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Nov 4, 2010

Burma hit by massive net attack ahead of election

Graph of net attack, Arbor Networks
Huge amounts of traffic easily overwhelmed Burma's links to the net
An ongoing computer attack has knocked Burma off the internet, just days ahead of its first election in 20 years. The attack started in late October but has grown in the last few days to overwhelm the nation's link to the net, said security firm Arbor Networks.

A perfect day in Toronto

Hockey Hall of Fame
Detail of sculptures outside the Hockey Hall of Fame (Corey Wise/LPI).
Facing off against New York State, far across the slate-grey waters of Lake Ontario, Toronto walks the line between American cultural osmosis and staunch Canadian independence. Masters of this balancing act, Torontonians shift between both worlds with verve,

Yemen parcel bomb 'was 17 minutes from exploding'

Photo released by Dubai police of what they said was printer containing ink cartridge loaded with bomb - released 30 October 2010
One of the two parcel bombs intercepted last week after being sent from Yemen was defused 17 minutes before it was due to explode, France's Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux has said.
Mr Hortefeux was speaking to France-2 television but did not reveal his source for the information.
The two bombs were being sent via air freight to the US but intercepted in Dubai ...

BBC News - In pictures: Qantas Airbus emergency

Irish bond yields hit record high

A homeless man sits on O'Connell Bridge in the centre of Dublin
The Irish Republic faced one of the deepest recessions in the eurozone
Yields on Irish 10-year bonds have reached a new high of 7.69% ahead of a government announcement on plans to cut its huge deficit.The move reflects increasing scepticism about the Republic's ability to tackle its problems without outside help.
Finance Minister Brian Lenihan will reveal later the scale of spending cuts ..

Zimbabwean eaten by lions while having a shower

A lion in southern Africa (Archive shot November 2006)
Conservationists say poaching and illegal hunting in the national parks is upsetting the animals
A Zimbabwean man has been killed by a pride of lions while having a shower in a safari camp near the Zambezi River, a conservationist group has said.It happened last Friday afternoon, but details of the attack in the Mana Pools National Park are still emerging....

Germany's new female rabbi sign of growing Jewish community

The BBC's Stephen Evans meets Alina Treiger

History is being made in Germany with the ordination of the first female rabbi since World War II. Alina Treiger came to Germany from Ukraine, as the BBC's Stephen Evans reports from Berlin.

Why would a Jew migrate to Germany? You would think the ghosts would be too powerful.

Can you trust a leader who cries?

House Minority Leader John Boehner who broke down in tears during his speech, gives a thumbs-up at the end of his address to a Republican election night results watch rally in Washington,
By Olivia Lang, BBC News
Mr Boehner cried during his acceptance speech
Celebrating the Republican - and his own - victory, the incoming speaker of the US House of Representatives John Boehner's voice choked with emotion. "I spent my whole life chasing the American dream. I put myself through school… working every rotten job there was and every night shift I could find," he sobbed.

Sri Lanka to build park for romantic young lovers

Kissing couple
By Charles Haviland, BBC News, Colombo
If you must do it, say the authorities, do it in the park
The Sri Lankan government says it will construct a park for romantic young couples who want freedom to be together without being victimised by police.

Rare Afghan gold collection to be displayed in UK

Golden belt
By Quentin Sommerville
BBC News, Kabul
This golden belt is one of the highlights of the hoard
The Afghan government and the UK have signed an agreement allowing a priceless gold collection to go on display at the British Museum.
The "Lost Treasures of Afghanistan" or Bactrian gold will be revealed to the British public next year.

BBC News - Iran holds four 'UK-linked men' for killings, Nov 04, 2010

Iran says it has arrested four men allegedly paid by a man based in Britain to carry out assassinations, an official state TV station reports.
Press TV said the four "Britain-linked terrorists" were detained in the western city of Marivan.

Haiti braced as Tropical Storm Tomas sweeps in

Evacuation advice at Corail-Cesselesse relocation camp. 3 Nov 2010
Refugees have been advised to leave the camps, but many have nowhere to go
Haiti has been placed on high alert as a powerful storm sweeps in, threatening thousands of earthquake survivors still living in camps.
Forecasters say Tropical Storm Tomas is gaining strength and will begin to lash Haiti by late Thursday, reaching full force by Friday.

Greek police explode 'bomb' addressed to French embassy

Police investigators in Athens (4 Nov 2010)
A controlled explosion was carried out and investigators searched the scene for evidence
Police in Athens have carried out a controlled explosion on a suspicious package addressed to the French embassy.
A police spokesman told Reuters news agency it was an "explosive device".
Fourteen packages have been sent to ...

China's Hu Jintao to sign big deals on France visit

Hu Jintao (file picture)
French officials say Hu Jintao will commit billions of euros to contracts
France's President Nicolas Sarkozy is set to honour his Chinese counterpart with extravagant state events as he arrives to seal huge business deals.
Hu Jintao is expected to sign billions of euros-worth of contracts with Airbus and French firms including oil firm Total and nuclear engineer Areva.

Serb leader Tadic apologises for 1991 Vukovar massacre, Nov 04, 2010

President Boris Tadic arrived in Vukovar on a ferry which crossed the River Danube
President Boris Tadic has become the first Serbian leader to pay his respects to Croatian victims of a notorious 1991 massacre. During a visit to a memorial to 260 people murdered at or

Ivory Coast set for presidential election run-off

President Laurent Gbagbo (l) and Alassane Ouattara (r)
Laurent Gbagbo (l) prevented Alassane Ouattara (r) from competing in previous polls
The presidential election in Ivory Coast is set to go into a second round after neither of the two top candidates reached 50% of the vote. With all the ballots counted from Sunday's first round, incumbent Laurent Gbagbo won 38% and opposition leader Alassane Ouattara 32%, the election ...

Little Ted's was 'ideal' place for Vanessa George abuse

A Plymouth nursery where a worker sexually abused children "provided an ideal environment" for her to abuse, an inquiry has found.

The review into abuse at Little Ted's nursery found that a lack of formal staff supervision was partly to blame.

Qantas grounds A380s after Singapore emergency landing

Damaged wing of Qantas jet, seen from window in flight
The Australian airline Qantas has grounded its six-strong fleet of Airbus A380 airliners after one of the superjumbos made an emergency landing.
Qantas flight QF32 experienced engine trouble shortly after taking off from Singapore on its way to Sydney.
One of the engines exploded with a bang, a passenger told the BBC, and debris was found on an island below.

President Barack Obama invites party leaders to meeting

Barack Obama
Barack Obama will have to work with a Republican-controlled House of Representatives
US President Barack Obama has asked Republican and Democratic Congressional leaders to come to a meeting at the White House.
The 18 November meeting will include House Speaker-elect John Boehner, Senate Republican leader Mitch

YAHOO News, Nov 04, 2010

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GM’s $10.6 Billion IPO Could be an Enticing Opportunity For Investors

General Motors in an initial public offering (IPO) this month will price its shares at a level that could regenerate investor interest, and even throw off generous returns over time.
At least that's the hope of the U.S. government, which is likely to see its taxpayer-owned stake fall to less than the symbolically important 50% level when it sells approximately $7 billion of its shares in the IPO.

Nov 3, 2010

Tamil migrant in custody, faces alleged war crimes: government -

Migrants are escorted from the M V Sun Sea after it was escorted into CFB Esquimalt in Colwood, B.C., on Aug. 13, 2010.
Migrants are escorted from the M V Sun Sea after it was escorted into CFB Esquimalt in Colwood, B.C., on Aug. 13, 2010.
MAPLE RIDGE, B.C.—One of the 492 Tamil migrants who entered Canada onboard the MV Sun Sea will remain in custody after a government representative alleged the man may have committed war crimes.

Leader of Yemen Al Qaeda branch a master of disguises

Video grab shows senior leaders of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, from left to right: military leader Qassim al-Raimi, deputy leader Saeed al-Shihri, leader Nasser al-Wahishi, and Abu al-Hareth Muhammad al-Oufi. (Jan. 23, 2009) 
Leaders of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, from left to right: military leader Qassim al-Raimi, deputy leader Saeed al-Shihri, leader Nasser al-Wahishi, and Abu al-Hareth Muhammad al-Oufi. (Jan. 23, 2009)
SANAA, YEMEN—Only four years after he and a band of militants made a daring escape from a Sanaa prison, Qassim al-Raimi has become the dominant figure in Al Qaeda’s

Winners and losers

TARSANDS: The Alberta oil patch will be doing cartwheels as the immediate threat of an aggressive Obama climate bill targeting carbon-heavy oilsands bitumen goes nova. Worries that the states will pick up where the feds left off also abate given the Republican takeover of so many governorships.

The tragic history of the private Davis family

The wealthy Davis family valued privacy, but their millions could not buy it. Through violent twists of fate and alleged crimes of greed, their tragedies have played out on front pages for decades.

Volcanic eruption sends Indonesian villagers fleeing

Molten lava flows from the crater of Indonesia's Mount Merapi late Nov. 2, 2010.

Molten lava flows from the crater of Indonesia's Mount Merapi late Nov. 2, 2010.
Indonesia’s deadly volcano erupted Wednesday with its biggest blast yet, shooting searing ash miles into the sky and forcing the hasty evacuations of panicked villagers and emergency shelters near the base.

Laureen Harper asks Iranian president to block woman’s execution

TBILISI, GA.—Iran’s foreign minister said Wednesday that no final decision has been made in the case of a woman who once faced death by stoning for an adultery conviction, despite reports her execution was imminent.

Coyle: Campbell departure ripples through Queen’s Park

Gordon Campbell, seen in an October file photo, announced his resignation as B.C. premier and called a Liberal leadership convention, saying voter anger over the HST had derailed his government.
Gordon Campbell, seen in an October file photo, announced his resignation as B.C. premier and called a Liberal leadership convention, saying voter anger over the HST had derailed his government.

Since Canada’s premiers met two Novembers ago in Ottawa to discuss the global economic crisis, four have left the club.

Toronto man wanted in homicide surrenders in South Korea

A Toronto man wanted in connection with a 2007 homicide case has turned himself over to Korean authorities and is facing an extradition hearing.

Toronto police said Sang-Woo Ye, 29, surrendered in South Korea on Oct. 27.

Russia, Afghanistan agree to step up drugs fight

MOSCOW (AFP) - Russian and Afghanistan want to increase cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking despite Afghan anger over a joint US-Russian drugs raid, the Kremlin said on Wednesday.

Iran says 'stoning woman' in perfect health, attacks West

TEHRAN (AFP) - Iran said on Wednesday that a woman sentenced to death by stoning is in perfect health and that her case is still being reviewed, amid fears her execution was imminent.

Republicans win 6 seats, but Dems lock in majority

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nev. talks to campaign workers at his campaign headquarters in Las Vegas, Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
The Canadian Press Photo: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nev. talks to campaign workers at his campaign headquarters...

APNewsBreak: Alaska write-in count starts Nov. 10

Greece suspends air freight after bombs found

ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece suspended overseas shipment of mail and packages for 48 hours on Wednesday, hoping to stop militants sending more parcel bombs in addition to more than a dozen already sent to foreign governments and embassies.

The Peoples Voice News, Nov 03, 2010

Permalink Economic Crisis and Tax Injustice

The Associated Press's Robin Hindery reported on October 29, 2010 that the AP had found a remarkable fact: communities across the U.S. have been raising their local property taxes. The AP surveyed 39 states and studied 2,387 revenue measures that came before town, city, and county voters. In most of those elections, voters favored measures that raised their own property tax rates. Voters wanted to support their local schools and other services provided by local governments. The AP began Hindery's story as follows: “Forget all the talk about voters being fed up with high taxes.”

The Associated Press: Mom in Spain happy that her 10-year-old gave birth

MADRID (AP) — A Romanian Gypsy woman whose 10-year-old daughter just gave birth in Spain says she's delighted to have a new granddaughter and doesn't understand why the birth has shocked anyone — let alone become an international sensation.

Baby falls 6 storeys bounces off cafe awning and is CAUGHT by passing doctor

Lucky escape: The 18-month old fell from the sixth floor of this apartment block before bouncing off the cafe awning and into the arms of a passer-by
Lucky escape: The 18-month-old boy fell from the sixth floor of this apartment block before bouncing off the cafe awning and into the arms of a passer-by
His parents, who were not in the apartment at the time, were last night still in police custody.

Yahoo News

Nov 2, 2010

Indonesia volcano shoots new blast

Mount Merapi. Photo / AP
Merapi has killed 38 people since it started erupting a week ago.
The mountain unleashed another powerful eruption yesterday, spewing searing clouds of gas and ash into the air to the sound of a booming explosion.
There were no immediate reports of new casualties.

Three Kiwis reported missing after tsunami

Tsunami survivors carry aid in Silabu, Mentawai Islands, Indonesia. Photo / AP
Three New Zealanders have been reported missing in the aftermath of the Indonesian tsunami which has claimed 431 lives, according to a report.
The Jakarta Globe reported that a woman had contacted the New Zealand embassy and told staff that her son and two of his friends had not been in touch since the October 25 disaster.

Robber held dying Diana

Diana, Princess of Wales. Photo / Supplied

A man who held the hand of the Princess of Wales as she lay dying in a Paris car crash has been jailed after months on the run for robbing ATMs and handling stolen paintings.
Abdelatif Redjil, 54, opened the door of Diana's wrecked Mercedes, held her hand and tried to comfort her, he testified in 2007 at London's High Court during an inquiry into Diana's death.

Action man Putin

Vladimir Putin has posed for new photographs that portray him as a modern-day Marlboro man.

The photographs show the Russian PM riding a horse across a rugged landscape while shouldering a rifle and donning dark sunglasses.

Suspicious package sent to German leader

Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel. Photo / APGerman police are investigating a suspicious package mailed to Chancellor Angela Merkel's office, hours after small mail bombs exploded outside the Russian and Swiss embassies in Athens.
Greek police destroyed at least three more suspected bombs in Athens.
No group claimed responsibility for

Tokyo recalls Moscow ambassador over Russia island row

TOKYO: Japan said Tuesday it will recall its ambassador to Moscow, heightening a long-standing row with Russia over four remote Pacific islands following a visit there by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Thirty killed in car bombings in Shiite districts in Baghdad

BAGHDAD: Thirty people were killed and 75 wounded in 11 coordinated car bombings in different Shiite districts of Baghdad on Tuesday, an interior ministry official said.

Thirty killed in car bombings in Shiite districts in Baghdad

BAGHDAD: Thirty people were killed and 75 wounded in 11 coordinated car bombings in different Shiite districts of Baghdad on Tuesday, an interior ministry official said.

China launches sixth satellite orbiter

BEIJING: China on Monday successfully launched its sixth orbiter which will form part of its indigenous satellite navigation and positioning network.
A Long March-3C carrier rocket carrying the "Beidou," or Compass navigation satellite took off at 0:26 am today from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan Province.

4 small mail bombs explode in Athens

ATHENS: Small mail bombs exploded outside the Russian and Swiss embassies in Athens on Tuesday and police destroyed at least three other packages as they tried to halt a wave of attacks blamed on far-left domestic extremists.

Thatcher is world's most influential woman

Margaret Thatcher 
LONDON: Former British prime minister Baroness Margaret Thatcher has emerged as the most influential woman and role model in the world, edging out Michelle Obama and Mother Teresa in a survey.

Cracks surface as Nepal PM poll fails 15th time

KATHMANDU: Running into its fifth month on Monday, Nepal's bizarre prime ministerial election failed once more with the 15th round of vote unable to choose a new premier and an unprecedented 16th round being scheduled for Thursday.

Mumbai flyover collapses, one hurt

MUMBAI: A biker was injured after a portion of the under-construction Lalabug flyover in central Mumbai collapsed on Tuesday evening, fire officials said.
"A small portion of the under-construction Lalbaug flyover opposite Bharat Mata cinema in Parel collapsed at 6.30 pm," they said.
Prakash Podar (31), who was on a bike, injured his right leg. "Prakash got a minor injury on his right leg and has been admitted to KEM hospital," the officials said.

Better to be fond of beautiful girls than to be gay: Berlusconi

MILAN: Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi Tuesday dismissed the latest sex scandal facing him and defended his fondness for "beautiful girls".
"When I'm in the presence of a beautiful girl, I look at her. It is better to have a passion for beautiful girls than to be gay," Berlusconi said.

Polls open in US, Democrats fear defeat

WASHINGTON: US President and his Democratic party feared a rout in the House of Representatives, as Americans, frustrated with continued job loss and economic woes, came out to vote in the mid-term polls, seen as a referendum on the policies of Barack Obama.

Small Business Owners See Recovery In 2011

Small business owners' expectations of an economic rebound have been pushed out until the second half of 2011, even with improving indicators within their own businesses, according to a new survey by Aministaff.

Only 21% expect a rebound before mid-2011, while 47% expect a

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French courts mull two Rwanda extradition cases

Palestinian PM stakes claim to east Jerusalem

Salam Fayyad
AP – Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, right, looks through a window into a classroom as he visits
By MOHAMMED DARAGHMEH, Associated Press Mohammed Daraghmeh, Associated Press – 1 hr 2 mins ago
DAHIAT AL-BARID, West Bank – Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad on Tuesday staked a claim to Israeli-controlled east Jerusalem, announcing that his government quietly helped fund the ..

Cuba to send 3 more prisoners to exile in Spain

Members of Cuban dissident group Ladies in White attend their weekly march in front of Santa Rita church in Havana, Cuba, Sunday Oct. 31, 2010.  Ladie
AP – Members of Cuban dissident group Ladies in White attend their weekly march in front of Santa Rita church …
By PAUL HAVEN, Associated Press Paul Haven, Associated Press – Mon Nov 1, 2:35 pm ET
HAVANA – Roman Catholic officials on Monday announced the names of three more Cuban prisoners who have accepted exile in Spain in return for freedom.

Argentina's president addresses nation in tears

In this picture released by Argentina presidency, Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez prepares to tape a broadcast message to the nation in Bueno
AP – In this picture released by Argentina presidency, Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez prepares to …
By DEBORA REY, Associated Press Debora Rey, Associated Press – Mon Nov 1, 10:22 pm ET
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina – Argentina's president emerged from mourning Monday vowing to honor the memory of her husband and predecessor, Nestor Kirchner, as she leads the country.
Cristina Fernandez spoke to the nation for the first time since Wednesday's heart attack death of Kirchner, a popular former president who was her closest ally and confidant in what many people viewed as a virtual joint presidency.

Costa Rica denounces alleged Nicaraguan incursion

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica – Costa Rica on Monday asked the Organization of American States to call an urgent meeting to address an alleged incursion by Nicaraguan troops onto Costa Rican soil.

Security Minister Jose Tijerino said more police had been sent to the northeastern border with Nicaragua after authorities detected Nicaraguan troops on Calero, an island in the San Juan River claimed by Costa Rica.

Mexico: 4 US citizens killed in separate attacks

Canadian found dead in Mexico
AP – People hang a banner that reads in Spanish 'No more death' outside the federal attorney general office …
By OLIVIA TORRES, Associated Press Olivia Torres, Associated Press – Tue Nov 2, 12:58 am ET
CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico – Four U.S. citizens were shot to death in separate attacks in the border city of Ciudad

Obama expected to lose steam after polls

Obama salutes
India Can Give the U.S. a Big Export Boost Business Week
Obama to address students at St. Xavier's College in Mumbai Deccan Herald
US goes to polls, Democrats on backfoot Deccan Herald
PM invites Shabana-Javed to dine with Obamas Deccan Herald
The races to watch (not necessarily the races you have been) | The Upshot Yahoo Daily News

Twitter to introduce in-stream ads for users' timelines

Twitter - Social Networking
SapientNitro Launches Tablet Offering for Immersive, Socially Networked Experiences at Conferences, Meetings and Events Stockhouse Hits 10 Millionth Answer Milestone Stockhouse
Content-Maker BlueGlass Launches New Tool for Online Publishers The New York Times
Computing tech that defined the decade TechRadar
The modern tech CEO: Barefoot and 21 CNN

Login Edit Anand Sharma felicitates Indian CWG medal winners

The Union Minister for Commerce and Industry, Shri Anand Sharma felicitated CWG 2010 Medal Winners, at a function, jointly organized by MMTC, STC and PEC, in New Delhi on November 01, 2010.
Olympic qualification on men's hockey team's mind: Harendra The Times of India
Olympic qualification on men’s hockey team’s mind: Harendra Zeenews
Sonepat cremation ground throws up wrestling champions The Times of India
Men behind the CWG probe The Times of India
I have been overlooked for the Asian Games: Humpy Zeenews.

Nov 1, 2010

Theodore Sorensen obituary

Theodore Sorensen.
Theodore Sorensen, left, conferring with President John F Kennedy in the Oval Office in 1961. Photograph: George Tames/New York Times/Redux/eyevine
Theodore Sorensen, universally known as Ted, was one of those men whose brilliant career and great talents were partially clouded by anonymity. Even before his boss, John Fitzg

Actor playing gunman shot dead in Philippines

A village watchman in the central Philippines allegedly mistook an actor playing a masked gunman in a British film for a real assassin and fatally shot him, police said today. Watchman Eddie Cuizon tried to accost Filipino actor Kirk Abella late on Saturday, then shot him as the actor was directed to speed away on a motorcycle with a masked driver, said community police chief Alexis Relado of Cebu City's Parian district.Cuizon, 52, told police he had been woken up by a concerned citizen who reported the presence of armed men in his community. He told police he saw two masked men on a motorcycle and approached them but they sped away and he stumbled as he tried to stop them, injuring his knee. He fired at Abella when the actor pulled out a gun, which turned out to be made of plastic, Relado said.

Burmese people's dream of accountable government remains distant

Free Burma Coalition stages a protest against the 7 November Burmese national elections in Manila
Free Burma Coalition stages a protest against the 7 November Burmese national elections in Manila. Photograph: Noel Celis/AFP/Getty Images
In under a week, national elections will be held in Burma for the first time in 20 years. After so many years of military rule this should have been a huge event. But instead Sunday's poll will represent another missed opportunity as Burma's rulers again

Desert discs: how mobile phones are at the root of Saharan music

Sim city: Kirkley collected MP3 memory cards in Kidal, Mali. Photograph: Alfred Wolf/Getty
However eclectic your music collection, it would still need to go some way to match the sheer range of tracks shared by villagers swapping songs via Bluetooth and Sim card in the Sahara. Bollywood classics, Algerian Rai, Kuduro, French ballads – this is just a sample grab of the

China unveils ambitious plan to protect wildlife at UN talks

Biodiversity in China : Golden Monkeys at the Shennongjia National Natural Reserve
Golden monkeys at the Shennongjia nature reserve. Photograph: Rex Features
China has unveiled its most ambitious conservation plan in a generation, ahead of the opening today of a crucial UN biodiversity conference.

Retrial of Nancy Kissel in 'milkshake murder' case to begin in Hong Kong

Nancy Kissel sits in a prison van as she arrives at the court of final appeal in Hong Kong.
Nancy Kissel is being retried in Hong Kong after her murder conviction was quashed earlier this year. Photograph: Bobby Yip/Reuters
The retrial of Nancy Kissel, the Amercian woman whose conviction for murdering her banker husband by spiking his milkshake and clubbing him to death was quashed earlier this year, begins in Hong Kong tomorrow.

Tibetan student protests spread to Beijing

Tibetan student language protests
Tibetan students protest in Rebkong, in north-west China's Qinghai province, angry at being forced to study in the Chinese language. Photograph: Free Tibet/AFP/Getty Images
Protests by Tibetan students in western China over plans to restrict the use of their language have spread, according to state media and a campaign group.