

ALS, Alexander Language Schools Franchise

Apr 14, 2013

BBC News - German man caught 'smuggling' gold at Greek airport, Apr 14, 2013

Gold bars
 "A German man has been arrested at Athens International Airport after allegedly trying to smuggle nearly half a ton of gold and silver out of Greece, according to airport officials. The suspect was preparing to board a Lufthansa flight for Germany. The airline uncovered silver tablets in a cargo container and customs officials then found gold and banknotes. This follows claims by Greece that Germany still owes it war reparations stemming from the Nazi occupation. The BBC's Mark Lowen in Athens says the timing of the arrest is unfortunate for German-Greek relations."
Alexander Language Schools, Franchise Alexander Language Schools or Products and Services
Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchUnder the SunStealing JakeAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-Swedish

North Korea rejects South Korea's offer to resolve rising nuclear tension through dialogue, Apr 14, 2013

North Korea rejects South Korea's offer to resolve rising nuclear tension through dialogue
 "PYONGYANG, North Korea - North Korea has rebuffed South Korea's proposal to resolve rising tension through dialogue, dismissing it as a "crafty trick" to disguise what Pyongyang calls the South's hostility. South Korea last week urged North Korea to engage in dialogue to discuss stalled operations at a joint factory complex and other issues. The offer marked a softening of what had been South Korea's stern stance toward North Korea's escalating threats to attack Seoul and Washington over their continuing joint military drills and their support for U.N. sanctions on North Korea. The latest sanctions were imposed because of North Korea's Feb. 12 nuclear test."
Alexander Language Schools, Franchise Alexander Language Schools or Products and Services
Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchUnder the SunStealing JakeAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-Swedish

S. CHINA Morning Post - New H7N9 avian flu cases bring China total to 55, Apr 14, 2013

 "Two people in the central Chinese province of Henan have been infected by a new strain of avian influenza, the first cases found in the region, while an additional four cases in eastern Zhejiang province brought the total number nationwide to 55. One of the Henan victims, a 34-year-old man in the city of Kaifeng, is now critically ill in hospital, while the other, a 65-year-old farmer from Zhoukou, is stable. The two cases do not appear to be connected. A total of 19 people in close contact with the two new victims were under observation but had shown no signs of infection, Xinhua said. Another four cases had been confirmed in eastern Zhejiang, state news agency Xinhua said on Sunday, bringing the total number in the province to 15. Xinhua said none of the 483 people in close contact with the victims has presented any symptoms. Three cases have now been reported outside the original clusters in eastern China, including one in the capital Beijing, but there is nothing out of the ordinary so far, the China representative of the World Health Organisation said."
Alexander Language Schools, Franchise Alexander Language Schools or Products and Services
Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchUnder the SunStealing JakeAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-Swedish

Kerry To Discuss Korean Crisis In Japan, Apr 14, 2013

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (right) meets with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Beijing on April 13.
"U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has arrived in Tokyo for talks with Japanese officials on the North Korean crisis. In Beijing on April 13, Kerry and senior Chinese officials agreed that diplomacy was the best way to "denuclearize" the Korean Peninsula. Chinese officials did not say, however, whether Beijing will pressure ally Pyongyang, something Kerry is eager to see China do. China's Xinhua news agency said in a commentary that Washington had itself been "fanning the flames" on the Korean Peninsula, a probable reference to recent U.S. military drills in South Korea. North Korea has vowed nuclear war against the United States among other threats in recent weeks. Tensions on the peninsula began to rise after the North's third nuclear test in February. In response, the UN imposed sanctions on Pyongyang."
Alexander Language Schools, Franchise Alexander Language Schools or Products and Services
Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchUnder the SunStealing JakeAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-Swedish

DETROIT FREE PRESS - North Korean video shows imagined strikes on U.S. , Apr 14, 2013

A screen grab of a North Korean propaganda video that includes animation of four nuclear strikes against the United States. U.S. government officials say North Korean missiles do not have the capability of reaching the United States.
"A video released by Saturday by North Korea shows nuclear launches against the United States reaching four sites, including Washington, D.C., California, Hawaii and what the announcer describes as Colorado Springs, but which looks like Arkansas. U.S. officials were clear they did not believe the belligerent nation has missiles capable of reaching the United States. The video was released Saturday on Uriminzokkiri, a North Korean government web site. It has also been posted on YouTube. In it, each of the U.S. targets explodes into a ball of flames as the missiles strike on the map. The Colorado Springs attack is presumably because the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is located near there, as well as the U.S. Air Force Academy. However based on the map the North Koreans posted, the attack site is actually in either southern Arkansas or northern Louisiana."
Alexander Language Schools, Franchise Alexander Language Schools or Products and Services
Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchUnder the SunStealing JakeAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-Swedish

French police hunt gangster after dramatic prison break, Apr 14, 2013

 "LILLE (France) (AFP) - French police were on a manhunt on Sunday for a notorious armed robber who staged a dramatic prison break in northern France after briefly taking several guards hostage. Lille prosecutor Frederic Fevre said about 100 investigators were involved in the hunt for Redoine Faid, known for brazen attacks on cash-in-transit vehicles, after he blasted his way out of a jail in the northern town of Sequedin on Saturday. Faid, a 40-year-old who risked a heavy new sentence over the 2010 death of a policewoman, used explosives to blast through five prison doors and took hostage four prison guards, who were later released. Investigators were on Sunday trying to determine how Faid had managed to obtain explosives inside the prison and whether he had any accomplices."
Alexander Language Schools, Franchise Alexander Language Schools or Products and Services
Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchUnder the SunStealing JakeAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-Swedish