Today: The Peoples Voice News


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Nov 10, 2010

The Peoples Voice News

Permalink Israel devouring East Jerusalem

Flying in the face of the international community, including its own guardian-ally, the United Sates, Israel has approved a wide-ranging plan to obliterate the remaining vestiges of the traditional Arab-Islamic identity of East Jerusalem.

Permalink Consumer debt tumbles $100B

Household debt shrank by about 1 percent, or $100 billion, in the third quarter, according to a report released yesterday by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. That means in the two years since the bottom dropped out of the economy, about $1 trillion, or 7.9 percent of consumer buying power, has been sucked out of the US economy.

Permalink Heading Towards the End of Globalisation?

A "grave recession" in the world economy may lie ahead, with a profusion of new barriers to trade and capital flows, if the Group of 20 major economies (G20) fail to come up with solutions to the present crisis. The G20 will probably begin to suffer "progressive fragmentation" at its Nov. 11-12 summit in Seoul, because it is based on "unsustainable coalitions" and there are insurmountable conflicts between members, according to Fernando Cardim, a professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Only "a remarkable diplomatic initiative" at this point could bring about the common understanding needed for "a collective solution," which would be the only way out of the global economic crisis, he said. "Perhaps the vision of the abyss" will stimulate a spirit of cooperation among government leaders, the Brazilian professor added.

Permalink Bush book defends waterboarding - Video

Former US president says in his new book that techniques such as waterboarding helped saved lives. George Bush, the former US president, has reopened the debate on the legality of the use of torture in his newly published book Decision Points, in which he defends his "war on terror" in Afghanistan and the decision to invade Iraq. Bush invaded two countries and killed over a million human beings, but rest assured he saved lives through torture.

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