Feb 24, 2018

VENEZUELA News, Feb 24, 2018

Pastor has faith he can unseat Venezuela's Maduro - Gulf Times

57 mins ago - Despite unpopularity and a deepening economic crisis, Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro seems such a certainty for re-election in April that only an. ... The United States and European Union have imposed sanctions on Maduro and his officials, with Washington calling him a “dictator.” Bertucci scoffs ...

Venezuela's Maduro tweets at Trump offering dialogue — RT US News

4 days ago - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has proposed holding talks with his US counterpart Donald Trump. Maduro extended the olive branch to Trump on Twitter, the US president’s favorite social media site. Trump “campaigned promising non-interference in the internal affairs of ...

ultima hora VENEZUELA 24 FEBRERO 2018||MADURO ... - YouTube

9 hours ago - Uploaded by Noticias mundiales

Will Trump Invade Venezuela? Caracas Accuses Colombia of a ...

Feb 14, 2018 - Staunch allies of the Maduro regime say that U.S Admiral Kurt Tidd's trip to Colombia is "suspicious."

Will Cryptocurrency Save Maduro's Venezuela from Trump in 2018?

Jan 13, 2018 - “[Petro] will allow us to advance to new ways of international financing and socioeconomic development in the country,” the president said in his TV show Sundays with Maduro at the time. He pledged the Venezuelan cryptocurrency will “advance in monetary sovereignty, to make financial transactions and ...
10 hours ago - REUTERS AUSTIN US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Thursday raised the prospect that the Venezuelan military could decide to oust President Nicolas Maduro but said he did not know whether that would happen. In a speech at the University of Texas ahead of five-nation Latin America tour, Tillerson ...

ultima hora VENEZUELA 24 FEBRERO 2018||MADURO Lanza ...

8 hours ago - Uploaded by Noticias mundiales
ultimo minuto VENEZUELA EEUU 24 FEBRERO 2018||OEA Rechaza a MADURO las ELECCIONES ...

ultimo minuto VENEZUELA EEUU 24 FEBRERO 2018||OEA Rechaza ...

11 hours ago - Uploaded by Noticias mundiales
ultimo minuto VENEZUELA EEUU 24 FEBRERO 2018||OEA Rechaza a MADURO las ELECCIONES ...

Maduro emplaza a Trump a fijar un diálogo en Caracas o en ...

https://www.elnuevodiario.com.ni/.../456318-maduro-emplaza-tru... - Translate this page
5 days ago - El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, emplazo hoy al mandatario estadounidense, Donald Trump, a fijar un dialogo en Caracas o Wa...

Venezuela's Maduro calls for early Congress vote as well | News ...

4 days ago - CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — President Nicolas Maduro is doubling-down on plans to concentrate power by calling Wednesday for early ... election has drawn wide condemnation from the United States and other countries for breaking democratic norms, and it comes at a critical moment for Venezuela, ...
Jan 4, 2018 - Venezuela is looking for miners for the country's national cryptocurrency, the Petro. The government has ... According to Venezuela's president Nicolas Maduro, 860811 young people have already registered to create the Petro mining farms. ... think of the Petro? Let us know in the comments section below.

¿Qué países están a favor y en contra de la visita de Maduro a Lima ...

Feb 16, 2018 - UU. respaldó la decisión del Gobierno peruano de declarar como “no bienvenida” la presencia del mandatario venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, en la próxima Cumbre de las Américas y pidió a Venezuela un nuevo calendario electoral. “Apoyamos la decisión de Perú, como anfitrión de la próxima Cumbre de ...

Maduro: Digital currency puts Venezuela on tech vanguard | National ...

4 days ago - CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Cash-strapped Venezuela on Tuesday became the first country to launch its own version of bitcoin, a move President Nicolas Maduro celebrated as putting his country on.

Maduro Unveils "The Petro": Venezuela's Official Cryptocurrency To ...

Dec 3, 2017 - "Venezuela announces the creation of its cryptocurrency, the Petro; this will allow us to move towards new forms of international financing for the economic and social development of the country," president Maduro said during his weekly television program.

Venezuela's Loss Is Miami's Gain | Best States | US News

Jul 13, 2017 - What's new is the nature of Venezuelan investment and a push to diversify by old-money families who anticipated the current calamity. Images of starving citizens and bloodied politicians symbolize the riotous socialist regime of President Nicolas Maduro, the late President Hugo Chavez's hand-picked ...

Spain Has Pivotal Role in Pressuring Venezuela's Maduro - VOA News

6 days ago - Spain has assumed a pivotal role in pressuring Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro to change his regime's “barbaric” course, according to Spanish diplomats ... The U.S. has placed sanctions on more than 20 individuals in Venezuela, including politicians and government contractors, since repression of ...

Venezuela is no Syria and Nicolas Maduro is not Bashar Al Assad ...

May 8, 2017 - When Chavez died in 2013, Nicolas Maduro won the presidential election after securing 50.6 per cent of the popular vote. Since his election, Mr Maduro ... He described the situation in Venezuela as a deliberate attempt by the United States to overthrow an elected government. Mr Al Assad claimed that, just ...

Política | Informe21.com

Nicaragua desconoce resolución de OEA que insta a Maduro a cancelar comicios. Nicaragua desconoció este viernes la sesión celebrada este viernes por la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), en la que se aprobó una resolución que emplaza a Venezuela a cancelar las elecciones presidenciales del 22 de ...

Nicolas Maduro reaches out to Donald Trump on twitter - News

4 days ago - Venezuela s President Nicolas Maduro took to the US president s favourite medium, Twitter, to ask him to start a dialogue between the two countries.

Comienza la inscripción de candidaturas para presidenciales en ...

2 hours ago - Las presidenciales, en las que el mandatario Nicolás Maduro buscará su reelección hasta 2025, fueron adelantadas por orden de la oficialista Asamblea Constituyente. La inscripción en línea de candidaturas para las elecciones presidenciales del 22 de abril en Venezuela comenzó este sábado y se ...
Noticias de Venezuela Sábado Feb 24, 2018 el $ cotiza a Bs. 225586,01 y el € a Bs. 277685,10 entra sin bloqueos -▻ https://goo.gl/QgU9KB.

Gobierno Venezolano insiste en que Maduro asistirá a Cumbre de las ...

6 days ago - El Gobierno venezolano reiteró que el mandatario Nicolás Maduro asistirá a la Cumbre de las Américas en Lima el 13 y 14 de abril, pese al rechazo manifestado por Perú, al que instó a 'apegarse a las legítimas reglas de juego'.

maduro – LaPatilla.com

Publicado en Feb 24, 2018 7:21 am El exalcalde metropolitano de Caracas Antonio Ledezma reclama una “intervención humanitaria” de la comunidad ... Publicado en Feb 23, 2018 7:31 pm El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, dijo que su Gobierno ha recaudado 1.000 millones de dólares en los dos primeros[...]

Nacional - Contrapunto.com - Donde los opuestos se unen

Maduro va al CNE el martes 27 de febrero para formalizar su candidatura. "Todo el día va a estar la gente en la calle", anunció el vicepresidente de movilización del PSUV, Darío Vivas. Leer más... Artículo publicado en Feb. 24, 2018. Corte Penal Internacional inició pesquisas en Venezuela: lo confirma mamá de Neomar ...

Venezuela sets initial digital currency value at US$60, Government ...

Feb 1, 2018 - THE BUSINESS TIMES Government & Economy - [Caracas] Venezuela on Wednesday set the initial value of a digital currency it created to overcome a ... President Nicolas Maduro announced in early December that Venezuela - which is under sanctions from the US as well as the EU - was creating the ...

Senator Rep Hints At More Action on Venezuela's Controversial ...

Could OPEC Adopt a Cryptocurrency? Venezuela Lobbies for Oil-Backed 'Petro'. The post Could OPEC Adopt a Cryptocurrency? Venezuela Lobbies for Oil-Backed 'Petro' appeared first on CCN The Petro, Maduro's Venezuelan crypto endeavor, is a pre-mined oil-backed cryptocurrency. However, this isn't enough for ...

Cabello culpa a EEUU y Maduro a Portugal por la falta del pernil ...

Dec 28, 2017 - En esta víspera navideña, Venezuela sigue afrontando la mayor crisis económica de los últimos años, donde el alto costo de la vida es incalculable y el sueldo de los ciudadanos es insuficiente para cubrir sus necesidades básicas. En esta guerra de vanidades y egolatrías el que más sufre es el pueblo ...
Feb 24, 2018 7:51 amPublicado en: Opinión Tengo una vecina que se la pasa expresando su amor por el presidente Maduro (nunca Venezuela tuvo uno mejor) y que le encanta aguardar en largas colas frente a supermercados por si aparecen productos subsidiados –todos los días anda en eso—, porque se entretiene ...

Venezuela's Token – a way out or a scam? - Applancer

1 day ago - Last month, US Treasury Department published a warning notice not to invest in petro as it can result in “an extension of credit”. But the president of Venezuela, Maduro believes that the virtual token will be a huge success and has opened an online registration for miners. The miners will be selected on the ...

Venezuela plans to launch a second cryptocurrency but is it fool's gold ...

Feb 24, 2018 | CuencaHighLife |. Views: 0. A week after launching one cryptocurrency, Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro has announced a second. ... El Petro, which the Socialist leader introduced to bypass political sanctions and fight what he calls an “economic war” waged against Venezuela by the United States.

El Tiempo – Rechaza Casa Blanca diálogo con Maduro

4 days ago - WASHINGTON.- La Casa Blanca rechazó la oferta del Presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, de iniciar un diálogo en Caracas o en Washington con su homólogo estadunidense, Donald Trump, y reiteró que este solo se reunirá con el líder venezolano cuando se “restaure la democracia” en el país ...

Venezuela snubs regional powers as more die in unrest - theSundaily

Apr 27, 2017 - Opposition activists set up a fire barricade during a protest against President Nicolas Maduro in Caracas on April 26, 2017. ... Echoed by the United States and European Union, the OAS has led an international chorus of concern over the economic and political chaos in the major oil-exporting country.

Venezuela's 'petro' is ridiculous – Ayre | Antigua Observer Newspaper

6 days ago - President Nicolas Maduro said Venezuela would initially issue 100 million units of the petro with a U.S. $5.9 billion value. The petro is meant to circumvent the financial sanctions the U.S. imposed on Venezuela in August. The sanctions barred banks from any new financial deals with the Venezuelan ...

Shocking. (Not shocking) Venezuela will bar opposition parties from ...

Jan 27, 2018 - It was only a few days ago that I was writing about the startling about-face maneuver suggested by Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro. After more than a year of stonewalling and insisting that he didn't need to run for another term as President, the tyrant suddenly suggested that he might be open to new ...

Las cifras que resaltó Maduro durante su Memoria y Cuenta – VPI Tv

Jan 15, 2018 - El presidente venezolano Nicolás Maduro presentó este lunes su Memoria y Cuenta del 2017 ante la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente (ANC). A continuación, algunos de los datos oficiales que resaltó: La pobreza extrema en el país durante 2017 fue de 4,4% y la pobreza en general de 18,1%, los ...

Venezuela says launch of 'petro' cryptocurrency raised $735 million By ...

4 days ago - CARACAS (Reuters) - President Nicolas Maduro said Tuesday that Venezuela had received $735 million in the first day of a pre-sale of the country's “petro” cryptocurrency, aimed at pulling the country out of an economic tailspin. Maduro is hoping the petro will allow the ailing OPEC member to skirt U.S. ...

La Patilla - Home | Facebook

Hiperinflación empieza a pulverizar al nuevo cono monetario en Venezuela Feb 24, 2018 8:06 amPublicado en: Actualidad, Economía Comerciantes que no… .... La ruleta rusa de Nicolás Maduro, por Gustavo Azócar Alcalá Feb 24, 2018 7:56 amPublicado en: Opinión Gustavo Azócar Alcalá @gustavoazocaraNicolás ...

Where Will The Venezuelan Crisis End? - Odyssey

Feb 16, 2018 - The turmoil has drawn the United States into the midst as President Donald Trump has outwardly opposed Maduro's plan--which would create a new Assembly that could dissolve the state government institutions and could rewrite the constitution--through discussions of sanctions on Venezuela's oil sector.
By Google News On Feb 24, 2018. Venezuela's Maduro calls for 'mega-election' that could cement his power. 0 0. Share. CARACAS, Venezuela — President Nicolás Maduro's simply call to hold a “mega-election” that could obliterate the opposition-dominated legislature was fulfilled Thursday with a storm of protest from ...

Bienvenido a YVKE Mundial | YVKE Mundial

Venezuela y Etiopía estiman profundizar cooperación bilateral y regional · Venezuela invita formalmente a la Unión Africana como acompañante en comicios presidenciales · Jefes de Hogar deben ingresar al .... Juramentado Comando de Campaña Ecosocialista en apoyo a candidatura de Maduro. 23/02/2018 - 11:05.

Bad debt from Venezuela frequent footnote in Crane & Co. sale | The ...

Jan 9, 2018 - DALTON — Nearing its last day as an independent company, Crane & Co. is still waiting for Nicolas Maduro to make good on a debt. ... of its own currency paper, there is evidence people down there are not opposed to handling the paper on which U.S. dollars are printed — courtesy of Crane & Co.

Summit host yanks Venezuela's invitation over early election | World ...

Feb 13, 2018 - LIMA, Peru - The host nation for a summit of Western Hemisphere leaders on Tuesday withdrew its invitation to Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro over ... The United States has said it will reject the election, which also drew swift condemnation from condemnation from several of Venezuela's neighbours in ...
Feb 4, 2016 - Indeed, the current situation in Greece begins to resemble what was happening in Venezuela in 2014-15 under the Maduro regime when a series of protests and political demonstrations paralyzed the economy, leading eventually to a resounding defeat of his socialist party in the December 2015 elections.

EP | Mundo

Feb 24, 2018. Tras la revelación de escándalos sexuales relacionados con Oxfam, el Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR) ha anunciado que 21 de sus empleados fueron despedidos o renunciaron por conducta sexual ... Maduro está planteando retrasar elecciones ... Ledezma llama a intervenir Venezuela.

World | The Spokesman-Review

The Trump administration is considering an offer from Republican mega-donor Sheldon Adelson to pay for at least part of a new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem, four U.S. ... President Nicolas Maduro is doubling-down on plans to concentrate power by calling Wednesday for early congressional elections to coincide with a ...

Venezuela's Miami office faces eviction over unpaid bills - Taipei Times

1 day ago - The landlord, a developer behind Miami's tallest high-rise, the Panorama Tower, which is under construction, said that Venezuela owes US$142,119 in unpaid rent. The potential eviction is a major reversal for Venezuela's government, which owned the building until 2005, when it sold it for US$70 million.

Jorge Ramos on Venezuela's 'petty dictator' | Fusion

Jul 5, 2016 - After Almagro's report was released, Maduro predictably denounced him on television as a traitor who was working for the CIA (Maduro blames the U.S. for Venezuela's problems, of course). Almagro simply responded to Maduro with an open letter the next day, saying that denying the people the right to ...

El Pregonero

Hiperinflación empieza a pulverizar al nuevo cono monetario en Venezuela. February 24, 2018 0. Feb 24, 2018 8:06 amPublicado en: Actualidad, Economía Comerciantes que no reciben billetes de 500, porque muchos mineros no aceptan comprar tal denominación El […] ...

Venezuela Begins Selling Oil-Backed Cryptocurrency - Novinite.com ...

4 days ago - During the first 20 hours of the pre-sale, which runs through March 19, Venezuela received "intent to buy" offers to the tune of $735 million, according to President Nicolas Maduro. "The Petro reinforces our independence and economic sovereignty and will allow us to fight the greed of foreign powers that try ...

Venezuela protesters bring 'poo bombs' to hurl at cops | world news ...

May 11, 2017 - “We are using those 'poopootov' bombs as we call them because they repress us with Molotov cocktails, with pellet guns and everything, and this is our only ... Demonstrators blame socialist President Nicolas Maduro for an economic crisis in the oil-rich state that has caused shortages of food and of basic ...

Venezuela welcomes all tourists crazy enough to visit | GulfNews.com

Dec 3, 2017 - Look no further than President Nicolas Maduro's claim in August that 8 million people voted for his cherry-picked Constitutional Assembly — apparently more than the entire voter turnout. Yet touting tourism took some special cheek, not least because the man flogging that trade recently won notoriety for his ...

Maduro dirigirá maniobras cívico-militares Independencia 2018 - Pars ...

Pars Today- El presidente de Venezuela y comandante en Jefe de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (FANB), Nicolás Maduro, dirigirá este sábado el Ejerci... ... descartado recurrir a la opción militar para, según el presidente de EE.UU., Donald Trump, “restaurar la democracia en Venezuela”. Feb 24, 2018 19:18 UTC ...

Venezuela Near Collapse, Maduro Dictatorship Takes Hold | National ...

Oct 27, 2016 - But Obama's tolerating the bad behavior of tin-pot dictators like Maduro is less a policy than it is an ongoing apology for the perceived interventionist sins of the United States in Latin America over the years. It is sad, however, to contemplate how many more Venezuelans will have to die while President ...

¡NEGACIÓN MASIVA DE ASILOS! Miles de venezolanos en EEUU en ...

Apr 17, 2017 - Cientos de miles han optado por salir del país para huir del régimen autoritario establecido en Venezuela, muchos de ellos después de la instauración del actual gobernante Nicolás Maduro. La tendencia se ha visto reflejada en las solicitudes de asilo político de venezolanos en Estados Unidos que se ...

Hipertextual: Nicolás Maduro y las inconsistencias de Petro, la ...

www.noticierodigital.com › ... › Foros de ND › Lo dicen los foristas
Hipertextual: Nicolás Maduro y las inconsistencias de Petro, la nueva criptomoneda de Venezuela. Mensaje por Magnetux » Sab Feb 24, 2018 8:00 pm. Imagen Vía: https://hipertextual.com/2018/02/maduro ... cias-petro. La nueva criptomoneda de Venezuela, el Petro, ha sido lanzada oficialmente al mercado el pasado ...

Diario El Periodiquito - Venezuela

Rodríguez anunció ejercicios militares para este fin de semana · Venezuela. El ministro de Comunicación e Información, Jorge Rodríguez, informó que este fin de semana se realizarán ejercicios cívicos militares para la defensa y preservación de la paz, y serán dirigidos por el presidente de la República Nicolás Maduro.

Oil talks expected during Mexican foreign minister's visit to Jamaica ...

4 days ago - A trip by Mexico's foreign minister to Jamaica next month is being positioned by foreign media as the latest development in US-led pressure on the Nicolas Maduro administration in Venezuela. A report by Reuters news agency says Maduro...


El pastor Bertucci enciende la polémica con estas declaraciones · LTVeonoticia | Feb 24, 2018. 24/02/2018 El presidente venezolano Nicolás Maduro parece tener segura la reelección. Pero el pastor evangélico Javier Bertucci afirma ser el idóneo para desbancarlo en los comicios del 22 de... sebin ...

Nicolás Maduro participará en Perú en la VIII Cumbre de las Américas

Feb 6, 2018 - ERP. Lleva adelante un modelo de gobierno autoritario y restrictivo de las libertades individuales de los venezolanos; sin embargo, es un creyente que defiende la soberanía de un pueblo que pese a ello reclama pronto un cambio de gobierno. El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, asistirá a la VIII ...

Venezuela afronta su peor crisis de derechos humanos

15 hours ago - Venezuela enfrenta la peor crisis de derechos humanos de su historia moderna, alimentada por la violenta reacción de las autoridades ante una escalada. ... deterioro de la situación económica y del Gobierno del presidente Nicolás Maduro, con un saldo de más de 120 muertes y cientos de detenciones.

How do we feel about the Petro? | Lipstick Alley

https://www.lipstickalley.com › Business Alley › Money Matters
53 mins ago - Anybody keeping up with this lol? Starting in late 2017 Venezuela's President Nikolas Maduro began expanding heavily into media space in an attempt...
Feb 7, 2018 - From panel to panel at the Yahoo Finance's cryptocurrency conference Wednesday, speakers kept beating the drum of personal responsibility. Do you research before investing any cryptocurrency, the audience was repeatedly warned. Especially if you don't understand it. Goodwin Procter LLP partner ...

Maduro Asks Venezuela's Banks to Mine and Use Cryptocurrency ...

1 day ago - As workers, we disagree that this cryptocurrency is imposed on us. Maduro Asks Venezuela's Banks to Mine and Use Petro Cryptocurrency - Unions Outraged Servando Carbone, the national coordinator of the National Federation of Public Sector Workers (Fntsp), told the news outlet that “the petro is a ...

News U S Vows Steady Pressure On Venezuela

Feb. 9 (UPI) -- With oil-related sanctions on the table, the U.S. government said it remains committed to pressuring Venezuela as it prepares for presidential elections. The Venezuelan government announced plans to hold early presidential elections April 22. Opposition parties and many of the governments in North ...
Portal de análisis e información sobre noticias y actualidad política en Venezuela y el mundo.

OEA insta a Maduro a cancelar las elecciones presidenciales de abril ...

9 hours ago - La Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) aprobó hoy una resolución que emplaza a Caracas a cancelar las elecciones presidenciales del 22 de abril y propone otros comicios "justos, libres y con observación internacional". El texto salió adelante, pese al rotundo rechazo de Venezuela y Bolivia ...

¿Qué cambios hará en Venezuela la Asamblea Constituyente ...

Jul 30, 2017 - Hasta que dicte su propio estatuto, la nueva Asamblea se regirá por el de la Constituyente de 1999, precisamente la que aprobó la Constitución chavista que ahora Maduro quiere reescribir. En aquella ocasión se estableció que la Asamblea Constituyente funcionara 180 días a partir de su instalación y se ...

Kodak crypto coin? Venezuela Petro coin? Here's how crazy the ...

https://www.cbsnews.com › MoneyWatch › Markets
Jan 10, 2018 - Other cryptocurrency deals are also raising eybrows among investors. The government of Venezuela, for instance, plans to offer a token backed by sales of oil, with a coin it has dubbed the petro. President Nicholas Maduro has said the petro is designed to help the cash-strapped country evade sanctions ...

Opinion News, Breaking Opinion News and More: Monterey County ...

Letters to the Editor, Feb. 24, 2018: NRA members and donors are co-conspirators in Parkland murders |Feb 23, 2018 ... Students at the University of Michigan have staged a rare protest against the brutal dictatorship of Venezuela's Nicolás Maduro. ... Today I am going to address what prevents us from taking the leap.
Comunidad de Investigadores Antimperialistas cuyo objetivo es el de estudiar, analizar y difundir a la sociedad, modalidades de intervención.
5 days ago - In most cases people need to get them with the aid of a business agent in Venezuela. Problem is, they ask for up to US $200 in a country where people make US $2, 3 or 5 a month. And then you have cases where the name on the record does not match the person who requested it, so they have to go to ...

Brazilian Arms Dealer Arrested in the United States - The New York ...

3 hours ago - Brazilian police say the man considered to be the country's largest arms dealer has been arrested in the United States by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.

Venezuela's digital coin makes debut | AP Business News | oanow.com

4 days ago - Officials say the so-called petro is backed by Venezuela's crude oil reserves, the largest in the world. Socialist President Nicolas Maduro late last year announced he was creating the digital currency to outmaneuver U.S. sanctions preventing cash-strapped Venezuela from issuing new debt. But the U.S. ...

Petro Debut: What We Learned About Venezuela's Cryptocurrency ...

4 days ago - The government of Venezuela published several guides Tuesday in support of the presale for its "petro" cryptocurrency. Announcing the oil-backed token as a form of legal ... It was first unveiled by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in early December. The buyer's manual explains how users can set up ...

Un diputado opositor venezolano denuncia ante la CIDH a ...

Posted by Online News Editor | Feb 24, 2018. Un diputado opositor venezolano denuncia ante la CIDH a funcionarios de Maduro. VENEZUELA CRISIS. Caracas, 24 feb (EFE).- El diputado opositor venezolano, Ismael García, informó hoy que consignó ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) “una ...

Venezuela set to launch 'petro' cryptocurrency – Crypto News Watch

https://cryptonews.watch › Guides & Analysis
5 hours ago - Feb 24, 2018. Bitcoin Is Finding Its Way into High Schools. Feb 24, 2018. Austria Planning New Regulations for Cryptocurrency,… Feb 24, 2018 ... Bitmain Shows Higher 2017 Profits Than US GPU Giant Nvidia, Report Finds ... Venezuelans are unable to buy Nicolas Maduro's Petro cryptocurrency with…

Venezuela News » Topix

News for Venezuela continually updated from thousands of sources on the web : More socialism: Deadbeat Venezuela evicted from its own consulate in Miami. ... Comment? Top US diplomat in Venezuela under fire for tough comments. Yesterday ... Maduro claims $735m raised by sale of new Venezuelan cryptocurrency.

The Biggest Migrant Crisis In The Americas Is Taking Place In ...

https://www.noticiasdenuevaesparta.com › Actualidad Venezolana
The Biggest Migrant Crisis In The Americas Is Taking Place In Venezuela Forbes. Venezuela, Colombia Concerned About Possible Border ... NewsweekOctober 15, 2017In "Actualidad Venezolana". Venezuela's Maduro Not Welcome At Regional Summit, Host Peru SaysFebruary 14, 2018In "Actualidad Venezolana".

No military action anticipated in near future in Venezuela: US - The ...

Aug 26, 2017 - The US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the executive order signed by Mr. Trump demonstrates the US government's condemnation of tyranny and dictatorship in Venezuela. “The Maduro regime has consistently shown hostility to the rule of law, democratic institutions, and the Venezuelan people,” ...

Venezuela military ouster remarks dog Tillerson in Latin America ...

Feb 3, 2018 - MEXICO CITY/CARACAS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's first tour of Latin America got off to a rocky start on Friday with U.S. ally Mexico distancing itself from his suggestion that Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro could be toppled by his own military. Tillerson ruffled ...

La ruleta rusa de Nicolás Maduro, por Gustavo ... - Venezuela Unida

9 hours ago - Nicolás Maduro ganó las elecciones presidenciales de 2013 con trampa. De eso no existe la menor duda. El ex chofer del Metro de Caracas estuvo perdiendo las elecciones hasta las 5 de la tarde del domingo 14 de abril. Pero misteriosamente, cuatro horas más tarde, el CNE lo anunció como ganador ...

It's all fun and socialism until a country implodes into ...

www.usmessageboard.com › Community › General Discussion
13 hours ago - [MEDIA] Just a few of the noteworthy items from the video: -It is now more lucrative for the Venezuelan military to traffic food instead of drugs...

About 8,000 Venezuelans Migrate to Peru Every Month - Livinginperu ...

www.livinginperu.com › News › International › international-relations
Jan 23, 2018 - Related Post. Peru Enables Online System for Refuge Request · The Overwhelming Message of Venezuelans Living in ... Minister of Foreign Affairs: “Peru Has No Fa... Mercedes Aráoz: “Maduro's Entry Will Be Prohibited... Grupo de Lima Evaluates Situation in Venezuela ...
Aug 25, 2016 - Dec 31, 2023
Feb 16 - Mar 23
Gran Teatro ...
Sat, Feb 24
Anfiteatro Del ...

Venezuelans launch local currency - MONEY - The Kathmandu Post

kathmandupost.ekantipur.com › MONEY › Associated Press
Dec 17, 2017 - “This currency is going to be a great help for us.” Amid triple-digit inflation and a currency meltdown, there has been a run on cash in Venezuela. Buying common items such as toilet paper, or paying a taxi driver, requires stacks of the official currency, called the bolivar. President Nicolas Maduro recently ...

DolarToday® (@DolarToday) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from DolarToday® (@DolarToday). Noticias de Venezuela Sábado Feb 24, 2018 el $ cotiza a Bs. 225586,01 y el € a Bs. 277685,10 entra sin bloqueos -▻ https://t.co/QHIrz49eTW. Caracas, Venezuela.
Luis Rodríguez Salcedo Feb 24, 2018 0. El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, equiparó el viernes a los inmigrantes con serpientes ... MADURO ANUNCIA CRIPTOMONEDA RESPALDADA EN ORO. Feb 22, 2018 ... VENEZUELA LANZA PETROMONEDA Y NEGOCIA MAS DE 700 MILLONES. Feb 21, 2018 ...

New Venezuelan decree claims ownership over Guyana's continental ...

Jun 7, 2015 - The Maduro decree is set amid Venezuela's objection over oil exploration and concessions granted by Guyana to the US oil company, ExxonMobil, to explore 23,000 square kilometres of the Stabroek Block located within the area into which the new territorial claim is now extended. Earlier this year when ...

Venezuelan pastor fills presidential void left by opposition | News ...

4 hours ago - CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — With two months to go before Venezuela's presidential election, the only challenger to jump in the ring against President Nicolas Maduro is a little-known television evangelist who was once arrested for fuel smuggling and has a range of business ventures. Despite his ...

'Zionism Is Our Enemy': Venezuela Supports Palestine Resistance

Mar 19, 2017 - Since Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution began in 1999, the South American country has strongly supported Palestine both diplomatically and economically. Both former president Hugo Chavez and current President Nicolas Maduro have spoken out at the United Nations against Israel's occupation of the ...

Venceremos alert: Maduro extends solidarity to Tsipras, SYRIZA ...

Jul 1, 2015 - Forget Europe, forget North America and the rest of the West, it's the … Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and President Nicolas Maduro who issued a very warm message of solidarity to the “capital controlled” Greek people this week. “We'll win” was the rally cry of Hugo Chavez's successor from tropical ...
Noticias de Venezuela. ... ¡EN HORA BUENA! Argentina facilita la solicitud de residenci … Febrero 24, 2018 - 12:22 pm · Dolar Today / Nacionales / Noticias / Titulares. DolarToday / Feb 24, 2018 @ 12:00. .... ENTERATE LO QUE LE INCAUTARON A DOS EMPRESARIOS VENEZOLANOS EN USA. Enero 9, 2018 ...
By Camille Hunte - Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal says the recent travel advisory issued by the United States Embassy is another blow to this country's image. 0 Comments ... Shamfa fires back at critics. Feb. 24, 2018, 9:59 AM AST ... Maduro: Digital currency puts Venezuela on tech vanguard. Feb. 22, 2018, 12:50 ...

Press Releases: Defending Democracy in Venezuela

Feb 14, 2018 - We support the decision of Peru, as the host of the upcoming Summit of the Americas, to withdraw its invitation to President Maduro of Venezuela. Peru's decision was made with the support of the Lima Group, which upheld the high democratic standard for Summit participation. The United States welcomes ...

Pastor has faith he can unseat Maduro in Venezuela poll :: The ...

Caracas, Venezuela | AFP | Despite unpopularity and a deepening economic crisis, Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro seems such a certainty for reelection in April that only an ev... ... U.S. prepares high-seas crackdown on N. Korea sanctions evaders – sources · The East African. Feb 24, 2018 ...

Chinese takeout: What's on the menu? The Catholic church | Opinion ...

5 days ago - In the United States, church attendance in many Christian denominations has been falling for years. ... This should come as no surprise, as Francis is a Jesuit from socialist Argentina nurtured on Latin American Liberation Theology who has indulged dictators Castro of Cuba and Maduro of Venezuela.

Venezuela eyes separate election dates for president, congress ...

19 hours ago - CARACAS (Reuters) – Venezuela's election council said on Friday it was considering holding legislative elections separately from the presidential vote ... Maduro says the country is the victim of a U.S.-backed economic war and that the opposition's refusal to participate is due to fear that they will lose.

Diario La Lupa

Maracay. - La Coordinación de Desarrollo y Bienestar estudiantil del Eje Geopolítico José Félix Ribas, de la Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela (UBV. ... Feb 24, 2018La Lupa Tv. La Victoria. -Un niño de ... Gobernador del Estado Aragua, juramentó comando de campaña en apoyo a Maduro para presidenciales. Feb 22 ...

Pope Francis on Trump's threat to DACA: That's not "pro-life" - Crux Now

Sep 11, 2017 - In remarks to reporters travelling back to Rome from Colombia on Monday, Pope Francis said he hasn't studied the fine print of U.S. President Donald Trump's ... They also observed that President Nicolas Maduro has criticized the local bishops' strong position against his government, but defended Francis, ...

International and world news - ABC FOX Montana Local News ...

Trump Jr. 'loves' Indian media covering his business visit. Updated: Feb 24, 2018 3:35 AM PST. Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of the U.S. president, will be pushing another ethics boundary on his whirlwind trip to India when he makes a foreign policy speech.
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