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Aug 2, 2011

GREECE News, Aug 02, 2011

Basketball: BYU holds first pre-Greece practice
Salt Lake Tribune (blog)
... close to two hours today from my perch on the concourse level at the Marriott Center. It was the first practice in preparation for the once-every-four-years trip overseas. The Cougars will leave forGreece, where they will play five games, on Aug. ...
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Greece will not lose if we start EU entry talks, Ivanov says
The EU leaders should help the Greek PM George Papandreou and the leadership and to convince them that by accession talks Greece will not be a loser and by this we will all win, Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov said in the interview with today's ...
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Stanford economist: How do we 'get off this path of deficits as far as the eye ...
Stanford University News
"We are on a course and speed to be where Greece is today by roughly 2025. But nobody is going to bail out the United States," he said. "It's time to be creative." Economist John Shoven is director of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research ...
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Stanford University News
Greece in panic as it faces change of Homeric proportions
The Guardian
The fact that they are now emerging from Greece not only indicates the scale of financial distress, it suggests something else: Greece today looks like parts of Latin America in the worst moments of its financial crisis. In an echo of the days of Jim ...
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The Guardian
Germans Abetted Greek 'Kleptocrats' as Odious Sovereign Debt Grew: Books
As he sees it, Greece is more emerging than developed and had no business joining the euro to begin with. Forget the clever “Western branding” of his homeland as the cradle of philosophy and government by the demos. Greece today has become a ...
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Bachmann: We Are Greece
Fox News
But Lady Gaga opted for a different kind of daring today as she left her Los Angeles hotel.The 25-year-old star strolled along in a... We're recognizing that the only compromise that there is is mine." -- Sen. Harry Reid After getting soldier's heart, ...
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Commission details 'Marshall Plan' for Greece
by Daniel Mason A new "Marshall Plan" to give Greece and five other struggling economies easier access to European Union funds – in a bid to stimulate growth, create jobs and spark a strong recovery – was outlined in Brusselstoday. ...
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European Stocks Slide 10% From 2011 High
In April, Portugal followed Greece and Ireland to become the third euro-region nation to seek a rescue from the European Union. S&P has reduced its rating on Greece to CC, two steps above default, from BB+ on Feb. 17, and Moody's has cut its stance to ...
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Aug 1, 2011

SPACE, Astronomy News, Aug 01, 2011

NASA tech benefits human eyes
1 (UPI) -- Infrared vision technologies being incorporated in NASA's James Webb Space Telescope are already proving useful to human eye health. "The Webb telescope program has enabled a number of improvements in measurement technology for astronomy, ...
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Bellingham astronomer studying the edge of our solar system for New Horizons ...
Bellingham Herald
Parker has more than space on his mind. He also enjoys taking photographs, riding his mountain bike and playing his guitar. His interest in astronomy and music merged while in Victoria. He helped another graduate student, Melissa Graham, ...
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Bellingham Herald
Young astronauts to depart for Beijing tomorrow for seven days' training
7thSpace Interactive (press release)
Mr Tsang said at the ceremony that to arouse the interest of the new generation in astronomy andspace science and deepen teenagers' understanding of China's space technology and culture, the LCSD and the China Astronaut Research and Training Center ...
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Landing at Homewood
The JHU Gazette
The event, presented by the Maryland Space Grant Consortium and NASA, will take place in Schafler Auditorium in the Bloomberg Center for Physics and Astronomy. The crew will give a video presentation about the mission and answer questions from the ...
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The JHU Gazette
Night Sky in August 2011
“The history of astronomy,” said Edwin Hubble--after whom the Hubble SpaceTelescope is named--“is a history of receding horizons.” The more we find out about the universe the bigger it appears to become. For most of human history the stars were ...
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New doomsday date! Comet will bring the end on October 16! (NASA is unconvinced) (blog)
“The intruder from deep space, called Comet Elenin, crosses Earth's orbit on its inbound leg and again on its outbound swing around the sun later this year. Russian astronomer Leonid Elenin discovered the innocuous little comet on Dec. ...
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Crew of Space Shuttle “Endeavour” to Speak at Johns Hopkins
VAdvert Press Center (press release)
Presented by the Maryland Space Grant Consortium and NASA, the event is free and open to the public. The crew will give a video presentation about the mission and answer questions from the audience in the Bloomberg Center for Physics andAstronomy's ...
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VAdvert Press Center (press release)
Right at Home: Touches of geek chic can make a smart room even smarter
Washington Post
And more broadly, so many of the sciences — astronomy, geology, chemistry, for example — are filled with elements that can be interwoven into a room's decor for a look that's offbeat and chic. ( / Associated Press ) - This ...
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Area digest -- Published August 1, 2011
Stockton Record
The Oak Grove Nature Center will present Astronomy in the Park from 7:30 to 10:30 pm Saturday inside the center at 4520 W. Eight Mile Road, Stockton. There will be astronomy themed activities and crafts. Telescopes will be provided by volunteers of the ...
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Outdoor activities abound at Highlands Festival
Kingsport Times News
Those with an interest in astronomy will want to head to the mountains on Aug. 1 for “Mountaintop Stargazing and Starlore.” Dr. Mike Duffy and Tom McMullen will lead an outing atop a local mountain, where they will identify summer constellations, ...
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Kingsport Times News
Faith versus science
Himal Southasian
Astrology, looking at the influence of planetary movement on human lives, has always claimed to be a science, and efforts were made to obliterate the distinction between astronomy and astrology during the BJP era. Each and every form of therapy, ...
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NASA going green with solar-powered Jupiter probe
Houston Chronicle
The spacecraft will orbit the planet for a year, sending back photos and other data. Juno is the first of three high-profile astronomy missions for NASA in the coming months. Other destinations include the moon and Mars.
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Houston Chronicle
Maya in Guatemala: Seeds, Ceremonies and the Year 2012
The NarcoSphere
“If we have connection with everything around us, this is mathematicals: Astronomy, Agriculture, expression of art, the resolution of social conflict and everything else.” He said the year 2012 is a “moment to reflect on, to think about the way we ...
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The NarcoSphere
Was the universe born spinning? : Space and Astronomy news daily ...
By Jonathan Nally
Space and Astronomy news daily.
Space and Astronomy news daily...

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The Secret Way to Profit from the U.S. Debt to China - Money Morning

The Secret Way to Profit from the U.S. Debt to China - Money Morning: "By Sean Hyman, Forex Strategist, Money Morning
Perhaps the biggest reason our country is facing a contentious debt-ceiling debate is because of the massive U.S. debt to China.

It's easy to forget that China is the world's largest buyer of U.S. Treasuries and it has as much to lose in this high-stakes game of chicken as does the United States.

Indeed, China's rapid growth over the past decade has resulted in a new paradigm.

Go back 10 years, and nobody worried about the U.S. debt to China. No one ever talked about the Chinese yuan replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency. Or wondered whether the U.S. would ever owe China more than it could possibly pay."

SpaceX To Launch ISS-Bound Supply Ship In November, Aug 01, 2011

posted on Friday, July 29th, 2011
spacex dragon capsule
With the demise of the space shuttle program fresh in my mind, I’m forced to find my space-related solace wherever I can. Luckily, with companies like SpaceX still devoted to removing the obstacles to commercial space flight, I can’t be too bummed — and as Reuters has reported, SpaceX is preparing their next step. After theirliteral show of force a few months back, SpaceX is aiming their sights just a little higher.

FACEBOOK: How to use it for Business, Aug 01, 2011

How to Use Facebook for Business

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Facebook has launched a new site called Facebook for Business, as a resource for businesses to harness what Facebook has to offer, which includes: Pages, Ads, Sponsored Stories, and the Facebook Platform.

The site gives a step-by-step rundown of how to build a presence on Facebook with a Facebook Page, which it says lets you connect with potential customers and drive traffic to your business. A comScore white paper we looked atthis week found that the average Facebook Page fan had about 50 friends.

According to Facebook, step 1 is to set up the page. That means put up an eye-catching, recognizable photo of your business's name, storefront or popular product. It also means a short blurb that describes your business (with helpful links and contact info) in the Info section, adding updates, photos, videos, and links on your Wall, and enhancing your page with apps from the Facebook App Directory, which will let you do things like share menus, stream video, etc.

Step 2, according to Facebook, is to create a page strategy, which means setting goals, sharing exclusive content, checking your page daily, and creating a conversation calendar to help you remember when, where, and what to post.

"Responding to Wall posts from your customers and updating your Page on a timely basis allows you to keep in touch with customers just as you would when they're visiting your physical store location," the company says in a side note.

Step 3 would be community building. This means using calls to action like "Like us on Facebook" on in-store signs, emails, business cards, etc. According to the company, it also means running Facebook ads and sponsored stories, and putting the "like" button on your website.

Finally, step 4 is learning and growing - checking your metrics on Page Insights regularly to learn how your page is performing, what day of the week most people visit, how often people comment, which posts are most engaging ,and how to improve your overall page strategy.

"Update your Page at times when fans are most engaged, and encourage participation with weekly features and other regular content that receive the most comments," the company suggests.

Facebook has a Page Optimization Guide here, which provides tips on creating a Page strategy. There is also a guide for using Facebook Insights.

The Facebook for Business site also has a step-by-step guide for promoting your business with Facebook ads. In a nutshell, the steps are:

1. Identify your goals

2. Target the right people

3. Design an engaging ad

4. Manage your budget

5. Review and improve

They have more guides for "improvement" including anAds Optimization guide and an Ads Manager Upgrade guide.

Steps for sponsored stories include:

1. Understand the basics

2. Choose a story type

3. Set up your budget and targeting criteria

4. Generate more stories about your business

More on this here, and in the Sponsored Stories guide.

Then there's Facebook Platform. This is going to require some developer skills, and the Developer resources can be found here.