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Dec 1, 2011

SYRIA News, Dec 01, 2011

UN report says Syria now in a civil war with 4000 dead from Assad regime ...
Washington Post
BEIRUT — Syria has entered a state of civil war with more than 4000 people dead and an increasing number of soldiers defecting from the army to fight President Bashar Assad's regime, the UN's top human rights official said Thursday. ...
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United Nations Says Unrest in Syria Amounts to Civil War
New York Times
Her declaration came amid an escalation of international pressure on Mr. Assad'sgovernment, with the Arab League, the European Union, Turkey and the United States all taking measures to further constrict the Syrian economy. In past months, the Syrian ...
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Report: Russia delivers anti-ship missiles to Syria
Jerusalem Post
Economic and diplomatic pressure has isolated Syrian President Bashar Assadfollowing a nine-month government crackdown against protesters in unrest theUnited Nations says has killed more than 4000 people. Moscow has spoken out against further ...
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UN rights chief says Syria death toll over 4000
Atlanta Journal Constitution
BEIRUT (AP) — Syria's opposition called a general strike Thursday over President Bashar Assad's deadly crackdown on an 8-month-old revolt, ramping up efforts to persuade the country's business elite to abandon their long-standing ties to the regime. ...
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Atlanta Journal Constitution
EU expands sanctions on regime as 23 killed in Syria
Monsters and
Beirut - Syrian troops killed at least 23 people Thursday in rebellious provinces, while the European Union imposed fresh sanctions on President Bashar al-Assad'sregime. The United Nations said 4000 people have been killed in the eight-month crackdown ...
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EU Bans Exports to Syria of Systems to Monitor Internet, Phones
Earlier this year, Telecomix, a group of online activists, discovered that technology from a US company, Blue Coat Systems Inc., was filtering web sites inside ofSyria. The United Nations said today it estimates the death toll from Assad'scrackdown ...
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Latest developments in Arab political unrest stretching from North Africa to ...
Washington Post
___ SYRIA The UN's top human rights official, Navi Pillay, says Syria has entered a state of civil war with more than 4000 people dead and an increasing number of soldiers defecting from the army to fight President Bashar Assad's regime. ...
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Biden Seeks Turkey's Help to Keep Up Pressure on Syria and Iran
30 of sanctions on Syria in response to President Bashar al-Assad's eight-month crackdown on dissent. The sanctions include freezing Syrian government assets in Turkey, banning Assad's leadership team from entry and suspending arms sales and Syrian ...
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Turtle Bay: US opposes Human Rights Commission's referral of Syria to Security...
Foreign Policy (blog)
On Monday, Susan Rice, the US ambassador to the United Nations, told reporters in New York that a UN report detailing atrocities by Syrian security forces underscored the need for the UN Security Council to take action to stop a campaign of repression ...
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UN: Syria in a state of civil war
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said Thursday the increasing number of army defectors taking up arms against the regime has pushed the country over the edge and into a civil war. Syrian President Bashar Assad has been trying to ...
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Syria now in state of civil war, death toll at 4000: UN
GENEVA (Reuters) - Syria is now in a state of civil war with more than 4000 dead and increasing numbers of defecting soldiers taking up arms against the government of President Bashar al-Assad, the top United Nations human rights official said on ...
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Syrian security forces kill 16 civilians: rights group
Khaleej Times
On Wednesday, 14 civilians, including a woman and a 12-year-old boy, were killed by security forces in several Syrian provinces as the eight-month government crackdown on protesters demanding Assad's ouster continued unabated. UN rights chief Navi ...
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FP Passport: Exclusive: A video message from Razan Zaitouneh
Foreign Policy (blog)
1 that the country was in a state of civil war, and that the death toll was "much more" than the official UN estimate of 4000. Every day brings reports of new army defections, and civilian casualties that regularly run into the dozens. If Syria is to...
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British software helped Syrian regime crush dissidents
Bureau of Investigative Journalism
According to the UN, over 3500 revolutionaries are estimated to have been killed by troops and militias loyal to Assad in his attempt to crush dissent. It is believed the regime has now extended its search outside the Syrian borders, ...
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Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Religion News: Calls for condemnation of Syria
Mount Shasta Herald
In November, Human Rights Watch officially accused the Assad regime of "crimes against humanity." Recently, in an unprecedented move, the Arab League approved major economic sanctions against Syria. The League took this action after Syriafailed to ...
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UPI NewsTrack TopNews
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said Thursday the number of dead may be much higher. The US Treasury Department Thursday added sanctions on Mohammad Makhlouf, Assad's uncle, and Aus Aslan, a Syriangeneral. ...
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EU lacks will for Iran oil ban, Syria intervenion
Another EU diplomat noted that even this would require Syrian President BasharAssad to first agree or a UN Security Council resolution - a dim prospect given the veto wielded by Russia, an ally of Damascus, on the UN body. For his part, Sweden's Carl ...
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Lebanon: Hezbollah Digs In
Hudson New York
In June of this year, Haaretz reported that, according to Le Figaro, Hezbollah was transporting missiles, including "Iranian-produced Zilzal, Fajr-3 and Fajr-4 missiles," from Syria into Lebanon for fear that the Assad regime would fall. ...
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UAE achieves more prosperity and achievements (add three)
WAM - Emirates News Agency
With regard to the unstable situation in Syria, Sheikh Abdullah said that the UAE hopes that President Al Assad fulfills his recent commitments to stop military operations against Syrian civilians, and carry out meaningful political reforms. ...
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Repressive governments using US-made spy technology
CBS News
In Syria, where President Bashar al-Assad's efforts to crush an uprising have left 3500 dead by UN calculations, police have reportedly been using surveillance technology to eavesdrop on electronic communications and block access to Web sites. ...
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Same old story in the new Middle East
The Commentator
It was therefore not as preposterous as it may now seem whenAssad asserted during an interview with the Wall Street Journal in late January of this year that “Syria is stable” because its regime was “very closely linked to the beliefs of the people. ...
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The Commentator
Pakistan and the U.S. can finally stop pretending
Ottawa Citizen
Syria's savage Baathist dictatorship has been slaughtering roughly 20 protesters a day over the past seven months. A noose of Arab League, Turkish and western sanctions is tightening around the neck of Bashar al-Assad, whose regime is now teetering in ...
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Jordan PM wins comfortable confidence vote
"Jordan has made it clear that any sanctions on Syria that would harm the Syrian and Jordanian people must be considered." The Arab League approved on Sunday sweeping sanctions against President Bashar al-Assad's government over the crackdown -- the ...
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CrisisWatch N°100
International Crisis Group
Assad looked increasingly isolated as his refusal to implement measures agreed with the Arab League led the League to suspend Syria and introduce economic sanctions. CrisisWatch identifies a conflict risk alert for Syria amid signs that violence may ...
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Fact Sheet on the United States' Relationship with the European Union: An ... (press release)
In Syria, the US, EU, and like-minded nations have implemented strong sanctions to increase pressure on the Asad regime and target those responsible for grave human rights abuses. In both the US and the EU, these include a ban on the import and sale of ...
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Syrian oil, VIPs targeted in new sanctions
Syria's crisis erupted in March with street unrest inspired by anti-authoritarian revolts elsewhere in the Arab world. But with Assad's iron fist policy towards protesters having killed thousands of civilians, according to a UN count, Syria may be ...
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Tohme: STL funding indicates cabinet's recognition of court
... cabinet recognizes” the UN-backed court. He told the Free Lebanon radio station that Mikati's move to fund the tribunal “came out of his knowledge that [President Bashar al-Assad's regime in] Syria, which backs the Lebanese government, needs it. ...
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Here's the Key Question in the Libyan War
As Tom Malinowski of Human Rights Watch wrote, 'Qaddafi's victory—alongside Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak's fall—would have signaled to other authoritarian governments from Syria to Saudi Arabia to China that if you negotiate with protesters you ...
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Syria: Opposition Calls For General Strike, At Least 6 Dead In New Protests
Huffington Post
BASSEM MROUE 12/ 1/11 08:36 AM ET AP BEIRUT — Syria's opposition called a general strike Thursday over President Bashar Assad's deadly crackdown on an 8-month-old revolt, ramping up efforts to persuade the country's business elite to abandon their ...
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Syria in state of civil war, death toll 4000: UN
GENEVA (Reuters) - Syria is in a state of civil war with more than 4000 dead and increasing numbers of soldiers taking up arms against the government of President Bashar al-Assad, the top UN human rights official said Thursday. ...
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UN report says Syria now in a civil war with 4000 dead from Assad ...
Civil war has been the worst-case scenario in Syria since the revolt against Assadbegan eight months ago. Damascus has a web of allegiances that extends to ...
Turkey calls on former ally Assad to step down - TODAY News ...
Turkey called on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday to step down for... killed in Syria, which also faces potential condemnation at the U.N. General ...
UN accuses Syria forces of crimes against humanity
BEIRUT (AP) – A UN investigation concluded Monday that Syrian forces committed ... As they struggled with ways to respond to Assad's brutal crackdown,...
Arab League calls for UN help over Syria
UN intensifies Syria pressure as Turkey compares Assad to Hitler ... said thatSyria should sign an agreement to admit them at 1pm today, Cairo time. ... ...
The UN intensifies pressure on Syria as Turkey compares Bashar al ...
The United Nations intensified international pressure on Syria when it voted overwhelmingly to ... Issuing his first outright call for Mr Assad to step down, he said: "For the welfare of your own ... middleeast/syria/8908043/The-UN-intensifies- ... TODAY; PAST WEEK; PAST MONTH ...
War News Updates: Unrest In Syria -- News Updates November 22 ...
Erdogan Says Assad Must Quit to End Syria 'Persecution' -- Bloomberg Businessweek Turkish premier urges Syrian leader to step down -- USA Today/ AP ... News/AFP U.N. draft is a "declaration of war" on Syria: envoy -- YahooNews/Reuters ...
Blasts in Syrian capital as Assad vows crackdown ... - USA Today
The U.N. says more than 3500 people in Syria have been killed in the crackdown since the start of the uprising in mid-March. Assad, in the interview, said over ...
U.N. And Turkey Increase Pressure On Syria's Assad | Fox News
Syria's violent repression of political dissent was blasted by the United NationsGeneral Assembly in a resolution condemning continued grave and systematic ...
Sligo Today News for Sligo County - World :: Syria Says UN Waging ... Google. Sligo Today Today's News... Today. 25-11-2011. Home ...UN Waging 'Diplomatic War'. Assad's supporters have also taken to the streets ...
UN accuses Syria of committing crimes against humanity | News ...
A United Nations commission of inquiry on Syria said on Monday Syrian military... and rape and the government of President Bashar al-Assad bore responsibility.
Syria Reacts Angrily To Planned UN Resolution Condemning Assad ...
Syria has accused European nations of declaring a political and diplomatic war.
The World Today - Assad responsible for 'thousands of deaths': UN ...
The United Nations has accused the Syrian security forces of committing crimes... the government of President Bashar al-Assad is responsible for the deaths of ...Syria isolated as Jordan turns on Assad - related story from ABC News 15.11.11...
UN condemns Syria's crackdown on protesters - Channel 4 News
Russia and China did not supprt the vote and the Syrian U.N. Ambassador dismissed the ... Earlier on Tuesday, Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan called on President Bashar al-Assad to step down for the sake of peace ... Today's latest articles ...
Syria faces sanctions | forces, assad, syria - News - The Orange ...
News: Syria faces sanctions | forces, assad, syria, military, armed, regime, ... the Arab Spring's eruption of protests, with the U.N. reporting more than 3500 killed ...
News from The Associated Press
Today in History ... Syrian President Bashar Assad has been trying to crush an 8- month-old revolt against his autocratic rule, but the violence has only intensified. The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, said the U.N. is ...
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