Oct 4, 2021


 Federal Election 2021

2021 German federal election - Wikipedia

2021 German federal election - Wikipedia
Germany will be going to the polls on 26 September 2021. After 16 years at the helm of the German government, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel is not ...
The election to the German Bundestag on 26 September 2021 will have repercussions far beyond Germany. Whoever succeeds Angela Merkel will have a decisive ...
Sep 24, 2021 — Germans go to the polls this Sunday to elect a new Bundestag, or federal parliament. The result – after coalition negotiations likely to ...
  • Sep 26, 2021 — Social Democrats edge out Christian Democrats, according to preliminary results, but tight finish leaves third-placed Green party as ...
7 days ago — A vote has taken place that will determine who succeeds German Chancellor Angela Merkel after her 16 years in power.
Summary: Information Guide prepared by the ESO team covering information sources on the federal elections in Germany held on 26 September 2021.
7 days ago — Germany centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) don claim victory for di federal election, as dem tell di party of outgoing Chancellor Angela ...
on 26 September 2021. The German Bundestag is the representation of the people of the Federal Republic of Germany and, being vested with decisive legislative ...
On September 26, 2021, Germany will not only elect a new Bundestag, but a new chancellor. Throughout 2021, AICGS will examine not only the German parties, ...
Sep 26, 2021 — SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz: "The voters of this country have decided that the SPD should rise upwards, and that is a big success. This ...
  • 5 days ago — BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel congratulated Olaf Scholz, the leader of the Social Democrats, on his election success, ...


The votes have been cast in the German federal elections on 26 September 2021. After an eventful “super election year”, Chancellor Angela Merkel will pass ...
In this blog entry, we set out our early views regarding topics, parties and candidates for the German elections on September 26, 2021, and the potential ...
Sep 17, 2021 — Olaf Scholz, Germany's current vice-chancellor and the Social Democrat Party (SPD)'s candidate for chancellor, is a man on the rise.
Sep 26, 2021 — Workers remove an advertisement showing German Chancellor Angela Merkel with a slogan that reads "Mother of Nation - Thanks For 16 Years of ...
7 days ago — As Angela Merkel finishes her long run as Chancellor of Germany, we look at the potential candidates and results of the German elections ...
Strong results for green and liberal parties mean climate and energy policies are expected to feature heavily in upcoming coalition talks.
7 days ago — Find the most up-to-date statistics about the German federal election 2021.
  • 7 days ago — The SPD won the largest share of votes in the German election of 2021, which took place on September 26, 2021, with approximately 25.7 ...
7 days ago — The German Chancellor is preparing to step down later this year, having long ago cemented her position as one of the world's most successful ...
Sep 26, 2021 — Social Democrat candidate Olaf Scholz has a narrow lead in early election results, but Merkel's CDU ally Armin Laschet still has every hope ...
Sep 26, 2021 — Following 16 years as leader of the German government, Angela Merkel is not running for another term as federal chancellor.
On September 26, German voters went to the polls to elect a new parliament. Its members will in turn choose a successor for Angela Merkel, ...
Sep 25, 2021 — German candidate for chancellor Annalena Baerbock holds a speech during a Green Party conference in Berlin in September 2021.
Sep 10, 2021 — With only a few weeks until the Germany's elections on September 26, the outlook on who will succeed Angela Merkel as chancellor after her ...
Sep 6, 2021 — next German Federal Election set to take place on 26 September 2021, the race to replace current Chancellor Angela Merkel—who is not running ...
5 days ago — Abstract After 16 years, the chancellorship of Angela Merkel ends. Merkel has shaped politics like hardly any other politician during her ...
Sep 26, 2021 — As of 8 am this morning, polling stations up and down Germany opened their doors, and the vote to choose the next government - and Angela ...
Sep 13, 2021 — For most of the past four years, the most likely outcome of this vote appeared to be a government led by the Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU), ...
6 days ago — German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the end of the election campaign in Munich, Germany, September 2021. Steffen Boettcher / laif / Redux.
7 days ago — Angela Merkel's party lost the German elections and should give up on attempts to form a coalition, Olaf Scholz said on Monday as he claimed ...
What do the results of this election mean for Germany, Europe's largest economy, the European project, and Europe's role in the world?
6 days ago — We take a look at federal elections results and coalition options for Olaf Scholz and Armin Laschet, while Christian Lindner, ...
Sep 26, 2021 — The Social Democrats' candidate Olaf Scholz, the outgoing vice chancellor and finance minister who pulled his party out of a years-long slump, ...
7 days ago — Meanwhile, the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) led by Armin Laschet, and the Christian Social Union (CSU) which it partners ...
7 days ago — German Federal Elections 2021. Olaf Scholz is the winner of the election. Will he also become Chancellor? That will only be decided in the ...
7 days ago — Professor Jan Germen Janmaat talks about the candidates in the German election 2021 and the reasons why outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel is ...
Sep 26, 2021 — Well… Germany won't know its government and new chancellor for some time yet. The centre-left SPD have emerged as the largest party on 25.7 ...
Sep 16, 2021 — Anand Menon reflects on the legacy of German Chancellor Angela Merkel as the German election approaches on 26 September 2021.
6 days ago — Germany went to the polls in a general election defined by the departure of Angela Merkel after nearly 16 years as Chancellor.
Sep 23, 2021 — Exactly one month before the vote on September 26, polls suggest none of the main would-be successors to Germany's long-standing leader ...
Aug 26, 2021 — Of particular relevance for the capital markets are programmed differences on taxes, spending policy and European fiscal union. An abrupt change ...
Mar 26, 2021 — The upcoming elections in Germany will undoubtedly have an impact beyond Berlin and on the broader European Union. What are the implications ...
Dec 9, 2020 — German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has approved the date for the country's next elections as September 26 next year.
7 days ago — It is not certain that the centre-left SPD will assume the Chancellorship from Angela Merkel. However, all the likely German coalition ...
After more than a decade and a half as German chancellor, Angela Merkel's era is coming to an end. FRANCE 24 takes a look back at her 16 years at Germany's ...
Sep 26, 2021 — German political fragmentation, intensified by retirement of Angela Merkel after 16 years as chancellor, coupled with heavy losses for her ...
Sep 23, 2021 — This is a guest post from Dylan Difford, as part of a series on elections, party systems and voting methods around the world.
Jun 7, 2021 — The results of Sunday's election in Saxony-Anhalt once again illustrate that, even if there was any, the wind of change in German politics ...
6 days ago — At the dawn of the 16 years long era of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), Germany finds itself at a turning point. For the first time, it is very ...
Sep 9, 2021 — German federal prosecutors said Thursday (9 September) they are probing alleged hacking attacks against lawmakers ahead of this month's ...
by B Jérôme — In the 2013 and 2017 elections, our political-economy model accurately foretold that Angela Merkel would rule in coalition with the Social ...
Sep 23, 2021 — The 2021 German Election Polls show SDP ahead of CDU-CSU. However, a two party Unity government may not be possible if polls comes to be ...
Jul 15, 2021 — President Biden in Washington on July 2, and German Chancellor ... Angela Merkel will step down as Germany's chancellor in September 2021.
6 days ago — Christian Democratic Union, German center-right political party that supports a free-market economy and social welfare programs but is ...
As the campaign leading up to Germany's scheduled 26 September federal elections enters the final stretch, Clean Energy Wire again invites journalists from ...
Sep 21, 2021 — How are German voters intending on voting in the election? Germans currently favour the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and chancellor ...
Sep 17, 2021 — The federal election is held every four years, and it is used to elect the new members of the Bundestag (German Federal Parliament).
Sep 13, 2021 — Armin Laschet needed a knockout blow and, despite a bright start, fell far short of expectations.
Jun 18, 2021 — Germany will get a new Chancellor after the September elections and the course of German policies could change materially.
After the Bundestag elections , SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz has said he favours a "traffic light" coalition in which his party would govern jointly ...
Apr 20, 2021 — German Greens put up their first-ever candidate for chancellor in an election that will be dominated by Covid and climate change.
Sep 22, 2021 — This latest briefing, prepared by Dods Monitoring's Rica Hülseberg, Fabio Sälzler and Maike Haas, examines the prospects of the candidates ...
German Election Results: What Comes After Angela Merkel? 30 Sep 2021. By Dr Brangwen Stone. Analysis. Olaf Scholz (SPD). Source: Dirk Vorderstraße ...
May 25, 2021 — A survey by Das Progressive Zentrum and Civey shows that the majority of Germans want the future chancellor to adopt a new style of ...
An entire generation has grown up and been politically socialised with Angela Merkel as the ruling Chancellor. None of her male predecessors in office ruled ...
Sep 20, 2021 — Germans head to the polls later this month to elect a new government. With the race to replace Angela Merkel as Chancellor still uncertain, ...
Sep 25, 2021 — Germany's closely-fought election on Sunday will set the direction of the European Union's largest economy following 16 years under Angela ...
The 2021 German federal election was held on 26 September 2021 to elect the members of the 20th Bundestag.[2][3][m] On the same day, state elections in ...
Jan 20, 2021 — It is the end of an era as German Chancellor Angela Merkel steps down as the head of her political party after 15 years in office & at least ...
Sep 3, 2021 — The conservative candidate to the German chancellorship Armin Laschet (CDU) presented Friday the political team that will back his campaign ...
4 days ago — The most likely outcome of the coalition talks under way in Germany is a Red, Yellow and Green coalition — the traffic light or, ...
Sep 3, 2020 — In Germany, Covid-19's effect on the image of political leaders becomes all the more important in the context of Chancellor Angela Merkel's ...
Sep 22, 2021 — The departure of Angela Merkel as Chancellor and CDU party leader have resulted in a wide open election, in which several parties, particularly ...
Sep 23, 2021 — Ahead of this weekend's election, which brings to an end Angela Merkel's long tenure as chancellor, we look at likely outcomes and its ...
Sep 23, 2021 — Angela Merkel, Germany's chancellor for the past 16 years, is approaching the end of a remarkable journey and three candidates are vying for ...
Nov 20, 2017 — Tracking German voting intention polls since the Bundestag election on Septmber 24, 2017.
Aug 12, 2021 — GERMANY'S upcoming federal election could be the most significant in decades, but Angela Merkel's successor Armin Laschet is struggling in ...
May 4, 2021 — While Chancellor Angela Merkel has resisted pressure to choose sides between the US and China, particularly when it comes to economic ties, ...
Dec 27, 2020 — German Health Minister Jens Spahn has taken over from Chancellor Angela Merkel as the nation's most popular politician, a poll showed Sunday ...
Mar 29, 2021 — After the political drama of the 2020 elections, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have begun their work with the new ...
Jun 16, 2021 — Chancellor Angela Merkel will leave active politics after the German federal elections on 26 September 2021. As Merkel's departure after ...
For the first time, Germany went into an election with a serving Chancellor not being a candidate. The absence of Angela Merkel led to anticipation of change.
Dec 23, 2020 — Millions of people around the world voted in 2020. Taiwanese voters reelected Tsai Ing-wen as president. Burmese voters returned Aung San ...
Jan 29, 2021 — Angela Merkel,Germany,Laschet. This time, the election of a new president of the German Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has caused more ...
Sep 20, 2021 — The next German general elections are on September 26, and this will be the first election in 16 years in which the powerful and popular ...
6 days ago — Explainer: The election is over but months of talks are just getting started to see who will succeed Angela Merkel.
May 12, 2021 — If Annalena Baerbock secures the chancellorship in September, she'll have an opportunity to make Central Europe greener.
Sep 14, 2021 — D. in physical chemistry. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a former scientist, will step down following parliamentary elections on 26 September, ...
Sep 21, 2021 — The German chancellor enabled authoritarians in the EU. Will whoever succeeds her prove different? Angela Merkel Visits Her Home Town.
Sep 17, 2021 — Germany will be going to the polls on September 26, 2021. After 16 years at the helm of the German government, Federal Chancellor Angela ...
Sep 24, 2021 — In power for so long that a whole generation of Germans grew up knowing only her as chancellor, Angela Merkel is due to bow out of politics ...
Sep 24, 2021 — Image of the Week: Germany's unflappable, long-serving chancellor departs the political stage with a rare show of vulnerability.
With Angela Merkel stepping down after 15 years, Germany will get a new government in 2021. The only certainty seems that the Green Party will be part of ...
Sep 14, 2021 — The outcome of the upcoming German elections is uncertain. Many observers are concerned about who will succeed Angela Merkel after 16 years ...
Sep 23, 2021 — The German elections have serious implications for the climate, housing and healthcare. There are major differences...
6 days ago — Angela Merkel was labelled the 'climate chancellor'. But powerful coal and car industries limited her achievements. Will her successor break ...

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