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Dec 28, 2011

LIFESTYLE News, Dec 28, 2011

Najlah Feanny / CorbisLife Expectancy: Another Way New Yorkers Are Better
New Yorkers aren't exactly known for their zen, health-promotinglifestyles, but new data show that life expectancy for city residents surpasses the rest of the US How did that happen? By Alice Park | @aliceparkny | December 28, 2011 | + Seniors at the ...
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How Using Notecards Will Change Your Life
Boston Herald (blog)
Taylor Wells is a lifestyle entrepreneur and happy Supermom of five. She has co-founded numerous wellness ventures, including Prana Power Yoga (five locations), Prana Restaurant,,, and Prana Super-mom Consulting. ...
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Don't wait 'til spring
Gettysburg Times
A lot of discipline is going to be required for the first few weeks until better lifestylehabits can become established. Discipline has to be taken seriously because without it you will fail. Period. A pound of fat contains 3500 calories, ...
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Coalition seeks to enlist 10 percent of Appanoose County residents in 100 Day ...
Centerville Daily Iowegian
By Krystal Fowler - Lifestyle editor Daily Iowegian The newly formed Appanoose County Wellness Coalition wants Appanoose County to have the highest percentage of participants in Live Healthy Iowa's 100 Day Wellness Challenge in 2012. ...
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Vidya Balan joins Achievers' Club
Washington Bangla Radio
Harish Moolchandani, CEO & Managing Director Beam India & ISC said, “With the debut of the Achievers' Club on Star World, we would like to showcase to the world the celebrated life of achievers, their lifestyle and their passions as shared with Vir ...
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Short loving Louisiana lifestyle
Vernon Morning Star
Away from the ice, Short pretty much lives the college campus life as the Ice Gators have taken up residence at University of Louisiana-Lafayette. “We're done practice at 11 am and we've got the rest of the day to do what we want,” said Short,...
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Shedding 5st improved Hayley's health
At the beginning I was worried that it was going to end up the way all my other diets in the past had, but as it turned out, it was a change of lifestyle that really worked for me. It's not just a diet, it changes your way of eating. ...
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An ageing dilemma
Malaysia Star
And there are others who choose such a lifestyle – not because they are unable to compete with the younger generation, but by choice to affiliate with peers of similar interest – whether it's golf, bowling, bridge, bungee jumping or parachuting (thanks ...
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Malaysia Star
Along came a spider…
Independent Online
Phobias are thought to be caused by a combination of biological factors and life events, much in the way other disorders are influenced by a person's genes and lifestyle. Phobias can take on three main forms. People who experience seemingly excessive ...
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Independent Online
Make your New Year's resolutions count this year
Greeley Tribune
Maki says the primary hurdle for people to maintain their new lifestyle is their already-busy, pre-existing lifestyle. Between job, family and school obligations, there may not be enough time to keep up with goals, so it's important to have a plan, ...
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Kidney transplants offer freedom from tyranny of 'life-support' dialysis
He first chose peritoneal, as it better suited his busy lifestyle as a lawyer. He could do it at home and not be tied to the hospital's schedule. Two years passed, and in October 2001, he received the phone call telling him a suitable kidney had been ...
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There's time
No late-night TV or heavy-duty social life. If you have a fitness center at work, use it. "If they have a staff, tell them your goals and how much time you have so they can create a program for you," says lifestyle interventionist Meghan Oefinger. ...
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Marco Bicego on taking on the world
Professional Jeweller
“I love this job but I love to have a life and a family and play soccer and tennis,” he says. Lifestyle is an integral part of the Marco Bicego brand and Bicego is keen to share his love of the Italian style of living with the world. ...
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Professional Jeweller
New year, new plan
Malaysia Star
To quote that famous brand – just do it, because when your kids see you living a healthy lifestyle, they will, too. > Spend time with nature: We can't emphasise this enough. It's great for the whole family to relax in the great outdoors, get some fresh...
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Naples man sentenced to two life terms in San Carlos Park slayings
The News-Press
“She was wanting to get away from drugs, she wanted to change her lifestyle so she could have her family back.” Moretto was convicted last month of killing Bianchi – his roommate at the time – and her boyfriend, Jason Erichowsky, 39, then burying their ...
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Life begins at 40 but confidence peaks at 52 years and two months for British ...
Daily Mail
Sophie Colling, from Kellogg's slimming and lifestyle website, which carried out the study, said: 'It seems women in their fifties have it sussed when it comes to really understanding the relationship between feeling good on the inside ...
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Daily Mail
Catching up with: Siggie Sarna
Suburban Life Publications
... Suburban Life correspondent Earlier this year, Siggie Sarna was obese, weighing in at 252 pounds. The 44-year-old single mother of two knew, after a stern warning from her doctor, she had to change her lifestyle. “I've never cooked healthy, ...
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Parkinson's Disease: Take Control with Lifestyle Changes in Brain Healthy ... (press release)
However, they have mastered living a good life, relegating Parkinson's to the back seat as just a passenger. Beyond that fitting metaphor, Mike also happens to be a lifelong collector and creative restorer of automobiles, including the beloved Dodge...
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Breastfeeding reduces obesity risk in kids: LIFE
Stressing it further, experts from the University of Copenhagen have revealed that breastfed children apparently follow a healthy pattern of growth which keeps them safe from lifestyle diseases and obesity. This link was not observed in kids who were ...
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Hasidic reggae-rapper Matisyahu shaves beard
Washington Post (blog)
He was the most visible example of the blending of an ultra- Orthodox religiouslifestyle with the creative counterculture of reggae and hip-hop. Hasidic Jews separate the sexes, for instance, and married men are forbidden to touch women who are not ...
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Health 4 Life announces 'Biggest Loser' winners
Rapid City Journal
... anyone can do it with the proper lifestyle change." Moir said she plans to conduct another "Biggest Loser" contest in the Spring and possibly change it up to a shorter six-week time period. For more information, call Health 4 Life Fitness at 745-5558.
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Tarzan Movie Chimp, 82, Lived Long Life
During the winter months, he liked to eat oatmeal and Cream of Wheat. It was alifestyle that Cheetah enjoyed for years, many more than the average chimp. Cobb says that in the wild, the average life span of a chimp is 25 to 35 years. ...
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Shy cartoon addict seeks live-in maid
China Daily
While parents, relatives, schoolmates, friends even a girlfriend, might interrupt his freedom and lifestyle, a hired servant would not, he added. Wang Jianrui, a lawyer in Hubei Today Law Firm, said the employee should have a closer look at the ...
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News Year's resolutions: once more with feeling
Vancouver Courier
... whether it's of getting in the best shape of their life or losing 10 pounds, they've probably set that same resolution for the past 10 years," he said. Logically, he continues, these people know why a healthy lifestyle is a smart choice. ...
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Why you'll be seeing less of us in 2012
Belfast Telegraph
Every year it tops the list of New Year Resolutions — losing weight and adopting a healthier lifestyle. In Northern Ireland obesity rates have reached crisis point with 60% of the adult population said to be overweight or obese. ...
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Belfast Telegraph
Buying life insurance is accounting for potential bad times during a person's ...
Today most families need the income of both spouses regardless of the amount they get to live their lifestyle needs. Coverage of Lifecomes into play if one spouse dies prematurely and revenue is still needed for the family. ...
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Promises, promises
Gazette Virginian
My resolutions are simple ones, to live a healthier lifestyle, do a better job with my finances and to better appreciate my family and friends. It's nice to know I have company in the unfulfilled resolutions category. Looking at various surveys most ...
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Dalglish on the offensive over Carroll
Irish Times
The Scot believes claims that the striker's lifestyle is incompatible with a top-flight career are based on nothing more than the "furtive imagination" of the media. The 22-year-old is a month away from marking his first anniversary at Anfield having ...
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Reach your goals' peak in 2012
Gilroy Dispatch
See the changes as a lifestyle. Or, maybe for you, start off with one day a week, and work your way up. Remember, a safe measurement of weight loss for most people is one to two pounds a week, Calvo adds. Each pound should be celebrated. ...
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Baby No. 2 for Alessandra Ambrósio
People Magazine (blog)
As long as they have a good family unit for their children who are you to question or judge their lifestyle? There many more issues out there that warrant debate but, you past judgment on people who living their lives before you expressed your feelings ...
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Island life builds 'creative momentum' - Sudbury Lifestyle News
Nine musicians, seven days, one log cabin. The result? Eighteen songs that will contribute to Pistol George Warren's second full-length album, Mindemoya.
'Glam Life' Marks Third Mobiles Republic App to Reach Top 10 on ...
'Glam Life' Marks Third Mobiles Republic App to Reach Top 10 on Android Market.Lifestyle News App Continues Success of 'News Republic' and 'APPY Geek'.
Follow healthy lifestyle with lifestyle news | I Heart Gretchen Lowell
Lifestyle news is all about a interpretation as well as discipline with regards to alife-style of people. It offers sum of a rational lifestyle as well as highlights a ...
Kyiv Post. Independence. Community. Trust - Lifestyle - News ...
News Avalanches no problem for Sochi Alpine events Yesterday at 14:49 ... Most popular Lifestyle. Read ... George Michael thanks hospital for saving life ...
Today's Women | News | Life & Times - The Lifestyle Newspaper ...
First of its kind in Nepal, Life & Times is the only lifestyle weekly newspaper in the country. With lifestyle news along with content comprising of tech, style, decor,...
Facebook has a new feature: Timeline of your life on one page ...
SeniorLifeStyleNews is an online community of resources and news for 50+ seniors. Covering senior topics, breaking news, aging, health, fitness, senior living,...
Beauty News
(From mid-January Life Pharmacy in Westfield Mall Albany will play host to a Dermalogica ... Stay up to date with tips & tricks, and the latest healthy livingnews. ...
Breastfeeding cuts kids' risk of developing lifestyle diseases later in life
Read the full story of Breastfeeding cuts kids' risk of developing lifestyle diseases later in life - Washington, Dec 21 : Breastfeeding children promotes healthy ...
Nativity scene comes to life - Lifestyle - Scarborough Evening News
LENNY the donkey was the star attraction at South Cliff Methodist Church candlelit carol service alongside nativity inspired youngsters from Jitterbugs Childcare ...
Multi-vitamin pills 'a waste of money' - study - Life & Style - NZ ...
They are a daily essential for millions of people hoping to ward off ill-health, but vitamin pills do nothing for our health, according to a major study.
Surgical checklist 'can save lives' - Daily News | Lifestyle |
Independent Newspapers subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don't live up to the ...
Night life in Barcelona | News Lifestyle
Article by Sarah Thomason The need for vacation is becoming more with the stressful life that one has these days. One of the best places to go for a.
Key to a happier life? Sleep on the left-hand side of bed! - Indian ...
Agencies Tags : sleep, left hand side, happier life, lifestyle news Posted: Fri Dec 23 2011, 12:47 hrs London: Sleep. People who sleep on left side have more ...
Christmas Fair opens in Kiev, Ukraine - Lifestyle News - SINA English
SINA English is the English-language destination for news and information about China. Find general information on life, culture and travel in China through our ...
Reflections of skill derive from live model art - Dayton Daily News
One of the hardest techniques for artists to master is drawing from a live model. But just because something is hard, doesn't mean you shouldn't try to master it.
Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-SwedishUnder the SunStealing Jake

TASMANIA Summer News, Dec 28, 2011

a summer of discovery in the south
Tasmanian Government Media Releases (press release)
The Summer Discovery Ranger Program will run from 28 December and until 3 February showcasing the highlights of Tasmania's inspiring national parks, reserves and natural places. Sarah Mahoney is the Discovery Ranger for the Tasman area and has been ...
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Tassie's Cougar's super debut
Tasmania Mercury
After the Sydney-Hobart, Cougar II's new home will be the Royal Yacht Club ofTasmania, its base for Lyall's summer pennant campaign. It replaces Lyall's former Sydney-Hobart yacht Valheru, a 43-footer. "It's only 1 1/2 tons heavier than Valheru and ...
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a summer of discovery in the north
Tasmanian Government Media Releases (press release)
The Summer Discovery Ranger Program runs from 28 December until 3 February showcasing the highlights of Tasmania's inspiring national parks, reserves and natural places. John Bowden is the Discovery Ranger for Narawntapu National Park and has been ...
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a summer of discovery in the north west
Tasmanian Government Media Releases (press release)
The Summer Discovery Ranger Program runs from 28 December until 3 February showcasing the highlights of Tasmania's inspiring national parks, reserves and natural places. Cradle Mountain Discovery Ranger Alex Dudley has been working with the program for ...
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Big Ben back in the swing of things
The Canberra Times
Hilfenhaus said the time since has been spent working with Tasmania bowling coach Ali de Winter, fixing technical issues, among them correcting subtle changes in his action which followed his injury. He also adjusted his angle of delivery to maximise ...
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Room shortage hits tourism
Tasmania Mercury
Tourism Industry Council of Tasmania chief executive Luke Martin said heavily booked hotels had long been an issue over the peak periods in January, February and March. Mr Martin said investors had been stepping up to the plate with the $22 million ...
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Jim Kenzie's best and worst driving experiences of the year
My friend Doug Mepham and I had run the tenth Targa Tasmania car rally back in 2001, which led directly to the invention of Targa Newfoundland. 2011 was Tassie's 20th running, so Doug and I decided we should go back to celebrate the anniversary. ...
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Pre-season training with Tasmania bowling coach helped Hilfenhaus
Zee News
Most of the work over the off-season was based on technique and learning to use the crease a bit better and getting up and over my front knee basically," said Hilfenhaus, who was dropped from the Test squad after a disastrous Ashes series last summer. ...
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Zee News
Search for some hammock heaven in 2012
Yahoo!7 News
This small island off the north of Tasmania produces some of the best brie and soft cheeses in Australia. It's an island of long, empty beaches and clean, fresh air, offshore reefs, rocky coasts, lighthouses and more than 70 shipwreck sites. ...
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Yahoo!7 News
Summer festivals grog alert Tasmania News - The Mercury - The ...
Summer festivals grog alert MUSIC and summer festivals are used by alcohol companies to promote drinking to young people, say health experts.
Summer flights to Tasmania on rise, but operators ... -
EXTRA summer flights to Tasmania will help but what tourist operators really crave is competition from another player such as Tiger Airways, industry leader ...
Summer festivals grog alert
MUSIC and summer festivals are being used by alcohol companies to ... Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Council Tasmanian chief executive officer Jann Smith ...
Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-SwedishUnder the SunStealing Jake

SWITZERLAND Ski, Snow News, Dec 28, 2011

The Matterhorn towers over the slopes of Zermatt
Visit the film location: Swiss Alps
One of world's most elite ski resorts, Gstaad's tiny population of 2500 adds to its air of exclusivity, with the high-end stores on Main Street attesting to the serious cash that gets splashed here. Counting the likes of Roger Moore, Bernie Ecclestone, ...
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How to sell: Winter breaks
Hotelier Middle East
It covers 18 destinations across six countries, from picturesque Kitzbuhel in Austria and the glamorous Swiss resort of St Moritz to the stunning Canadian scenery of Lake Louise and snow sure Park City in America's Utah. While Emirates Holidays caters ...
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Hotelier Middle East

28 Dec - Latest snow update from
The USA, which had been suffering from snow shortages, has seen some of improvements with falls on both sides of the country although most areas could do with more. Finally, Scottish ski areas have suffered badly from the current warm snap in the UK ...
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Tourism registers Russian hype
Austrian Independent
Spa resorts and city hotels were apparently able to compensate the negative performance of many hotels in the Austrian Alps last month. Vast parts of the country are still waiting for the first snow to fall. However, some of the most popularskiing ...
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Year in review: First family comes to Vail
Vail Daily News
By Scott N. Miller First Lady Michelle Obama, center right, and her daughter Sasha Obama, 9, get their tickets scanned at the Eagle Bahn Gondola before heading up the mountain to ski in Vail in January. Maia Fishman, 7, center left, and Brielle Quigley ...
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Top 10 travel getaways of 2011
Times of India
Switzerland: Yash Chopra may have captured all of Switzerland's tulip gardens,snow-capped peaks, a carriage ride on a snowed down road, the meadows with cows grazing in them, but the culture, the richness, the setting of this country is something you ...
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Saas Fee Snow Report, 28 Dec 2011 | Ski Total
By Mark
Saas Fee, Switzerland Snow depth at the top of the ski area (3500m) is an amazing 329cm whilst in Saas Fee there is 59cm on the ground. The Pistes are perfectly groomed offering amazing skiing the entire way down to resort from the glacier ...
Ski Total News
Ski areas in Southwest Michigan wish for snow for Christmas | MLive ...
As of Tuesday, only one Southwest Michigan ski resort has had skiers on its slopes ... have to make snow,” said Jamie Stafne, director of marketing at SwissValley Ski and ... Kalamazoo News stories with the most comments in the last 7 days. ...
New Online Booking Service Makes Swiss Ski Resorts More ...
News: Ski Accommodation retailer, has launched a new ... that many Swiss resorts, once considered too pricey for many skiers and snow ...
PlanetSKI | News | Huge snowstorm hits The Alps
PlanetSKI reports from The Alps. "As I arrived in Verbier on Sunday I have never seen so much snow as we drove up the hill to the resort. Police were ensuring ...
Ski resorts receive lots of snow for busy holiday season. - swissinfo
Swiss ski regions have received plenty of snow just in time for the holiday ... You are » home » digest news » Ski resorts given gift of white ...
Snow in the Pyrenees - (Barèges,Encamp,Font Romeu) - Ski News
Snow has finally begun falling in the Pyrenees – one of the last major ski regions in Europe that was still warm and dry last week with almost no ski areas able to ...
All Five Scottish Ski Areas Open After Recovering From Storm ...
All five Scottish ski areas are opening for 2011-12 as of December 17th after two had ... Snow depth Austria: Snow depth Switzerland: Snow depth Italy: Snowdepth .... The good news is that at the moment there's plenty of snow on the slopes ...
Ski and snowboard news | information and updates > 22 Dec ...
Get your ski and snowboard news here Ski and Snowboard News. All news ...Ski resorts in Switzerland now have more than enough snow and indeed some ...
Ski like it's 1899 at 'Belle Époque' week, Switzerland - Telegraph
Adrian Bridge gets some idea at 'Belle Époque' week in the Swiss resort of ... http // ...
Skiwatch: Waist-deep powder has improved Europe's ski resorts ...
Snow is plentiful and the skiing is good in Zermatt, Switzerland. ... Swiss Saas Fee (29-245cm) has impressive depth while resorts in Bernese .... Zeitgeist is an experiment in showing trending news, topics and articles from the Guardian. ...
Latest Ski News - Ski Club of Great Britain
Welcome to the Ski Club website - join the Club to get the most from your visit ....Thorens have reported snowfall of over one metre, and Swiss resorts Zermatt and... you the ski and snowboard news in this week's Ski Club Snowcast: amazing...
Fortean Times Message Board :: View topic - Weird weather
Swiss ski resorts hit by drought. The traditional start of Switzerland's ski season has been marred by a shortage of snow across the Alps. ... Correspondents say the continuing drought is bad news for the country's tourism industry which is ...
Snow Alert in French and Swiss Alps | Ski Total
Snow depth at the top of the ski area in Lech, at Steinmader, is up to 120 cms with the snow depth in resort lies at 85 cms. We have had consistent snow fall over ...
No snow, no business | ABC57 | South Bend IN News, Weather and ...
While many Michiana residents were happy there was not a white Christmas, the owner of Swiss Valley Ski Resort in Jones, Michigan says the lack of snow is ...
Awesome Austrian Snowfalls
Austria has had lots of new snow and more is expected over the next few days. ...Ski resorts in Austria · Ski resorts in Switzerland · Ski resorts in Italy · Ski resorts in .... Sign up to receive the regular newsletter in your mailbox Subscribe tonews ...
Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-SwedishUnder the SunStealing Jake