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Jun 28, 2010

BP spill costs up to $2.65B; denies CEO resigning - Yahoo! News

Gulf containment cap reattached, collecting oil: BP
AFP/Getty Images/File – BP reinstalled an oil containment system sucking up crude from a ruptured pipe in the Gulf of Mexico, …

TIME's Global Forum Day 2: China and Africa's Deepening Ties

With an enormous delegation of top Chinese business leaders in Cape Town, it was hardly surprising that the role of China in Africa's economic development should have emerged as a key topic at the TIME/FORTUNE/CNN Global Forum.
As Trevor Manuel, Minister in the South African Presidency and former finance minister, reminded the conference, Chinese investment in Africa is hardly new — the famous Tan-Zam railroad, designed to take Zambian ore to the coast in Tanzania, was funded by the Chinese as long ago as the 1970s. But the scale of recent Chinese investment in Africa — encompassing everything from resource extraction to agriculture to finance (China's ICBC owns 20% of South Africa's Standard Bank, for example) has been extraordinary, making sessions on China at the Forum a palpable hit. It isn't just Chinese investment that won the attention of delegates, however. It was also the sense that China — with its enormous parastatal companies and strategic direction of the economy by state agencies — offered an alternative model for growth from the market fundamentalism which, as economist Ken Courtis agued, had held sway since the collapse of the Bretton Woods world some 30 years ago. (See pictures of China's investments in Africa.)

Senator Robert Byrd Dies at 92FORISH

For more than a third of its 144-year existence, the state of West Virginia was represented in the U.S. Senate by one man: Robert C. Byrd. So encompassing was Byrd's 50 years of service in the Senate and so encyclopedic his institutional knowledge that by the time he died early Monday morning he had become not just the political personification of West Virginia in the nation's capital, but the embodiment and ambassador of the Senate itself to the rest of the country. Byrd was admitted to hospital last week for dehydration, and his condition worsened over the weekend as he became critically ill. Twice its majority leader, a master of its all-powerful rules and a fierce defender of its prerogatives, Byrd was as much a part of the place as the wooden desks, steep-sloped galleries and soaring speeches that filled it. Byrd was 92.

The World's Most Expensive Cities 2010

by Venessa Wong
Saturday, June 26, 2010
provided by
For Americans overseas, exchange rates and cost-of-living adjustments can make living overseas more expensive than back home.
New York ranks only No. 29
More from

The World's Most Expensive Cities 2010

Countries with the Most Millionaires 2010
Most Expensive Homes in America's Biggest Cities
If you think $43 is too much to pay for lunch, you shouldn't live in Oslo. According to "ECA International", a global human resources company, that's how much an average lunch costs in Norway's capital. But Oslo is only the second-most expensive city on ECA's ranking of 399 global locations. And while the price of an average lunch in Tokyo is a comparatively modest $17.86, other costs, such as a $22 movie ticket and an $8.47 kilo of rice, earn it the dubious honor as the world's most expensive city.

German keeper feels he ‘fooled the referee’ - International Football - Yahoo! Sports

Manuel Neuer watches the ball drop over the line.
(Cameron Spencer/Getty Images)

Jun 27, 2010

Orthodox fathers freed in Israel

Around 100,000 ultra-Orthodox Jews protested against the imprisonment of the fathers [AFP] 

Al-Qaeda in Iraq claims bank attack

Deadly Israeli air raid on Gaza

Refugees march for Lebanon rights

Thousands of Palestinians rally in Lebanese capital seeking basic human rights.

Belarus pays Russian gas debt

The dispute centres on Belarus' refusal to accept an

Israel invites EU ministers to Gaza

Israel launched a series of air raids
on the Gaza Strip overnight [AFP]

Spanish train accident kills 12 - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Those killed were travelling to festivities for the Saint John's Day summer festival [AFP]

Georgia tears down Stalin statue - Europe - Al Jazeera English

The statue was removed by authorities in the early hours of the morning [Reuters]

Obama: US-Russia ties 'reset' - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Relations between Russia and the US have improved in recent months [Reuters]

Italians strike over austerity plan - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Protesters marched in Rome against the government's planned austerity measures [Reuters]

July the 4th gifts

Jeans On Sale

Talks to lift whaling ban collapse - Africa - Al Jazeera English

Japan justifies its whale-hunting industry by saying that it is for scientific research [AFP]

Australia PM Rudd ousted by deputy - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

China 'arrests Xinjiang plotters' - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

Ethnic Uighurs accuse Beijing of marginalising them in favour of Han Chinese migrants [

China's yuan hits new high - Business - Al Jazeera English

Some analysts say the yuan is undervalued against the dollar by up to 40 per cent [EPA]

Philippines massacre witness killed - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

Six members of the Ampatuan clan are among 196 people charged over the massacre [Reuters]

Taiwanese protest China trade deal - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

Protesters are worried the deal could bring Taiwan back under China's control [AFP]

North Korea to select new leaders - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

Black Stars beat USA in extra time - World Cup 2010 - Al Jazeera English

The roots of Israeli exceptionalism - Focus - Al Jazeera English

World Cup 2010 - Al Jazeera English

AL JAZEERA- Europe - Officer killed in Bosnia blast,Jun 27, 2010

Officer killed in Bosnia blast - Europe - Al Jazeera Cached
Europe: Officer killed in Bosnia blast ... A police officer has been killed by an explosion at police headquarters in the central ... Featured on Al Jazeera.

Refugees march for Lebanon rights - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Kyrgyz voters back new constitution - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Al Jazeera English

Al Jazeera's Robin Forestier-Walker reports on the impact the referendum would have on Kyrgyzstan

Guinea holds first free election - Africa - Al Jazeera English

G20 close to deficit cut deal - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Karzai 'holds talks' with Haqqani - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Al Jazeera English

Why All of East Africa is Watching Burundi's Election - Yahoo! News

Alex, first named Atlantic storm, heads for Gulf - Yahoo! News

World leaders walk economic tightrope in Canada - Yahoo! News

World leaders seek common ground on crises
Play Video AP – World leaders seek common ground on crises

Germany beats England 4-1 in World Cup - International Football - Yahoo! Sports

Lukas Podolski and Philipp Lahm of Germany celebrate victory over England. (Michael Steele/Getty Images)

CIA director Leon Panetta: last 'precise' intel on Osama bin Laden's location was in 'early 2000s'

Sunday, June 27th 2010, 2:13 PM
CIA Director Leon Panetta, pictured here in 2009 on Capitol Hill, told ABC's This Week Sunday that Osama bin Laden is in the tribal areas of Pakistan.
CIA Director Leon Panetta, pictured here in 2009 on Capitol Hill, told ABC's This Week Sunday that Osama bin Laden is in the tribal areas of Pakistan.

Death of baby girl in Central Park is third dangerous tree limb accident since last year

Man charged in Pa. stabbing rampage that killed 4 - Yahoo! News

Relatives of murder victims speak with Pennsylvania State Trooper Cpl. Greg Emery, outside the home where  police found the bodies of three men and a
AP – Relatives of murder victims speak with Pennsylvania State Trooper Cpl. Greg Emery, outside the home where …

GOP senators: Can Kagan be impartial judge? - Yahoo! News

NEWSMAKER - Kagan bucks 40-year trend as U.S. court pick
Reuters – U.S. Solicitor General and Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan smiles as she begins her day-long tour of …

Pope deplores Belgian sex raids, stresses autonomy - Yahoo! News

Pope calls Belgian police raids "deplorable"
Reuters – Pope Benedict XVI waves as he leads the Angelus prayer from the window of his private apartment in Saint …

Police arrest more than 500 at Toronto summit - Yahoo! News

Police officers in riot gear watch as a group of protesters walk with their hands up to demand the release of people who were arrested during the G20
AP – Police officers in riot gear watch as a group of protesters walk with their hands up to demand the release …

CIA chief Panetta: US has driven back al-Qaida - Yahoo! News

Central Intelligence Agency Director Leon E. Panetta speaks with reporters at CIA Headquarters in Langley, Va. Senior U.S. intelligence officials told
AP – Central Intelligence Agency Director Leon E. Panetta speaks with reporters at CIA Headquarters in Langley, …

Red-clad supporters chant slogans to support the South Korean football team

Red-clad supporters chant slogans to support the South Korean football team at Hangang Park in Banpo, southern Seoul, where SK Telecom sponsored a “Once Again Korea” supporting event, Wednesday. A similar cheering event will take place on Saturday.

/ Courtesy of SK Telecom

Japan PM stresses future-oriented ties with Korea

President Lee Myung-bak shakes hands with Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan before talks in Toronto, Canada, Saturday, on the sidelines of the G-20 Summit. / Korea Times photo by Wang Tae-seok

By Na Jeong-ju
Korea Times correspondent

TORONTO ― Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan called for a future-oriented partnership with Korea, Saturday (local time), saying he would not hesitate to reflect on Japan's past wrongdoings, if necessary.

At a summit here with President Lee Myung-bak on the sidelines of the Group of 20 Summit, he also reaffirmed his full support for South Korea in pushing for U.N. action against North Korea over the sinking of the Navy vessel Cheonan in March, Cheong Wa Dae said.

It was their first meeting since Kan took office in early June, replacing Yukio Hatoyama.

Kan differs from his predecessor on coping with security and economic challenges, but indicated at the talks that he would take the same path of building friendship with Seoul, while dealing sternly with Pyongyang's military provocation.

"I hope the year 2010 will be a remarkable year for relations between Korea and Japan," Kan was quoted as saying by the presidential office. "I will face up to history to build a brighter future for both countries."

As this year marks the 100th anniversary of Japan's colonization of Korea in 1910, Korea and Japan can begin a new century of friendship this year if they open their minds and seek to cooperate based on mutual trust, the Prime Minister said.

Lee and Kan also agreed to work closely together to revitalize talks on the envisioned Korea-Japan free trade deal.

Expressing his deep condolences to South Korea over the Cheonan incident, Kan said he would fully back South Korea's bid to make North Korea pay the price for the sinking, according to Cheong Wa Dae.

Lee also held bilateral talks with U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

Ban, a former South Korean foreign minister, praised Korea on its efforts to tackle climate change, saying the country's recent launch of the Global Green Growth Institute in Seoul will be an example for many countries around the world.

He asked Lee to visit New York in September and deliver a keynote address at a summit themed the U.N.'s Millennium Development Goals on Korea's plan to help underdeveloped nations.

The government has included the issues of forming a global financial safety net and seeking a more balanced global growth in the agenda for the next Group of 20 Summit, slated for November in Seoul.

Kindergarten children pay a silent tribute for soldiers who died during the 1950-53 Korean War

Main Image
Editor's choice Kindergarten children pay a silent tribute for soldiers who died during the 1950-53 Korean War during a visit to the National Cemetery in Seoul to mark the 60th anniversary of the outbreak of the war June 25, 2010. North Korea has issued a no-sail More...

Toronto arrest total tops 500 after night of riots | Reuters

Main Image
Main Image
Main Image

TORONTO (Reuters) - The arrest tally from rioting in downtown Toronto climbed above 500 on Sunday, including four who climbed through the sewer system and emerged near the lock-down area where world leaders were attending the G20 summit.

Ellen Pompeo: Starbucks Sexy

Tending to her weekend schedule, Ellen Pompeo was spotted leaving Starbucks after getting a coffee in Hollywood, California on Saturday (June 26).
The Meredith Grey darling looked oh-so-cute in her tight workout gear as she strolled along past the always-present paparazzi.

Former VP Al Gore copes with polluted image as divorce and alleged scandal makes headlines

BY Larry Mcshane
Al Gore (3rd from r.) and his wife, Tipper (2nd from r.), in 2000 family photo, far removed from the current scandal allegations screaming across covers of tabloids (b.).
Al Gore (3rd from r.) and his wife, Tipper (2nd from r.), in 2000 family photo, far removed from the current scandal alle
To many, including one licensed massage therapist in Oregon, Nobel Prize winner Al Gore was "Mr. Smiley Global Warming Concern" - a pure-of-heart environmental hero.
Now the globe-trotting, do-gooding Gore is catching a lot of heat - with none of it related to global warming.
Gore is dealing with some inconvenient truths - and a few ugly rumors - since the end of his marriage was followed by suggestions of sexual scandal.
The high-profile activist typically profiled in magazines like The New Yorker was suddenly splashed across the front page of The National Enquirer.
"AL GORE SEX ATTACK!" howled the Enquirer's front page, referring to a purported 2006 incident with the masseuse in an Oregon hotel suite.
But first came the end of his personal "Love Story," a 40-year union with high school sweetheart Tipper.
The demise of their marriage sent shock waves through the couple's friends and supporters early this month - and provided fodder for late-night comedians.
"Everybody is talking about it; everyone's blogging about this," joked NBC's Jimmy Fallon. "I bet this is the one week where Al Gore wishes he didn't invent the Internet."
The bombshell was followed by word that daughter Karenna's 13-year marriage was on the rocks. Her sister, Kristin, had filed for divorce 13 months earlier, ending her four-year marriage.
Adding to the connubial carnage, word leaked last week of a Portland, Ore., masseuse's rambling complaint accusing Gore of "unwanted sexual contact" nearly four years ago.
The red-headed masseuse - who said she voted for Gore in the 2000 presidential race - detailed his alleged transformation from statesman to "crazed sex poodle" during a late-night massage in his hotel suite.
"He had a dramatic display of violent temper as well as extreme dictatorial commanding attitude besides his Mr. Smiley Global Warming Concern persona," the woman says in a 67-page transcript of her interview with police.
Gore recalls getting the massage, a pal told The Washington Post, but he doesn't remember any incident. In fact, the ex-veep believes he left on good terms with the masseuse.
Cops found a lack of evidence to back up her account. But the timing of the complaint's release, coming on the heels of the Gores' marital meltdown, was brutal.
The couple's "mutual and mutually supportive" split had already prompted a spate of reports linking the ex-vice president to Laurie David, the former wife of "Seinfeld" co-creator Larry David.
Laurie David, who co-produced the Oscar-winning Gore documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," quickly denied the rumors. "It's a total fabrication," she told The Huffington Post. "I adore both Al and Tipper."
Gore, as he has through much of the messy stretch, declined to comment and kept a low public profile.
The massage episode indirectly illustrated the twists in Gore's personal life.
When the Portland Tribune considered running a story in 2007 about the allegation, Gore's lawyers fired off a letter declaring the one-time Tennessee senator's marital credentials were impeccable. "You ... are aware that everyone who knows Al and Tipper Gore well can and does attest to the integrity of their 37-year marriage and to his honorable character," the letter said.

Tiger Woods To Pay Elin Nordegren $750 million in Divorce settlements

According to Reports, Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren have all but finalized their divorce negotiations.  “They’ve agreed on all the major points,” an insider source is quoted as saying. “It’s all been worked out privately. Both Tiger and Elin are very close to finishing the negotiations and filing and signing the paperwork."

According to the insider, Tiger Woods will fork over approximately $750 million in settlements to Elin. This is worth crying over.

Sylvester Stallone Wants To Lay Acting Career To Rest In Favor Of Directing

Action hero, Sylvester Stallone has been acting since Rambo was young. At 63, Sylvester Stallone knows he isn't getting any younger and thinks it's finally time to hang up Rocky Balboa's gloves and exchange them for a nice cushy beret. In Stallone's mind, directing is the next step in his career, citing Clint Eastwood as the inspiration for the move:

Sofia Coppola And Thomas Mars Drop Another Baby Bomb

Oscar award-winning director, Sofia Coppola and her hubby Thomas Mars - the frontman for the rock group Phoenix, just had baby number 2, according to People magazine. Their daughter, Cosima, was born "within the last month," the mag says and is joining  their first daughter, Romy, who is now 3 years old. The couple began dating in 2005 and revealed that Sofia Coppola, who won a best writing Oscar for "Lost in Translation," was pregnant in December.

Michael Jackson's father filed agains Dr Conrad Murray

Infamous father, Joe Jackson, is ready to live up to his name - as the abusive father who is responsible for Michael Jackson and the Jackson Five's career. The love/hate relationship that many fans around the world have for Joe Jackson is surely about to be exacerbated by the civil suit he just filed against Dr. Conrad Murray. According to sources, the L.A. coroner found high traces of propofol - a prescribed medication signed by Dr. Murray - was found in Michael Jackson's blood levels. Murray is already involved in a criminal trial over the accusation while maintaining his absolute innocence in any wrongdoing concerning medicating the King of pop.

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Thai rescue workers lift an unidentified injured Western tourist yesterday on arrival in Surat Thani, Thailand, following a speedboat accident near the island of Pha-ngan.

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Associated Press


Tropical Storm Alex bears down on Gulf of Mexico › Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion

Constitution referendum starts in Kyrgyzstan

Aussie soccer fans robbed at gunpoint in South African hotel |

Aussie soccer fans robbed at gunpoint

GUNMEN tied up tourists in South African hotel after Roos match, sexually assaulting one victim.