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Aug 29, 2011

Jackson Hole Speech: Fed Can't Fix Economy Without Washington's Help - Money Morning, Aug 29, 2011

"BY DAVID ZEILER, Associate Editor, Money Morning
The U.S. Federal Reserve has exhausted nearly all of its resources in trying to help the U.S. economy, Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said in a speech Friday at Jackson Hole, WY.
Now it's up to the federal government to do its part by fixing U.S. fiscal policy.
"Most of the economic policies that support robust economic growth in the long run are outside the province of the central bank," Bernanke said in his address to the annual conference in sponsored by the Kansas City Fed.
Some analysts thought Bernanke would hint at a third round of quantitative easing, but instead he handed off responsibility for reviving the economy to Congress and the White House.
The absence of any policy changes at first disappointed Wall Street - the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 220 points immediately following the speech - but the negative sentiment didn't last. The Dow closed up 134.72 points, or 1.21%, while the Standard & Poor's 500 Index rose 17.53 points, or 1.51%."

MUSIC, Singers, Concerts News, Aug 29, 2011
When they perform the song on the road, their opening act, Sara Evans, sings Bedingfield's part. I'd bet my house and farm Sara out-sings Bedingfield. That's because she out-sings most all femalesingers. Have you seen the Tim McGraw and Faith Hill ...
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Death of Gaddafi's son announced - again - World - NZ Herald News, Aug 29, 2011

Khamis Gaddafi, as seen in this image from Libyan TV in early August, is once again reported by rebels to have been killed. Photo / AP
"Libyan rebels said one of Muammar Gaddafi's sons, Khamis, whose death has been announced several times since the conflict erupted, may have been killed a day ago in a clash with rebels.
On Saturday, a brigade of rebel fighters in the city of Tarhuna, 80 kilometres southeast of the capital Tripoli "intercepted a military convoy which had several brand new Mercedes vehicles", rebel military spokesman Ahmed Omar Bani told reporters in Benghazi.
"As our fighters were trying to block the passing of the convoy, they were violently attacked and shot at," he said."

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hurricanes - Nation Now -, Aug 29, 2011

It wasn’t bad as it could have been, but Irene’s fierce winds and torrential rains over the weekend have left more than 20 people dead and 5 million people along the Eastern Seaboard without power. Many areas are still flooded and struggling with roads blocked by fallen trees and downed powerlines.

New York’s massive public transportation system, closed for the first time for a natural disaster, resumed service just before the Monday morning rush hour. Most subway lines had trains rolling and buses were back on the city streets, according to city officials and local news reports.

"I'm glad it came when it did," a New Yorker told a reporter from NY 1 as a train whizzed past her on a subway platform. "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it at all."

While trains from Long Island and the New Jersey were mostly back chugging to the city Monday morning, commuters from Westchester Countyand Connecticut weren't so lucky. Metro-North which serves the northern suburbs was still shutdown. While all the major roads and tunnels ringing the city were open, traffic into Manhattan was expected to be anything but swift, according to news reports."

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BBC News - Gaddafi still threat for Libya and world - NTC's Jalil, Aug 29, 2011

A rebel fighter jumps from a T-55 tank in Misrata on 29 August 2011

"Col Muammar Gaddafi still poses a danger for Libya and the world, the head of the Libyan rebels has said.
National Transitional Council (NTC) head Mustafa Abdul Jalil said Nato and other allies must continue supporting rebels against the "tyrant".
The rebels have taken the small town of Nofilia on their way to the Gaddafi stronghold - and hometown - of Sirte.
Col Gaddafi's whereabouts remain unknown since rebels swept into Tripoli last week, capturing his compound.
They already control most of Libya, after months of clashes since the first protests began.
Speaking at a meeting of defence chiefs in Qatar, the NTC's head, Mustafa Abdul Jalil, said Col Gaddafi's forces could still wage brutal counter-attacks even as rebel forces pushed into the last pockets of resistance by pro-Gaddafi troops."
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Obama says Irene remains dangerous, impact to be felt for some time, Aug 29, 2011

President Barack Obama speaks about damage done by Hurricane Irene next to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano (C) and Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Craig Fugate (R) in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, August 28, 2011. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

WASHINGTON, Aug. 28 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama said on Sunday that Irene, which had been downgraded to tropical storm status from category one hurricane, remains "a dangerous storm" as the public is still at risk of flooding and power outages.

Speaking in a White House address, Obama said that the federal government remains concerned about localized flooding.

"This is not over," he said, urging the public to continue to follow the directions of state and local officials.

"The impacts of this storm will be felt for some time. And the recovery effort will last for weeks or longer," said Obama. He pledged that federal agencies will "do everything in their power" to help those affected communities to recover."

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Rebels give Gadhafi loyalists ultimatum: Surrender or be liberated, CNN News, Aug 29, 2011

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Gadhafi town falls to rebels
  • NEW: A volunteer who helped remove corpses says he saw about 150
  • Thousands of rebel fighters are on the outskirts of Gadhafi's hometown
  • A warehouse full of the charred remains of civilians is discovered outside Tripoli
  • A survivor says forces commanded by Gadhafi's son committed the massacre
Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Rebel fighters gave loyalists in Moammar Gadhafi's hometown until Monday to disarm or face "liberation," an opposition spokesman said.
Thousands of rebels gathered Sunday on the outskirts of the fallen dictator's birthplace of Sirte, even as one of Gadhafi's sons offered to negotiate an end to the months-long war.
Gadhafi's forces have been ordered to disarm and allow rebel fighters to enter the city, said Ahmed Bani, a National Transitional Council military spokesman.
The ultimatum follows days of fighting and reports of negotiations between rebels and loyalists to surrender the city, east of Tripoli.
But as rebel fighters moved to quash the last pockets of resistance, evidence emerged Sunday of atrocities allegedly committed by Gadhafi's regime in its waning days of power with the discovery of a warehouse full of charred bodies.
Forces commanded by Gadhafi's son Khamis killed an estimated 150 captive civilians as they retreated last week, hurling grenades and spraying bullets into a building full of men they had promised to release, a survivor said.
The massacre took place August 22, the survivor, Muneer Masoud Own, told CNN.
Captives executed in Libya
Sadistic brutality in Libya
Lockerbie mastermind near death
Fight for water in Tripoli
Rebels advancing on Tripoli discovered the bodies charred beyond recognition in a warehouse next to the military base. In addition, a resident who lives nearby told CNN that at least 22 bodies were found in a ditch near the base, but it was not clear whether those remains were connected to the killings at the warehouse.
CNN cannot independently verify the claims.
The base is on the main road from Tripoli to the city's airport, which the rebels secured Friday after days of heavy fighting.
Own, 33, said he and his 30-year-old brother were held there for 18 days after they were arrested by Gadhafi's forces. He said there were about 70 others, ranging in age between 70 and 17, held at the warehouse. He said some told him they were there for up to six months.
He said when he was first brought to the warehouse, there were about 60 to 70 others being held with him. He said some told him they were there for up to six months. By the time the rebels advanced on Tripoli, the number of captives swelled to about 175, ranging in age between 70 and 17, Own said.
With rebel forces pushing into the capital on Monday, their guards told them they would be released by sunset, Own said. Instead, he said, just before sunset, the guards opened fire on the men inside, some of whom managed to escape.
He said he has been unable to locate his brother.
Bashir Own, who is not related to Muneer Masoud Own, said he worked as a volunteer removing the bodies from the warehouse. He estimated there were about 150 bodies.
Fighting continues in Libya
Rebels clear vital road
Imprisoned under the Gadhafi regime
Gadhafi and the majority of his family have not been seen since rebels advanced on Tripoli, and are now being hunted by rebel forces after a six-month revolt backed by Western airpower.
Rebel fighters picked through his family's seaside villas on Sunday, finding high-end stereo equipment, hot tubs and wines valued at hundreds of dollars a bottle, despite an official ban on alcohol.
They also found a horribly scarred Ethiopian maid, who cared for the children of Gadhafi's son Hannibal.
The maid, Shwygar Mullah, told CNN that Hannibal Gadhafi's wife Aline twice expressed her displeasure with her work by scalding her with boiling water -- then refused to get her medical attention, leaving her scalp and face covered in a mosaic of scars and raw wounds.
In one instance, Aline lost her temper when her daughter wouldn't stop crying and Mullah refused to beat the child.
Another of the Gadhafi household staff, a man from Bangladesh who did not want to be identified, corroborated Mullah's story and said he also was regularly beaten and slashed with knives.
The allegations by Mullah came the same day that another of Gadhafi's sons, businessman Saadi Gadhafi, offered to negotiate an end to the war with the rebels. He has made previous offers, though this time it appeared he was prepared to cut loose his father and his brother, once assumed to be the senior Gadhafi's heir.
"If (the rebels) agree to cooperate to save the country together (without my father and Saif) then it will be easy and fast. I promise!" Saadi Gadhafi said in an email to CNN's Nic Robertson.
Saadi Gadhafi said the opposition cannot "build a new country without having us in the table."
Meanwhile, the National Transitional Council announced Sunday that it won't allow the extradition of Abdelbeset al Megrahi, the man convicted of blowing up a Pan Am jet in 1988.
"We will not give any Libyan citizen to the West," NTC Justice Minister Mohammed al-Alagi said.
A number of leading United States senators have been highly critical of Scotland's decision to release al Megrahi from prison in 2009 on the grounds that he had cancer and was not likely to live more than three months.
"Speculation about al Megrahi in recent days has been unhelpful, unnecessary and indeed ill-informed," the Scottish government said in a statement released Monday.
Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-SwedishUnder the SunStealing Jake
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CHINESE Sports News, Aug 28, 2011

SKF opens doors to world-class soccer event
China Daily
We take great pride in helping these young, energetic soccer players to fulfill theirsport dream." This year, SKF has invested more to further help Chinese teenagers fulfill their dream. Since the company realized that many youths in the country's ...
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China Daily
Liverpool's Ian Rush: India Needs a Soccer Hero
Wall Street Journal (blog)
I think eventually the World Cup will be in China or in India, and that helps. You've got to look to the future and that will happen but the right infrastructure has got to be in place. Mr. Rush: You've got to give kids something to look up to. ...
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Oceanside proves host with most in preseason kickoff tourney
The day included periods of fog, overcast and sun — with plenty of face-paced, skilled schoolgirl soccer. A collection of talented squads, which represented Classes A, B and C, participated, including Brewer, Searsport, Erskine Academy of South China, ...
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Patient Tan figures in Caps' winner
Vancouver Sun
The first Chinese-born player in Major League Soccer history has made just five appearances for the Vancouver Whitecaps this season. But 23-year-old striker Long Tan has made a strong case lately to get into the first-team lineup more often. ...
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School board election: Seven candidates on the ballot in Johnston
CIVIC EXPERIENCE: Has devoted more than a year and a half on three different growth and facility management committees for the district, including the two high school committee; has coached multiple Johnston kids' soccer, baseball and basketball teams ...
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The Reporters extend thumbs to Scully, Jeter, and Busch
TSN (blog)
Not too long ago, Canada would have faced the mercy rule playing the likes of Japan and ChineseTaipei, but not any more. In a year where we've seen major sports leagues lock their players out, it was refreshing to watch a bunch of kids remind us why ...
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Ugbade promises world-class Eaglets
Moment Nigerian Newspapers
NEWLY-APPOINTED Golden Eaglets assistant coach, Nduka Ugbade has promised Nigeriansoccer fans that the newly assembled technical crew would spare no effort in raising a world-class team for the country. By Gbenga Jolaoso NEWLY-APPOINTED Golden Eaglets ...
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Could the NBA Invade the US Open?
New York Times (blog)
Their height would create matchup problems with every tennis star not named John Isner and the venues of the tennis majors are a lot more similar to their current homes than the players would find than if they were to join teams in Turkey or China. ...
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New York Times (blog)
10 years after 9/11, a daughter lives by her father's lessons (blog)
When her father died, Jacqueline found it difficult to return to her sports. “He coached our softball and soccer teams, as he did every year,” Jacqueline said. “So it was definitely an adjustment going back to sports because he was my coach, ...
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The Sun Never Sets on the Wide, Wide World of Online Video
Search Engine Watch
In China, more than 263.4 million unique viewers watched over 10.5 billion videos. This means the average Chinese video viewer watched 40.0 videos that month. In the United States, almost 172.1 million unique viewers watched close to 29.4 billion ...
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Sideline Chatter Talk about wrestlemania | Sideline Chatter
The Seattle Times
Russian club Anzhi Makhachkala just made Cameroonian striker Samuel Eto'o the world's highest-paid soccer player, at $28.8 million a year. From Steve Schrader of the Detroit Free Press: "How did medical personnel get that moth out of Cardinals ...
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This Week in the Big Ten
Big Ten Conference
Week two of the Big Ten women's soccer season saw yet another impressive performance by conference squads. Of the 22 games, Big Ten teams posted a combined 14-8 record, with six squads capturing wins in each of their games. No. ...
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Big Ten Conference
Artificial Life Releases Download Results and Publishes New Applications
MarketWatch (press release)
The FCB 2011 Game contains a series of 5 soccer challenges in which players control their favorite FC Bayern Munich stars to take penalty kicks, perform kick ups, score from corner kicks, and more. In addition to the standard single-player mode, ...
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Blatter promises FIFA reform details in October
In October, Blatter's executive committee meets for the first time since bin Hammam's ban, withChinese official Zhang Jilong standing in for the Asian Football Confederation president. It is unclear who will replace Warner after 28 years as the ...
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Chicago: the windy city will blow you away
... Terrace to face an immense Chinese feast. It was daunting to realise wetl stillhadyet anothermoveto make... to The Lobby to goige on a TWO-course dessert! Baseball is big in Chicago, so we catch a Cubs game... but they also love their soccer....
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Chinese Soccer News Free - Sports category - DroidMill - Android ...
Rating 0 (rated 0 times), Downloaded <50 times, Sports category, Launch day special, 5 days for FREE. Download while you can. Looking for soccer news from a Chinese ...

Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-SwedishUnder the SunStealing Jake
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