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Jul 8, 2011

EUROZONE Debt Crisis News, Jul 08, 2011

Factbox: Coming events in the euro zone debt crisis
July 11 - Euro zone finance ministers hold meeting as work continues on a second bailout package to cover Greece's funding needs up to mid-2014 with private creditor participation. -- Debt agency's next auctions of T-bills fall in July, ...
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EURO GOVT-Bunds dip before ECB, Italy yields reflect crisis
LONDON , July 7 (Reuters) - German government bond yields were steady on Thursday, supported by fears the euro zone debt crisis was intensifying, with a solid Spanish bond sale doing little to relieve tension. Two-year German yields were off lows hit ...
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Europe sovereign debt crisis biggest threat to insurers - EIOPA
By Myles Neligan LONDON, July 7 (Reuters) - The eurozone sovereign debt crisis is the biggest threat to Europe's insurers, and the risk the sector could suffer losses on its government bond holdings is growing, pan-European industry regulator EIOPA ...
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Europeans Caution Ratings Agencies After the Downgrade of Portugal's Debt
New York Times
By LIZ ALDERMAN and JACK EWING PARIS — European officials scrambled on Wednesday to prevent the debt crisis in Greece from destabilizing their currency union, threatening credit-rating agencies with possible retaliation after the decision on Tuesday ...
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Hedge Funds Move Past Greece With Bets That Sovereign Debt Crisis Expands
Photographer: Mario Proenca/Bloomberg Hedge funds that trade bonds and loans are increasing bets that Europe's sovereign-debt crisis will spread to Portugal, Spain and Italy, even after Greece won a temporary reprieve with 12 billion euros in aid. ...
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GLOBAL MARKETS-Euro under pressure, shares steady; Trichet awaited
By Natsuko Waki LONDON, July 7 (Reuters) - The euro fell broadly on Thursday as investors looked beyond a well-flagged interest rate hike by the European Central Bank to focus on the worseningeuro zone debt crisis, while world stocks held steady just ...
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RPT-UPDATE 1-Spain sees strong demand, but pays dearly for bonds
Bids of close to 8 billion euros were received. But the market demanded a high premium for the debt after ratings agency Moody's cut Portuguese debt to junk status on Tuesday, while doubts still abound over the EU's ability to solve the debt crisis and ...
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Mobius: A crisis is always around the corner, but the euro will prevail
Mobius is convinced that Europe will get out stronger from its current debt crisis and the euro will become increasingly important for the bloc. He said there is no country that would contemplate leaving the Eurozone. We know Mark Mobius ...
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'Two-speed euro needed in debt crisis'
Money Marketing
Economic parameters such as interest rates must be set at two levels in the eurozone to accommodate weaker economies if it is to survive the sovereign debt crisis, according to Standard Chartered. Last week, the Greek government approved an austerity ...
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Van Rompuy Calls For United Action To Safeguard Financial Stability Of Eurozone
RTT News
Referring to a sovereign debt crisis that three EU member states are facing, Van Rompuy said "Because we are part of a monetary union, which is beneficial for all euro area countries, it is important that we all act in a united way. ...
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PRECIOUS-Factors To Watch on July 7
LONDON, July 7 (Reuters) - Gold prices rose in Europe on Thursday, supported by interest in the metal as a haven from the euro zone debt crisis and the threat of rising inflation, ahead of a key interest rates announcement from the European Central ...
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Germany seeks to revive debt swap plans
Irish Times
SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS: GERMANY IS trying to revive plans for a Greek debt swap as Europe battles to find a way of ensuring private creditors take part in a new bailout for the country. The development comes weeks after Berlin withdrew its proposal in ...
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Industrials Lift the Dow, But Banks Lag Behind
Fox Business
However, Bank of America (BAC) and JPMorgan Chase (JPM) counterbalanced the gains amid concerns over exposure to the euro zone sovereign debt crisis. Trading in the first two days following the holiday weekend has been light; indeed, Tuesday's volume ...
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OECD joins criticism of rating agencies
Straits Times
Rating agencies came under strong attack from senior personalities in the European Union on Wednesday after Moody's downgraded Portugal's rating to 'junk' status, casting new doubts on the markets over EU efforts to manage the euro zone debt crisis. ...
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Europe moves to check influence of rating agencies
Christian Science Monitor
A downgrade of Portugal's credit rating to junk status underlines how the Greek crisisis poisoning other weak countries in the euro zone, regardless of their own efforts to shrink their debt and return to growth. By AndrĂ©s Cala, Correspondent / July 7 ...
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Greece Massive Loss of Sovereignty, EU Seeks to Curb Rating Firms
The Market Oracle
“Developments since the sovereign- debt crisis show we need to take a further look at reinforcing our rules.” I agree with Schaeuble regarding the need to “break up” the rating agencies. I have spoken about this many times. The key article is Time To ...
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Domestic havens best bet in 2011 as resource funds slide
LONDON, July 7 (Reuters) - A series of macroeconomic shocks -- from the euro zone debt crisis to May's commodity sell-off -- combined to hit funds tied to the world economy in 2011, giving funds better insulated from global growth the chance to shine. ...
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Investors Exit Bullish Treasurys Bets, But Most Stay Neutral
Wall Street Journal
Yet most remain neutral rather than placing bearish wagers, because such short bets could be hurt by waves of safe-haven buying of Treasurys if the euro-zone debt crisis worsens. JP Morgan's latest Treasury client survey on Wednesday underscored the ...
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Thursday's ETF To Watch: CurrencyShares British Pound Trust (FXB)
Business Insider
Although Greece passed austerity measures last week, the euro zone is not out of the woods on itsdebt crisis by a long shot. Further plans to help Greece could be viewed as a default by some ratings agencies and Portugal was recently downgraded to ...
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Britain: European “contagion” must be resisted
In Defense of Marxism (blog)
British banks, they say, are sound and with enough capital to insulate themselves against a sovereign debt crisis across the Channel. But these assurances were then contradicted by Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, who said the European ...
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PIIGS Country ETFs Walloped
Investor's Business Daily
By TRANG HO, INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY Posted 07/06/2011 06:42 PM ET Debt-ridden countries dragged down European ETFs Wednesday after Moody's downgrade of Portugal's sovereign debt to junk status rekindled fears over the euro zone debt crisis. ...
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Has the EU's stress test failed?
Business Spectator
And then, of course, there is the possibility that the euro itself may not survive the sovereign debt crisis. However, the implications of this scenario might be so severe that they are hard to model. For a start, a Greek exit from the euro could ...
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Trading opportunity seen in zinc lead SMC Global
Zinc and Lead have shown stunning recovery recently as Greece passed austerity measures but this will be short lived and it is only relief measure because overall euro zone problems is much bigger. Macroeconomic jitters surrounding Europe's debt crisis ...
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Lagarde Vows to Diversify Voices at IMF
Wall Street Journal
Ms. Lagarde pledged that the fund under her leadership wouldn't give special treatment to any of its members and that she "will not be biased" as she works through Europe's debt crisis in her new role. " 'Evenhandedness' [and] 'level playing field' are ...
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Hungary Could Adopt Euro Around 2018-20 - Minister Matolcsy
BUDAPEST -(Dow Jones)- Europe's debt crisis has shown that only countries with strong economies can benefit from joining the euro zone, the Hungarian economic minister said Thursday. Gyorgy Matolcsy also said his country might be ready to adopt the ...
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IMF Board Seen Approving Greek Loan Friday Despite Fears Within Fund
Wall Street Journal
Despite those concerns, the IMF board is expected to approve the next tranche of loans to Greece to stem the sovereign debt crisis from spilling over into the rest of the euro zone. The IMF's new managing director, Christine Lagarde, the former French ...
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Strong data pushes European shares to 5-week high
Banks, which have significant exposure to the eurozone peripheral economies, initially reacted positively, but later gave up gains. Italian lender UniCredit , down 4.2 percent, led the banking sector lower on concerns that the Greek debt crisis could ...
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There are real differences in economic policy between Frankfurt and London
BBC News
It sounds like a good start to a book, but it is also not a bad description of the current state of the economy across Europe. Yet for all the talk about the crisis in theeurozone, especially in Greece, Portugal and the Irish Republic, ...
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The EURUSD fell sharply for a second day yesterday
A significant worsening of the Eurozone peripheral debt crisis in the aftermath of Moody's downgrade of Portuguese debt, a worse than expected US ISM Non-Manufacturing and a Chinese interest rate hike failed to shake off the control the bulls have on ...
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Relaxed Attitude to Insurers Looks Puzzling
Wall Street Journal
Despite the latest escalation in the euro crisis, including the increasing likelihood of the euro zone's first sovereign default, and news that one in 10 European insurers had failed a stress test, investors appear unfazed. While the Euro STOXX 600 ...
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Special Report: What is the Greek Debt Crisis, and What Does it ...
Q: What Does This Mean for the Euro? One of the lessons we've learned from the Greek debt crisisis that the Eurozone is not as strong or stable as most believed. Eurozone members attempted a monetary union without united fiscal policy. .... Money Morning News Archive: Stories about Greece; Money Morning: French Banks Scramble to Prevent Another Global Collapse; Money Morning: The Next Global Credit Crisis: Why U.S. Banks and Greek Debt Will be the Toxic Trigger ...
The Wall Street Examiner
EU leaders blame the euro crisis on American credit rating ...
By Daniel Hannan
caption id="attachment_100095709" align="alignnone" width="460" caption="Tusk and Barroso: thecrisis is all the fault of wicked capitalist speculators"][/caption] When EU leaders start claiming that the debt crisis is a plot got up by the ... The truth, of course, is that credit rating agencies were too optimistic about the euro zone, too ready to believe the Eurocrats. Their belated return to reality poses a massive problem for Brussels. It's not just that Portugal must ...
Finance ministers struggle as eurozone fears increase | European Voice
Ministers to meet on Monday in a bid to prevent the eurozone crisis from escalating. Eurozonefinance ministers will return to Brussels on Monday (11 July) to confront fears that the sovereign-debt crisis is intensifying. A credit-rating downgrade for Portugal and a ... Sony Kapoor, the managing-director of Re-Define, a Brussels-based think-tank, said: “The longer the euro crisis stays in the headlines, the more likely it is that Spain and even Italy get sucked in. ...
European Voice - RSS - News & analysis
Special Report: What is the Greek Debt Crisis, and What Does it ...
By Kerri Shannon
Welcome to Money Morning - Only the News You Can Profit From. Skip to content .... Q: What Does This Mean for the Euro? One of the lessons we've learned from the Greek debt crisis is that theEurozone is not as strong or stable as most believed. Eurozone members attempted a monetary union without united fiscal policy. Now it must strengthen membership standards to prevent futurecrises. "If the EU wishes to make the euro work, it must demonstrate that the fiscal rules of ...
Money Morning
Investors flee European bonds -
LOS ANGELES – Europe's debt crisis is going from bad to worse – again. Investors dumped. ...European governments are pressing private investors in Greek bonds to agree to restructure that country's debt as part of the eurozone's planned second bailout of Athens, which is being crushed by a debt burden of nearly $500 billion. Moody's clearly is worried that a Greek deal with private bondholders could set the stage for Portuguese bondholders to be forced into concessions, ... Local News,...
The Debt Crisis in Greece & Europe Drags On | Care2 Causes
By Kristina C.
While Italy's economy is the third largest among the 17 nations comprising the European Union(Germany and France are in the number one and two spots, respectively), Italy's debt ratio is the next highest after Greece's. ... “If you work backwards and look at Greek public debt and try to understand who owns what, you have a hole of 140 billion euros held by asset managers, pension funds and the like, but there is very little information on the details of those holdings,” ...
Care2 Causes
Is Greece Pawning its Gold Bullion? | Gold News
By Julian D.W. Phillips
Of course, it is pure conjecture on our part to link the gold holdings of three of the Eurozone'sfinancially weakest members to the BIS. In the first quarter of 2010 the BIS recorded the jump in gold holdings that it had acquired. ... But it was at about this time that the Eurozone debt crisis reared its ugly head. In advance of any rescue plans, when the respective central banks probably first began discussions on the matter it would have been deemed prudent to make a ...
Gold News - Gold Market Analysis... | Hedge funds betting on crisis spreading
Hedge funds that trade bonds and loans are increasing bets that Europe's sovereign debt crisis will spread to Portugal, Spain and Italy, even after Greece won a temporary reprieve with 12 billion eurosin aid. ... : Latest News

WORLD News, Jul 08, 2011

Karachi's ethnic, political violence kills 70 in three days
Thu,7 Jul 2011 11:07 PM PDT
Reuters - KARACHI (Reuters) - Pakistani police and paramilitary troops were ordered on Friday to shoot on sight in its largest city Karachi after 70 people were killed in three days of ethnic and political violence. Full Story1

TECHNOLOGY News, Jul 08, 2011

Google's Schmidt sees room for several social networks
Thu,7 Jul 2011 08:02 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoSUN VALLEY, Idaho, July 7 (Reuters) - Google Inc is leaving open the door to more co-operation with social-media giants Facebook and Twitter, and believes there is room for multiple social networks as it rolls out its own, executive chairman Eric Schmidt said.
Twitter security lags some other sites: experts
Thu,7 Jul 2011 06:07 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoBOSTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The fast-growing microblogging site Twitter has fallen behind some other Internet services in introducing tools to help secure the accounts of users, security experts say.

Proxy firm unimpressed by RIM promise about board
Thu,7 Jul 2011 03:24 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoTORONTO (Reuters) - Proxy firm Glass Lewis was left unimpressed by Research In Motion Ltd's promise to study board changes while avoiding an imminent shareholder vote on the matter.

Cell phones, devices biggest driving distractions
Thu,7 Jul 2011 01:21 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Driving distractions, primarily by cell phones and other electronic devices, are associated with up to 25 percent of U.S. car crashes, according to a report released on Thursday.

RIM says adds 1 million EMEA subscribers in 3 weeks
Thu,7 Jul 2011 12:32 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoTORONTO (Reuters) - BlackBerry maker Research In Motion said on Thursday it has added more than one million subscribers in Europe, the Middle East and Africa in less than three weeks.

Canada eyes Nortel patent sale review: minister
Thu,7 Jul 2011 12:30 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoOTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Industry Minister Christian Paradissaid on Thursday that officials in his office are studying whether to formally review a sale of Nortel patents to ensure investment law was properly applied.

Court OKs TerreStar's $1.38 billion sale to Dish
Thu,7 Jul 2011 12:29 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoNEW YORK (Reuters) - A judge on Thursday approved TerreStar Networks Inc's proposed $1.375 billion sale to Dish Network Corp, pushing the satellite communications company a major step closer to emerging from a 9-month stint in bankruptcy.

James Murdoch defends executive Brooks
Thu,7 Jul 2011 12:03 PM PDT
Reuters - LONDON, Jul (Reuters) - News International Chairman James Murdoch said on Thursday he regretted the phone-hacking scandal that has led to the closure of the News of the World tabloid and defended his chief executive Rebekah Brooks, a former editor of the paper. Full Story1

DragonWave hopes India can offset Clearwire woes
Thu,7 Jul 2011 10:25 AM PDT
Reuters - TORONTO (Reuters) - DragonWave, a Canadian supplier of microwave technology for telecoms companies, is pinning its hopes on growth in India to make up for a spending pullback at its main customer, U.S.-based Clearwire, that has left it reporting losses for three straight quarters. Full Story1

Factbox: Advertisers drop Murdoch paper over hacking claims
Thu,7 Jul 2011 08:54 AM PDT
Reuters - LONDON (Reuters) - Supermarket Sainsbury, cellphone operator O2 and a war veterans charity whose patron is Britain's Queen Elizabeth have joined a growing list of organizations to suspend ties with the News of the World as a scandal over hacking allegations deepens. Full Story1

UK to probe court evidence from former Murdoch editor
Thu,7 Jul 2011 08:54 AM PDT
Reuters - LONDON (Reuters) - Scottish police were asked on Thursday to investigate evidence given in court by witnesses including former News of the World editor Andy Coulson following the latest developments in the phone hacking scandal engulfing the newspaper. Full Story1

Timeline: New hacking revelations hit News Corp
Thu,7 Jul 2011 08:54 AM PDT
Reuters - (Reuters) - Here is a timeline of events in the long-running phone-hacking scandal engulfing Rupert Murdoch's media empire which grew on Thursday with new claims. Full Story1

Murdoch keeps low profile at Sun Valley, avoids press
Thu,7 Jul 2011 08:54 AM PDT
Reuters - SUN VALLEY, Idaho (Reuters) - Rupert Murdoch kept a low profile and managed to miss the press pack at Sun Valley on Wednesday, avoiding questions on the phone-hacking scandal at his company's UK tabloid paper and how it might hit its plan to take over satellite TV company BSkyB. Full Story1

Apple's app downloads race ahead, surpass 15 billion
Thu,7 Jul 2011 08:00 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoNEW YORK (Reuters) - Apple Inc customers downloaded more than 15 billion applications in the past three years, the company said on Thursday, releasing figures that suggest the rate of downloads is sharply accelerating.

Murdoch declines further comment on hacking at Sun Valley
Thu,7 Jul 2011 07:27 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoSUN VALLEY, Idaho (Reuters) - Rupert Murdoch declined to comment further on the escalating phone hacking scandal at his British newspapers, saying on Thursday that he would not be adding to a statement he issued a day earlier.

SPORTS News, Jul 08, 2011

Fan dies after fall at Rangers game
Thu,7 Jul 2011 09:23 PM PDT
Reuters - ARLINGTON, Texas (Reuters) - A fan fell to his death at Rangers Ballpark Thursday after catching a ball tossed by one of the Texas players. Full Story1
Jeter starts fast but still needs two hits for 3,000
Thu,7 Jul 2011 09:20 PM PDT
Reuters - photoNEW YORK (Reuters) - Derek Jeter thought he was going to make quick work of reaching the 3,000-hit mark during the home series against the Tampa Bay Rays after he stroked the first pitch he saw Thursday into left-center for a double.

Full Story1
Fan dies after fall at Rangers game
Thu,7 Jul 2011 11:57 PM PDT
Reuters - ARLINGTON, Texas (Reuters) - A fan fell to his death at Rangers Ballpark Thursday after catching a ball tossed to him by Texas outfielder Josh Hamilton. Full Story1
Rays beat Yanks 5-1, Jeter two hits from 3,000
Thu,7 Jul 2011 09:10 PM PDT
Reuters - photoNEW YORK (Reuters) - B.J. Upton homered and drove in three runs to back the strong pitching of Jeff Niemann as the Tampa Bay Rays beat the New York Yankees 5-1 on Thursday and kept Derek Jeter two hits short of the milestone mark of 3,000.

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Golf-John Deere Classic first round scores
Thu,7 Jul 2011 07:27 PM PDT
Reuters - July 7 (Reuters) - Leading first round scores from the U.S. PGA Tour's John Deere Classic on Thursday in Silvis, Illinois (par-71; U.S. unless stated) Full Story1
Serbia strong favorites in Sweden, U.S. host Spain
Thu,7 Jul 2011 07:10 PM PDT
Reuters - photoLONDON (Reuters) - Defending champions Serbia will be huge favorites to reach the Davis Cup semi-finals this weekend as newly-crowned Wimbledon champion Novak Djokovic returns to action against Sweden.

Full Story1
Love in title hunt at Deere Run, Blanks leads
Thu,7 Jul 2011 06:36 PM PDT
Reuters - CHICAGO (Reuters) - PGA Tour veteran Davis Love III, refreshed and energized after a two-week break, charged ominously into contention for the John Deere Classic just one stroke behind Kris Blanks after Thursday's opening round. Full Story1
UPDATE 1-Golf-Love in title hunt at Deere Run, Blanks leads
Thu,7 Jul 2011 06:19 PM PDT
Reuters - * Invigorated Love surges up Deere Classic leaderboard Full Story1
Kerr and Anderson lead storm-hit U.S. Women's Open
Thu,7 Jul 2011 06:00 PM PDT
Reuters - COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado (Reuters) - World number two Cristie Kerr and unheralded amateur Amy Anderson held a share of the early lead at the U.S. Women's Open on Thursday after play was suspended for the day because of thunderstorms. Full Story1
UPDATE 1-Golf-Kerr and Anderson lead storm-hit U.S. Women's Open
Thu,7 Jul 2011 05:51 PM PDT
Reuters - * Kerr shocked after play is suspended for the day Full Story1
Hall of Fame manager Williams dies at 82
Thu,7 Jul 2011 05:15 PM PDT
Reuters - LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Baseball Hall of Fame manager Dick Williams, who led the Oakland Athletics to a pair of World Series championships, died on Thursday after suffering a ruptured aortic aneurysm. He was aged 82. Full Story1
Mets place All-Star shortstop Reyes on disabled list
Thu,7 Jul 2011 05:14 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York Mets All-Star shortstop Jose Reyes was placed on the 15-day disabled list with a strained left hamstring, the Major League Baseball club said on Thursday. Full Story1
Fish looks to give U.S. a flying start against Spain
Thu,7 Jul 2011 05:11 PM PDT
Reuters - AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Mardy Fish will aim to give hosts the United States a winning start in their Davis Cup World Group quarter-final against Spain after being pitted against Feliciano Lopez in the opening match on Friday. Full Story1
Golf-Kerr and Anderson lead storm-hit U.S. Women's Open
Thu,7 Jul 2011 04:24 PM PDT
Reuters - COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado, July 7 (Reuters) - World number two Cristie Kerr and unheralded amateur Amy Anderson held a share of the early lead at the U.S. Women's Open on Thursday when play was suspended for the day because of thunderstorms. Full Story1
NY Mets owners seek end to $1 billion Madoff lawsuit
Thu,7 Jul 2011 03:44 PM PDT
Reuters - photoNEW YORK (Reuters) - Owners of the New York Mets baseball team asked a federal judge on Thursday to dismiss the $1 billion lawsuit against them by the trustee seeking money for victims of Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme.

Full Story1