martyr, A.D. 560. He was a native of Ireland, but devoted himself to missionary labours in Scotland, in the province of Lennox.

Full text of "A Calendar of Scottish Saints" - Internet Archive
He became the patron saint of Deeside, and traces of his _cultus_ still remain in ... in a provincial rhyme: "Wala-fair in Logic Mar The thirtieth day of Januar. ..... St. Kessog or Mackessog, Bishop and Martyr, A.D. 560. He was a native of Ireland, but devoted himself to missionary labours in Scotland, in the province of Lennox.

A Calendar of Scottish Saints - Doctrine Publishing Corporation
He became the patron saint of Deeside, and traces of his _cultus_ still remain in ... in a provincial rhyme: "Wala-fair in Logic Mar The thirtieth day of Januar. ..... St. Kessog or Mackessog, Bishop and Martyr, A.D. 560. He was a native of Ireland, but devoted himself to missionary labours in Scotland, in the province of Lennox.

Annals of Auchterarder and Memorials of Srathearn - Electric Scotland
In 1332 the Scottish army of Donald, the Earl of Mar, 30,000 strong, lay at .... She married Sir John Drummond, the seventh Thane of Lennox. .... the late Duke of Perth was vested in "sancta campana de St. Kessog "—the holy bells of St. Kessog. ... dedicated to St. Mackessog, who was also patron saint of Luss and Comrie.

Full text of "History of the Scottish Church" - Internet Archive
The relics of the saint were scattered, as many others were, at the ..... St, Mahew, or Mochta, companion of St. Patrick, laboured in the Lennox, in the traditional ... Brandan was patron of several churches in Scotland, and his name still survives ...... St. Kessog or Mackessog of Luss, on Loch Lomond side, may be noticed as a ...

Full text of "Lives of the Irish Saints : with special festivals, and the ...
Reputed Feast of Finghin, Anchorite and Bishop of lona, Scotland. .... St. Kessog, Mackessog, .or Makkessagus, Bishop, and Confessor, Patron of .... Festival of St. Kessog, Mackessog, or Mackessagus, Bishop and Confessor, Patron ol Lennox, ...... He was descended from the family of Colla Dacrioch, as appears in the Mar- ...

Full text of "History of the Scottish Church" - Internet Archive
26 CHAPTER Til The Life and Work of St. Kentigern, Bishop of the Britons . ...... St, Mahew, or Mochta, companion of St. Patrick, laboured in the Lennox, in the ... the founder of Dromore in Ireland, before the year 514, is the patron saint of the ...... St. Kessog or Mackessog of Luss, on Loch Lomond side, may be noticed as a ...

Full text of "Influence of the pre-reformation church on Scottish place ...
Miss Florence Peacock remarks: "The patron-saint of Scotland seems in some ...... of old the Chapel-Croft of St MacKessog, all pointing to ecclesiastical influence. ..... 78 KILS. of Lennox founded here a religious house of canons regular, and ...... and Bishop Reeves identify with St Kessog or Makkessoch, patron of Luss.

The parish of Strathblane and its inhabitants from - Internet Archive
This Act, however, never became law, as the Earl of Mar, who was Sheriff of .... He was a saint, too, known in the Lennox, and had a chapel on the lands of Colgrain. ... the saint, who had a great desire for martyrdom, came over to Scotland and ...... was dedicated to St. Kessog or Mackessog at the Netherton of Strathblane, ...

[PDF]A Calendar of Scottish Saints -
He became the patron saint of Deeside, and traces of his cultus still remain in that district. ... and Logie Mar in Aberdeenshire were dedicated to this saint. ..... St. Kessog or Mackessog, Bishop and Martyr, A.D. 560. He was a native of Ireland, but devoted himself to missionary labours in Scotland, in the province of Lennox.

March 10 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Wikiwand
Mar. 9 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Mar. 11. ... of the mid-sixth century active in the Lennox area and southern Perthshire (c. 560); Saint Sedna (Sétna), Bishop of Ossory in Ireland and a friend of St ... Saint Himelin, an Irish or Scottish priest who, returning from a pilgrimage to ... He is the patron-saint of Lennox.

[PDF]The Lennox. Vol. 1. Memoirs. - National Library of Scotland
Saint Mackessog, the Patron Saint of the "Lennox, from the Statue in the ..... son, Henry Lord Darnley, who became King of Scotland on his mar- ...... XII. —2. Robert, was bishop-elect of ...... patron, the most holy man, the blessed St. Kessog." 2.

Saint of the Day March 10 - LNG Plants
172 St. Alexander Martyr missionary companion of St. Caius ...... Prince of Cashel, Ireland, and bishop of Scotland. sometimes called Mackessag. ... St KESSOG (Mackessog) is believed to have come of the royal race of Munster, his ... In Lennox, of which he is the patron, St Kessog's bell was venerated in the seventeenth ...

HOT FREE BOOKS • A Calendar of Scottish Saints • Michael Barrett
He became the patron saint of Deeside, and traces of his cultus still remain in ... of Dunmeth and Logie Mar in Aberdeenshire were dedicated to this saint. ..... St. Kessog or Mackessog, Bishop and Martyr, A.D. 560. He was a native of Ireland, but devoted himself to missionary labours in Scotland, in the province of Lennox.

Full text of "Ancient Church dedications in Scotland" - Internet Archive
An Historical Catalogue of the Scottish Bishops. ...... The cathedral had various reminiscences of its patron saint. ...... 2 St. Senan has been identified with St. Kessog, the patron saint of the Lennox, where his name was ...... Morgund, Earl of Mar, under St. David, gave the church of St. Mathuluoch of Tharvulend, with a mill ...

Full text of "Influence of the Pre-reformation Church on Scottish Place ...
Miss Florence Peacock remarks : '*The patron-saint of Scotland seems in some ...... of old the Chapel-Croft of St MacKessog, all pointing to ecclesiastical influence. ...... parish to Padstow, where he was com- memorated, says Lysons, on Mar. ..... and Bishop Reeves identify with St Kessog or Makkessoch, patron of Luss.

Full text of "The annals of Auchterarder and ... - Internet Archive
In 1332 the Scottish army of Donald, the Earl of Mar, 30,000 strong, lay at .... She married Sir John Drummond, the seventh Thane of Lennox. ..... late Duke of Perth was vested in " sancta campana de St. Kessog " the holy bells of St. Kessog. ... was dedicated to St. Mackessog, who was also patron saint of Luss and Comrie.

Full text of "The Annals of Auchterarder and ... - Internet Archive
In 1332 the Scottish army of Donald, the Earl of Mar, 30,000 strong, lay at .... She married Sir John Drummond, the seventh Thane of Lennox. ..... Duke of Perth was vested in " sancta campana de St. Kessog " — the holy bells of St. Kessog. ... was dedicated to St Mackessog, who was also • patron saint of Luss and Comrie.

March 10 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) | Project Gutenberg Self ...
Saints 1; Pre-Schism Western Saints 2; Post-Schism Orthodox Saints 3 ... missionary of the mid-sixth century active in the Lennox area and southern Perthshire (c. 560); Saint Sedna (Sétna), Bishop of Ossory in Ireland and a friend of St Luanus (c. ... Saint Himelin, an Irish or Scottish priest who, returning from a pilgrimage to ...

Project Gutenberg's A Calendar of Scottish Saints, by Michael Barrett
He became the patron saint of Deeside, and traces of his _cultus_ still remain in ... in a provincial rhyme: "Wala-fair in Logic Mar The thirtieth day of Januar. ..... St. Kessog or Mackessog, Bishop and Martyr, A.D. 560. He was a native of Ireland, but devoted himself to missionary labours in Scotland, in the province of Lennox.

[PDF]Chronicles of Strathearn.pdf - YourPhotoCard
Bishop Forbes, in his “Kalendars of Scottish Saints,” .... in Lennox in the 17th century. Besides ... The patron saint of Dunning is S. Servanus or Serf, who appears in the Kalendar as ..... Comrie, St. Kessog, R.[8] Paisley Abbey. ...... which the Earl of Mar had reared for the restoration of the Chevalier St. George, the only son.

The Project Gutenberg E-text of Chronicles of Strathearn, by Various
Bishop Forbes, in his "Kalendars of Scottish Saints," gives a clear account of each, mentioning .... S. Kessog's bell was preserved and honoured in Lennox in the 17th century. ... The patron saint of Dunning is S. Servanus or Serf, who appears in the Kalendar as bishop ..... Had St. Kessog's Fair, third Wednesday of March.

Full text of "Chronicles of Strathearn" - Internet Archive
Bishop Forbes, in his "Kalendars of Scottish Saints," gives a clear account of each, mentioning .... S. Kessog's bell was preserved and honoured in Lennox in the 17th century. ... The patron saint of Dunning is S. Servanus or Serf, who appears in the Kalendar as bishop ..... Had St. Kessog's Fair, third Wednesday of March.

Full text of "Chronicles of Strathearn" - Internet Archive
Bishop Forbes, in his "Kalendars of Scottish Saints," gives a clear account of each, mentioning .... S. Kessog's bell was preserved and honoured in Lennox in the 17th century. ... The patron saint of Dunning is S. Servanus or Serf, who appears in the Kalendar as bishop ..... Had St. Kessog's Fair, third Wednesday of March.

Full text of "Strathendrick and its inhabitants from early times; an ...
To the Church of Scotland he was a loyal and devoted adherent, and struck many ...... the parish of Balfron with the Abbey of Inchaffray : "58 Lennox of Blaorinschegall, ... He was in 1571-1572 made Bishop or Archbishop of Glasgow; but he was not ...... It is more probable that the patron saint was St. Kessog, or MacKessog, ...

Full text of "Transactions" - Internet Archive
228 Pewter Coffin Chalice found at Rhoscrowther, Pembroke- Bishop ..... One of the most valuable works upon Scottish antiquities that has been ...... wife of Malcolm Canmore, who in later years was chosen as the Patron Saint of the Abbey. ...... of St Kessog's or MacKessog's Chapel was in existence at the Reformation, ...

[PDF]Influence of the Re-Reformation Church on Scottish - Forgotten Books
An Historical Catalogue of the Scottish Bishops. Also an ...... bachall-mar or great staff of St Moluag, n ow in ...... fo r he was reckoned the patron -saint of sailors.

[PDF]Influence of the Re-Reformation Church on Scottish Place Ames
An Historical Catalogue of the Scottish Bishops. Also an ...... bachall-mar or great staff of St Moluag, n ow in ...... fo r he was reckoned the patron -saint of sailors.

Miracles_500 - LNG Plants
574 St. Emilian Cucullatus shepherd hermit priest patron saint of Spain favoured with many miracles ... Vimin Scottish bishop his many miracles 6th v St. Brigid ...

Full text of "Chronicles of Strathearn" - Internet Archive
Bishop Forbes, in his "Kalendars of Scottish Saints," gives a clear account of each, mentioning .... S. Kessog's bell was preserved and honoured in Lennox in the 17th century. ... The patron saint of Dunning is S. Servanus or Serf, who appears in the Kalendar as bishop ..... Had St. Kessog's Fair, third Wednesday of March.

Butlers Lives of the Saints 2 (Mar3-May4) by Alex Molina - issuu
25 May 2016 - To cut himself off from the world, Aelred left Scotland, and embraced the austere .... At first the bishop of Bergamo, Mgr Charles Gritti-Morlacchi, viewed the new ...... In Lennox, of which he is the patron, St Kessog's bell was venerated in the ...... for the commemoration of the saint in the Roman Mar足 tyrology.

[PDF]Ancient Church dedications in Scotland - University of Toronto
issued his St. Margaret of Scotland and her Chapel in the ..... The Bishops of Scotland. ...... of the patron saint accompanied by two monks in a rever ...... 3 Sir W. Eraser s The Lennox, vol. i. pp. ...... as Carn-ma-Cheasog, i.e. St. Kessog s Cairn, at one time stood. ... St. Mackessog s Well, near the ancient clachan of Nether-.

[PDF]PDF Original Colour - University of Toronto
issued his St. Margaret of Scotland and her Chapel in the ..... The Bishops of Scotland. ...... of the patron saint accompanied by two monks in a rever ...... 3 Sir W. Eraser s The Lennox, vol. i. pp. ...... as Carn-ma-Cheasog, i.e. St. Kessog s Cairn, at one time stood. ... St. Mackessog s Well, near the ancient clachan of Nether-.

Scottish Saint Calendar | Saint | Scotland - Scribd
Project Gutenberg's A Calendar of Scottish Saints, by Michael Barrett This ... are: The Breviary of Aberdeen, drawn up by Bishop Wm. Elphinstone, and printed in ...

Full text of "The Parish of Strathblane and Its ... - Internet Archive
This Act, however, never became law, as the Earl of Mar, who was Sheriff of .... He was a saint, too, known in the Lennox, and had a chapel on tlie lands of Colgrain ..... by John Bishop of Glasgow," and in Dr. Gordon's Glasghu Fades, pages 660, ...... was dedicated to St. Kessog or Mackessog at the Netherton of Strathblane, ...

Full text of "Transactions" - Internet Archive
229 Bishop Tulloch's Chalice, 231 Pewter Coffin Chalice found in Bervie ..... When the Ordnance Survey of Scotland was being organized, the Society of ...... grant of lands "from his Aunt Isobel, styled Countess of Mar, sometime before 1405, ...... wife of Malcolm Canmore, who in later years was chosen as the Patron Saint of ...

Full text of "The parish of Strathblane and its ... - Internet Archive
This Act, however, never became law, as the Earl of Mar, who was Sheriff of .... He was a saint, too, known in the Lennox, and had a chapel on the lands of Colgrain ..... by John Bishop of Glasgow," and in Dr. Gordon's Glasghu Fasus, pages 660, ...... was dedicated to St. Kessog or Mackessog at the Netherton of Strathblane, ...

Full text of "Book of Perthshire memorabilia" - Internet Archive
St Fillan seems to have been one of the patron saints of the ancient church of Killin. ..... after St Kessog, or Mackessog, an Irish saint, who came to Scotland, and was ..... Lennox succeeded Moray, and was followed by Mar, and then came Morton. .... 36; Bishop Forbes' Kalendars of Scottish Saints; Innes' Sketches of Early ...

Full text of "The Celtic Monthly: A Magazine for Highlanders"
An Old Scots Brigade, being the history of Mackay's Reffiment, now incorporated .... 136, 148, 180 Sir Allan Maclean of Duart, - - - - 149 St. Kessog^ by F. Mary ... by Fionn, - - 209 'S fada mar so tha sinn (Too long in this condition), by Fionn, ...... The Patron Saint of the Oolquhoun Country, Peace to the shades — ^the pure ...

Full text of "The Antiquary" - Internet Archive
From the bishop it passed in a direct line to his descendant, Mrs. Mary Gythens, ... 'Ip The Scottish Text Society, which held its annual meeting lately, is jubilant over ...... Elizabeth, married to Charles Stuart, Earl of Lennox, younger brother to ...... The patron saint of England rides through a forest on a snow- white charger, his ...

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Chronicles of Strathearn, by Various ...
Bishop Forbes, in his "Kalendars of Scottish Saints," gives a clear account of each, mentioning that .... S. Kessog's bell was preserved and honoured in Lennox in the 17th century. ... The patron saint of Dunning is S. Servanus or Serf, who appears in the Kalendar as bishop and ..... Comrie, St. Kessog, R.[8] _Paisley Abbey_.

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Chronicles of Strathearn, by Various ...
Bishop Forbes, in his "Kalendars of Scottish Saints," gives a clear account of each, mentioning .... S. Kessog's bell was preserved and honoured in Lennox in the 17th century. ... The patron saint of Dunning is S. Servanus or Serf, who appears in the Kalendar as bishop ..... Had St. Kessog's Fair, third Wednesday of March.

[PDF]Untitled - University of Toronto
Mar, 30,000 strong, lay at Auchterarder previous to the disastrous Battle of .... of Lennox. Sir John ..... the holy bells of St. Kessog.1 ... patron saint of .... Mackessog was the parish church, .... was consecrated a bishop of the Scottish Episcopal.

Chronicles of Strathearn - Hellenica World
Bishop Forbes, in his "Kalendars of Scottish Saints," gives a clear account of each, mentioning .... S. Kessog's bell was preserved and honoured in Lennox in the 17th century. ... The patron saint of Dunning is S. Servanus or Serf, who appears in the Kalendar as bishop ..... Had St. Kessog's Fair, third Wednesday of March.

Chronicles of Strathearn - Doctrine Publishing Corporation
Bishop Forbes, in his "Kalendars of Scottish Saints," gives a clear account of each, mentioning .... S. Kessog's bell was preserved and honoured in Lennox in the 17th century. ... The patron saint of Dunning is S. Servanus or Serf, who appears in the Kalendar as bishop ..... Had St. Kessog's Fair, third Wednesday of March.

acalendarofscott00barruoft | Saint - Scribd

[PDF]History of the Scottish Church - Veritas Evangelical Seminary
Robert, bishop of St. Andrews—Alexander's gifts to the Church and his ...... laboured in the Lennox, in the traditional district of Patrick's ... the patron saint of the church called by his name Mocholmoc in the ...... St. Kessog or Mackessog of Luss, on Loch Lomond ...... Mar}-, had the words of the Bible often flung in her face.

Chronicles of Strathearn - Documents › Documents
3 Jan 2017 - Bishop Forbes, in his "Kalendars of Scottish Saints," gives a clear account of each, .... S. Kessog's bell was preserved and honoured in Lennox in the 17th century. ... The patron saint of Dunning is S. Servanus or Serf, who appears in the Kalendar as ..... Had St. Kessog's Fair, third Wednesday of March. Alexander Language School Franchise Alexander Language Schools
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