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Sep 6, 2010

Yahoo News

Officials: Obama to back infrastructure spending (AP) Tropical Storm Hermine forms in the Gulf of Mexico (AP) Suicide attack in NW Pakistan kills 17 people (AP) Israeli FM: Settlement slowdown will end (AP) Massive earthquake sets back NZ economic recovery (AP) Mud buries Guatemala bus, 2nd slide kills rescuers (AP)
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Yahoo News

Yahoo News

Sep 5, 2010

Rosemount Sydney Fashion Festival 2010

Rosemount Sydney Fashion Week is an event to promote Sydney’s diverse fashion market from major department stores through to independent retail outlets. It includes collection shows, in store promotions, celebrity events, exhibitions, launches and after parties in and around Sydney. Festival activities herald a schedule of lunchtime and evening runway collection shows featuring an eclectic mix of the season’s fashion spanning broad-appeal fashion merchandise through to independent ready to wear designer labels.
Marie Claire will launch Rosemount Sydney Fashion Festival 2010 with a Gala Opening runway retrospective of some of the best Australian fashion from the last 15 years.

Yahoo News

Mariska Hargitay News, Mariska Hargitay Bio and Photos

Mariska Hargitay

Yahoo News

News Headlines, Celebs and Football -

Kylie Minogue's bottom is back in action for new music video

Kylie Minogue (

The best-loved bottom in pop is back in action for a new video.
Kylie's bum, 42, pokes out under a red silk dressing gown and sits just above a pair of red-leather thigh boots in the vid for single Get Outta My Way.
The derriere from Down Under then slips out of its gown with only a red corset hiding its cute blushing cheeks.

Vanuatu Quake Creates South Pacific Tsunami

Quake Map of Vanuatu
Residents of the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu ran for higher ground as the country’s capital was rocked by a powerful 7.3 magnitude quake.
A small tsunami measuring about 10 inches in height did wash up on Port Vila, but there were no reports of damage from it.
One police spokesman told reporters that it was the Residents of the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu ran for higher ground as the country’s capital was rocked by a powerful 7.3 magnitude quake.
A small tsunami measuring about 10 inches in height did wash up on Port Vila, but there were no reports of damage from it.

Extinct, King Koopa-Style Giant Turtle Found on Pacific Island | Wired Science

A bizarre type of giant land turtle thought to have gone extinct 50,000 years ago survived until recently on at least one small Pacific island.Dozens of bones found in a 3,000-year-old archaeological site on Vanuatu belong to a previously-undescribed species of meiolaniid, a turtle family that evolved 50 million years ago and resembled walking fortresses. - Twin threat inspires Vanuatu

Vanuatu raised more than a few eyebrows in their final game at the Boys’ Youth Olympic Football Tournament as they dispatched Zimbabwe 2-0 to end their campaign on a high note. And steering the team to their only victory at Singapore 2010 were a pair of twin brothers.

Erupting Vanuatu volcano lures thrill-seeking tourists

MOUNT YASUR, Vanuatu — As the Mount Yasur volcano cracks like thunder, spewing molten rock and billowing clouds of ash, it sends a warm rush of air to tourists watching from its rim.

Amid the roars from the abyss, the hiss of steam, and the thud of large pieces of magma hitting the ashen dust on the other side of the vent, more visitors arrive to view the eruptions in the pre-dawn dark.

Paul Hogan is free to leave Australia after ATO deal

PAUL HOGAN is free to leave the country after reaching an agreement with the Tax Office.

His lawyer, Andrew Robinson, said yesterday that the actor and the Tax Office had agreed on terms, including Hogan providing security, but he did not specify the amount.

Vanuatu's first HIV patient speaks out

When Irene Malachi became the first person in Vanuatu to be diagnosed with HIV, people spat on her on the street.She was sacked from her job, her husband left, and the doctors did not know how to treat her.But Mrs Malachi did not turn her back on the community which had rejected her.

Robert Agius denies defraud plot

Robert Francis Agius was arrested in Perth in 2008 as part of Operation Wickenby, established by the Australian Crime Commission (ACC) in 2004 to investigate tax fraud schemes.

BBC News - Quake rocks Vanuatu in South Pacific

Corriere della Sera News International

“Sakineh was Tortured” Says Son – Appeal to Europe to Keep Up Pressure on Iran

Interview with son of woman sentenced to stoning for adultery

Black Swan Opens Venice Film Festival

Standing ovation for Italy’s head of state

Government Left President in Dark about Gheddafi Visit

No notice to Quirinale from Prime Minister’s Office or Foreign Ministry

Berlusconi Says Wound Has Healed – Deniers Belong to Past

Gheddafi replies that Italy has so far had too little respect for Libyans’ suffering and praises “brave” Berlusconi

“Islam is Europe’s Religion” Says Gheddafi to Meeting in Rome

Five hundred women recruited through agency for lecture on Koran. Three converts

Muslims Miss Out as Eight Per Thousand Contribution is Extended

Imam calls for co-operation with Islamic moderates

Atalanta Fans at Berghem Fest Attack Interior Minister Maroni with Smoke Flares

Protest against fan ID card. Maroni: “I’m not talking to them. They can forget about going to matches”

When Wall Street Eats Italian

Eataly complex opens in New York as analysts and stockbrokers queue for jobs

Parents Are Taking Over Children’s University Applications

Seven in ten enquiries come from family members. Charges of mollycoddling rejected

Berlusconi Tells Party Activists to Get Ready for Election

Premier says creation of Fini groups in Parliament is a paradox. Majority’s cohesion to be tested

Berlusconi Counters with Confidence Vote on Four Key Issues

September clash on justice, taxes, federalism and southern Italy

Berlusconi’s Call to Get Ready for Elections

After abstentions on Caliendo vote, PM says: “A black page for Fini’s supporters. We go to the country at the first incident”

Maroni: Situation Out of Hand - Autumn Election if Government Falls

“The Northern League-PDL pact is written in stone. Napolitano could look for an alternative but he wouldn’t find one”.

Italy and BP Scare - Moratorium on Drilling in Mediterranean

First wells in Libyan project 600 kilometres off Sicily to be drilled “within weeks”

Survivor Imma: “Lying under Rubble, I Thought about Mum and Dad”

Girl, 10, says she is “not happy about how it ended”. Doctors say she could leave hospital soon

Pravda World News

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    Hypothetically, imagine the situation in Brazil after receiving two atomic bombs in any war. Imagine further, that all the pride of the country has been devastated, like its infrastructure and economic and social development. Compounding this scenario of pure imagination, imagine that Brazil has no wealth of natural resources (anything from the...

  • Will Armenia and Turkey  Shake Hands Ever?
    Will Armenia and Turkey Shake Hands Ever?
    World » Asia

    It seems that it would be possible, without abandoning their positions, to establish diplomatic relations, open borders, and address other specific issues. But the mutual distrust in both countries is a serious constraint in the normalization of relations. In Armenia, there is a concern that the settlement of relations with Turkey could lead to...

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    The recently completed Operation Nanook (August 6 to 26), an operation which Canada began after Russia made claims to Arctic territories in 2007, involved an unprecedented degree of collaboration among military forces from Canada, the USA and Denmark: NATO member states. Yet is there not a commercial interest behind the sabre-rattling?

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Now, a 'crystal ball' to predict climate change effects

Researchers and scientists are turning to comparative physiology - an approach gives the scientific community a "crystal ball" for predicting the effects of global warming.

Soldiers kill 25 in gunbattle near US-Mexico border

A shootout between soldiers and purported drug cartel gunmen killed 25 suspects in northern Tamaulipas state, near Mexico's border with Texas, the military said.

Mexico plane crash kills 6, including 2 lawmakers, mayor

At least six people, including two Mexican federal lawmakers and a governor, were killed when their small plane crashed in southern Mexico, the attorney general's office said.

Indian woman burns herself to death over failed marriage

A young Indian woman in the UK burned herself to death to escape the shame of her failing marriage in Leicester, a judicial inquiry was told.

24-year-old Harsimrat Kaur Bains moved from India to marry Dalvinder Bains, 30, in 2007 but soon began complaining of domestic abuse.

One killed, three injured in Israeli air strikes

Israeli warplanes launched three strikes against the southern Gaza Strip, killing one, wounding three and leaving one more missing, Palestinian medical and security sources said.

5 killed, 39 injured in suicide attack in Russia

A suicide car bombing on a military camp in Russia's restive North Caucasus region of Daghestan killed at least five servicemen and injured 39 others on Sunday, the latest in a series of terror strikes that have rocked the area.

Nepal fails to elect PM in 6th run-off poll

Nepal's parliament failed to elect a new prime minister for the sixth time on Sunday as Maoist supremo Prachanda and his Nepali Congress rival Ramchandra Poudyal could not muster a majority, deepening the two-month constitutional crisis in the country.

Nine killed in New Zealand's worst plane crash

Nine people, including four foreigners were killed in New Zealand's worst air accident in 17 years, when a skydiving plane crashed and burst into flames at the remote Fox Glacier tourist spot.

20 killed in Guatemala floods, President Alvaro Colom declares emergency

GUATEMALA CITY: At least 20 people were killed in Guatemala in landslides triggered by weeks of driving rains, according to figures released by national emergency and rescue services.

'Iran orders 99 lashes for woman facing execution'

Iran orders 99 lashes for woman
Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani, a 43-year-old mother of two, was sentenced to death by stoning for adultery.
Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani, an Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery, has also been sentenced to 99 lashes for a photo published of her without a headscarf, according to her son.
In an interview published on the website of the French magazine La Regle du Jeu and the blog Dentelles et Tchador, Mohammadi-Ashtiani's son Sajjad said they learned of the new punishment from released inmates.

LE FIGARO International News in French, Sep 05, 2010

Géopolitique américaine et jeu diplomatique aux Proche et Moyen-Orient

Proche-Orient : les nouvelles règles du jeu des négociations

Les Américains interviennent pour la première fois dès le début dans les tractations entre Israéliens et Palestiniens.
» Proche-Orient : accord pour des négociations régulières

International Events, Der Spiegel

An Unsettled Issue

Israeli Settlement Construction Booms Despite Ban

In Washington, the Israelis and Palestinians are discussing peace, but in the Jewish settlements in the West Bank, construction is proceeding at full speed. A legal ban is being ignored and the government is looking away. The thousands of new homes could hinder reconciliation. By Juliane von Mittelstaedt in Jerusalem more...
Readers Respond to Criticism of Obama

'Remaking the US into Europe Would Be a Disaster'

Has US policy become too European in its approach to fighting the crisis? A German economist's criticism of President Obama's European-style stimulus package has prompted a flood of letters from SPIEGEL ONLINE readers. Here's a selection of the best comments. more...

The Czar's Lost Gold

Russian Submarine Hunts Clues to Century-Old Mystery

Legend has it that almost a century ago a series of railway wagons stuffed with gold sank into the depths of a lake in Siberia. This week, researchers, exploring the depths by submarine, may have found the Russian royals' lost gold. By Benjamin Bidder in Moscow more...

A Safety Net for Global Capitalism

Inside Munich Re, the World's Risk Center

When natural disasters, like floods in Pakistan or earthquakes in Haiti, strike, Munich Re, the world's largest reinsurance company, ends up paying part of the bill. Munich Re offers capitalism a safety net, and no other company is more familiar with life's risks. By Uwe Buse more... [ Forum ]

Obama's Misguided Approach

America Has Become Too European

The Obama administration and the Federal Reserve want to fix the United States economy by spending more money. But while that approach might work for Europe, it is risky for the US. The nation would be better off embracing traditional American values like self-reliance and small government. A Commentary by Thomas Straubhaar more...

The World from Berlin

'Obama Takes a Big, Necessary Risk' on Middle East

As the first direct talks between Israelis and Palestinians in two years get underway in Washington, President Barack Obama says he is "cautiously hopeful" about finding a solution for the Middle East. German editorialists on Thursday, however, are more circumspect about his chances. more...

The Low-Expectations Summit

Do Peace Talks in Washington Stand a Chance of Success?

A new round of Middle East peace talks begin Thursday in Washington. Expectations have never been so low, but that also presents an opportunity for progress between the Israelis and Palestinians. SPIEGEL ONLINE analyzes the main issues at the talks. By Juliane von Mittelstaedt in Washington more... [ Forum ]

Life in Baghdad's Slums

Fighting to Survive in Sadr City

Iraq's poorest people live on trash heaps, sleep amongst the rats and drink polluted water. In the country with the world's third largest oil reserves, a million people live in misery, despite the fact that the US has spent $53 billion on the country's reconstruction efforts. By Ulrike Putz in Baghdad more...

Internet Freedom

Will Russia's Bloggers Survive Censorship Push?

With so many of their media sources controlled by the state or government-friendly oligarchs, Russians have turned to their bloggers to keep informed and give voice to their grievances and concerns. But many of those in power are now seeking to impose rigid limits on online freedom. By Benjamin Bidder and Matthias Schepp more... [ Forum ]

Interview with CIA Veteran Michael Scheuer

'Only the Taliban Are Not Corrupt'

The CIA is alleged to have been paying an aide to Afghan President Hamid Karzai for information. Former CIA officer Michael Scheuer spoke to SPIEGEL about why fighting corruption in Afghanistan is all but impossible. more...

Hell on Earth

The UN Documents Congo's Bloodbath

Women and girls were raped. Men slaughtered. Refugees killed with machetes and sticks. A new UN report describes an orgy of violence in Congo between 1993 and 2003, meticulously documenting how law and humanity were abandoned. It also accuses Rwanda of atrocities in Congo -- something that has not gone down well in Kigali. By Horand Knaup in Nairobi more...

World News, Washington Times

Featured Articles
  • U.S. soldiers of the Fort Campbell based 1-75 Cavalry fire 122 mm mortars at a nearby Taliban position at Forward Operating Base Wilson in Kandahar Province, Southern Afghanistan, Saturday, Sept. 4, 2010. (AP Photo/ Todd Pitman)

    NATO deputy rues early optimism on Marjah

    By Kimberly Dozier - Associated Press
    NATO commanders were overly optimistic when they predicted quick success taking the key Taliban-held town of Marjah last winter, the outgoing deputy commander said. Published 12:00 a.m. September 5, 2010 - 0 Comments

  • Shoes, eggs hurled at Tony Blair in Dublin

    By John Heaney - Associated Press
    Protesters hurled shoes and eggs Saturday at Tony Blair who held the first public signing of his memoir amid high security in Ireland's capital. Hundreds more people lined up to have their books autographed — evidence that the divisions left by Blair's decade as British leader have yet to heal. Published 2:07 p.m. September 4, 2010 - 2 Comments

  • U.N. report on Congo genocide strengthened

    By Ashish Kumar Sen - The Washington Times
    A draft U.N. report accusing the Rwandan army of massacring Hutus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the 1990s is corroborated by findings of an international human rights group. Published 2:55 p.m. September 3, 2010 - 5 Comments
  • New Zealand hit by 7.1 quake; 2 injured
    By Robert Griffith - Associated Press
    updated 19 hours, 56 minutes ago
    Chimneys and walls crumbled to the ground, roads cracked in half and residents were knocked off their feet as a powerful magnitude-7.1 earthquake rocked New Zealand's South Island early Saturday. The prime minister said it was a miracle no one was killed. Published 2:12 p.m. September 3, 2010 - 2 Comments
  • Death toll rises to 65 in attack on Pakistanis
    By Abdul Sattar - Associated Press
    updated 19 hours, 30 minutes ago
    The death toll from a Pakistani Taliban suicide attack on a Shiite Muslim procession rose from 43 to 65 overnight as critically wounded people died in hospitals, police said Saturday. Published 9:27 a.m. September 3, 2010 - 4 Comments
  • Judge orders alleged kingpin 'La Barbie' held
    By Associated Press
    A judge has ordered a U.S.-born suspected drug lord known as "La Barbie" held for 40 days pending an investigation into organized crime and other possible charges, authorities announced Saturday. Published 11:16 a.m. September 4, 2010 - 1 Comments
  • U.N. nuclear chief asks Israel to join treaty
    By Veronika Oleksyn - Associated Press
    The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency has asked Israel to consider signing up to the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, according to a report made public Friday, in a boost to Arab-led pressure on the Jewish state to join the pact. Published 1:50 p.m. September 3, 2010 - 5 Comments

Sep 4, 2010

International News - The New York Times

In Middle East Peace Talks, Clinton Faces a Crucial Test

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, at the United Nations in August, is taking a hands-on approach to Mideast diplomacy.
Josh Haner/The New York Times
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, at the United Nations in August, is taking a hands-on approach to Mideast diplomacy.
The new round of peace talks could cement the legacy of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton as a diplomat. But the talks could also pose considerable risks to any political ambitions she may harbor.

Educational Gaps Limit Brazil’s Reach

Education is a major stumbling block in Brazil’s bid to accelerate its economy and establish itself as one of the world’s most powerful nations.

Syria’s Solidarity With Islamists Ends at Home

The country, which had sought to allow religious figures a greater role in public life, has reversed course.

2 Bombings Kill 10 People in Afghanistan

A remote-controlled bomb detonated atop a parked motorcycle on Saturday, killing seven Afghans, according to local government and hospital officials.

U.N. Raises Concerns as Global Food Prices Jump

Recent food riots in poor countries prompted United Nations officials to call for a careful watch on prices.

30 False Fronts Won Contracts for Blackwater

The security firm created shell companies to obtain U.S. contracts after it was criticized for its conduct in Iraq, investigators said.

South Korea’s Foreign Minister Offers Resignation

Yu Myung-hwan faced allegations that his ministry bent its regulations to hire his daughter.

Italian Cities Plan to Shut Roma Camps

Dozens of Italian cities have been pursuing policies to expel the Roma, dismantling camps and evicting residents.

7.1 Earthquake Hits New Zealand

A major earthquake hit west of Christchurch early Saturday morning, causing no immediate reports of casualties but widespread damage, authorities said.
Military Memo

Defense Secretary Offers Cautious Views on Wars

Robert M. Gates seems to be trying to lower expectations for a coming review of war policy.

H.I.V. Prevention Gel Hits Snag: Money

Donors have not yet committed enough money for studies needed to confirm a promising South African trial of a microbicide and to get the product to women.

Pessimism Permeates Mideast Media on Talks

Many Palestinian and Israeli commentators described this week’s talks in Washington as mere political theater.

Suicide Bomber Kills 53 at Shiite Protest

The explosion, two days after another attack, killed at least 40 people, as militants intensify their campaign to destabilize the Pakistani government.

U.S. Withholds Millions in Mexico Antidrug Aid

The decision was based on concerns that the country was not doing enough to protect its people from abuses by the police and the military.

Turkey May Let U.S. Equipment Pass

The country had refused in 2003 to let American troops pass through its borders on the way to Iraq.

Six Convicted of Sexual Crimes at Portuguese Children’s Home

The six-year trial involved charges of rape and abuse of 32 children and of running a pedophile ring at a state-run home for needy children in Lisbon.

Attack in Tajikistan Highlights Fears of Militancy

A car rigged with explosives rammed into a police station in northern Tajikistan, killing two people and wounding at least 25 others in an apparent suicide attack, Tajik police officials said.

Entertainment, News, Celebrities, Gossip, Movies, Awards -

Lindsay Lohan said mother and child “didn’t move out of the way”

Sat, Sep 4 2010 Lindsay Lohan allegedly hit a mother and her child in a stroller after she failed to let them completely cross before turning and clipping their stroll ... READ MORE
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Pixar offers fans a look at “Newt” … which no longer is in development at the studio

Sat, Sep 4 2010

By Sean O’Connell Want to see pictures from the Pixar film that never came to pass?

The anim ... READ MORE
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“Lethal Weapon” series coming to Blu-ray with bonus material

Sat, Sep 4 2010

By Scott Mendelson This is the kind of thing I would have snapped up in a heartbeat just a couple years ago. Of course, part of being a father to an insanely energetic t ... READ MORE
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“Never Let Me Go” splits Telluride critics

Sat, Sep 4 2010

By Sean O’Connell Man, it’s difficult covering Telluride in the days before Toronto.

I’m not in Colorado for t ... READ MORE
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Jerry O’Connell glad to split duties with Jim Belushi on “The Defenders”

Sat, Sep 4 2010

By Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel Smith Jerry O’Connell tells us he’s glad that he and Jim Belushi are able to “split the duties” on their Sept. 22-debuting “The Def ... READ MORE
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