Today: MER Update 033111 - Spirit's Silence Haunts, Opportnity Roves on to Endeavour


ALS, Alexander Language Schools Franchise

Apr 9, 2011

MER Update 033111 - Spirit's Silence Haunts, Opportnity Roves on to Endeavour

merMars Exploration Rovers :Update
Spirit's Silence Haunts, Opportunity Roves on to Endeavour

The Mars Exploration Rover mission experienced a month of highs tempered by one haunting low as it neared completion of its 87th month of a three-month tour this month. While Opportunity wrapped up its work at the youngest, freshest crater the rovers have explored to date, Spirit remained silent as the point of maximum sunshine for the Martian year came and went, further dimming once high hopes that the rover would phone home and rove on as summer settled on the southern hemisphere of Mars.

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