Today: Wednesday, April 01, 2020


ALS, Alexander Language Schools Franchise

Apr 1, 2020

LATEST World News, Apr 01, 2020

April 1, 2020 ... The new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people. ... Speaking to CNN, Pence says, “We think Italy may be the most ... governors and local officials have warned their states need urgent federal help to avoid a similar fate. ... Some European countries such as France recently decided to ...

PHILIP W. ANDERSON, American Theoretical Physicist and Nobel Laureate, Info, Apr 01, 2020

Philip Warren Anderson (December 13, 1923 – March 29, 2020) was an American theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate.

TOMIE dePAOLA, American Writer and Illustrator, Info, Apr 01, 2020

Thomas Anthony "Tomie" dePaola /ˈtɒmi dəˈpaʊlə/; September 15, 1934 – March 30, 2020) was an American writer and illustrator who created more than 260 children's books such as Strega Nona. He received the Children's Literature Legacy Award for his lifetime contribution to American children's literature in 2011.

ALAN MERRILL, American Vocalist, Guitarist, Songwriter, Actor and Model, Info, Apr 01, 2020

Alan Merrill was an American vocalist, guitarist, songwriter, actor and model. In the early 1970s, Merrill was the first Westerner to achieve pop star status in ...