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Jun 14, 2011


World News
1:12pm Spectators trying to get one of the 60 courtroom
seats available to the public in the Casey Anthony trial in
Florida have created scenes reminiscent of the running of
the bulls in Spain.
12:46pm An FBI examiner has testified that she saw the outline
of a small heart on the duct tape US prosecutors say Casey
Anthony used to smother her two-year-old daughter Caylee three
years ago this week.
11:07am Lawyers for a woman blamed by an insider trading
co-defendant for using pillow talk to get inside secrets have
faulted her boss, saying he bullied her during a 20-year affair
to make her get illegal secrets for him.

9:06am US President Barack Obama says that if he were in
disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner's place, he would resign
over the sending of lewd photos to women in online exchanges.
8:12am The Israeli grandfather and French mother of a
four-year-old French girl were sentenced to life in prison on
Monday for having murdered the child, public radio reported.
8:51am Four decades ago, a young defence analyst leaked a
top-secret study packed with damaging revelations about US
conduct of the Vietnam War. On Monday, that study, dubbed the
Pentagon Papers, finally came out in complete form. It is a
touchstone for whistleblowers everywhere and just the sort of
leak that gives presidents fits to this day.
8:44am One of the men alleged to have murdered bride Anni Dewani
on the orders of her newlywed husband has had surgery to remove
a brain tumour, media reported on Monday as the case resumed.
8:51am The California radio preacher who predicted the world
would end last month was recuperating on Monday after suffering
a mild stroke, his family and colleagues said.
3:24pm A Nigerian woman has been convicted of human trafficking
and several other charges after forcing two women to work unpaid
for her for years, in what US prosecutors called "a case of
modern day slavery".
11:44am An Australian pilot died and three passengers had to
jump to safety when an airship caught fire and crashed in
10:05am Prime Minster John Key is urging quake-hit Christchurch
residents not to give up hope and leave the city permanently.
Rome Prime Minister faces prospect of fresh humiliation
following local election defeats.
Beijing Emergency vehicles torched in outburst of anger against
police abuse.
Nice, France Police charge retired electrician and his wife with
stashing 271 stolen Picasso artworks.
Amman Jordan's powerful opposition Islamists sceptical about
promised reform.
Cara Buckley All things must pass, and now so has Trouble, the
lapdog turned multimillion-dollar heiress who most likely lived
out her golden years without realising she was the world's most
hated Maltese.
Seth Mydans Yingluck Shinawatra has struck a chord with the
country's poor.
Simon Mann, Washington US Supreme Court is set to rule on
whether female employees can sue Walmart in a class action.
Felicia Sonmez, Washington As pressure mounts on Democratic
congressman Anthony Weiner to resign, nearly a dozen new
suggestive photos surface online.
London Rights campaigners react furiously after a US student
based in Scotland unmasks himself as the author of the Gay Girl
in Damascus blog.
Paul Richter, Washington The Pentagon and the Iraqi government
are finally closing the books on the reconstruction program for
postwar Iraq.
Sebnem Arsu, Istanbul Conservative party of Turkish Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan wins clear victory in
parliamentary elections.
Sebnem Arsu ISTANBUL: The conservative party of the Turkish
Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, won a clear victory in
parliamentary elections, with a strong showing that critics
worry might be used to further consolidate its power and
circumscribe civil liberties as well as its political
Richard Spencer, Londonthe New York Times KING ABDULLAH of
Jordan has become the first Middle Eastern leader to hand over
substantial power voluntarily since the start of the ''Arab
Tony Brenton IN THE sunshine of a Moscow summer, the two men
seen cycling through a park on the outskirts of the capital at
the weekend looked for all the world like a couple of pals on an
informal bike ride.
John Hooper ROME: Italians went to the polls for a second day in
the world's first nuclear referendum since the Fukushima
disaster, a critical ballot that represents a trial of strength
between the Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, and his critics.
PARIS: The heiress to the L'Oreal cosmetics empire has branded
her estranged daughter mentally disturbed, as their battle
re-erupted over the family billions.
Christchurch CHRISTCHURCH was jolted back to the terror of
September and February when two powerful aftershocks struck the
city yesterday.
Simon Mann WASHINGTON: The US Supreme Court is set to rule on
whether women employees can sue Walmart in a class action that
could cost the retail behemoth billions of dollars, while
landing it with a public relations disaster.
Melissa Bell, Elizabeth Flock IN RECENT days, the world has
followed closely the saga of Amina Araff, the blogger who
presented herself online as ''A Gay Girl in Damascus'' and who
drew attention with her passionate writings about the Syrian
government's crackdown on Arab Spring protesters.

One True LoveBorn This Way (Special Edition)21

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood forms coalition - The Washington Post

By , Published: June 13

CAIRO — Egypt’s most organized and powerful Islamist movement on Monday announced it intends to join forces with one of the nation’s oldest liberal parties, presenting a formidable coalition for upcoming parliamentary elections.
The alliance would unite the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party and the Wafd Party, a liberal party established just after World War I, to run on one candidate list in the elections scheduled for September. The move is likely to be a significant boost for the Brotherhood, a well-organized political group that expects to take a third of parliament’s seats.

Afghan Taliban reconciliation: Afghans fearful of push to negotiate with Taliban -

Afghan women at Friday prayers in Kabul

By Laura King, Los Angeles Times
June 13, 2011, 9:02 p.m.
Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan— It was a peaceful afternoon in a rose-fragrant Kabul park set aside for women. But when girls and women strolling its pathways were asked about the Afghan government's overtures to the Taliban movement, faces that had been alight with pleasure grew tight with apprehension.