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Aug 11, 2011

EUROZONE Debt Crisis News, Jun 11, 2011

Europe: Four steps to fiscal union
Financial Times
At almost every stage of the debt crisis, the force of events has pushed the eurozonetowards more integration. This has had the effect of marginalising the influence of EUcountries that do not use the euro, notably the UK – in spite of the deep ...
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Financial Times
No quick exit for eurozone from debt crisis
North County Times
Much depends on the answers; the euro debt crisis poses a serious risk for an economy that, taken as a whole, ranks behind only the United States in size and remains a major trade partner for the US and China. The turmoil has sent stocks down and fed ...
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Factbox - Coming events in the euro zone debt crisis
The debt-choked country needs to roll over 2.48 billion euros of T-bill paper maturing in August. -- Aug 16 - Auction of three-month T-bills as a previous 2.0 billion euro issue matures on August 19. -- August 12 - GDP y/y, q/q flash est for Q2. ...
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Sarkozy and Merkel to discuss euro zone on Tuesday
... French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will discuss next Tuesday how to make the euro zone work more effectively amid persistent doubts in financial markets over Europe's ability to solve its sovereign debt crisis. ...
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US monitoring Europe debt situation "very closely"
Aug 11 (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday that European institutions could cope with theeuro zone's debt crisis which has hit global financial markets and said it was watching the situation "very closely." President Barack Obama has spoken ...
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Global Investors seek Swiss Franc Investments fearing Euro Zone Crisis
PR Urgent
Savvy investors on fears of debt crisis in Europe are now on the run for investments designated in Swiss Francs (CHF) along with gold investments. The value of Swiss Franc has skyrocketed to historic high as the fear of Euro zone debt crisis looms and ...
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EU Debt Crisis: Chancellor Merkel Faces Rebellion In Coalition As German ...
eGov monitor
... euro to collectivize debt in Europe,” Frank Schäffler a MP from the Free Democratic Party said. In addition, a recent opinion poll of reveals that majority of members in the CDU-CSU coalition are against supporting the 21 July eurozone decisions. ...
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UK's Osborne Urges Fiscal Integration in Euro Zone
Wall Street Journal
His comments come at a tumultuous time in the global markets following the downgrade by Standard & Poor's Corp. of the US's credit rating and the escalating euro zone debt crisis. In recent days fears have arisen that triple-A rated France may be the ...
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Debt crisis: as it happened - August 10, 2011
Commerzbank, the country's second-biggest lender, said second-quarter profits were all but eliminated by €760m (£669m) in impairments on Greek sovereign debt, as theeurozone crisis forced it to cut its full-year profit forecasts. ...
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Yen Strengthens on Concern Over Europe Debt Crisis, Slowing Global Growth
The Swiss currency fell versus all of its most-traded peers after rising to records versus the euro and dollar this week as Europe's debt crisis and US economic weakness spurred refuge demand. Theeuro gained against the dollar as stocks climbed. ...
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Nikkei falls after Wall St tumbles on Europe debt jitters
By Antoni Slodkowski TOKYO, Aug 11 (Reuters) - The Nikkei average resumed falling on Thursday following a rebound the day before, after rumours about the health of French banks re-ignited concerns over the euro zone's debt crisis and sent US stocks ...
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Debt crisis offers silver lining for Kenya's economy
Business Daily Africa
The debt crisis in European countries such as Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain has been threatening to spill over to the entire Eurozone. Mr Mweheire said in the long-term, the downgrading of US debt would encourage multinationals to increase their ...
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Business Daily Africa
European Markets Bounce Back After Volatile Trading
Voice of America
But the markets bounced back in the afternoon, after French and German leaders scheduled an emergency summit to address the euro zone's debt crisis. It looked like another day of heavy losses on European markets, following drops in key Asian stock ...
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French banks sell-off clobbers European shares
The banking sector has lost about 30 percent so far this year, the second worst performing segment in Europe, on concerns over the currency bloc's debt crisis and a deteriorating outlook for global growth. The slide has pushed banks' valuations to the ...
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Structural funds vs debt pooling: the real cost of two different approaches to ... (blog)
As a member of the euro, before the sovereign debt crisis, its spreads over German bonds were probably kept down by the single currency. But if we consider non-Eurozone sovereigns with similar credit ratings to Italy, such as South Korea, ...
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Gold falls from record, oil off on debt crises
Economic Times
The euro edged off lows but was seen as vulnerable to worries about the euro zone sovereign debt crisis spreading to the region's banking sector. Brent crude erased earlier dollar-fuelled gains. It fell 95 cents to $105.73 a barrel in a choppy trading ...
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Stock Market News for August 11, 2011
Since late last year, the euro-zone debt crisis have been a serious issue for the markets and with countries like Ireland, Greece and Portugal facing the specter of the debt crisis, domestic markets had been severely punished on many occasions. ...
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Mauritius Rupee Heads for Three-Week Low to Dollar on France Debt Concern
By Kamlesh Bhuckory - Thu Aug 11 10:40:44 GMT 2011 Mauritius's rupee headed for the lowest closing level in three weeks against the dollar, amid concerns that Europe's debt crisis may spread to France, its biggest trading partner in the eurozone. ...
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The eurozone crisis won't go away - that's bad news for stocks
Because at some point, someone is going to have to present a permanent solution to the eurozone crisis. Right now, the European Central Bank (ECB) is "half-heartedly buying Italian and Spanish government debt", as the BBC's Robert Peston puts it. ...
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Fund managers flee euro zone financials
... euro zone states as financially accountable for one another's solvency, sparking a stampede to economies with greater freedom to plot their way out of the crisis, like Switzerland, Britain, the United States and Scandinavia. "We have colossal debt ...
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The Same Financial Crisis
One concerns Europe: The most obvious alternative explanation for the plunge in the market is the risk that the euro could break up as the debt crisis spread from relatively countries like Greece and Ireland, to the euro zone giants, Spain and Italy. ...
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* Tremonti pledges action after ECB demands reform
The central bank wrote to Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi last week demanding broad reforms in exchange for help in stemming a market selloff that had threatened to tip the euro zone's third largest economy into a full-blown debt crisis. ...
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Stocks Jump as Euro Zone Debt Fears Ease; Gold Slides (AAPL, BAC, COF, CSCO ...
Concerns over funding of French banks and overall fears of euro zone debt crisis spreading in the region eased, with Italian yields falling. Societe Generale, bounced back from the prior session steep losses after several wild swings as its CEO ...
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CANADA FX DEBT-C$ weakens as economy, rate outlook weigh
... Europe's debt woes and the prospect of prolonged low interest rates. Global stocks also fell as rumors about the health of French banks sparked concern that the euro zone's debt crisis could claim new victims. US stocks fell more than 4 percent. ...
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Chancellor's speech in full
And the crisis of confidence in the ability of Eurozone countries to pay their debts has spread from the periphery to major economies like Italy and Spain. But these events did not come out of the blue. In particular, a massive overhang of debt from a ...
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A Two-Step Plan To Save The Euro
Eurasia Review
During 2010, each and every response by the Eurozone to the galloping sovereigndebt crisis has been consistently underwhelming, according to economists in Greece and Portugal. Monthly European Union Summit pronouncements, which during the first half ...
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Eurasia Review
Indian shares edge up in choppy trade; Europe woes weigh
MUMBAI, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Indian shares edged higher in choppy trade on Thursday, tracking most Asian stocks that rebounded after US stock futures rose 2 percent, even as renewed concerns over the euro zone's debt crisis weighed. ...
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The new 'Eurobond' – the eurozone's last hope?
We saw the fool part in early August, when markets tanked on fears about the US's recovery prospects and Europe's sovereign debt crisis. In the next few weeks, we are sure to see the market's intelligent side as it closely scrutinises the EU's ...
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Asian stocks down but US futures limit the fall
Oman Daily Observer
The euro was at $1.4175, largely unchanged on the day and locked within a tight trading range by adebt crisis in Europe and a US slowdown. The Australian dollar was up 0.3 per cent to $1.0190, holding above Tuesday's drop to below parity but well off ...
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SE Asia Stocks-Singapore, Malasia fall on global woes
By Shihar Aneez COLOMBO, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Singapore shares fell to a 14-month low on Thursday and Malaysian stocks sagged on fears that French banks were being engulfed by the euro zone's debt crisis, even as the global economy slows. ...
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No quick exit for eurozone from debt crisis | The Associated Press ...
By The Associated Press
Twenty-one months after Greece triggered financial and political turmoil by admitting it was broke, theeurozone still can't fix its debt crisis. The reasons: intractable disputes over who will ultimately pay the costs of saving it, ... News ... Lenders went along. They assumed euro membership meant nothing could go wrong. Some had seen the danger, however. The EU wrote rules to limit debt and deficits. But eurozone heavyweights France and Germany later tore them up when ...
Examiner RSS
No quick exit for eurozone from debt crisis - CBS
FRANKFURT, Germany — Twenty-one months after Greece triggered financial and political turmoil by admitting it was broke, the eurozone still can't fix its debt crisis. The reasons: intractable disputes over who will ultimately pay the costs of saving it, ... Much depends on the answers; the euro debt crisis poses a serious risk for an economy that, taken as a whole, ranks behind only the United States in size and remains a major trade partner for the U.S. and China. ...
Investing RSS | MoneyWatch
No quick exit for eurozone from debt crisis (AP) | Stock Market ...
By Editor - Business News
No quick exit for eurozone from debt crisis (AP). Written on August 11, 2011 by Editor - BusinessNews. FRANKFURT, Germany – Twenty-one months after Greece triggered financial and political turmoil by admitting it was broke, the eurozone still ... It took months, for instance, to reach agreement on a relatively modest reduction in Greece's debt by persuading bondholders to take less than 100 cents on the euro. As a result, expect more debate and more crisis headlines. ...
Rocket News
Merkel, Sarkozy to hold debt crisis meeting - Germany's news in ...
Chancellor Angela Merkel is to hold crisis talks with French President Nicolas Sarkozy next week in a bid to solve the eurozone debt crisis amid continuing turmoil in financial markets. Commerzbank profit hit by Greek holdings (10 Aug 11) ... EU leaders are trying to implement a July agreement aimed at beefing up the euro's defences. But many of the measures need national parliamentary approval and that process could drag on to the end of the year in some cases. ...
The Local - Germany's news in English
NewsDaily: Some $4 trillion wiped off world stocks in 2 weeks
Some $4 trillion has been wiped off the value of world stocks this month on concerns the euro zone debt crisis is spreading to Italy and Spain and hurting Europe's banking system, and the global economy is falling into recession.
NewsDaily: Business Headlines
No quick exit for eurozone from debt crisis |
By marketmaker
Eurozone countries must settle their debt crisis at an emergency summit this week to stop Greece toppling into default and dragging bigger euro economies into deeper trouble.After finance ministers failed to clinch a new rescue package ... - Market News & Analysis
US and the Eurozone crisis to impact the global ... - 24×7 News
As for Europe, recovery will depend on implementing a permanent solution to the debt crisis. Lowering inflation and steadily increasing average earnings will be a key for recovery in the United Kingdom. ...
24x7 News
No quick exit for eurozone from debt crisis (AP) | Wall Street ...
By Yahoo! News: Business - European Economy
AP - Twenty-one months after Greece triggered financial and political turmoil by admitting it was broke, the eurozone still can't fix its debt crisis. Short URL: Posted by Yahoo! News: Business ...
Wall Street Financial News
read more - The Palgrave Econolog - story details
By Republished content
The world economy is in deep turmoil, and Europe appears getting ever closer to the abyss. It is almost certain that if Spain and Italy lose access to the debt markets, it could become the Lehman moment of the Eurozone crisis. ... ONCE again, as the euro area appeared to teeter at the edge of an abyss, a sharp tug from the central bank has restored a margin of safety, albeit a slim one. In May 2010, as markets were panicking about Greece, it was the decision by the ...
The Palgrave Econolog - latest...
Risks from the eurozone and the MPC | Money Supply | News, data ...
By Claire Jones
At the Bank's press briefing on Wednesday, the governor said while the greatest risks to global demand came from the eurozone, a worsening of the debt crisis could not be captured in its fan charts for growth and inflation: The greatest risks to the prospects for global ... Mr Barwell believes the final sentence in the box – which reads “the extent to which the risks emanating from the euroarea will affect individual members' policy decisions may vary” – is telling. ...
Money Supply
EU Debt Crisis is Once Again Taking Center Stage | FeedTheBull
By FXalhabib
The EU debt crisis is once again taking center stage and investors are becoming aware of the negative press coming out of the EU Zone. Many investors are pushing the panic button in France, after it was rumored that the S&P was planning to. ... The panic has started a heavy sell-off in the stock market of French banks and the Euro is also down today. Intraday bias remains on the upside for the EUR/USD, as long as the 1.4012 minor support line is not broken. ...
FeedTheBull | Stock Market News
Wall St slumps again as investors shun risk - Stabroek News - Guyana
By Stabroek staff
NEW YORK, (Reuters) - U.S. stocks tumbled more than 4 percent yesterday, almost wiping out gains from a relief rally the previous day, as rumors about the health of French banks sparked concern that the euro zone's debt crisis could ... “ What we're seeing here is the fear and rumor-mongering that's coming out of Europe. It eerily reminds me of the fall of 2008, where you would see one financial institution after another be lined up in the cross-hairs of the traders,” said ...
Stabroek News
G20 holds emergency talks on US, eurozone debt crisis ' - news ...
[07 Aug 9:36 AM]. G20 holds emergency talks on US, eurozone debt crisis telegraph. "They discussed the euro area and the US debt downgrade. [07 Aug 7:36 AM] ...
The FINANCIAL - Debt crisis may have deathful results for eurozone ... - global news channel ... Debt crisis may have deathful results for eurozone, ECB says ... Jose Manuel Barroso raised the alarm to a new pitch, saying "we are no longer managing acrisis just in the euro-area periphery. ...
No quick exit for eurozone from debt crisis - CBS 21 News ...
Much depends on the answers; the euro debt crisis poses a serious risk for an ... The EU wrote rules to limit debt and deficits. But eurozone heavyweights ...
No quick exit for eurozone from debt crisis | WOPULAR
Topics: germany ap -- twenty-one greece eurozone debt crisis ... Twenty-one months after Greece triggered financ... #Portugal #News #EU ... In terms of risks posed by a worsening euro zone sovereign debt crisis, ...
No quick exit for eurozone from debt crisis - WCAX.COM Local ...
No quick exit for eurozone from debt crisis. Posted: ... Business News More>> ... Much depends on the answers; the euro debt crisis poses a serious risk for ...
No quick exit for eurozone from debt crisis |
Search the web. Search News ... Much depends on the answers; the euro debt crisis poses a serious risk for an economy that, ... The EU wrote rules to limit debt and deficits. Buteurozone heavyweights France and Germany ...
No quick exit for eurozone from debt crisis - Seattle Times
Much depends on the answers; the euro debt crisis poses a serious risk for an economy that, ...The EU wrote rules to limit debt and deficits. But eurozone heavyweights France and Germany later... News where, when and how you want it ...
No quick exit for eurozone from debt crisis - WBBH News ...
NBC2 News and Weather online for Southwest Florida, serving Lee, Collier, ... Much depends on the answers; the euro debt crisis poses a serious risk for an ...

Reuters (press release)
"Share prices began to fall in spring 2011, having risen strongly after the financial crisis. The fall of stock markets has continued after end June 2011. The increase in government debt in eurozonecountries and in the United States and the slowdown ...
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Daily Foreign Exchange Market Update
Governor Mervyn King indicated that he expects inflation to fall back below the bank's target level of 2.00% in the medium-term, and that they have cut their growth forecasts because of weakness in the global economy, citing the Euro-zone debt crisis ...
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No quick exit for eurozone from debt crisis | Deseret News
No quick exit for eurozone from debt crisis. Published: Thursday, Aug. ... Much depends on the answers; the euro debt crisis poses a serious risk for an economy that, .... Insights from DeseretNews editorial page Editor Jay Evensen ...

Prostate Cancer Prediction Models: How Useful Are They?

"Hello. I'm Dr. Gerald Chodak for Medscape. This week I want to talk about prediction models for deciding whether a man should undergo prostate biopsy. When the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was originally discovered, a cutoff of 4 ng/mL was used. Later, the level was dropped to 3 ng/mL or sometimes even 2.5 ng/mL to avoid missing prostate cancers. We have since learned that many of the cases of prostate cancer that are diagnosed are non-life-threatening. We also recognize that many men undergo prostate biopsy with a small chance of finding cancer. Prediction models have tried to use more than the PSA level to decide whether a man should undergo biopsy. Ultimately, it comes down to explaining to the patient his odds of having cancer and the benefit of undergoing the test."

Aspirin for CV Event Prevention in Patients Without CVD: Abstract and Introduction

"Background The benefit of aspirin to prevent cardiovascular events in subjects without clinical cardiovascular disease relative to the increased risk of bleeding is uncertain.
Methods A meta-analysis of randomized trials of aspirin versus placebo/control to assess the effect of aspirin on major cardiovascular events (MCEs) (nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or cardiovascular death), individual components of the MCE, stroke subtype, all-cause mortality, and major bleeding. Nine trials involving 102,621 patients were included: 52,145 allocated to aspirin and 50,476 to placebo/control."

Which Is Better: Vitamin D2 or D3?

"Which oral formulation of vitamin D is preferred: vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) or vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)?

Response from Darrell Hulisz, PharmD
Associate Professor, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio; Clinical Specialist in Family Medicine, University Hospitals, Case Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio
Vitamin D is essential for adequate gastrointestinal absorption of calcium. Insufficient amounts of vitamin D over time reduces serum calcium and can trigger a compensatory release of parathyroid hormone.[1,2] This may produce secondary hyperparathyroidism, resulting in mobilization of calcium from bone and a reduction in bone mineral density.[2,3] Long-term vitamin D insufficiency can lead to muscle weakness and increase the risk for osteoporotic fractures, falls, rickets, and osteomalacia.[2,4,5] Some experts suggest that, based on epidemiologic evidence, vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk for certain chronic illnesses, including various cancers, autoimmune diseases, and cardiovascular disease."

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Risk of Osteoporosis and Heart Disease

"Though it primarily causes joint pain and inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis can cause problems in other parts of your body. Having RA -- a lifelong condition -- may cause emotional distress, as well.

Here are some conditions to watch for, and what you can do about them:

Heart disease
Eye problems: Sjogren’s syndrome
Blood flow problems: Vasculitis
Lung disease

Smoking and Heart Disease

"Most people associate cigarette smoking with breathing problems and lung cancer. But did you know that smoking is also a major cause of heart disease for men and women?

About 20% of all deaths from heart disease in the U.S. are directly related to cigarette smoking. That's because smoking is a major cause of coronary artery disease.

A person's risk of heart disease and heart attack greatly increases with the number of cigarettes he or she smokes. Smokers continue to increase their risk of heart attack the longer they smoke. People who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day have more than twice the risk of heart attack than nonsmokers. Women who smoke and also take birth control pills increase several times their risk of heart attack, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease."

Monitoring your blood pressure at home

When blood pressure is high, it starts to damage the blood vessels, heart, and kidneys. This can lead to heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, and other problems. But if you don't measure your blood pressure, you won't know when it's high, because there are usually no symptoms.
If you are a healthy adult with normal blood pressure (119/79 or below), have your blood pressure checked at least every 1 to 2 years.1
If your systolic blood pressure (the first number) is 120 to 139 and/or your diastolic blood pressure (the second number) is 80 to 89, you are prehypertensive. This means that your blood pressure is higher than normal but not high enough to be high blood pressure. It is a warning that your blood pressure is going up. If you are in this category, you should have your blood pressure checked as often as your doctor advises, or at least once a year."