9 hours ago · WORLD Radio - Thursday morning news - August 11, 2022. President Biden signs PACT Act to help veterans who are burn pit victims, President Trump pleads the 5th when called to testify in New York, Iranian operative charged with plot to kill John Bolton, Inflation dipped to 8.5 percent in July, Explosions at the Saki airbase in Crimea destroyed ...
Aug 11, 2022
LATEST World News, Aug 11, 2022
ISLE of Bombay (Maharashtra, India), Info, Aug 11, 2022
Isle of Bombay was one of the Seven Islands of Bombay, an archipelago of islands that were, in the eighteenth century, connected to form the area of the modern city of Bombay in India. The island was the main harbour and the Base of the British from where the city expanded.
MOOLAMPILLY Island (Kerala, India), Info, Aug 11, 2022
Moolampilly is an Island in Kochi surrounded by river Periyar. It is a part of Kadamakkudy grama panchyath, Kanayannur Taluk, Ernakulam District in the Indian state of Kerala. The Word " Moolampilly" is derived from the Portuguese word " Molambo" means Rag. The Portuguese people created the christian community in moolampilly island.
TOGEAN (Togian) ISLANDS (Indonesia), Info, Aug 11, 2022
Togean (sometimes spelled Togian) is an Indonesian island in the Gulf of Tomini, part of the Togean Archipelago. It is administratively part of the Tojo Una-Una Regency of Central Sulawesi, consisting largely of the Togean District with the Tanjung Pude village, part of the Una Una District, sitting on the western part of the island.
CHRISTIE ISLAND (Myanmar, Burma), Info, Aug 11, 2022
Christie Island Christie Island is an island in the Mergui Archipelago and the southernmost point of Burma. It lies at the southern end of the archipelago 18 km to the NNE of Ko Surin Nuea, and the Thai-Burmese oceanic border is located between these two islands. Map Photo Map Satellite Directions Wikipedia Wikidata Type: Island