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Dec 2, 2011


Ending the Drug War: Top Stories of 2011
Huffington Post (blog)
This week two new national shows will highlight the medical marijuana issue and trade. The Discovery Channel is doing a reality TV like show on Harborside, the largest medical marijuana dispensary in the country. National GeographicInvestigates is ...
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Slut Genes, Rats, 16th Notes, and Writing: Neuron Culture's November Hits
Wired News
David Dobbs writes features and essays for publications including the Atlantic, the New York Times Magazine, National Geographic, Wired, the Guardian, and other publications, and is working on his fourth book, The Orchid and the Dandelion.
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Clackamas County events roundup: violin tasting, holiday celebrations ...
Oregon Country Settlement, 73370 E. Buggy Trail Lane, Rhododendron; free admission; or CascadeGeographic Society, 503-622-4798 Family Story Time: Weekly 10 am Tue. Hoodland Public Library, 68256 E. Highway 26, Welches; free; ...
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National Geographic's 2011 Energy News Quiz
By The Huffington Post News Editors
Try this quiz and see how much you know about this year's top energy headlines. Read the whole storyNational Geographic. FOLLOW HUFFPOST GREEN. ON. Facebook: Like. 73K. Twitter: Get Alerts. CONTRIBUTE. TO THIS STORY ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
India Stems Tide of Pollution Into Ganges River - National ...
Search ... This story is part of a special NationalGeographic News series on global water issues. .... Best Space Pictures of 2011...
BBC News - Belfast in National Geographic top 10 destinations
... Geographic Traveller The National Geographic Traveller has voted Belfast one of of the top 10 places to visit in the world. Continue reading the main story ...
Shark Attacks: National Geographic's Friday Marathon - ABC News
They're the stuff of Hollywood, breathless news stories and more than a few ... SoNational Geographic's Nat Geo WILD channel is running a nine-hour ...
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Viewing: Netimperative | News | National Geographic augmented reality promo puts ... National Geographic augmented reality promo puts users on the moon ...
National Geographic's New Special to Uncover Mysteries Behind ...
National Geographic Channel's new documentary, JFK: The Lost Bullet, ... With his key account as well as other eyewitness stories, archived photos, and the ...
National Geographic rates Vancouver garden as the world's best
Vancouver's Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Garden has been named No. 1 on a list of city gardens around the world in.
National Geographic puts Lanark maple syrup top of list - News - By ...
News National Geographic puts Lanark maple syrup top of list by EMC News.... The full story can be seen at ...
National Geographic journalists on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ ...
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National Geographic Announces Start of Online ... - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: Contact: Ellen Stanley, National Geographic, +1-202-775- 6755, ... Full Story »Take a Look At Some of the Amazing Pictures From NationalGeographic's 2011 Photo Nominee Contest ... What is your top issue this election ? ...
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Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-SwedishUnder the SunStealing Jake

LIBYA News, Dec 02, 2011

LSE criticised for links with Gaddafi regime in Libya
BBC News
By Stuart Hughes BBC News The London School of Economics has been heavily criticised for a "chapter of failures" in its links with the Gaddafi regime in Libya. A report by former Lord Chief Justice Lord Woolf says mistakes and errors of judgement ...
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Libya displays Roman treasures looted by Gaddafi troops
Libya overthrew Gaddafi in an seven-month war, the bloodiest of this year's Arab Spring uprisings. The country's cultural heritage emerged from the fighting relatively unscathed. The biggest theft reported so far was a huge collection of ancient coins, ...
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Aisha Gaddafi, Daughter Of Former Libya Leader, Calls For Overthrow Of New Rulers
Huffington Post
Gadhafi, Libya's dictator for 42 years, was captured with his son Muatassim on Oct. 20 and killed by rebels. As the Libyan capital of Tripoli fell to rebel forces, Aisha, her mother and two of her brothers took refuge in neighboring Algeria. ...
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Libya leader, in Khartoum, thanks Sudan for weapons
"The Libyan people have given the Sudanese people the greatest gift, and that is the liberation ofLibya from Gaddafi and his regime," Bashir told the conference. "Sudan has experienced no harm, even from the colonial nations, like the injury caused by ...
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North Africa: Not Yet Time for Celebration in Libya
A closer look at the situation in post-Gaddafi Libya reveals that it is too soon to start celebrating. As in similar other conflict situations such as Iraq, the military victory of the NTC and NATO overGaddafi simply marks the beginning of the more ...
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Libyan Berbers protest outside PM's office
The Amazigh, or Berber, people are seeking recognition of their language and culture now that Muammar Gaddafi's repressive rule is over, and their demands are causing tensions with the Arab majority. The dispute is one of dozens in Libyan society that ...
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Gaddafi and me: professor explains why LSE took cash from Libyan tyrant's son
The Independent
A description of how Saif Gaddafi changed into a "frightened" man as the Libyan revolution approached is given today by his informal academic adviser from the London School of Economics. Professor David Held, professor of political science at the LSE, ...
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Saif Gaddafi London School Of Economics Admittance Investigated
Huffington Post
After the start of the uprising in Libya, the London School of Economics found itself increasingly criticized for its ties to Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, Colonel Gaddafi's son and heir-apparent. In March 2011, when the Libyan uprising gained strength and ...
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Gaddafi donation to LSE may have come from bribes, inquiry finds
The Guardian
Muammar Gaddafi's son is now in custody in Libya after being captured in the country's southern desert earlier this month. Held has extensive ties to Saif al-Islam. The academic, who is leaving the LSE in January, was appointed to the board of the ...
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The Guardian
The Son Also Sets: Behind Saif al-Islam Gaddafi's Capture
Perhaps it is all hindsight now for Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, 39, the son and would-be heir of the recently and violently deceased Muammar, as he sits in detention in western Libya. No longer a fugitive from his country's new powers-that-be, ...
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Al Jazeera: Gaddafi: The End Game
In the third episode, State of Denial, Anne had exclusive access to the key British andLibyan players who planned the war against Gaddafi in London and Libya. “The disintegration of the Gaddafi regime in Libya surprised and confused the world – not...
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Davies blamed over Gaddafi's gift to LSE
Financial Times
Lord Woolf revealed that the LSE was not offered the £1.5m donation spontaneously, but solicited it from the Gaddafi Foundation, a charity run by Seif al-Islam Gaddafi, the former dictator's son. The younger Mr Gaddafi, now held by the Libyan ...
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Financial Times
The West's shameless conspiracy against Saif al-Islam Gaddafi
The Citizen Daily
Journalists who flew in the plane that was dispatched to pick up Saif al-Islam in Awbari, an oil outpost in southern Libya, said the younger Gaddafi was captured in the dead of night with his most trusted lieutenants. He was attempting to cross into ...
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Leaked UN report reveals torture, lynchings and abuse in post-Gaddafi Libya
Daily Caller
The document, seen by The Independent, states that while political prisoners being held by the Gaddafi regime have been released, their places have been taken by up to 7000 new “enemies of the state”, “disappeared” in a dysfunctional system, ...
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Daily Caller
UN faults Libya's NTC for legal limbo
Al Jazeera
A new United Nations report says up to 7000 people suspected to have fought with MuammarGaddafi forces, are being held in Libya without legal representation. Of the 7000 currently under National Transitional Council-administered custody, ...
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How Gaddafi toppled a Roman emperor
The Guardian (blog)
Septimius Severus was Libyan. Tripoli, when you come to think about it, has a nice Greek ring to it, and indeed means "three cities" – ancient Tripolitania consisting of Sabratha, Oea and Lepcis Magna. His legacy in Tripolitania was a massive ...
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Newsmaker: Technocrat "oil man" takes charge of Libya lifeline
Gaddafi - or they amplified their connections with Gaddafi in order to increase their prestige," said Geoff Porter, a US independent expert on Libya. "In the new post-Gaddafi Libya, they are tainted and would have been rejected by the Libyan population ...
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The Libyan government apparently wants to share its successful experience of overthrowing theGaddafi regime with like-minded Syrians. It has sent 600 of its troops to support local militants against the Assad regime, according to media reports. ...
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Libya opens door to foreign investment – slowly
Jerusalem Post
After eight months of civil war, the door to foreign investment in Libya is slowly opening again – but businesses will likely find a very different country behind it than they knew from the era of strongman Muamar Gaddafi. More emphasis is likely to be ...
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Campaign deconstructed
Financial Times
Col Gaddafi did not make it out of Libya alive. But that hasn't stopped Nando's, the South Africa-based fast food company, picking up on the theme for its festive season ad. The comical campaign is the latest in a Nando's tradition of injecting humour ...
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Was Gaddafi 'cyber spying' on opponents in the UK?
Bureau of Investigative Journalism
But a Libya-based individual who is identified in a draft of the manual was summoned in 2009 to explain his emails by Gaddafi's feared spying chief, Moussa Koussa. It is not known, however, whether this was directly connected or not. ...
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Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Repatriation of remains of 13 US soldiers in Libya may not happen soon
Washington Post
Their efforts have been alternately blocked by the Gaddafi government and resisted by defense officials. This week, three months after the ouster of the Gaddafi government, the Senate was on the brink of passing legislation that would have required the ...
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LSE chief accepts Gaddafi report
The Press Association
The head of the London School of Economics (LSE) says a report criticising its acceptance of a £1.5 million donation from Libya showed "failings in our governance and management". Colonel MuammarGaddafi's most high-profile son, Saif al-Islam, ...
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Funny Nando commercial features Colonel Gaddafi Saddam Hussein Mugabe ...
Nando's the chicken restaurant chain has courted controversy over its new advertisement which features Colonel Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein. Gaddafi and Hussein, the deceased leaders ofLibya, and Iraq repectively, are seen joking with each other in the ...
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LSE checks Seif Gaddafi's input into his PhD
Financial Times
Mr Gaddafi received help with his application to study at the LSE. BAE Systems seconded someone to work for him in Libya in 2002, who assisted him with the process. The same year, the Foreign Office in London asked whether Oxford would admit him, ...
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Libyan in(ter)vention: False facts fatal for Gaddafi — RT
Sanctions against Syria and looming prospects of an intervention into the country are drawing ever more parallels with the war in Libya. But as it turned out, the “facts” used to wage a “humanitarian war” on Tripoli, underwent almost no ...
News RSS : Today
Twitter Trackbacks for BBC News - Libyan fighter: 'I spoke to Gaddafi ...
In the short time between Colonel Gaddafi's capture and his death in September, rebel fighter Mohammed Sheba had the chance to speak to the deposed Libyan leader.
Topsy - Top 100
Libya S.O.S.: Libya news [backup libyasos] 02. November - 07 ...
By .
00h/ LibyaS.O.S. Daily News -> 23h/ Belarus Prepares to Confront NATO Military Aggression - ““There was an act of aggression and the national leaders, including Gaddafi, were killed. He was not killed ...
Libya S.O.S.
Saif Gaddafi needs surgery for gangrenous fingers
... al-Islam Gaddafi in Zintan has said that the captured son of the slain Col. Gaddafi requires surgical intervention to prevent the spread of a gangrenous infection in his wounded fingers. ...Speculation has been rife regarding how Saif injured his bandage hand. The Week reported that there were rumours NTC Libyan fighters had sliced off the fingers as revenge. ... Olive picking in Greece · 12 CIA agents arrested in Iran · Russian news anchor fired over middle finger gesture on live TV ...
RSS Feed - Latest Digital Journal News
Gaddafi's daughter urges overthrow of Libyan ... - Andhra
The daughter of slain dictator Muammar Gaddafi has urged Libyan people to overthrow the transitional government that has toppled her father's regime. - - News & Feature Updates
aangirfan: LIBYA NEWS 29 NOVEMBER 2011
By Anon
LIBYA NEWS 29 NOVEMBER 2011. Libyan resistance news - 29. 11. 2011.] (1) The anti-Gaddafirebels emptied Libyan community banks of gold backed dinar and gold bullion. The new currency is not acceptable in neighboring Tunisia, ...
UN report: 7000 enemy of state prisoners held by Libya's NTC
Tripoli - Human rights abuses are rife in post-Gaddafi Libya. They have been reported on by human rights teams. Now, a new report by the United Nations, which criticizes the plight of 7000 prisoners held in inhumane conditions under rebel ...
RSS Feed - Latest Digital Journal News
Saddam, Gaddafi and the Arabs: An African perspective
Saddam, Gaddafi and the Arabs: An African perspective. On November 30, 2011 · In Viewpoint · Tweet. BY YUSHAU SHUAIB THE news has it that Saif al-Islam was arrested in Libya without being brutally killed like other members of his family. ...
Vanguard News
Pan-African News Wire: The Troubling Case of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi
By Pan-African News Wire
Libyan leader Seif al-Islam Gaddafi was captured in the south of the country. Seif is the heir apparent to Muammar Gaddafi, the martyred leader of this North African oil-rich state., a photo by Pan-AfricanNews Wire File Photos on Flickr. ...
Pan-African News Wire
Davies blamed over Gaddafi's gift to LSE « Shabab Libya
By om.amer
Lord Woolf revealed that the LSE was not spontaneously offered the £1.5m donation, but solicited it from the Gaddafi Foundation, a charity run by Seif al-Islam Gaddafi, the former dictator's son. The younger Mr Gaddafi, now held by the Libyan ...
Shabab Libya
BBC News - Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam captured in Libya
Colonel Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam has been captured, Libyan officials say. He was taken by fighters near the southern town of Obari and flown to the city of ...
Saif al-Islam Gaddafi Captured in Libya - Link News
Libya's interim prime minister has officially announced the capture of Muammar Gaddafi's ...
ICC prosecutor happy for Libya to try Gaddafi son - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: TRIPOLI (Reuters) - The International Criminal Court's prosecutor said Wednesday he was happy for Libya rather than the Hague to try ...
Gaddafi's spy chief captured in Libya - ABC News (Australian ...
Moamar Gaddafi's spy chief has been arrested in a remote Libyan desert one day after the capture of the former dictator's son.
Saif al-Islam Gaddafi arrested in South Libya | EITB News World
Muammar Gaddafis son and heir apparent Saif al-Islam has been detained in the southern desert, Libyas interim justice minister and other officials said...
DTN News - POST-GADDAFI ERA IN LIBYA: Abdullah Naker ...
(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - November 18, 2011: Tripoli militia leader Abdullah Naker speaks during an interview in Tripoli November 16, 2011 ...
AMIN - Libya displays Roman treasures looted by Gaddafi troops ...
Libya displays Roman treasures looted by Gaddafi troops.
News | Last Gaddafi Regime Member Caught In Libya - Classic FM
Last Gaddafi Regime Member Caught In Libya news on Classic FM. All the latest news headlines, business stories and sport.
Gaddafi son to face trial in Libya - World News, Breaking News ...
Muammar Gaddafi's son and one-time heir apparent, Saif al-Islam, will be tried at home and will not be handed over to the International Criminal Court in The ...
Gaddafi daughter asks Libyans to revolt, Libya General News ...
Moscow, Nov 30 (IANS/RIA Novosti) Aisha Gaddafi, daughter of slain Libyan leader MuammarGaddafi,
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Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-SwedishUnder the SunStealing Jake