

ALS, Alexander Language Schools Franchise

Aug 17, 2010

Top 10 celebrity weddings in first half of 2010

Top 10 celebrity weddings in first half of 2010

Top 10 celebrity weddings in first half of 2010

Top 10 celebrity weddings in first half of 2010

Top 10 celebrity weddings in first half of 2010

Top 10 celebrity weddings in first half of 2010

Barbie Hsu, Richie Ren promote new comedy in Guangzhou

Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor returns home to spend final days

Fans pay tribute for Elvis' 33rd death anniversary

Tila Tequila ready for court

48th New York Film Festival unveils lineup

Most shining stars: Winners of int'l beauty pageants

Miss Universe contestants arrive in Las Vegas

Miss Universe swimsuit shoot in Las Vegas

Miss Universe swimsuit shoot in Las Vegas

Miss Universe swimsuit shoot in Las Vegas

Miss Universe swimsuit shoot in Las Vegas

Miss Universe swimsuit shoot in Las Vegas

Miss Universe swimsuit shoot in Las Vegas

Miss Universe swimsuit shoot in Las Vegas

Blood diamonds: no one's interested in Charles Taylor, it's the Naomi Campbell Show

If it weren't for the supermodel sideshow, the world's press wouldn't be interested in this trial

Israeli soldier who posed on Facebook with Palestinian prisoners defends herself

Suicide bomber kills 59 in Iraq - Telegraph

Julia Gillard wants Australia to become a republic at end of Queen’s reign

World Bank offers Pakistan $900m loan

World Bank offers Pakistan $900m loan

Colombian jet crash 'miracle' as all but one survive | World news | The Guardian


Deadly blast hits Iraqi army base

Nigeria's former military leader launches challenge for presidency

Ibrahim Babangida, the former Nigerian military leader

UK should not put trade with Sudan ahead of human rights

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir

Top 10 autumn sunshine holidays

Michael Douglas treated for throat tumour

Michael Douglas

Legal doubts surface as court extends California gay marriage ban | Richard Adams

Activists wave signs at a gay rights rally in California

Taliban call for joint inquiry into civilian Afghan deaths considered

Taliban attacks in Kabul

Tony Blair's donation to British Legion receives mixed response

Tony Blair with British soldiers on duty in Basra in 2006

Iraq suicide bombing kills scores of military recruits | The Guardian

Aug 16, 2010

UN warning that 3.5 million children at risk in Pakistan floods

German singer admits not telling sexual partners she was HIV positive

Nadja Benaissa: German singer admits concealing HIV in sexual encounters

Yahoo News

An Anemic Economic Recovery Keeps the Fed From Focusing on Inflation

Android Has a New Fight, This Time with Oracle

Rumor: Facebook Goes On "Lockdown" Due To Google

PayPal to Offer Micropayment Service by Year's End

Becoming a Language School Franchisee; Set up your own Language School

Troop deaths top 2000 in Afghan war


June was the bloodiest month for foreign forces in Afghanistan with 102 troops killed [AFP]

South Asian superbug claims first fatality

Obama backs Ground Zero mosque

Congo celebrates 50 years of independence from France

10 killed, 30 injured in Iraq violence

Abbas, US official to mull Quartet direct talks plan

Bosnian laboratory helps Iraq unearth war secrets

Progress in Afghanistan will take time, says Petraeus

Cholera confirmed after Pakistan floods

Cholera confirmed after Pakistan floods

Cambodia seeks Asean help over border dispute

US missile strike kills 12 militants in Pakistan

Baby dumping: Integrated and continuous effort needed

Bumiputera leaders unhappy over Chinese name for Sibu

Indonesian authorities detain seven fishermen

India PM calls for end to Kashmir street protest, Maoist violence

Australia ready for knife-edge election

Thousands of Aussies protest climate change

Japan PM, ministers stay away from war shrine on anniversary

Japan urged to apologise for invading Malaya

Malaysia to use GMUN 2010 as platform to share unity

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Rossi's switch excites Ducati boss

Seven-time world MotoGP champion  Valentino Rossi.

Elkington turns back clock in PGA tilt

Australian golfer Steve Elkington.

Mat Rogers eyes fairytale finish to NRL

US President Obama Throws Weight behind Mosque near Ground Zero

Bulgaria: US President Obama Throws Weight behind Mosque near Ground Zero

South Korean President Calls for Unification with North

Lourdes Pilgrimage Ruined by Bomb Threat

Bulgaria: Lourdes Pilgrimage Ruined by Bomb Threat

Bulgaria: Bulgarian Pilgrims Hail Mary at Rila Monastery

Bulgaria: Bulgarian Pilgrims Hail Mary at Rila Monastery

Bulgaria Restores Balkans' Top Monastery Complex

Bulgaria Restores Balkans' Top Monastery Complex: Bulgaria Restores Balkans' Top Monastery Complex