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Mar 13, 2011

LIBYA News / Mar 13, 2011

Libya gains control of more rebel territory

Washington Post - Liz Sly, Tara Bahrampour - ‎1 hour ago‎
TRIPOLI - Libya's government said it had taken over the oil terminal of Brega on Sunday and would press eastward to the rebels' self-styled capital of Benghazi, as Western diplomats remained mixed over intervention into ...
Video: Gaddafi's forces reclaim Libyan towns ITN NEWS

Arab League asks U.N. for no-fly zone over Libya

Washington Post - Richard Leiby, Muhammad Mansour - ‎3 hours ago‎
CAIRO — The Arab League called on the UN Security Council on Saturday to immediately impose a no-fly zone over Libya and announced that it was recognizing the rebel movement as that ...
Video: Arab League calls for a no-fly zone over Libya Al Jazeera

Crisis building on Libyan border with flood of evacuees

Washington Post - Anthony Faiola, Colum Lynch - ‎3 hours ago‎
Giorgos Moutafis / AP - Egyptian workers try to enter Tunisia's Ras Jdir after fleeing Libya. With more than 15000 people arriving in Tunisia daily, UN officials are trying to erect a tent city. By Anthony Faiola, Wednesday, March 2, 12:24 AM TUNIS ...
Libya refugee flow falls

Once lauded, foreign journalists now threatened in eastern Libya

Christian Science Monitor - Dan Murphy - ‎4 hours ago‎
Pro-Qaddafi fighters are seen beneath a plume of smoke from the burning oil refinery in Ras Lanouf, Libya, Saturday. The international press has been on the scene since the first days of protest in Libya, but today's killing of an Al Jazeera cameraman ...
Video: Libyans mourn slain Al Jazeera cameraman Al Jazeera

Chavez: Foes seek Libya-like uprising in Venezuela

Ynetnews - ‎9 minutes ago‎
President Hugo Chavez accused his political opponents on Sunday of trying to divide the military as part of a broader plan aimed at spurring a Libya-like uprising in Venezuela following next year's presidential election. Chavez said such a conflict ...

Libya despatch: Force triumphs over Ras Lanuf's conscientious uprising - Richard Spencer - ‎21 minutes ago‎
At the weekend, in the towns of Bin Jawad and Ras Lanuf in eastern Libya, there were no tanks or missiles but abundant indications of the intensity of battles fought and the hurried departure of the town's defenders. Bin Jawad – the furthest west that ...

Clinton urges reform in post-revolt Egypt, Tunisia

The Associated Press - ‎8 hours ago‎
WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's trip to the turbulent Middle East highlights the Obama administration's deep concern over developments in Libya and fear that the unrest roiling the Arab world may not produce the changes ...

When Qaddafi Recaptures Benghazi…

Commentary - Michael Rubin - ‎40 minutes ago‎
With President Obama continuing to sit on his hands and take an indecisive, backseat approach to turmoil in the Middle East, it appears that Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi may soon reconquer Benghazi, Libya's... second-largest city and original flashpoint
Libyan Questions American Conservative Magazine
Dunsmore: Intervention in Libya Vermont Public Radio

Japan's struggle...Cooling system failures...Libya's oil problems

9&10 News - ‎3 hours ago‎
CAIRO (AP) — Libya's de facto oil minister says his country's crude production has fallen "drastically." And he says he's asked an Italian oil company for help in putting out a big fire at the Ras Lanouf (rahs lah-NOOF') oil facility. ...

Libya seeks Italy's help with fire at oil facility

KSPR - ‎3 hours ago‎
By AP CAIRO (AP) — Libya's de facto oil minister says the country's crude production has fallen "drastically" as Moammar Gadhafi's forces battle to regain control over ports, towns and oil facilities along the Mediterranean coast. ...

Libya doesn't meet the test for US military action

Washington Post - Wesley K. Clark - ‎5 hours ago‎
And today, as Moammar Gaddafi looks vulnerable and Libya descends into violence, familiar voices are shouting, once again: “Quick, intervene, do something!” It could be a low-cost win for democracy in the region. But before we aid the Libyan rebels or ...

Brian Dickerson: Why Obama is cautious about Libya

Detroit Free Press - ‎15 hours ago‎
Critics in the latter camp are now in ascendency, anxious for US to flex its muscles on behalf of Libyan rebels seeking to overthrow Moammar Gadhafi. Horrified by reports that Gadhafi is exploiting his military superiority to squash the revolution ...
Video: Obama Tackles Libya, Japan, Budget Stalemate in Press Conference PBS News Hour

Businessman escapes Libya posing as Gaddafi loyalist

Washington Post - Tara Bahrampour, Samuel Sockol - ‎5 hours ago‎
On the dusty road out of Libya, the flood of humanity has narrowed to a trickle, mostly carloads of Libyans doing cross-border trade or foreign laborers on foot, lugging cheap suitcases ...

Using force to expel dictators is dangerous

The Daily Progress - Donald Nuechterlein - ‎6 hours ago‎
What is it in the American character that causes us to think that military force should be used to rid a country like Libya of a tyrant who oppresses his people? It is true that Americans have given moral support to oppressed ...

Time for Europe to back a Libyan no-fly zone

Financial Times - Paddy Ashdown - ‎8 minutes ago‎
Commenting on Libya the other day, former British prime minister John Major said “Events alter opinions.” He was right and he should know. At the start of the Bosnian war, very few were calling for military intervention (and the Major government was ...

EU-Libya: "Gaddafi must go away"

EMportal - ‎4 hours ago‎
The statement was made by permanent EU president Herman Van Rompuy at the end on the European summit on the crisis in Libya. ''It is no longer time for ambiguity. The problem has a name. Gaddafi must go away''. ''The European Council unanimously states ...


Agenzia Giornalistica Italia - ‎4 hours ago‎
(AGI) Cairo - Al Qaeda has called on Libyan rebels to move forward against Gaddafi in a video posted on a jihadist website. In the video message Commander Abu Yahya al-Libi declared that rebels "must continue their revolution without hesitation or fear ...

Efforts continue to free Guardian reporter

The Guardian - ‎4 hours ago‎
Intensive efforts are continuing to persuade the Libyan government to release Guardian correspondent Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, who was detained 11 days ago while reporting from the country. Libya's foreign ministry confirmed last week that it was holding ...

Letters to the President: #783 'And what about Libya?'

CNN (blog) - ‎3 hours ago‎
I suspect the earthquake in Japan may have occurred at precisely the right time to help Moammar Gadhafi hold onto power in Libya. Think about it. After that initial surge by the anti-government forces, the long time Libyan leader was rallying his ...

Filipino health workers draw praise in Libya

GulfNews - Gilbert P. Felongco - ‎2 hours ago‎
Manila: While most overseas workers in Libya had been trying to leave, Filipina nurses in the embattled North African country are drawing praise for their commitment to their vocation. Reports reaching Manila said ...

MSU grad student worried about family's future in Libya

The Commercial Dispatch - ‎17 hours ago‎
It's been 15 days since Radi Sherif last spoke to his family, or anyone, in Libya, and he has no idea what to expect the next time he gets through. The uprising in Libya has touched almost every facet of the 47-year-old Mississippi State University ...
World digest

Qaddafi Presses Rebels in Oil Port as Allies Debate No-Fly Zone

BusinessWeek - Ola Galal, Zainab Fattah - ‎12 minutes ago‎
The 22-nation Arab League on March 12 urged the United Nations to impose an air exclusion zone over Libya, an area that would likely be patrolled by US and allied warplanes. Momentum in the conflict has shifted toward Qaddafi's forces, which have used ...

ANALYSIS-Saleh could lead Yemen into Libya-style abyss

Reuters Africa - Alistair Lyon - ‎9 hours ago‎
BEIRUT, March 13 (Reuters) - President Ali Abdullah Saleh's apparent readiness to deal more violently with protests against his 32-year rule could drive Yemen into a Libyan-type conflict. Popular revolts in Egypt ...
Video: Protesters shot dead in Yemen euronews
Gaddafi must leave Libya (blog)

UN asks Libya to allow access to rebel-held areas

Jerusalem Post - ‎7 hours ago‎
By REUTERS TRIPOLI - The United Nations has asked Libya's authorities to give it access to areas on both sides of its conflict to assess the impact of the violence on civilians, a UN envoy said on Sunday. Civilians in conflict-stricken areas have ...

A Robust Doctrine for Intervention in Libya

Newsweek - ‎8 hours ago‎
The president's dithering over Libya has been neither defensible nor admirable. His electoral pitch made much of America's “moral obligation” to intervene to prevent atrocities against civilians. Atrocities is a strong word: it does not describe the ...

Libya welcomes AU panel, slams Arab League

Reuters Africa - ‎5 hours ago‎
CAIRO, March 13 (Reuters) - Libya said on Sunday it welcomed an African Union panel formed to try to end the Libyan crisis and said it would facilitate its work, while condemning an Arab League resolution calling for a no-fly zone over the country. ...

Medical aid to Libya rebels blocked

Times LIVE - ‎4 hours ago‎
Aid group Doctors Without Borders has warned that Libyan rebels are being denied medical help and urged access to treatment for the wounded regardless of political divisions. LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA, Tobruk : Members of Libya's internal security forces ...

Bill Kristol: Obama administration's response to Libya 'humiliating'

Daily Caller - Jeff Poor - ‎2 hours ago‎
The Weekly Standard editor ripped President Barack Obama for being outmaneuvered by the Arab League as far as a response to the brutal crackdown by Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, calling it “humiliating.” “I think no one will do anything unless the ...

UN humanitarian Coordinator reaches Libya

MSN India - ‎15 hours ago‎
United Nations, Mar 13 (PTI) UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya Rashid Khalikov has arrived in Tripoli along with a small support team to ensure the delivery of humanitarian assistance in the strife-torn country. A UN spokesman said that Khalikov ...
Video: Ban Ki-moon comments on Libya Al Jazeera

UN Commission to Investigate Abuse in Libya

Voice of America - Lisa Schlein - ‎Mar 12, 2011‎
The United Nations Human Rights Council has appointed three high-level experts to investigate alleged human rights violations during the ongoing political turmoil in Libya. The Council adopted a resolution to launch an international independent ...

G-8 ministers meet in shadow of Japan quake, Libyan crisis

Sify - ‎6 hours ago‎
Paris, March 13 (DPA) The disaster in quake-hit Japan and the situation in Libya looked set to dominate a two-day meeting of Group of Eight (G-8) foreign ministers in Paris beginning Monday. The foreign ministers of the US, Britain, Russia, Canada, ...

US to Name a Liaison to Libyan Rebels

New York Times - Helene Cooper - ‎Mar 11, 2011‎
WASHINGTON — President Obama said Friday that he would appoint a special representative to Libya's... rebel leaders and that the Treasury Department had placed sanctions on nine more family members and friends of Col.

Officials: Quarter million people have fled Libya

Sify - ‎2 hours ago‎
A quarter million people have fled Libya since the uprising against Moammar Gadhafi's regime began last month, officials said Friday, as they warned they are having trouble getting foreign workers home. About 6000 people a day are still crossing into ...
Harrowing tale of a worker from Libya Bangladesh News 24 hours

Ex-inmate in Libya tells of arrest, torture horrors - Ryan Lucas - ‎18 hours ago‎
Libyan businessman Fadlallah Haroun, 45, who spent seven years in Moammar Gadhafi's prisons without being charged, is seen through a damaged window of an office inside the stormed Katiba security base in the city of Benghazi, Libya. ...

Libya, Afghanistan Top Gates' Agenda

NPR - ‎Mar 12, 2011‎
Defense Secretary Robert Gates traveled to Afghanistan this week and then to a NATO meeting, where Libya was at the top of the agenda. NPR Pentagon correspondent Tom Bowman speaks with guest host Linda Wertheimer about the key moments during Gates' ...
Video: Secretary General press conference on Lybia at NATO Defence Ministerial Meeting (w/subtitles) NATO Community

What if the US invades Libya?

Morocco Board News Service - ‎4 hours ago‎
Washington / Morocco Board News- Who would have thought that a country like Libya who was a geopolitical Terra Nullius for the past 40 years, would become at the very centre of international debates and strategies? Libya is a very ancient civilization ...

Sen. Schumer: Libya no-fly more likely - ‎4 hours ago‎
UPI/Roger L. Wollenberg WASHINGTON, March 13 (UPI) -- A no-fly zone over Libya is more likely now that the Arab League has endorsed the controversial idea, US Sen. Chuck Schumer, DN.Y., said Sunday. In an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press," Schumer ...

UN agency where foxes guard the hen house - Frida Ghitis - ‎15 hours ago‎
Now imagine Moammar Gadhafi's Libya sitting on that tribunal. It sounds absurd. But it is the true picture of the UN Human Rights Council. World leaders display something of a “who, me?” attitude, as if they only discovered Gadhafi's viciousness in the ...

3 Dutch marines held in Libya by Gadhafi forces arrive back in Netherlands

The Canadian Press - Mike Corder - ‎Mar 12, 2011‎
THE HAGUE, Netherlands — Three Dutch marines held for nearly two weeks by forces loyal to Libyan... leader Moammar Gadhafi said Saturday they had spent part of the time handcuffed and blindfolded, but generally were treated well in captivity.

Soft-spoken rebel heard across Libya

Financial Times - ‎3 hours ago‎
The man leading the Libyan revolution in Benghazi could not be any more different from the flamboyant dictator back in the capital of Tripoli. Mustafa Abdel Jalil is a small, softly-spoken lawyer with a thin white beard and a passion for bee-keeping ...

Tribes in Libya Are Changing the Conflict

Newsweek - ‎7 hours ago‎
So far, the fight for Libya has been an armed showdown between Gaddafi and the rebels. This conflict is about to get much more complicated. Jammed into pickups bristling with guns, Libyan rebels took the eastern town of Bin Jawad two weeks ago. ...
What if Gaddafi wins? Khaleej Times

This week on GPS: Arab voices on Libya and the future of the region

CNN (blog) - ‎Mar 12, 2011‎
The death toll in Libya continues to mount. Is Gadhafi winning? Do the rebels have a chance of successfully fighting back? And just what role can the US play to help the opposition triumph? Fareed offers his take on what America needs to do to keep the ...

Japan nuclear plant, Libya show challenge of 'energy security'

Christian Science Monitor - Mark Trumbull - ‎Mar 12, 2011‎
The scramble to control the Fukushima nuclear reactor serves as a sharp reminder of the risks in one alternative source of energy, even as Libya fighting has raised concerns about world oil supplies. Obama and Boehner step into the policy fray. ...

Five myths about Moammar Gaddafi

Washington Post - ‎14 hours ago‎
When Egypt- and Tunis-style public protests failed to dislodge the Libyan leader, a full-scale rebellion erupted, only to be met with the uncompromising brutality so familiar to longtime Gaddafi observers. For now, Libya appears stalemated, ...

What Energy Prices Can be Expected in the US

«Market Leader» - news and previews making you rich. - ‎9 hours ago‎
Oil futures appreciated on Monday as bitter fighting persisted near key refineries in Libya and the oil market prepared itself for potential lack of Libyan oil for a long period of time. According to witness reports, on Monday forces of Libyan leader ...

FG expresses worry over fate of Nigerians in Libya, Cote' d' Ivoire

Vanguard - ‎23 minutes ago‎
President Goodluck Jonathan has shown greater commitment and concern towards the plights of distressed Nigerians in crisis-ridden countries, including Libya and Cote' d' Ivoire, and would ensure their safety and protection. Director-General of National ...

Two choices in the Middle East: Libya and Morocco

Washington Post (blog) - Jennifer Rubin - ‎10 hours ago‎
You'd be hard pressed to find a greater contrast last week in the Middle East than Libya and Morocco. While the bloodbath continued in Libya, Morocco was a completely different story. Libyans were fighting for their lives; ...

US should stop arming Libyan rebels, says Mugabe, Zuma

The Zimbabwe Guardian - ‎15 hours ago‎
PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe says Africa should move in quickly to protect Libya's territorial integrity and stop interference by outsiders who are arming the rebels in Libya in order to get access to that country's oil. He was speaking at the African Union ...

Japan, Libya and Charlie Sheen

Malta Independent Online - Josanne Cassar - ‎14 hours ago‎
On the other side of the world, we watch on our TV screens as the Libyan rebels are being squashed by Gaddafi's army. Saif al Islam Gaddafi, coolly and dispassionately tells the world that the government will never surrender. ...

Libyan Oil Production Drops (press release) - ‎5 hours ago‎
(Source: Info-Prod Research (Middle East))According to ANBA: The president of French oil group Total, Christophe de Margerie, informed on Friday (11) that oil production in Libya has dropped from around 1.4 million barrels of oil a day to less than ...

Cameron's principled stand over Libya - Fraser Nelson - ‎12 hours ago‎
I've become increasingly impressed with David Cameron's approach to Libya. Since the evacuation chaos, which he apologised for, he has pretty much led calls for a no-fly zone. He was laughed at to start with; accused of making it up on the hoof. ...
Video: EU calls for Gaddafi exit Al Jazeera

Stocks drop on Libya, surprise Chinese deficit

BusinessWeek - Pan Pylas - ‎Mar 11, 2011‎
The battle for control of Libya and weaker than expected Chinese economic data weighed on markets Thursday while a debt rating downgrade of Spain hit the euro, a day ahead of a crucial meeting of EU leaders. Sentiment over the past few ...

Libya conflict leaves EU diplomacy struggling

Monsters and - Niels Sorrells - ‎17 hours ago‎
Berlin/Godollo, Hungary - As EU foreign ministers met in Godollo, Hungary on Friday, experts opined that so far, the bloc's reaction to the unfolding conflict in Libya resembled something akin to total ...

Treasuries Gain as Mideast, Libya Turmoil Bolsters Demand at Debt Auctions

Bloomberg - Daniel Kruger - ‎Mar 11, 2011‎
(Source: Bloomberg) Treasuries gained, pushing the 10- year note yield to a one-month low, as fighting in Libya over control of oil installations and Saudi Arabia's deployment of police to stem protests renewed the refuge appeal of US debt. ...

Navy role negligible in potential no-fly-zone - Joshua Stewart - ‎9 hours ago‎
The ongoing turmoil in Libya as rebels fight against leader Moammar Gadhafi is turning into a cliffhanger for the US military and its allies. While the future of any sort of combat action in the North African country is ...

Obama talks gas prices, Libya, budget and tsunami - Athena Jones - ‎Mar 11, 2011‎
The president said the United States and its allies continued close consultations with the international community about a range of options for how to deal with the unrest in Libya, including a no-fly zone. He said sanctions, including an arms embargo, ...
Video: President Obama's News Conference on Japan, Gas Prices, Libya and the Budget PBS News Hour

Global Excerpt | Set up a no-fly zone over Libya

Kansas City Star - ‎18 hours ago‎
Libya is sliding toward a civil war while the international community can find no effective way of intervening. The outside world is unable to estimate casualty figures as fighting goes on in population centers along the northern coast. ...

Divide & Conquer The Internet, Populist Motorbikes, Why We Fight: Libya Edition

The Business Insider - ‎1 hour ago‎
Warning: The video on the conflict in Libya contains graphic images. “Cyberspace, when compared to the contours of natural space, can be understood as an under-regulated domain replete with badlands and bandits, a frontier to be tamed and subdivided. ...

Money fuels Russian opposition to Libya intervention

Toledo Blade - Mike Sigov - ‎17 hours ago‎
My wish is that the Obama Administration stays the course and refrains from the military involvement in LibyaLibya. That is unless the UN Security Council adopts a resolution to enforce a ... — specifically, enforcement of a proposed no-fly-zone over

UK universities ditch 4-million-pound Libyan deal

Economic Times - ‎14 hours ago‎
LONDON: At least five British universities have pulled out of a four-million-pound deal with trouble-torn Libya, even as figures reveal that almost every varsity in the UK is being paid by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's regime. Manchester Metropolitan ...
Newbery: LSE, David Starkey and Libya Shields Gazette (press release)

Troops lose secret codes in Libya

Adelaide Now - ‎1 hour ago‎
Inept: UK soldiers captured by Libya rebels left secret computer codes in Libya. Picture: Patrick Baz Source: AFP BRITISH commando units are scrambling to prevent a serious security breach in Libya. Libyan rebels discovered that soldiers captured ...

UAE's NBAD exposure to Egypt and Libya over $400 mln

Reuters Africa - ‎8 hours ago‎
AD: Quote) has a $377 million exposure to Egypt and $51 million to Libya, but the lender's CEO said this was not cause for concern. The exposure to Egypt is mainly to international companies and some UAE companies while the Libyan exposure is to banks ...

Sub Providence, destroyer heading toward Libya - ‎Mar 12, 2011‎
AP CAIRO — Egyptian officials on Saturday said that two US vessels have crossed the Suez Canal en route to the Mediterranean Sea, to be close to Libya. The nuclear-powered submarine Providence and the destroyer Mason entered the canal Saturday from ...

Turkey, UAE mount relief convoy to Libya

Hurriyet Daily News - ‎9 hours ago‎
The first ships carrying humanitarian aid to crisis-hit Libya as part of a joint operation by Turkey and the United Arab Emirates have set sail from southern Turkey, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said Saturday. A cargo ship and a roll-on/roll-off ship ...

Libyan Crisis Threatens Regional Food Security

Voice of America - Joe DeCapua - ‎Mar 11, 2011‎
Migrant workers who used to work in Libya and fled the recent unrest in the country, are seen in a refugee camp at the Tunisia-Libyan border, in Ras Ajdir, Tunisia, March 9, 2011,. (AP Image) The crisis in Libya... could put food security at risk,

Fuel shortage looms for oil-rich Libya

Los Angeles Times - ‎Mar 11, 2011‎
By David Zucchino, Los Angeles Times In oil-rich Libya, where gasoline usually sells for about 45 cents a gallon, a looming fuel shortage could have major ramifications for the outcome of fighting between the forces of longtime leader Moammar Kadafi ...

Sixth chartered flight of Pakistanis from Libya arrives in Pakistan: FO

Online - International News Network - ‎4 hours ago‎
According to foreign office sources another chartered flight carrying 150 Pakistanis from Libyan city of Sebha has also arrived; with another 53 Pakistanis will be arriving today (Monday) in Islamabad, onboard a commercial flight from Cairo. ...

Muscat calls for ceasefire in Libya

Times of Malta - Christian Peregin - ‎15 hours ago‎
Labour leader Joseph Muscat has called for an immediate ceasefire in Libya “to facilitate the necessary changes”, adding that the behaviour of the Gaddafi regime is “unacceptable by any standards”. However, when contacted by The Sunday Times Dr Muscat ...
Let's not forget the martyrs Malta Independent Online

At least 15000 Pakistanis stranded in Libya - ‎14 hours ago‎
Pakistani and Bangladeshi workers who fled Libya wait to be evacuated on March 3, 2011 at the airport in Djerba. – Photo by AFP ISLAMABAD: Around 15000 to 20000 Pakistanis remain stranded in Libya, caught in the turmoil, whereas a Monitoring Committee ...

Claim your P10k aid, OFWs from Libya told

Journal Online - Lee Ann P. Ducusin - ‎6 hours ago‎
THE Department of Labor and Employment yesterday said the P10,000 financial assistance for overseas Filipino workers repatriated from Libya is ready and the OFWs may now claim their money at the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration regional offices. ...

From war in Libya to horror in Delhi (press release) - ‎4 hours ago‎
Notwithstanding the disintegration of Libya, I left the place on March 6, 2011. I have no words to express the gratitude I owe to the Indian Embassy in Libya. A small group of people with hearts large enough to accommodate the pain of thousands of ...

The Caucus: Gingrich Stance on Libya Examined

New York Times (blog) - Michael D. Shear - ‎Mar 12, 2011‎
Newt Gingrich, the former Republican speaker of the House, has been highly critical of President Obama's handling of Libya, accusing Mr. Obama of coddling a man who has been an enemy of the United States for decades. ...

David Cameron needs to be cautious over Libya - ‎Mar 11, 2011‎
David Cameron is experiencing that difficulty right now with regard to Libya. It could be argued that we have a moral obligation to prevent a humanitarian tragedy in North Africa. But it is another proposition entirely to suggest that Britain's ...
Video: Libyan rebel talks to Al Jazeera Al Jazeera

Libya: 164 Gambians arrive from Libya, 5 injured

Afrique en Ligue - ‎15 hours ago‎
Banjul, Gambia - The Public Relations Officer of the Gambia Immigration Department, Ensa Jawara, has confirmed the arrival of 164 Gambian youths, who were stranded in Libya in the wake of the political unrest that hit the north African state, ...

How bad was Intelligence Czar's Libya “gaffe”?

Reuters (blog) - ‎Mar 11, 2011‎
Intelligence and national security officials are describing the latest controversial statements about Libya by National Intelligence Director James Clapper as that kind of “gaffe.” At a Congressional hearing on Thursday, Clapper said that rebels trying ...

Eni Chief Scaroni Warns of Risk That Libya Could Turn Into a Failed State

Bloomberg - Alessandra Migliaccio, Olivia Sterns - ‎Mar 11, 2011‎
March 11 (Bloomberg) -- Eni SpA Chief Executive Officer Paolo Scaroni spoke yesterday with Bloomberg's Olivia Sterns in London about the disruption to oil production in Libya. ...
Italy's Eni To Halt Libya Oil Production Wall Street Journal (blog)

Mideast markets up; Omani sultan spreads authority

MarketWatch - Robert Daniel - ‎6 hours ago‎
NATO Secretary-General says the alliance is "not looking to intervene in Libya" but its forces are ready to quickly respond to any developments. Egypt is waking up with an economic hangover. When will the economy return to normal and what is normal ...

Former Libyan Ambassadors Back Revolutionaries

NTDTV - ‎Mar 12, 2011‎
As revolutionaries in Libya battle forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi's regime, two former Libyan... ambassadors told a news conference in Washington Friday that they now back the rebels. The two men had been meeting with US government officials.

Rising Oil Prices – Why They Can Be Bad News For Your Shares

CountingPips - James Woolley - ‎4 hours ago‎
The ongoing crisis in Libya is all over the news at the moment, and it is obviously terrible for the millions of people whose lives are affected. However it also affects all of us to some extent because the troubles in this part of the ...

Obama administration approved $40billion in private arms sales to countries ...

Daily Mail - ‎Mar 11, 2011‎
By Daily Mail Reporter The US government approved $40billion in private arms sales to countries including Libya and Egypt in 2009 - before they both dissolved into unrest this year - the State Department reported. From 2008 to 2009, the US authorised ...

All Nepalis stranded in Libya repatriated: PM

Republica - ‎5 hours ago‎
KATHMANDU, March 13: The government on Sunday formally announced that it has repatriated all Nepali nationals from the troubled Libya. Addressing the parliament meeting, Prime Minister Jhalanath Khanal said almost all Nepali nationals have been brought ...

Why Now, More Than Ever, Libya Needs Journalists - Frances Martel - ‎Mar 12, 2011‎
And now, it seems, Libya's elderly Caligula Muammar Gaddafi seems to have lucked out as well, with a devastating 8.9 magnitude earthquake shifting the epicenter of all media coverage to the other side of the world: Tokyo, Japan. ...

Sarkozy's Hot Air Strikes

Human Events - Rachel Marsden - ‎14 hours ago‎
Earlier this week, the main Drudge Report headline shouted: “Sarkozy Fills Leadership Void on Libya 'Air Strikes.' ” It would be all too easy to conclude that French President Nicolas Sarkozy is usurping Obama's moral authority on the ...
Video: Inside Story - Has Gaddafi lost the diplomatic battle for Libya? Al Jazeera

Washington's Dithering on Libya

Wall Street Journal - Eliot Cohen - ‎Mar 11, 2011‎
But with regard to Libya it has made mistakes that could haunt this country for years to come. The administration prides itself on the president's unhurried deliberation, his reluctance to act before considering all the angles, his strategic silences ...

Asian Stocks Fall on Conflict in Libya, 8.9-Magnitude Earthquake in Japan

Bloomberg - Anna Kitanaka, Weiyi Lim - ‎Mar 11, 2011‎
Oil surged above $105 a barrel this week as Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi's forces escalated a war against rebels this week, carrying out air and artillery strikes. Government forces drove rebels from the Mediterranean oil hub of Ras Lanuf after ...

India airlifts 42 Nepalis from Libya

Himalayan Times - ‎1 hour ago‎
NEW DELHI: A friend in need is a friend indeed and that's what the Indian government proved to be for 42 Nepalis, stranded in Libya. The Indian government has airlifted 42 Nepalis on its chartered flight from Tripoli to New Delhi. ...
Indians rescues 42 Nepalese South Asian News Agency (SANA)

Insurgents fill tanks for less but uprising fuels oil price spike

Sydney Morning Herald - ‎Mar 11, 2011‎
World leaders grapple with how to respond to the situation in Libya as US President Obama says the noose is tightening on Gaddafi. BENGHAZI: World fuel prices are surging in part because of the bloody battle to topple Muammar Gaddafi, but there's one ...
Revolutionary scenarios affect global oil prices Drexel University The Triangle Online

Libya says welcomes African Union panel - state TV

Reuters - Tom Perry - ‎6 hours ago‎
CAIRO, March 13 (Reuters) - Libya said on Sunday it welcomed the establishment of an African Union panel that will travel to the country to help resolve the crisis. "The Libyan authorities will take all steps to welcome its members and offer all ...

Italy's Eni strikes sour note on Libya - ‎Mar 11, 2011‎
Libyans burn books authored by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi at a local park of the Benghazi, Libya on March 2, 2011. Gadhafi warned the West against intervening in the rebellion against his rule. UPI/Mohamaad Hosam ROME, March 11 (UPI) -- Italian ...
University Discloses Libya Tie Wall Street Journal

Face down Gaddafi

Financial Times - ‎2 hours ago‎
As Muammer Gaddafi's regime gains the upper hand in its struggle against the uprising in Libya, pressure is mounting in the US and in other western countries for governments to intervene with force. Time is short and they need to act soon—lawfully and ...

Asian Stocks Decline to Two-Week Low on Libyan Conflict, Japanese Economy

Bloomberg - Jonathan Burgos, Norie Kuboyama - ‎Mar 9, 2011‎
Asian stocks declined, sending the benchmark regional index to a two-week low, as violence in Libya... tempered optimism in a global economic recovery and Japan's economy shrank more

People's "disappearances" reported in Libya

The Voice of Russia - ‎5 hours ago‎
Libyan security forces have launched a wave of so called “forced disappearances" in the capital of Tripoli to stop protests against Muammar Gaddafi's regime, Human Rights Watch group said Sunday. The group said it had evidence from Tripoli residents ...

Gold Futures Rebound on Demand for Haven Amid Escalating Turmoil in Libya

Bloomberg - ‎Mar 11, 2011‎
By Pham-Duy Nguyen - Fri Mar 11 20:27:17 GMT 2011 Gold rose the most in a week on demand for an investment haven as tensions mount in Libya and protests spread to Saudi Arabia. The civil war in Libya is the deadliest conflict to emerge from protests ...

S&P Cuts and Suspends Libya Ratings

ABC News - Tarek El-Tablawy - ‎Mar 10, 2011‎
AP By TAREK EL-TABLAWY AP Business Writer AP Libyan volunteers stand on the outskirts of the eastern town of Ras Lanouf, Libya, Thursday, March... International ratings agency Standard & Poor's on Thursday downgraded Libya's sovereign rating to junk ...

S. Korea resumes deployment of warship to evacuate Koreans from Libya

Yonhap News - ‎16 hours ago‎
SEOUL, March 13 (Yonhap) -- South Korea has ordered its warship in the Mediterranean Sea to leave for Libya in an effort to evacuate the remaining South Korean nationals in the turmoil-torn Middle East country, a Defense Department official said Sunday ...

US Stocks Edge Lower, Weighed By Concerns Over Unease In Libya

Wall Street Journal - Kristina Peterson - ‎Mar 9, 2011‎
NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Stocks edged narrowly lower Wednesday as tensions in Libya trapped trading in a tight range on the two-year anniversary of the bull market's start. The Standard & Poor's 500-stock index ...

Obama's day: Questions about gas prices, Libya, Japan, and other things

USA Today - David Jackson - ‎Mar 11, 2011‎
The White House said Obama also wants to discuss rising energy prices and will probably take questions on Libya and the budget battle on Capitol Hill. The president also gets to have some fun this morning, welcoming the pro hockey champion Chicago ...

EU seeks Libya interlocutors, even in Kadhafi regime

AFP - ‎Mar 12, 2011‎
GODOLLO, Hungary — The European Union is still looking for Libyan interlocutors, even within the ruling regime, ministers said Saturday, after the bloc dropped leader Moamer Kadhafi and France recognised an opposition council. "No one is excluded ...

Treasurys Rally On Libya Turmoil, Strong 10-Year Auction

Wall Street Journal - Min Zeng - ‎Mar 9, 2011‎
NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Treasurys rallied Wednesday, snapping a two-day losing streak, as signs of escalating clashes in Libya spurred demand for safe assets. Investors including foreign central banks bid up a sale of ...

What will you do, if Libya repeats itself in the United States?

Media Monitors Network - Frank Scott - ‎14 hours ago‎
What will you do, if Libya repeats itself in the United States? by Frank Scott "The urge for democratic rule of the people, even if still at a primitive level of organization, is an unmistakable emotional, spiritual and physical force in the world. ...

RECREATION, Leisure, Fun, Hobbies / Mar 13, 2011

Fun Trampoline Game |
By admin
Fun Trampoline Game. March 12th, 2011. If I am the one to be followed, I will not allow children to have those tiny consoles where they play their video games on it. I know that all of those games and machines are pretty popular these ... -
Have Fun with Unique Gift Baskets |
By admin
I think you can have so much fun with unique gift baskets. These unique gift baskets are more than enough to give people some thrill they needed and wanted for so long. These gift baskets have lots of amazing things to offer. ... -
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Hobbies are outlets that help in spending this excess energy and ..... of sports and recreation activities are the bonding, leisure, fun, ...
Article Keyword Archives: happiness
Published in our category: Film | Also tagged advice, awards, Education, Entertainment, Film, free, Hobbies, leisure, movies, other, recreation, reference, ...
Article Keyword Archives: happiness
Published in our category: Golf | Also tagged advice, careers, Education, goal setting, Golf, hobbies, leisure, motivation, outdoors, recreation, Sports, ...
City's recreation department enjoyed a busy 2010 - The Daily ...
It is a popular, fun-filled program, and highly appreciated by the families who ... The Kinsmen Pool is an active recreation and leisure activity hub in ...
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Video video games are probably the greatest forms of leisure today. ... taking part in an action packed recreation with amazing realism and sound quality. ...
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Beach Sun Shade Bonding Moments |
March 6th, 2011; Posted in Hobbies; Write comment. There is a time of the year when families and friends meet at the beach to have pure fun and togetherness ...
Recreation with online backgammon
Written By Golia Pnaker - Backgammon is a fun game that takes persons to play it . It's a board game that combines focus and focus ... Recreation and Leisure ...
Bass Pro Shops and iTunes Join To Round Out Its ...
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Category Feed User Feed; Flag this post; Republish This Page; Tags: boating, boats, Family, fun, Hobbies, leisure, licenses, outdoors, Recreation, safety, ...
Hobbies | My Blog
Recreational shopping is a common past time. Luckily, with thousands of outlets, ... It is also use as a means of having fun and exercising oneself. ...
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