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Mar 8, 2011

THE PEOPLES Voice, Mar 08, 2011

Permalink Wisconsin Democrats Plan Capitulation

by Stephen Lendman
Three weeks and counting since Wisconsin public workers began heroically protesting for rights too important to lose, including collective bargaining without which all others are threatened.
Daily, many thousands braved cold and snow - marching, demonstrating, and sleeping over, sacrificing personal comforts to keep struggling for justice. Teachers, police, firefighters, nurses, maintenance workers, and other public employees were joined by union and nonunion private sector ones, along with doctors, lawyers, other professionals, and thousands of college and high school students from across Wisconsin and other states.



Permalink U.S. sets $223B deficit record Dwarfs Hill’s cutting goals

The federal government posted its largest monthly deficit in history in February, a $223 billion shortfall that put a sharp point on the current fight on Capitol Hill about how deeply to cut this year’s spending.

Permalink Video shows Libya army 'executions'

Opposition video said to show Gaddafi soldiers killed for refusing to fire on rebel targets west of the capital Tripoli. Al Jazeera has received pictures that purportedly show Libyan army officers killed for refusing to fire on the rebels, evidence of how Gaddafi deals with "traitors". It is claimed the soldiers refused to shoot rebels in the mountainous region west of the capital, Tripoli. The pictures were sent to Al Jazeera by a rebel group in the area. A survivor of the killings says the men were rounded-up, their legs tied before being shot in the head or back from close range. It is impossible to independently verify the authenticity of the video.

Permalink US to resume Guantanamo trials - Video

US president lifts two-year ban on controversial military tribunals as he acknowledges the prison will not close soon. The US president has approved the resumption of military trials for detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility in Cuba. The move ends a two-year ban and was the latest acknowledgment that the prison Barack Obama had vowed to shut down within a year of taking office will remain open for some time to come.


Permalink How the Swedes Set Up Julian Assange

The British magistrate court has decided to surrender Julian Assange to the Nordic Amazons who were hunting for his head – pending appeal. Thus the long Saga of the Broken Condom, or whatever name by which it will become known to posterity, took a definite turn for the worse. The judge decided to honor the European Arrest Warrant issued by man-eating Swedish prosecutor Marianne Ny. Julian has appealed to the High Court, ensuring that the saga will go on as a side divertissement to the main story, Cablegate.

Permalink Arab World Protests Could Reignite Anti-Nuke Campaign

The global civil society campaign for the abolition of nuclear weapons could be politically reignited by the phenomenal successes of the grassroots demonstrations in Egypt and Tunisia, shadowed closely by Libya, Bahrain, Yemen and Jordan.

Permalink More Jobs Mirage In February—BLS Continues To Overestimate Job Growth

The announcement on March 4 that 192,000 new jobs were created in February was greeted with a sigh of relief. But the number is just more smoke and mirrors, as I will show shortly. First, let’s pretend the jobs are real. What areas of the economy produced the jobs?

Permalink Battle for Libya intensifies - Video

Anti-government forces repulse ferocious assault by Gaddafi loyalists as fighting spreads across the coastline. Al Jazeera's Jacky Rowland reports from Ras Lanuf where rebels have successfully resisted a government attack Forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi, the long time Libyan leader, have attacked several rebel-held cities along the country's coastline, in a bid to halt the anti-government forces' rapid advance to the capital Tripoli. But on Sunday, the rebels have repulsed the ferocious assaults, which left dozens dead, as the conflict escalates dramatically.


Permalink People Of Earth: Prepare For Economic Disaster

It is not just the United States that is headed for an economic collapse. The truth is that the entire world is heading for a massive economic meltdown and the people of earth need to be warned about the coming economic disaster that is going to sweep the globe. The current world financial system is based on debt, and there are alarming signs that the gigantic global debt bubble is getting ready to burst. In addition, global prices for the key resources that the major economies of the planet depend on are rising very rapidly. Despite all of our advanced technology, the truth is that human civilization simply cannot function without oil and food.

Permalink TSA, DHS plan massive mobile surveillance rollout

Newly-released documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) reveal that the US Depart of Homeland Security has been working on plans to roll out a new wave of mobile surveillance technologies at train stations, stadiums and streets. These new technologies will track your eye movements, capture and record your facial dimensions for face-recognition processing, bathe you in X-rays to look under your clothes, and even image your naked body using whole-body infrared images that were banned from consumer video cameras because they allowed the camera owners to take “nude” videos of people at the beach.

Permalink $1.2 Trillion Spent on the Military While the Rest of Us Fight Over Crumbs

So after all that cash is gone, what are we left with? Not a whole heck of a lot for the rest of us. There’s been a joke going around the labor protests. It goes something like this: A union member, a CEO and a Tea Party member are sitting at a table with 12 cookies. The CEO grabs 11, turns to the Tea Partier and says “The Union’s out to take your cookie!”

Permalink Shooting Children, One After Another, The Incalcuable Cost of War

U.S. people, if they do read or hear of it, may be shocked at the apparent unconcern of the crews of two U.S. helicopter gunships, which attacked and killed nine children on a mountainside in Afghanistan's Kumar province, shooting them "one after another" this past Tuesday March 1st. ("The helicopters hovered over us, scanned us and we saw a green flash from the helicopters. Then they flew back high up, and in a second round they hovered over us and started shooting." (NYT 3/2/11)).

Permalink Why Employee Pensions Aren't Bankrupting States

From state legislatures to Congress to tea party rallies, a vocal backlash is rising against what are perceived as too-generous retirement benefits for state and local government workers. However, that widespread perception doesn't match reality. Protesters rally against a budget bill outside the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus. (AFP/Getty Images/File/J.D. Pooley) A close look at state and local pension plans across the nation, and a comparison of them to those in the private sector, reveals a more complicated story. However, the short answer is that there's simply no evidence that state pensions are the current burden to public finances that their critics claim.

Permalink 'SAS unit' captured in Libya

According to Guardian sources, a suspected British intelligence and special forces unit, which arrived by helicopter about four days ago, was caught near the town of Khadra, about 20 miles west of Benghazi.

Permalink Libya and the Danger of Humanitarian Intervention

Events are rapidly unfolding in Libya and the surrounding region, and military intervention appears to be an increasing reality as the hours pass. One look at the principal Western nations deploying their military forces to the Mediterranean says a great deal: the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and France. Italy has also repudiated its friendship treaty with Libya, effectively freeing up Italy's military outposts for use in southern Libya. These are the same Western powers that intervened in Haiti, Kosovo and Afghanistan on ‘humanitarian’ grounds, and they appear to be rearing their ugly heads again under the same humanitarian pretext.

Permalink Geraldo: Charlie Sheen will Never Work in Television Again Because of His “Anti-Semitism”

After Charlie Sheen’s latest crazy outburst, and CBS canceling the rest of the season of his television show, Hollywood is buzzing about what this will mean for his career going forward.

Permalink Michael Moore: The Smug Wealthy Have Gone Too Far -- And We're Finally Fighting Back

By trying to destroy us corporate America has given birth to a movement -- a movement that is becoming a massive, nonviolent revolt across the country. America is not broke. Contrary to what those in power would like you to believe so that you'll give up your pension, cut your wages, and settle for the life your great-grandparents had, America is not broke. Not by a long shot. The country is awash in wealth and cash. It's just that it's not in your hands. It has been transferred, in the greatest heist in history, from the workers and consumers to the banks and the portfolios of the uber-rich.



"GROUND ZERO" DEVASTATION. WERE “MICRO-NUKES” IN ISRAELI AID PACKAGE TO GADDAFI? a massive explosion that completely destroyed an area three times the size of a soccer field…..photographers who arrived at the site of the explosion Saturday saw entire buildings, cars and trees flattened and smoldering as a result of the blast” Associated Press

Permalink This Is What Complicity Looks Like: Palestine and the Silencing Campaign on Campus

The campaign to silence Palestine solidarity reaches its annual crescendo during Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW). As IAW 2011 approaches, we need to prepare for another round of silencing. This means assessing the silencing campaign and the experience of standing up for free expression over the last few years.

Permalink Will America Make The Right Choice In Libya?

The capture of a paranoid dictator was the pretext for the American invasion of Iraq; will history repeat itself in Libya? The revolutionary changes that are taking place in the Arab world now or what the west and the United States like to refer to as the Middle East have come about so suddenly it interrupted ongoing plans for the region which depended mainly on the believed to be stable and enduring political regimes that showed the so called moderation or in other words, conformity with the definition and views of the united states and Israel of the region.

Permalink How Politicians Are Using 911 Emergency Services to Scam Millions of Consumers

Raiding 911 funds is an easy way for politicians to scoop up loose cash -- far easier than taxing the rich. The Great Blizzard of 2010 dumped record levels of snow throughout the Northeast. On day one of the snowstorm, New York's 911 service got nearly 50,000 calls and, at its peak, had a backlog of 1,300 calls that almost brought the service to its knees. Sadly, the combination of 911 failures and the inability of EMS ambulances to get through the snowdrifts likely contributed to a number of needless deaths.

Permalink Public Employee Unions Don't Get One Penny from Taxpayers and Can't Require Membership, But the Big Lie That They Do Is Everywhere

Nobody has to belong to a union or support its political activities, but you'd never know that from reading the news. Let us begin with this simple, indisputable truth: public employees' unions don't get a single red cent from taxpayers. And they aren't a mechanism to “force” working people to support Democrats – that's completely illegal.

Permalink Food supply worries in Libya - Video

In a country 90 per cent of the food is imported, violence has sent prices skyrocketing. The UN recently announced that global food prices have hit an all-time high, and nowhere is this more evident than in Libya, a country that depends on imports for more than 90 per cent of its food.



ZAWIYA FALLS TO GADDAFI IN TODAY'S LIBYAN BLOODBATH, FRIENDS IN WASHINGTON, LONDON AND TEL AVIV PARALYZE THE WEST. “Israel is flooding Libya with mercenaries, Gaddafi is slaughtering his own people and the rebel leaders who have called for help from America are being ignored while Gaddafi is consolidating for a full scale civil war which could easily have ended a week ago.” This is the scenario being played out in Libya. Gaddafi will be allowed to survive, weakened and muted, facing “elimination” at any time for “war crimes” now being carefully documented. He will have to pay out billions to keep his business running, if, if he lasts.

Permalink World's sixth mass extinction may be underway: study

Mankind may have unleashed the sixth known mass extinction in Earth's history, according to a paper released by the science journal Nature. Over the past 540 million years, five mega-wipeouts of species have occurred through naturally-induced events. But the new threat is man-made, inflicted by habitation loss, over-hunting, over-fishing, the spread of germs and viruses and introduced species, and by climate change caused by fossil-fuel greenhouse gases, says the study.

Permalink 15 March Palestine: End of Division

Large numbers are ready to hit the streets in Gaza, Ramallah, Israel, and the world; ready to explode into a strong and rational demand for the “End of Division” i.e. the end of the division between Fatah and Hamas. (GAZA CITY) - The mighty flow of blood and hope from Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Algeria and Libya has also washed over young Palestinian minds in Gaza. What started as a stream has become a torrent and will soon spill it banks. Palestine's 25 January will be 15 March.

Permalink Environmentalist Tim DeChristopher Found Guilty of Sabotaging Oil and Gas Auction; Faces up to 10 Years in Jail

A federal jury in Salt Lake City has convicted environmental activist Tim DeChristopher of two felony counts for disrupting the auction of more than 100,000 acres of federal land for oil and gas drilling. DeChristopher was charged in December 2008 with infiltrating a public auction and disrupting the Bush administration’s last-minute move to auction off oil and gas exploitation rights on vast swaths of federal land.

Permalink Hillary Clinton: "We're Losing the War"

None other than the US Secretary of State herself, Hillary Clinton, paid fulsome tribute to Al Jazeera last Wednesday, March 2. Appearing before a US Foreign Policy Priorities committee, she was asked by Senator Richard Lugar to impart her views on how well the US was promoting its message across the world.

Permalink The Cost of US Terrorism in Afghanistan: Incalculable

Recent polls suggest that while a majority of U.S. people disapprove of the war in Afghanistan, many on grounds of its horrible economic cost, only 3% took the war into account when voting in the 2010 midterm elections. The issue of the economy weighed heavily on voters, but the war and its cost, though clear to them and clearly related to the economy in their thinking, was a far less pressing concern.

Permalink Republicans Attack Obama's Environmental Protection From All Sides

Environmental protection in US under attack from extremist Tea Partiers backed by big business. It started on a sultry day in Houston when hundreds of protesters, mostly oil company employees, were bussed to a concert hall in their lunch hour to rally against a historic first step by Congress to reduce the pollution that causes climate change.

Permalink The Moral Underground: How Ordinary Americans Subvert an Unfair Economy

Sociologist Lisa Dodson investigates the growing grassroots movement against unethical standards within the workplace. On the surface, the people I met who practiced economic disobedience would seem quite diverse. They included middle-aged, white Bea, managing that big-box store in rural New England and thinking that after years of hard work, you should be able to buy a prom dress for your daughter. They included Ned, white and in his thirties, the chain grocery store manager who thought working families should have enough to eat. And also Ray, in his fifties and the son of immigrants, a community-center director for a small city, who doesn’t ask for a “pedigree” before signing people up for desperately needed services. They included Aida, a Latina in her thirties, the director of a child care center, who misplaced paperwork so that children wouldn’t lose child care and parents wouldn’t lose jobs. And they included urban teacher Lenora, in her twenties and African American, who broke school rules all the time to help out a student in her class. The Moral Underground: How Ordinary Americans Subvert an Unfair Economy

Permalink States Rebeling Against TSA: Texas The Latest To Legislate For Banning Grope-Downs, Naked Scanners

Tenth Amendment allows for local governments to regulate airports. Legislation has been introduced into the Texas House of Representatives that directly challenges the authority of the TSA in airports within the state, specifically aimed at criminalizing the use of naked body scanners and enhanced pat-downs.

Permalink Frankfurt suspect's 'gun jammed'

A German prosecutor has said that the man suspected of killing two US Air Force members could have killed more people if his gun had not jammed. Arid Uka, the 21-year-old suspect, has been charged with two counts of murder, and three counts of attempted murder after the shooting at Frankfurt airport on Wednesday.



Al Qaeda Fighters Included in Israeli Force. In a move that surprises all but Middle East experts, Israel has promised Libya’s dictator of over 40 years, Colonel Gaddafi, 50,000 troops to aid in crushing rebels set on overthrowing his his murderous rule. According to news sources inside Israel, “troops” are being hired across Africa, Uganda, Sudan, Chad and the Central Africa Republic, including Al Qaeda fighters, to be deployed against demonstrators and rebel forces currently involved in heavy fighting in a two week old attempt to overthrow the Libyan ruler that has left thousands dead.

Permalink Chávez proposes 'committee of peace' to mediate between west and Gaddafi

Venezuela ready to set up coalition of nations sympathetic to Libya to arbitrate, as Caracas claims US wants to invade. President Hugo Chávez has spoken with Muammar Gaddafi about creating a bloc of friendly countries to help mediate a resolution to Libya's crisis, Venezuela's information minister has said.

Permalink Assange appeals against extradition

Lawyers for WikiLeaks founder lodge appeal against order for extradition to Sweden, where he is accused of sex crimes. Assange faces questioning in Sweden over claims of sexual misconduct made by two women he met during a visit to Sweden last August. The website founder denies wrongdoing and says he had consensual sex with the two women. His lawyers have argued that Assange, if extradited to Sweden, risks being handed over to the United States where they say he could face imprisonment or the death penalty.
We can't get Bush and Cheney extradited for war crimes and mass murder, but we can extradite Assange for having sex. Ultimately the goal is to torture and brutalize him in an American prison for daring to stand up to the despots who rule over us. They want to teach the world a lesson: This is what happens to little people who speak to loudly and with too much truth.

Permalink Military Coups are Good for Canadian Business: The Canada-Honduras Free Trade Agreement

Last week Canadian negotiators met with their Honduran counterparts in Tegucigalpa to discuss a free trade agreement (FTA). Negotiators from the two countries last met in Ottawa in December. According to the Honduran press, an agreement is close to being completed. This marks an alarming development in the efforts of the Canadian state and multinational corporations to deepen their relations with Honduras following the military coup of June 28, 2009.

Permalink TX: Corpus Christi TSA workers double-up on pat-downs

OKLAHOMA CITY – The men and women in the ill-fitting blue shirts and tight black pants are running wild once again down at the main airport in the South Texas city of Corpus Christi. A regular reader of Red Dirt Report contacted this website and shared her story of how she and her husband’s Fourth Amendment rights were violated by the Transportation Security Administration earlier this week while trying to board a Southwest plane flying from Corpus Christi International Airport to St. Louis, Missouri.


Permalink Saudi Arabia contagion triggers Gulf rout

Fears of sectarian uprisings in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia have set off the first serious wave of investor flight from the Gulf, compounding market turmoil as civil war in Libya pushes Brent crude over $116 a barrel.

Permalink An Unprecedented Attack from Polluters

The House has passed a devastating budget plan that would destroy bedrock safeguards that have protected our health and environment for decades. As a new mother, it breaks my heart when I hear stories from parents who are struggling with their kids' health problems. I know parents who live in fear of their child's next asthma attack. Some can't even let their kids play outside when local air pollution hits dangerous levels. We do everything we can to protect our kids, even before they're born.

Permalink How the Rich Soaked the Rest of Us

The astonishing story of the last few decades is a massive redistribution of wealth, as the rich have shifted the tax burden. Over the last half century, the richest Americans have shifted the burden of the federal individual income tax off themselves and onto everybody else. The three convenient and accurate Wikipedia graphs below show the details. The first graph compares the official tax rates paid by the top and bottom income earners. Note especially that from the end of the second world war into the early 1960s, the highest income earners paid a tax rate over 90% for many years. Today, the top earners pay a rate of only 35%. Note also how the gap between the rates paid by the richest and the poorest has narrowed. If we take into account the many loopholes the rich can and do use far more than the poor, the gap narrows even more.

Past News


Permalink The Silver Bullet And The Silver Shield

The Ultimate FREE Silver Investors Guide. Two of the most common questions I get inside of the Sons of Liberty Academy focus on two things: how to turn back the tide of this increasingly corrupt system and how to financially prepare for a post-dollar world. This does not surprise me, since fear and greed are the two most powerful motivators known to man. What will surprise you is that for once, the answer to both questions is the same answer. Buying physical silver is by far the greatest act of wisdom and rebellion any American can and should be doing right now. It is both a Silver Bullet to rebel against the Elite’s corrupt system and a Silver Shield to protect your family and wealth in a post- dollar world. Buying physical silver is non-violent, non-compliant resistance. Most importantly it works outside of the system and it cannot be stopped.


Permalink Arms Trafficking, Stolen Missiles, Soviet Submarines, Nuclear Detonations and 9/11

Dimitri Khalezov is a former Soviet commissioned officer of the “military unit 46179”, otherwise known as “the Special Control Service” of the 12th Chief Directorate of the Defense Ministry of the Soviet Union. [2] He has agreed to this exclusive interview and it is our pleasure to be able to offer readers of another quality first. Dimitri is a crucial piece of the puzzle in the case of Victor Bout. It is safe to say that had it not been for Dimitri´s dedication to helping Mr. Bout, his incorruptibility and brilliance, Victor, might very well have found himself today behind bars in some high-profile American prison. Dimitri is the first man to see Mr. Bout after his world famous arrest in Bangkok and he is the man who has given more headaches to the United States government than anyone else in the world. Furthermore, Dimitri Khalezov is the first person in the world to have uncovered the true reasons for the United States government’s dogged pursuit of Victor Bout. Mr. Bout´s arrest is directly linked to 9/11, and Mr. Khalezov, because of his unique vantage point as a former member of the Soviet “atomic” and later “nuclear” intelligence says that he knew about the in-built so-called “emergency nuclear demolitions scheme” of the Twin Towers as long back as early 1980´s, while serving in the Soviet Special Control Service. How did you get involved in the case?


Permalink The New World Order Feudal Enslavement System

"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson." A letter written by FDR to Colonel House, November 21st, 1933. From times immemorial, the top down authority imposition has been the rule. This system of control is the reason why excrement discharge flows downhill. The feudal model works well for the lords who sit atop the pyramid. Essentially the New World Order is the supreme evolution of the subjugation of the serf class. In spite of this fact, what keeps this inequitable delineation between the dominant and the spineless? Pure power and malicious behavior achieves the perfection of perdition, in this hierarchal slave gulag. Because it can be done and no force can stop the captivity is the cause of the suffering.


Permalink GRAINS-US soybeans, wheat at fresh 2-1/2 yr highs on supply worries

U.S. soybean and wheat futures hit fresh 2-1/2 year highs in early Asian trade on Wednesday on worries that crops in Argentina, a big exporter of both commodities, are continuing to suffer from insufficient rain. Chicago Board of Trade (CBOY) soybeans for March delivery rose 0.46 percent to $14.19-3/4 per bushel as the focus remained on prospects for drought affected crops in Argentina and a possible deal being announced on U.S soybean exports to China during Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to the United States.


Permalink US Mint Reports Unprecedented Buying Spree Of Physical Silver

Three days ago we noted that in just the first week of January, the US Mint had sold 2,221,000 ounces of silver "a number which if run-rated would be an absolutely all time monthly record," A quick glance at the tally today, shows that something very scary is going on. In the subsequent three days, the number has surged by 50% and has hit 3,407,000 ounces of silver! In just the first 12 days of the month we have already surpassed the total monthly sales of 9 separate months of 2010. Bullion one-ounce 2011 Gold Eagles are running, but not sprinting like their silver counterparts. US Mint sales has their tally at 42,500 for a weekly increase of 29,000. As a comparison, buyers ordered 85,000 in January 2009. Inventory of the 2010-dated coins also remains. There were 53,000 at the start of the year. US Mint Authorized Purchasers must order one old for every four of the new ones. Mike Krieger presents the following disturbing observation on this trend: "In the first 12 days of January 3.4 million silver eagles have been sold. I have never seen anything like this. The amount of physical being taken off the market on this paper sell off is EXTRAORDINARY. We must be VERY close to the end." Whoever has adopted JPM's legacy paper silver short position is in for some very troubling days ahead.


Permalink WAR on We The People: The Gulf Oil Attack by The Rothschild League of Investment Bankers - the GUlf oil disaster is WAR on we the people

This article explains what is really happening in the Gulf of Mexico, who is really responsible for the explosion, and how the devastation serves investment bankers who sway stocks, create markets, and planned this crisis, among a series of catastrophies, to advance geopolitical and financial agendas for their New World Order. WAR has been declared against We The People. Yet, there is no country or military present to defend us. Covert infiltrations and corruptions in governments by the “Rothschild League” of bankers and “private equity investors” now poison our bodies, minds, and planet. Yet, appropriate military and/or militia defenses are prohibited. Crisis-capitalists are massacring us and our environment petrochemically. They have deployed propaganda—mass media deception—to camouflage their real intentions and vast destruction. 30 Chilling Facts Proving We The People Are Under Attack, in an Undeclared War, With the Rothschild League of Bankers:


Permalink US Troops Execute 10 Afghan Children

Protest rallies in Kabul & Jalalabad. A First: Obama burned in Effigy. On December 26, 2009, in a remote area of Kunar province, US troops went into a village, took out 10 children, 6 of them only 12 years old, and killed them. Probably the troops were enraged that they could not find the Taliban sniping at them This atrocity has outraged the general population in the cities of Kabul and Jalalabad where there is little support for the Taliban. On December 30, Afghans demonsrated in those two cities and held Obama responsible for the crimes. For the first time he was burned in effigy. Associated reported the tragic events as follows [within parenthesis]. {empasis added} [Several hundred Afghans demonstrated in the capital and in the eastern city of Jalalabad where the likeness of Obama, adorned with a small American flag, burned on a pole held above demonstrators. In Kabul, protesters carried signs that read: "Does peacekeeping mean killing children?" and "Stop killing us."


Permalink 16 Nightmarish Economic Trends To Watch Carefully In 2011

If you only watch the “economic pundits” on television, it can be very confusing to figure out exactly what is happening with the U.S. economy. One pundit will pull out a couple statistics that got a little bit better over the past month and claim that we have entered a time of solid recovery. Another pundit will pull out a couple statistics that got a little worse over the past month and claim that we are headed for trouble. So what is the truth? Well, if you really want to get a clear idea of what is really going on you have to look at the long-term trends. There are some economic trends which just keep getting worse year after year after year, and it is those trends that tell the real story of the decline of our economic system. As you examine the long-term trends, you quickly come to realize that the U.S. is trapped in an endless spiral of debt, the middle class is being wiped out, the U.S. dollar is being destroyed and America is rapidly becoming a post-industrial wasteland. #1 Do you want to see something scary? Just check out the chart below. Since the beginning of the economic downturn, the U.S. monetary base has more than doubled. But don’t worry – Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has promised us that this could never cause inflation. In fact, Bernanke says that we need to inject even more dollars into the economy. So if you are alarmed by the chart below, you are just being irrational according to Bernanke…. #2 Thousands of our factories, millions of our jobs and hundreds of billions of dollars of our national wealth continue to be shipped overseas. In 1985, the U.S. trade deficit with China was 6 million dollars for the entire year. In the month of August alone, the U.S. trade deficit with China was over 28 billion dollars. Nobel economist Robert W. Fogel of the University of Chicago is projecting that the Chinese economy will be three times larger than the U.S. economy by the year 2040 if current trends continue. ►Tipping Point: 25 Signs That The Coming Financial Collapse Is Now Closer Than Ever



Permalink 'America Is NOT Broke': Michael Moore Speaks in Madison, WI -- March 5, 2011

Tens of Thousands Cheer Michael Moore in Madison: 'You Have Aroused a Sleeping Giant, Known as the Working People' Filmmaker Michael Moore marched with members of Madison Firefighters Local 311 to the Wisconsin Capitol Saturday and delivered a old-school progressive populist address is which he told a crowd numbering in the tens of thousands that “Wisconsin is not broke. America is not broke.” “The country is awash in wealth and cash. It’s just not in your hands,” he told the Wisconsinites who rallied to challenge the claim that the state needs to strip public employees and their teachers of collective bargaining rights in order to balance budgets.

Arab media says Gaddafi looking for exit deal

'Gaddafi looking for exit deal'
The Times of India: Libyan leader wants guarantee of personal safety for his family and a pledge that they won't be tried, said Arab media.
CAIRO: Two Arab newspapers and al Jazeera television said on Monday Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was looking for an agreement allowing him to step down, but there was no official confirmation of the reports.
Al Jazeera said Gaddafi had proposed to Libyan rebels to hold a meeting of parliament to pave the way for him to step down with certain guarantees.

WORLD News, The Brunei Times, Mar 08, 2011

Bahrain prince warns all parties against protest escalation

8 Mar 11 - BAHRAIN'S crown prince yesterday warned all sides against escalating a standoff with disgruntled majority Shi'ites seeking an elected government in the Gulf Arab kingdom, asking for patience ahead of a national dialogue.Bahrain suffered its...

Taliban claims responsibility for suicide car blast in Pakistan

Pakistani rescue workers carry a blast victim at the site of a blast in Faisalabad, Pakistan on Tuesday, March 8, 2011. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)
ISLAMABAD, March 8 (Xinhua) -- Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (Pakistan Taliban) claimed the responsibility for Tuesday morning's suicide car blast that claimed over 20 lives and injured more than one hundred others in Pakistan's eastern city of Faisalabad, reported local Urdu TV channel ARY.

Gaddafi hits rebels with air, tank attacks

Libya's rebels are seeing success in the ground battle against Gaddafi's supporters, but are struggling against the dictator's airforce. Photo / AP
Libya's rebels are seeing success in the ground battle against Gaddafi's supporters, but are struggling against the dictator's airforce. Photo / AP
Troops loyal to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi stepped up their fightback against opposition forces last night, exercising a level of brutality not yet seen in the conflict.
Pro-Gaddafi troops used tanks

EUROZONE Debt Crisis News

John Lothian Newsletter: March 8, 2011: US CFTC "out of step" with ...
By Ryan Lothian
UK & Ireland Finance STRASBOURG, France (Reuters) - EU lawmakers have approved a ban on some trading in debt insurance derivatives from 2012 to curb what some policymakers say is speculation that deepens the euro-zone debt crisis. ..... The partnership commenced after Tradar fully integrated Markit's CDS pricing, indexing and reference data into its flagship product, Insight. With the enriched CDS data from Markit, Insight is now able to provide end-of-day CDS pricing. ...
John Lothian Newsletter -
When Will Portugal Ask for Assistance
By Marc Chandler
Portugal's debt to GDP was about 63% before the crisis. This compares with about 65% for Germany. The crisis caused the debt levels to balloon and Portugal's debt stood at about 83% of GDP at the end of last year. ... We note that Portugal's latest inflation reading of 3.6% in January is among the highest in the euro zone, suggesting it continues to lose competitiveness. At about 10.2% of GDP in 2010, Portugal's current account deficit was among the largest in the euro ...
Credit Writedowns -
Debt, Inflation and Global Economy Systemic Risks, The ZIRP Trap ...
The current policy prescription that has Greece borrowing its way out of debt is pure folly. That is the reality of a solvency crisis as opposed to the liquidity crisis that the Eurozone has assumed to be the problem since late 2008. ...
The Market Oracle -
Calculated Risk: Europe: More Record Yields, S&P sees more ...
By CalculatedRisk
From Reuters on the March 11th summit: EU summit to take only minor steps on debt crisis. The top item on the agenda for the 17 heads of state and government is to agree a "competitiveness pact", a deal Germany and France are pushing the rest of the euro zone to adopt ... But I fear that it will not stand up to market expectations, and this could intensify debt problems in the euro zone in the future," said a senior euro-zone government official who is party to the talks. ...
Calculated Risk -
Does the market not care about the European debt crisis ...
The market doesn't seem to care about the European debt crisis right now. ... For example, when news of the Moody's downgrade hit the market early in Monday's ... to no longer care about the fundamental problems in the euro currency and euro zone? ... FX Insights; Auto Journal. Entertainment Daily; Equities Center ...
Ireland's Kenny pleads for EU flexibility | News | Business Spectator
Papandreou warns of market backlash if EU falls short. ... earlier that European leaders must deliver a convincing response to the euro zone's debt crisis, ...
KRCL: Geithner urges "balance" on euro crisis measures (2011-03-08)
Germany is resisting pressure from some of its euro zone partners, the European ... Geithner told a news conference after talks with German Finance Minister Wolfgang ... efforts to cut its debt will be insufficient, raising pressure on EU leaders to ... the U.S. president raised the issue of Europe's debt crisis, ...'balance'.on.eur...
Moody's downgrade tips Greece closer to brink - Yahoo! News
The move increased pressure on euro zone leaders to ease repayment terms on ... Moody's Investors Service downgraded Greek debt to B1 from Ba1 -- lower than ... Germany, the EU's reluctant paymaster, has hinted it may agree to .... Let's focus on the US crisis and don't allow any distraction mislead you in any way. ...
EU Watchdog Sets Tough 2011 Bank Stress Test
NEWS. March 8, 2011. Print |. EU Watchdog Sets Tough 2011 Bank Stress Test ... The test will also include a scenario that foresees euro-zone GDP ... 2007-2009 financial crisis, but not as a formal part of the stress test. ... It said the likelihood of a Greek default or voluntary distressed debt exchange had risen. ...
Conservative EU Leaders Struggle For Crisis Unity - Money News ...
The most crucial of these is a promised overhaul of the euro zone's bailout ... that will decide whether the euro zone can finally get a grip on the crisis that ... With banks and lenders facing major troubles, gain some insight on how to sell, ... Financial News. Dollar Recovers Vs Euro As Debt Worries Continue ...
Floated - Up - To - Market -
Margin/pip calculator. forex Pivot points meter. forex Traders' insight ... Title: Q+A: What steps will the euro zone take on its debt crisis? ... The aim is to finish the package by a European Union summit on March 24-25, when EU ... Forex News and Events: Regional Asian markets sold off today and oil prices moved ...
Voices of the People @ FORUM.STOPTHESPRAY.ORG • View topic ...
Video - 1/14/11 - EU Needs Weaker Euro To Stem Crisis: .... For more insight on the story RT talks to Danish MEP, Morten Messerschmidt. ... We talk to Jose Socrates, Portugal's prime minister, about the Eurozone debt crisis and why he is ..... and a columnist for Bloomberg News, discusses the sovereign debt crisis ...

FINANCIAL News, Money, Banks, Stock, Economic and Financial Crisis, Mar 8, 2011

Convertibles Rally in 7th Month as Sales Shrink: Credit Markets
Spreads on bonds without equity-conversion options have tightened as the Federal Reserve holds interest rates at record lows to stimulate economic growth after the deepest financial crisis since the Great Depression. The Fed has kept its main overnight ...
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2 years after market low, the little guy is back
The Associated Press
The Standard & Poor's 500 index has almost doubled since March 9, 2009, when it hit a 12-year low after the financial crisis. And the Dow Jones industrials are back above 12000, about 2000 points shy of their all-time high. Little-guy investors appear ...
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Asian Nations Try Not To Get Scorched By 'Hot Money'
In 1997, the Asian financial crisis wiped out massive wealth and popular support for authoritarian governments in Indonesia and

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#114 of 388 hotels in Munich, Bavaria; Holiday Inn Munich-South .... ABS ForumFAQ?action=detail&i=118&g=187309&faqid=1394&qid=5257Ski resorts near Munich or .... On weekends, a Schönes Wochende train ticket for about 35€ will get you there, ... For these offers, only regional trains can be used, therefore on the ...
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Some spend the night at the resort hotel at the bottom of the mountain, ... From the top, it is possible to ski several super-steep trails to the bottom (in snow years ... The resort officially offers 1400 skiable acres, but lean snow and ... Cheap features tips about Denver/Boulder bargains, freebies and deals. ...
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26/02/2011 10:00:00 Ski News brought to you by, specialists in Ski Holiday Deals and Cheap Ski Breaks. ... FRESH SNOW in the Alps, great deals + live music in Club Hotel Verseau + Meribel! ... Be the first to find out about our special offers and late deals; Enter our competitions during the season ...
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Current holiday offers. Turracher Höhe winter enjoyment at 1763 m/5784 ft . ... paradise of slopes with reliable snow coverage, idyllic cross-country skiing trails, ... The ski resort delights skiers, snowboarders, cross-country skiers, ... a break or warm-up and other service ideas make Turracher Höhe so special. ...
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The ski resort offers year-round high altitude skiing on the Theodul ... There is good news for families looking to catch the last bit of snow this ... The specialist travel organiser is highlighting a four-night skiing holiday by coach . ... Chalets and ski offers allow families to enjoy a cheaper half term break ...
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STOCK, shares, NYSE News

JGB futures jump as stocks slide; political mess eyed | Stock ...
politics raising speculation investors may shift funds to bonds ... selling Nikkei futures while simultaneously buying JGB futures. ... strategist at Nikko Cordial Securities. A fall in share prices prompted short-covering before the ... Related Stock Market News. US STOCKS SNAPSHOT-Futures slide after July ...
Thai stocks to fall; energy shares may limit drop - CNBC
CNBC takes a closer look at the municipal bond crisis and shares ideas on how to ... "The market should be volatile in a weakening pattern due to the Middle East ... For the Thai press digest click on: - For Thailand's stock exchange news ... LIVE PRICES & DATA: World Stocks Currency rates Dow Jones/NASDAQ Nikkei ...
A Peek Into The Market Before The Trading Starts |
Most Asian markets ended higher, with Japan's Nikkei Stock Average gaining 1.22% , ... The DR analysts cited the company's recent update to its 2011 guidance, ... Boyd Gaming (NYSE: BYD) reported a Q4 loss at $0.05 per share, versus the .... EUR/USD Short Taken at 1.4025; Latest News Not Supportive of Strength ...
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SSN Stock Quote, and financial news from the leading provider and ... Consolidated issues listed on NYSE Alternext US LLC: SSN ... By clicking the " Like" button you will receive a daily update on SSN (see sample below). .... VIX funds, named for the CBOE Market Volatility Index "fear gauge," are popular despite ...
Stock Blog « Everything about Stock « Page 7
Click to view news release full screen Trading on the TASE Will Start on .... “ You saw it on the London Stock Exchange last Friday, where people could .... Despite last week's weakness, when the Nikkei shed almost 3 percent, ..... The Korean exchange, owned by 28 local securities firms, began to push for a share ...
Harbinger Group Inc. Signs Definitive Agreement for Acquisition ...
Harbinger Group Inc. (“HGI”; NYSE: HRG) is pleased to announce that it has signed a definitive ... A majority of HGI's outstanding common stock is owned by investment funds ... or furnished to, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. ... General News. Getty Realty Corp. Provides Update Regarding Getty ...
Global Stock Indexes at 13:25 EST/1825 - Today's Market News - TD ...
Industrial Average, the Dow Jones Total Stock Market, ... 1:22p UPDATE: Robust Appetite For Asset-Backed Bonds, Steady Issuance Dow Jones ...

IRELAND, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece News

Investment View 2nd Quarter 2010
Greece and Spain) for the EURO pact to remain in place. ... Ireland has shown this political will and the Irish sovereign debt market ... For the Euro zone, the Greek crisis may even be a blessing in disguise: ..... GDP and a growing stock of outstanding debt. The UK's deficit has increased to 12.9% of ...
E. Altvater - Scientific Council-ATTAC Germany Mainfesto on the ...
Over the course of the crisis, average public deficits in the Eurozone ... Greece's debt is mostly to financial institutions based in France ... In Portugal, banks from Spain are the major creditors, followed by banks ... Eurozone countries (currently the focus is on Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain). ...
GREECE: Greece Reacts With Fury As Moody's Slashes Its Credit ...
Greece debt crisis: German outrage, strikes and markets. ... Last May, news of a bailout for Greece slashed the yield on Greek ... in Europe spread again today as Moody's warned Portugal's debt could be downgraded. ... Today US and UK bankers demand bailouts and attack the PIGS Portugal ,Ireland ,Greece and Spain ...
Spain Bond Demand Rises at Auction as Borrowing Costs Fall
Demand for the five-year debt rose to 2.17 times the amount sold from 2.1 times ... Spain, fighting the third-largest budget deficit and the highest ... Speaking at a joint press briefing in Berlin with Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates, Merkel said that Ireland and Greece signed up to conditions when tapping ...
As for those like US President Bush, Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi, British Prime Minister Tony Blair ..... Today, Britain has a bill necessity larger than that of Spain or Portugal. ..... preceded final year's bailouts of Ireland and Greece, both of ... pessimism that a EU's leaders will solve a region's debt ...

LIFESTYLE News, Celebrities, Gossip

Essence Magazine, Black Hairstyles, Black Women, Celebrity Photos ...
The word luxury is almost not enough to capture the craftsmanship, class and ... Now, while he gets accustomed to life as a Knick, LaLa is busy working on ... Street Style. LaLa was photographed apartment hunting on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. .... Lifestyle. Dine on a Dime: Couscous is Not Your Mama's Rice ...
March 2011 | New York Daily News
There are so many of us who change paths or careers, or lifestyles once we have ... But while her outer beauty and style is obvious, Elena has managed to turn ... I was a dancer my entire life and a part of me did die inside when I quit. ... So recently I did start taking a class again and I have never felt better. ...
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Bryan Ferry, one of the more stylish men in rock, brought a real air of sophistication to Roxy Music's Auckland performance. Life & Style» ...
Fashion Guide
Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus favored: KCA 2011 voting trends ... Fashion Designers; Style & Beauty; Retailers & Shopping; Celebrities; Women; Entertainment ... Discover a new local beauty line called Haughty Cosmetics The Examiner .... Charlie Sheen fired; studio fears life in danger China Daily ...
What Allen Iverson's Foreclosure Tells Us About the State of the ...
It appears that life just got more complicated for former NBA star Allen Iverson . ... if this foreclosure is part of a broader financial trend in Iverson's life , .... Health · Living · Parenting. Aol Black Voices. is the premiere site for ... news, black entertainment, black stars, politics, black style and beauty, ...
Fashion Discussion: Do You Need Red Bottoms (Christian Louboutins ...
previous post: Real Style: Paris Fall 2011 Fashion Week Day 5 ... Reason being because I do think it is “trend” and this is just not one I would blow my money on. ... Also, living in your means is always smartest…if your shoes cost more ... people can see that there is shoe life outside of Christian Louboutins. ...
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The latest tips and news on House Tours are on TresSugar. ... House Beautiful and Country Living, before launching her interior design firm, freemandesigngroup. .... 1 Follower A Bout Life Styles Read more about House Tours on this blog. .... Georgia in Nolita Is Beauty Store and Salon Mecca on East Houston Street ...
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Stylish, functional and timeless designs always exemplify the beauty of a home ... To lend your kitchen a striking new look along with the style and comfort, ..... so huge and the biggest of stars addressing you right in your living room, ... My specialty is 'Tree of life' which brings peace and prosperity to the ...
How To Rid Your Self Of “Broke Individuals” In Your Life | Blog ...
Though many people envy Ima's luxurious life-style, Ima is constantly haunted ... In our early years of marriage, some individuals tried to affect our living habits. ... The following 2004 statistics by Bankrate mark the rise of this social class: ... (Dutch|Netherlands} · (seo tips|search engine optimization tips} ...